Commands: Players

Updated 2 months ago

Player Settings Commands

Command Description Shortcut
.logistics sortstash Turns on or off your personal ability to use the sort button in your inventory to stash items. .l ss
.logistics craftpull Turns on or off your personal ability to pull items from chests for crafting in stations. .l cr
.logistics dontpulllast Turns on or off your personal ability to not pull the last item from a container. .l dpl
.logistics autostashmissions Turns on or off your servants from autostashing into chests/Mission overflow chests. .l asm
.logistics conveyor Turns on or off your personal ability to set up linked inventories for crafting materials. .l co
.logistics salvage Turns on or off your personal ability to set up auto salvaging from a labelled chest. .l sal
.logistics unitspawner Turns on or off your personal ability to set up feeding unitspawners from a labelled chest. .l us
.logistics brazier Turns on or off your personal ability to set up feeding braziers from a labelled chest. .l bz
.logistics silentstash Turns on or off the ability to have stash not report where you stash items. .l ssh
.logistics silentpull Turns on or off the ability to have pull not report where you pull items from. .l sp
.logistics settings Shows the enabled/disabled status of the above systems. .l s

Stash Commands

Command Description Example
.stash Sends all items besides the hotbar in your inventory to chests in your territory.
.pull (item) (quantity) Takes specified items out of your chests to your inventory. .pull plank 50
.finditem (item) Searches for an item and returns the names of the chests that contain it. .fi "Blood Essence"