zfolmt-SmartConnect icon


Automatically continues (last played) or joins (server address) based on configured options from the main menu!

Last updated a week ago
Total downloads 33
Total rating 0 
Categories Client Mods 1.0 Update
Dependency string zfolmt-SmartConnect-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_V_Rising-1.691.3 icon

BepInEx pack for V Rising. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 1.691.3


Table of Contents

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Jairon Orellana; Odjit; Jera; Eve winters;


Automatically do the following on a configurable timer after loading the main menu, mouse left-click will stop the timer until next restart (auto hosting WIP):

  • Continue last played
  • Join by address



  • Enabled: Enabled (bool, default: false)
    Enable or disable mod functions (enables base auto continue functionality, needs to be set to true for autoJoin and autoHost).
  • Timer Seconds: TimerSeconds (int, default: 5)
    Set the timer in seconds before continuing or joining.
  • IPAddress: IPAddress (string, default: "")
    Paste IP followed by colon then port here like '', just as if you were using direct connect (no quotes though).
  • Auto Join: AutoJoin (bool, default: false)
    Enable to join server at entered address instead of continuing if auto join is enabled.