A port of BVSSICs Chunked-Up Weapons, now for USTManager
-version 1.0.0 Added most sounds from the orginal mod. Railcannon, and all weapons from the Full-Aresnal update are not included because I was too lazy to add the Railcannon sounds and BVSSIC hasn't (to my knowledge) hasn't made any new sounds. Also yes I know that some sounds are broken, will be fixed next update. Whenever that comes out.
-version 1.1.0 Added some new sounds and some alternate sounds in the "zAlt sounds" folder The "zAlt sounds" folder has "alternative sounds for the guns that were present in BVSSIC's orginal mod. Hopefully once I find all the sounds I could make a demostration video One last thing, I suggest you enable "UpdateBasedSwappingEnabled"