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ASharpPen-This_Goes_Here-1.2.0 icon

This Goes Here

Small mod for mod authors to run file operations in bepinex folders.

Date uploaded 2 years ago
Version 1.2.0
Download link
Downloads 5213
Dependency string ASharpPen-This_Goes_Here-1.2.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1700 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.1700



Small over-engineered BepInEx mod to help move files around using yaml configs.

Intended to help mod authors, by letting them supply a config file with their desired file movements.

Note, only files and paths within the BepInEx folder are valid.

ThisGoesHere scans the BepInEx/configs folder for any and all files named Valheim.ThisGoesHere.yml or with a wildcard part to add your own personal touch Valheim.ThisGoesHere.*.yml.

Currently supported operations

  • File
    • Copy
    • Move
    • Delete
  • Folder
    • Copy
    • Move
    • Delete


All fields are optional.

PrintComment: #Text to print before running operations.
- From: #Path to file that should be copied.
  To: #Path to file destination. If exists, target is overwritten.
- From: #Path to file that should be moved
  To: #Path to file destination.
- #Path to file that should be deleted.
- From: #Path to folder that should be copied.
  To: #Path to folder destination. Existing files will be overwritten.
- From: #Path to folder that should be moved.
  To: #Path to folder destination. Existing files will be overwritten.
- #Path to folder that should be deleted.

Config files are run in whatever order they are found.

Operations in each config are run in the order:

  1. PrintComment
  2. CopyFile
  3. MoveFile
  4. DeleteFile
  5. CopyFolder
  6. MoveFolder
  7. DeleteFolder


PrintComment: This text is printed when config is executed.
- From: config/copy_this_file.txt
  To: plugins/folder/to_this_file.txt
- From: config/move_this_file.txt
  To: config/to_this_folder/move_this_file.txt
- From: config/move_this_too.txt
  To: config/to_this_folder/move_this_too.txt
- config\remove_this.txt
- plugins/and_this.txt
- From: config/copy_this_folder/
  To: plugins/into_this/
- From: config/move_this_folder/
  To: config/into_this/
- From: config/move_this_too/
  To: plugin/
- config\remove_this\
- plugins/and_this

This example will result in logs like this when starting Valheim.

[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [This Goes Here 1.0.0]
[Debug  :This Goes Here] Found 1 config files.
[Message:This Goes Here] This text is printed when config is executed.
[Message:This Goes Here] Copying 'config\copy_this_file.txt' to 'plugins\folder\to_this_file.txt'
[Info   :This Goes Here] Creating missing folders in path.
[Message:This Goes Here] Moving 'config\move_this_file.txt' to 'config\to_this_folder\move_this_file.txt'
[Info   :This Goes Here] Creating missing folders in path.
[Message:This Goes Here] Moving 'config\move_this_too.txt' to 'config\to_this_folder\move_this_too.txt'
[Message:This Goes Here] Deleting file 'config\remove_this.txt'
[Message:This Goes Here] Deleting file 'plugins\and_this.txt'


  • v1.2.0
    • Added folder options for move, copy, delete.
    • Fixed readme typo in filename for wild-card configs.
  • v1.1.0
    • Added support for customizable file names.
  • v1.0.0
    • Initial release