Integrate with Mods
Updated a week agoCrimsonSQL Documentation
CrimsonSQL is a MySQL database integration tool for V Rising BepInEx mods. It provides a simple interface to interact with MySQL databases from your mods.
- Add CrimsonSQL as a SoftDependency in your Plugin.cs:
[BepInPlugin(MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID, MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
[BepInDependency("CrimsonSQL", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.SoftDependency)]
internal class Plugin : BasePlugin
- Create a way to check for CrimsonSQL, this can be in your main plugin.cs or some other utility script.
public static bool SQLFound = false;
public override void Load()
_harmony = Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
foreach (var plugin in IL2CPPChainLoader.Instance.Plugins)
var metadata = plugin.Value.Metadata;
if (metadata.GUID.Equals("CrimsonSQL"))
// found it
if(CrimsonSQL.Settings.MySQLConfigured == true)
SQLFound = true;
or a tad cleaner method
public static ISQLService SQL => IL2CPPChainloader.Instance.Plugins.TryGetValue("CrimsonSQL", out var pluginInfo)
? CrimsonSQL.Plugin.SQLService
: null;
- In your mod's code, you can now use CrimsonSQL to interact with MySQL databases. Here's some examples:
- Creating Tables
var columns = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "player_name", "VARCHAR(255)" },
{ "score", "INT" }
CrimsonSQL.Plugin.SQLService.CreateTable("player_stats", columns);
- Inserting Data
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "player_name", "Dracula" },
{ "score", 1000 }
int i = CrimsonSQL.Plugin.SQLService.Insert("player_stats", values);
Insert will return an int of the entry's primary key. -1 is reserved for SQL Error.
- Deleting Data
var conditions = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "player_name", "Dracula" }
CrimsonSQL.Plugin.SQLService.Delete("player_stats", conditions);
- Raw Queries
// Execute custom SELECT queries
var query = "SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE score > @minScore";
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "minScore", 500 }
var results = _sqlService.ExecuteQuery(query, parameters);
// Execute custom INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries
_sqlService.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE player_stats SET score = score + 100 WHERE player_name = @name",
new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name", "Dracula" } });
For examples in a live mod, check out the CrimsonBanned respository.