Commands: Admins

Updated 4 months ago

Using the global settings enable/disable flags will turn on or off the features server-wide. Players will be unable to enable the systems that are globally disabled.

Admin Commands

Command Description Shortcut
.logisticsglobal sortstash Turns on or off the ability for players to use the sort button in their inventory. .lg ss
.logisticsglobal craftpull Turns on or off the ability for players to pull items from chests for crafting. .lg cr
.logisticsglobal autostashmissions Turns on or off the ability for servants to autostash into chests. .lg asm
.logisticsglobal conveyor Turns on or off the ability for players to set up linked inventories for crafting materials. .lg co
.logisticsglobal salvage Turns on or off the ability for players to set up auto salvaging systems .lg sal
.logisticsglobal settings Shows the enabled/disabled status of the logistics systems. .lg s