Updated 2 months ago

🌲 Valheim FAQ 🌲

πŸ› οΈ Gameplay Questions

How do you repair items?
  • To repair items in Valheim, you need to craft a Repair Station. The required materials are:
Repair Station

2 Surtling Core Surtling Core 10 Wood Wood 20 Bronze Bronze

  • Once crafted, approach the Repair Station and interact with it. That’s it!
Why isn’t there more space for the player inventory? Inventory
  • We understand the need to "collect them all," which is why Valheim offers various backpacks to help with inventory management. To find and use these backpacks, open your inventory, go to the "CODEX" tab, and search for "Gods" to see all available backpacks and their features.

🧩 Mods

What mods are added to loot tables? Mods
  • Several mods enhance the loot tables in Valheim. Here are the mods included:

Therzie Mods β†’ Southsil Armor β†’ Chaos Armor β†’ MagicPlugin β†’ MagicBows β†’ BowsbeforeHoes β†’ BowPlugin β†’ Forsaken JVL β†’ Adventure Backpacks β†’ RtD β†’ Hugo's Armory β†’ Brute Weapons

  • These mods introduce new equipment and gameplay mechanics, enriching your adventure.
How to update the modpack? Modpack Update
  • To update the modpack, follow these steps:
  1. Update "God's Doominium" Mod: Only update the "God's Doominium" mod and leave the rest of the mods unchanged.
  2. Backup Your World: Always backup your world before making any updates to ensure you don't lose any progress.
  • Regular updates and backups ensure a smooth gaming experience without losing your valuable progress.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Progression

Is there a specific progression that must be followed? Boss Progression
  • Yes, to unlock loot in Valheim, follow the EpicLoot Boss Progression in the following order:

🌳 Meadows β†’ 🏰 Sanctum β†’ 🌲 Black Forest β†’ 🌲 Dreadwood β†’ 🏞️ Swamp β†’ 🌊 Ocean β†’ πŸ”οΈ Mountain β†’ 🌾 Plains β†’ 🌳 Cyclopean Grove β†’ 🌫️ Mistlands β†’ πŸ”₯ Ashlands β†’ ❄️ DeepNorth

  • Following this progression ensures you unlock the full range of loot and experience all the game has to offer.

🏹 Bosses

How do you summon bosses and where can you find them?
  • Here’s how to summon the bosses and their locations in Valheim:
  1. Eikthyr

    • Summoning Item: 2 Deer Trophies
    • Location: Meadows
  2. Asmodeus

    • Summoning Item: 2 Neck Trophies
    • Location: Sanctum
  3. The Elder

    • Summoning Item: 3 Ancient Seeds
    • Location: Black Forest
  4. Frigga

    • Summoning Item: 10 Spider Fangs
    • Location: Dreadwood
  5. Bonemass

    • Summoning Item: 10 Withered Bones
    • Location: Swamp
  6. Balder

    • Summoning Item: 5 Drake Trophies
    • Location: Ocean
  7. Moder

    • Summoning Item: 3 Dragon Eggs
    • Location: Mountains
  8. Yagluth

    • Summoning Item: 5 Fuling Totems
    • Location: Plains
  9. Necromancer Lord

    • Summoning Item: 5 Soul Essences
    • Location: Cyclopean Grove
  10. The Queen

    • Summoning Item: 3 Seeker Soldier Trophies
    • Location: Mistlands
  11. Fader

    • Summoning Item: 3 Bells placed around the coliseum
    • Location: Ashlands
  12. Fae

    • Summoning Item: 3 Fae Seeds
    • Location: DeepNorth
What about other mini bosses?
  • In addition to the main bosses, Valheim features several mini bosses to enhance the challenge:
  1. Svalt

    • Location: Black Forest
    • Summoning Item: 2 Greydwarf Shaman Trophies
  2. Vrykolathas

    • Location: Swamp
    • Summoning Item: 2 Wraith Trophies
  3. Kraken

    • Location: Ocean
    • Summoning Item: Chance to spawn during thunderstorms
  4. Dragon King

    • Location: Ashlands
    • Summoning Item: 1 Charred Egg
  5. Thor

    • Location: DeepNorth
    • Summoning Item: 3 Spirit Hearts
  6. Ice Golem

    • Location: DeepNorth
    • Summoning Item: It randomly spawns

These mini bosses provide unique rewards and add depth to the game's exploration and combat. There are a couple left unmentioned. πŸ™‚

βš™οΈ Troubleshooting

Which mods are incompatible?
Mod Name Reason/Notes
Chatter UI conflicts
RRRCore Waiting mod update
More Skills: Taming Mechanics clash, causing progression bugs.
Valheim:Plus Too many incompatible mods within the modpack.
I have added X mod and now it is not working. What should I do?
  • If you’ve added a new mod and it’s not working, it may be due to incompatibility with other mods. Unfortunately, modding can sometimes lead to conflicts that are hard to predict. While we strive to assist with issues, our support is limited in these cases. Consider checking mod compatibility or reaching out to the mod developers for more targeted help.
Why do I see warnings in the console when playing with mods?
  • Some warnings that appear in the console are expected and are simply notifications about certain configurations. They don't indicate problems and can be safely ignored. Some examples of what we mean:
[Warning: Unity Log] [MoreSkills].[Awake] Taming/AllTamableCompatibility Disabled
[Warning: Unity Log] [MoreSkills].[Awake] IF YOU HAVE ALLTAMABLECOMPATIBILTY (by buzz) 
[Warning: Unity Log] [MoreSkills].[Awake] Jump/Decreased Fall Damage Mod Disabled
[Warning: Unity Log] [MoreSkills].[Awake] Jump/Max Fall Altitude Mod Disabled
[Warning: Unity Log] [MoreSkills].[Awake] Hunting/Trophy Mod Disabled
[Warning: Unity Log] [MoreSkills].[Awake] Hunting/If you got Trials of Odin I highly recommend 
you to activate this. Otherwise don't read me. I know it's red. But it's all ok, don't worry :P
[Warning:Comfort Tweaks] GameObject: Armory_TW,PieceName: $piece_armory_TW, Count: 1

Author Information


For Questions and Feedback, find me in the Valheim God's Dominium Discord.