A minor anti-dickhead mod. Server files & folders dictate what mods are allowed. Admins/Moderators bypass the check for plugins.
Date uploaded | 4 days ago |
Version | 4.3.10 |
Download link | Azumatt-AzuAntiCheat-4.3.10.zip |
Downloads | 1067 |
Dependency string | Azumatt-AzuAntiCheat-4.3.10 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.
Preferred version: 5.4.2202README
A minor anti-dickhead mod. Server files dictate what is allowed. Admins/Moderators bypass the check for plugins.
Must be installed on all clients and the server.
Version checks with itself. If installed on the server, it will kick clients who do not have it installed.
This mod uses ServerSync, if installed on the server, it will sync all configs to client
This mod uses a file watcher.
If the configuration file is not changed with BepInEx Configuration manager, but changed in the file directly on the server, upon file
save, it will sync the changes to all clients.
Video Explanation v4.0.0 (and later!) (Click Image!)
I do not claim that this will block all cheats, especially for those that are more tech-savvy than the average user. Therefore, if you do some hacky things to bypass this, you can either help fix it or not claim it's a bug/issue. This mod attempts to block and help maintain quality of life on a server that prefers to check for as much cheating as they can. The game is client authoritative, I cannot check for everything the client might do.
- Logging to your discord using the Azumatt.AzuAntiCheat_Webhook.yml file
- Checks for common cheats activated in-game
- Can check for WeMod, CheatEngines etc.
- Whitelist folder on the server to dictate which mods the client connecting is allowed to use.
- Individual configurations for Moderators found in the Azumatt.AzuAntiCheat_ModeratorList.yml file
Admin Only
- Can cheat and bypass DLL/Plugin Checks freely. Though, if a mod does its own version checking with the client, they still might be required to have the mod installed.
- Only bypasses DLL/Plugins by default. Can't activate common cheats or use cheat engines unless allowed by the server configs.
For Questions or Comments, find me in the Odin Plus Team Discord or in mine:
- Revert some of the changes I made until I can thoroughly test them better.
- Fix for new Splatform assemblies after patch (0.220.3).
- Tighten up some things in the code.
- Small fixes, compatibility with some mods.
- Fix another issue when getting kicked.
- Ashlands Update, fix an issue or two.
- Update for the current Valheim version (0.217.46)
- After this change you might need to add the platform prefix to your adminlist/moderatorlist. Example:
- Add a config option to configure the interval in which the mod will check your whitelist/greylist for changes. Default is 60 seconds. This allows for slower servers to not have to check as often. Feel free to increase this to whatever number you feel is best.
- Please note though, the code early returns first thing if the files/folder hasn't been modified since the last check. So, it shouldn't be too much of a performance hit at all. It's always been this way, but I figured I would still make some people happy and open the option up.
- Update ServerSync internally
- Fixup some code to run better overall. Pretty much everything is more performant now.
- Some things have been moved to async tasks or other threads to help with performance, where possible. The results are then synced back to the main thread.
- Add some things to help with Crossplay support. (Not fully tested yet)
- Other internal changes
- Quick fix for the new Valheim version
- Remove KeyManager from the mod. It is no longer needed and I do not care to keep it.
- Tweak some internals
- Update for the current Valheim version
- Add Spanish localization
- Fix the duplication of localization files because of the whitelist/greylist. If yml files or json files are found in these folders, they will be deleted automatically.
- Also, I made a pull request on GitHub (that was accepted) to LocalizationManager to help fix this issue for all mods that use it. No more localization files causing your server to crash!
- Update for the current Valheim version
- Add the version the client is running to the logs/discord hook when kicked for mismatched mods.
- Please note that the configuration files will now be prefixed with Azumatt to be in line with my other mods.
, this means your old files can be renamed or you need to refill out the new files. This will be the last change I make to the file names. - Recoded a lot of things to make it more simple, in doing so, I might have created some bugs I haven't found. Please never forget to join my discord and report them! (or DM me!) My Discord
- The mod can be used 100% in singplayer now. Shouldn't be any errors or issues.
- Make client disconnects faster when they have a mismatch or missing mod.
- Whitelist and Greylist generation no longer require a client boot of the game. This also means the previous myMods.yml
will not be generated on the client
- There will be two new folders generated inside your BepInEx/config folder on the server
- Inside of these folders you will put the dlls that you would like to greylist or whitelist (folder respective) . The lists now generate automatically for your server. Allowing for "remote" admins to update their lists by simply downloading a mod and uploading it to the list folder they wish.
- FAQs:
- What about the old greylist and whitelist yml files? You can delete them if you wish. They are no longer used.
- Why the config folder? Any mod put into the plugins folder would load on the server, which isn't needed if the mod is a client only mod.
- Why not just have the server generate the lists? Because the server doesn't need all the client dlls, and the client doesn't always need the server dlls.
- Does this mean my server will now need the same dll in both the config folder and plugins folder? Yes, but, the server will only need the dll in the plugins folder if the mod needs to be loaded on the server.
- Why can't I delete a file from the whitelist folder? This could be because you have some controls set in place that you cannot delete the files while they are being read. This typically happens on Windows machines
- I am getting an error when moving my modpack to the server. My recommendation is, if you have to move a big number of mods to the server, to do it in small batches. This will prevent the server from locking the files or causing issues with reading them. Optionally, you can have the server off to avoid the issue altogether
- There will be two new folders generated inside your BepInEx/config folder on the server
- Formatting changes on the damage value output.
- Discord output formatting changes.
- Localization changes.
- Client output is now further localized.
- Discord output can now be localized depending on your server's language. Change that value in the config. Found in
section "1 - General"
- If you have a language you would like to add, please submit a file to me and I will add it to the next release.
- Please note: The discord output can be different from what the client sees. Meaning, the server can output a discord hook in German, but the client will still see the English version if their local language is set to English.
- If you want to add additional localizations, you just have to create a file with the name
anywhere inside of the BepinEx folder. For example, to add a Korean translation to this mod, a user could create aAzuAnticheat.Korean.yml
file inside of the config folder and add Korean translations there.
- Fixed issues where cheaters could cause hash collisions or keep the hash the same when only modifying dlls, while not recompiling them.
- Fixed the log errors in SP.
- Fix the newly created (from whatever mod, not sure still) logout issue where logging out is delayed for too long and the AC kicks you. Due to the admin variable being reset on logout.
- Fixed the empty GreyList issue. Previously if your GreyList was empty, it would have issues kicking the client.
- Fix no discord output and the log error on the server when a user has a mod mismatch
- Localization fixes on some of the error outputs. Forgot to localize them correctly. :)
Major overhaul! Reset ALL files from previous versions and start fresh!
Again, old files will NOT work!- Changes to all aspects of code and files, they are all now prefixed by "AzuAntiCheat_" and are in yaml format.
- Move moderator permissions away from default configuration file and into AzuAntiCheat_ModeratorList.yml
- Moderator perms are now able to be configured per moderator
- Hash checking and simplified files
- Localization added to some messages, more to come! (Localization files are in the format of AzuAntiCheat.Language.yml) . Localization files will be found if they are anywhere inside of the plugins folder.
- Webhooks can now be named so you can tell them apart, if you are using more than one.
- All limit checks can now be configured in the AzuAntiCheat.cfg file found on the server
- Instant ban option added if a cheat is detected. Does not instant ban for mismatched mods, since most admins tend to mess this up.
- Compile against latest version of the game, Update BepInEx/ServerSync.
- Important Internal changes.
v1.4.1 (Quality of life update)
- Show Server name above world name in discord output.
- SteamID section in discord output name changed to Steam Information. It will now include SteamAccountName and SteamID
- Fixed some discord output randomly saying the world name for PlayerLocation
- Additional checks when using Multiverse mod.
- MAJOR INTERNAL CODE REWORK - Please PLEASE regenerate your whitelist, greylist, etc files. They now only look at loaded plugins (and more efficiently) and does not load all DLLs found in the folder. If you do not heed this warning, you will have a lot of false positives for cheating!!!
- Internal GreyList Updates/Fixes. This should help eliminate some issues users were having.
- Reminder, do not have dlls and BepInEx plugin names on the whitelist AND the greylist. Whitelist is only for mods you want to enforce on the client, the greylist is for additional mods found on the client that you don't care if they have. Some servers were doing this, and it would give blank results on "DLLs Missing"
- "Grey List" addition. Put your optional mods in "aac_greyList.txt"
- Comments in the text file starting with "//" shouldn't matter anymore. Left the comments in there to remove it just in case there are issues.
- Serverside Simulations Damage fix. Heavily tested with and without SSS. We should be good now :)
- Serverside Simulations fix
- Bug fix
- Fix for killing yourself causing a kick from the server
- Bug fixes
- Hearth & Home Update/Compatibility
- Fix console check issue with certain servers using Better Continents and CLLC with console enabled.
- Fix admin check for whitelist on serverside
- Fix compatibility with MagicOverhaul (again)
- Add more Moderator config options
- Update to the AntiCheat checks
- Whitelist mode will now require clients to have all mods on the whitelist.
- Color code some output to discord.
- Additional logging for DLLs. Client and Server side to help with issues reported.
- Fix compatibility with MagicOverhaul
- Update to the AntiCheat checks
- Begin adding configuration options (AzuAntiCheat.cfg)
- Remove creation of config folder, files will now be created directly in config folder with "aac_" prefix
- Default to whitelist option, can be changed back. If using whitelist, you must include all DLL and BepInNames
- Generate BepInNames and DLL names to files in BepInEx/AzuAntiCheat/ folder
- Files will be repopulated each time you load the game
- Fix errors with File not found on System files
- Log to server logs when webhook is null with information that would have been in webhook
- Eliminate need for litJSON dependency.
- Change format of discord output to be embedded message
- Swapped player id to now be player location, so you know where they were when the cheat occurred
- Custom disconnect codes to provide compatibility with other mods invoking similar methods
- Prevent and penalize user for attempting to use ExploreAll map cheat
- Code cleanup/optimizations and encoding changes to files