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Kindred-KindredLogistics-1.3.0 icon


Inventory management mod. Stashing, craftpulling, finding chests, etc.

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 1.3.0
Download link
Downloads 2623
Dependency string Kindred-KindredLogistics-1.3.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_V_Rising-1.691.3 icon

BepInEx pack for V Rising. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 1.691.3
deca-VampireCommandFramework-0.9.0 icon

Command framework for developers to easily create universal commands for their plugins.

Preferred version: 0.9.0


KindredLogistics for V Rising 1.0!

KindredLogistics is a server modification for V Rising that adds expansive features like stashing, crafting, pulling, searching for items, conveyor system for chain crafting, and auto stashing of servant inventories.

  • It is entirely server side, and you can double tap R with your inventory open to stash, or double click the sort button to stash. (Legacy .stash is also available) Contained within a territory!
  • You can pull items from your chests for crafting by right clicking the recipe in the crafting station!
  • Servants will autostash their inventories into chests or mission overflow chests (Label them "spoils").
  • Auto Salvage: Place items in a chest and label it "salvage" to have it automatically send them to a devourer!
  • Unit Spawner Refills: Place items in a chest and label it "spawner" to have it automatically send them to a tomb, vermin nest or stygian spawner!
  • Brazier Refills: Place items in a chest and label it "brazier" to have it automatically send them to a brazier!
  • Solar Brazier: Label braziers "solar" or "prox" to control the behaviour of the individual brazier!
    • Solar: only on during the day.
    • Prox: only on when an allied player is nearby during the day.
  • Never lose where your stuff is again! Use .finditem to find where your items are stored!
  • Tired of running around from station to station to make something? No worries! Use the conveyor system to link chests and refining inventories for chain crafting!
  • Repair your gear without fetching materials yourself!

This was a collaborative effort from Odjit (Dj) and Zfolmt (Mitch). Feel free to reach out to either of us if you have questions or need help with the mod!

V Rising Modding Discord | How to Install Mods on BepInEx | How to Use Mods In-Game

logwouldyou Check out the details on the WIKI by clicking above!

Chat Commands Overview

Player Commands

Command Description Shortcut
.logistics sortstash Turns on or off your personal ability to use the sort button in your inventory to stash items. .l ss
.logistics craftpull Turns on or off your personal ability to pull items from chests for crafting in stations. .l cr
.logistics dontpulllast Turns on or off your personal ability to not pull the last item from a container. .l dpl
.logistics autostashmissions Turns on or off your servants from autostashing into chests/Mission overflow chests. .l asm
.logistics conveyor Turns on or off your personal ability to set up linked inventories for crafting materials. .l co
.logistics salvage Turns on or off your personal ability to set up auto salvaging from a labelled chest. .l sal
.logistics unitspawner Turns on or off your personal ability to set up feeding unitspawners from a labelled chest. .l us
.logistics brazier Turns on or off your personal ability to set up feeding braziers from a labelled chest. .l bz
.logistics silentstash Turns on or off the ability to have stash not report where you stash items. .l ssh
.logistics silentpull Turns on or off the ability to have pull not report where you pull items from. .l sp
.logistics settings Shows the enabled/disabled status of the above systems. .l s

Stash Commands

Command Description Example
.stash Sends all items besides the hotbar in your inventory to chests in your territory.
.pull (item) (quantity) Takes specified items out of your chests to your inventory. .pull plank 50
.finditem (item) Searches for an item and returns the names of the chests that contain it. .fi "Blood Essence"

Admin Commands

Command Description Shortcut
.logisticsglobal sortstash Turns on or off the ability for players to use the sort button in their inventory. .lg ss
.logisticsglobal craftpull Turns on or off the ability for players to pull items from chests for crafting. .lg cr
.logisticsglobal autostashmissions Turns on or off the ability for servants to autostash into chests. .lg asm
.logisticsglobal conveyor Turns on or off the ability for players to set up linked inventories for crafting materials. .lg co
.logisticsglobal salvage Turns on or off the ability for players to set up auto salvaging from a labelled chest. .lg sal
.logisticsglobal unitspawner Turns on or off the ability for players to set up feeding unitspawners from a labelled chest. .lg us
.logisticsglobal brazier Turns on or off the ability for players to set up feeding braziers from a labelled chest. .lg bz
.logisticsglobal solar Turns on or off the ability for players to name braziers solar/prox to control behaviour. .lg sol
.logisticsglobal settings Shows the enabled/disabled status of the logistics systems. .lg s

This mod is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license.



  • New Feature: UnitSpawners- Separated from stash, now fed from a chest named spawner
  • New Feature: Braziers - Separated from stash, now fed from a chest named brazier
  • New feature: Solar/Proximity Brazier - Naming the braziers will now change individual brazier behavior!
  • Fix: Conveyors no longer pull mats for locked recipies.
  • Fix: Conveyors will now only pull x2 of the highest amount of an item type needed
  • Fix: Will not pull resources that are being actively used from a refinement station or spawner.


  • New Feature: Repair will pull materials
  • New Feature: Auto Salvaging
  • Bug fix: you can no longer pull items while in batform
  • Some code refactoring
  • Updated Readme and groundwork on Wiki being made.


  • Fixed a bug with item entities not being pulled corrrectly by craftpull.


  • Added pulling for repairs to gear on middle click.
  • added silent pulling
  • fixed small bug where if servant had remaining items after stashing to matched stash because the item stack is full, item remainder stayed on servant- now remaining will be sent to spoils


  • Initialization changes
  • Various fixes
  • added silent stash


  • Fixed small bug with servant stashing


  • Released on Thunderstore
  • Fixed disabled chunks stopping stash on territories and pulling item entities


  • optimization changes


  • Initial Release