Commands to build, create, save and load schematics
- Feature Change: .build disablefreebuild will now also turn off the ability to spawn in glow library.
- New Command Group: .heartlimit (this will allow you to change the amounts of things per heart, allowing you to place more if you were maxed out before.
- New Commands: .build movelock/movelockterritory/moveunlock/moveunlockterritory (this stops anyone from moving the tile in build menu.)
- New Command: .build changeheartrange
- BugFix: .build immortalrange/mortalrange no longer effects things other than tiles.
- Fixed a bug that altered spawn timers.
- Old schematics cannot load for now as the latest SLS hotfix introduced something crashing on loading old schematics. New schematics of same area will not crash.
- Fixed a bug that locked all tiles loaded in via schematic if they were owned by a heart
- added unlock and lock ranged/territory versions for easier mass switching.
- Glows added for tilemodels
- Reworked how .build restrictions works - will now tie to a heart on placement.
- Improved performance of build commands.
- Immortal will change vegetation to a mineral to avoid a firey server crash (fire spread stacks out of control)
- Expanded "connection detection". If you find some things that should be connected aren't saving out, please give me a map <3
- Can set which castle gets used when not building on a territory with a castle heart there.
- Chests and doors can be built as neutrally owned (openable by all)
- Added the ability to stop or allow dismantling on neutral tilemodels.
- Excluded prefabs from the search that don't actually exist as entities.
- Added a check command so you can see what the prefab is of an entity you are looking at. (be aware, not all things are entities.)
- Renamed to KindredSchematics
- Updated for 1.0
- Saves more components into schematics
- Made build free allow for building still on floating parts.
- Seperated build free from the other build restrictions.
- Build restrictions now delays regrowth until after its turned off.
- Initial Release