Use CrimsonLogs to Add Logging to Your Mod
Updated 5 months agoAdding CrimsonLog as an optional dependency
Step 1) Add CrimsonLog as a SOFT dependency. This ensures that Crimson will be loaded before your mod.
[BepInPlugin(MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID, MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
[BepInDependency("CrimsonLog", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.SoftDependency)]
internal class Plugin : BasePlugin
Step 2) Create a way to check for CrimsonLog, this can be in your main plugin.cs or some other utility script.
public static bool LogLoaded = false;
public override void Load()
Instance = this;
Settings = new Settings();
_harmony = Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
foreach (var plugin in IL2CPPChainLoader.Instance.Plugins)
var metadata = plugin.Value.Metadata;
if (metadata.GUID.Equals("CrimsonLog"))
// found it
LogLoaded = true;
Step 3)
Use Logger, as it's an optional dependency make sure your logs will go to bepinex if users don't use it.
public static class Logger
public static void Log(string message, bool console = false)
if (Plugin.LogLoaded && CrimsonLog.Plugin.LogInstance != null && !console)
CrimsonLog.Systems.Logger.Record("ChatMonitor", "chat", message + "\n");