Updated 2 months ago.ban & .banid
- [s]erver/[c]hat/[v]oice {name/id} (length) (timeunit) (reason)
Examples of valid usage
.ban server SkyTech6 30 minutes "He was being a jerk"
.ban c SkyTech6 1 hour
.ban v SkyTech6
.banid chat 235235312515 30 5 hr
The server ban specifies all optional values and includes a quoted text to put into reason.
The chat ban uses the shorthand "c" for chat and doesn't include the optional reason.
The voice ban uses the defaults for all optional values. 30 minutes with no reason for Chat and Voice, but 0 length aka permanent for server.
- [m]ute {name} (length) (timeunit) (reason)
Mute is unique in that it is simply an alias to do both .ban chat and .ban voice together.
.ban mute SkyTech6
.ban m SkyTech6 12 d
.banid m 541545454 100 minutes "poopy head"
You can see here that the second example only includes the "d" of days. Most variations of units of time are valid.
- [k]ick {name}
.ban kick SkyTech6
Kicks a specific player; no ban associated.
.unban & unbanid
- [s]erver/[c]hat/[v]oice {name/id}
.unban server SkyTech6
.unban c SkyTech6
.unbanid voice 23562365236
- [l]ist (banType) (show) (page)
This will print out a list of current bans. banType is server, chat, voice and the show can be perma, temp, or both with perma/temp. The page value only needs to be specified if your result comes back paged due to length.
.banned list chat
.banned l v perma 3
.banned l chat temp
- check {name}
- checkid {id} Rather straight forward these will display all active bans against the specified user
.banned check SkyTech6
.banned checkid 708720325235
- loaduntrackeed
.banned loaduntracked
This will load your banlist.txt into CrimsonBanned syncing the two. This is useful especially if you're connected to SQL with CrimsonSQL to populate your old bans across all your servers. However, I hold no responsibility if this somehow goes wrong and you lose all your bans. Save a backup first.
- sync
.banned sync
CrimsonSQL syncing is done on a polling rate, so this command will let you instantly sync the local and SQL databases.
This is primarily useful if you just banned a particularly toxic player and he may go cause havoc on your other servers.