A public ULTRAKILL level loader to load levels made with the (also public) Spite Level Editor!
- Fixed the infamous scroll bar bug
- Revised the menu (again??)
- Changed the loading system to use ZipArchive instead of the original method of slowing extracting each .doomah. TL;DR: You will have better loading times and UnpackedLevels will be finally gone
- Added a loading screen to show the current loading progress
- Made it so you can put .doomah.partX files produced by Spite Splitter in the EnvyLevels folder to merge them in game
- Fixed certain security vulnerabilities
- You will return to the main menu after completing a level instead of being stuck in a elevator limbo
- Audio mixers now work, this means if you configure audio sources correctly music will muffle when paused and adapt to your volume in the settings
- Fixed difficulty dropdown (thank you once again eternalunion :D)
- Added challenge support inside of Spite
- Added tip of the day support inside of Spite with Addressable Replaced FirstRoom
- Made all levels use level number -1 to prevent level saves being bugged
- Fixed MOTD
- Removed "bear5"
- Changed Envy UI
- Added the UI to the main menu
- Added a MOTD to update players with in-game announcements
(dont ask why we jumped from 1.5.4 to 1.5.9, doomah said so)