using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using ConfigurationManager.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2019 / LGPL-3.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("18.4+6946000dfa9c1b2db503fb39fe496e5624437158")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BepInEx.ConfigurationManager")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Universal in-game configuration manager for BepInEx plugins")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace ConfigurationManager
internal static class SettingSearcher
private static readonly ICollection<string> _updateMethodNames = new string[4] { "Update", "FixedUpdate", "LateUpdate", "OnGUI" };
public static BaseUnityPlugin[] FindPlugins()
return (from x in Chainloader.PluginInfos.Values
select x.Instance into plugin
where (Object)(object)plugin != (Object)null
select plugin).Union(Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(BaseUnityPlugin)).Cast<BaseUnityPlugin>()).ToArray();
public static void CollectSettings(out IEnumerable<SettingEntryBase> results, out List<string> modsWithoutSettings, bool showDebug)
modsWithoutSettings = new List<string>();
results = GetBepInExCoreConfig();
catch (Exception ex)
results = Enumerable.Empty<SettingEntryBase>();
BaseUnityPlugin[] array = FindPlugins();
foreach (BaseUnityPlugin val in array)
Type type = ((object)val).GetType();
BepInPlugin metadata = val.Info.Metadata;
string item = ((metadata != null) ? metadata.Name : null) ?? ((object)val).GetType().FullName;
if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BrowsableAttribute), inherit: false).Cast<BrowsableAttribute>().Any((BrowsableAttribute x) => !x.Browsable))
List<SettingEntryBase> list = new List<SettingEntryBase>();
list.RemoveAll((SettingEntryBase x) => x.Browsable == false);
if (list.Count == 0)
if (showDebug && type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Any((MethodInfo x) => _updateMethodNames.Contains(x.Name)))
PropertySettingEntry propertySettingEntry = new PropertySettingEntry(val, type.GetProperty("enabled"), val);
propertySettingEntry.DispName = "!Allow plugin to run on every frame";
propertySettingEntry.Description = "Disabling this will disable some or all of the plugin's functionality.\nHooks and event-based functionality will not be disabled.\nThis setting will be lost after game restart.";
propertySettingEntry.IsAdvanced = true;
if (list.Count > 0)
results = results.Concat(list);
private static IEnumerable<SettingEntryBase> GetBepInExCoreConfig()
//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0039: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006c: Expected O, but got Unknown
PropertyInfo property = typeof(ConfigFile).GetProperty("CoreConfig", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if ((object)property == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("coreConfigProp");
ConfigFile source = (ConfigFile)property.GetValue(null, null);
BepInPlugin bepinMeta = new BepInPlugin("BepInEx", "BepInEx", typeof(Chainloader).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
return ((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, ConfigEntryBase>>)source).Select((Func<KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, ConfigEntryBase>, SettingEntryBase>)((KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, ConfigEntryBase> kvp) => new ConfigSettingEntry(kvp.Value, null)
IsAdvanced = true,
PluginInfo = bepinMeta
private static IEnumerable<ConfigSettingEntry> GetPluginConfig(BaseUnityPlugin plugin)
return ((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, ConfigEntryBase>>)plugin.Config).Select((KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, ConfigEntryBase> kvp) => new ConfigSettingEntry(kvp.Value, plugin));
internal sealed class ConfigSettingEntry : SettingEntryBase
public ConfigEntryBase Entry { get; }
public override Type SettingType => Entry.SettingType;
public ConfigSettingEntry(ConfigEntryBase entry, BaseUnityPlugin owner)
Entry = entry;
DispName = entry.Definition.Key;
base.Category = entry.Definition.Section;
ConfigDescription description = entry.Description;
base.Description = ((description != null) ? description.Description : null);
TypeConverter converter = TomlTypeConverter.GetConverter(entry.SettingType);
if (converter != null)
base.ObjToStr = (object o) => converter.ConvertToString(o, entry.SettingType);
base.StrToObj = (string s) => converter.ConvertToObject(s, entry.SettingType);
ConfigDescription description2 = entry.Description;
AcceptableValueBase val = ((description2 != null) ? description2.AcceptableValues : null);
if (val != null)
base.DefaultValue = entry.DefaultValue;
ConfigDescription description3 = entry.Description;
SetFromAttributes((description3 != null) ? description3.Tags : null, owner);
private void GetAcceptableValues(AcceptableValueBase values)
Type type = ((object)values).GetType();
PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty("AcceptableValues", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
if ((object)property != null)
base.AcceptableValues = ((IEnumerable)property.GetValue(values, null)).Cast<object>().ToArray();
PropertyInfo property2 = type.GetProperty("MinValue", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
PropertyInfo property3 = type.GetProperty("MaxValue", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
if ((object)property2 != null && (object)property3 != null)
base.AcceptableValueRange = new KeyValuePair<object, object>(property2.GetValue(values, null), property3.GetValue(values, null));
base.ShowRangeAsPercent = ((base.AcceptableValueRange.Key.Equals(0) || base.AcceptableValueRange.Key.Equals(1)) && base.AcceptableValueRange.Value.Equals(100)) || (base.AcceptableValueRange.Key.Equals(0f) && base.AcceptableValueRange.Value.Equals(1f));
public override object Get()
return Entry.BoxedValue;
protected override void SetValue(object newVal)
Entry.BoxedValue = newVal;
[BepInPlugin("com.bepis.bepinex.configurationmanager", "Configuration Manager", "18.4")]
public class ConfigurationManager : BaseUnityPlugin
private sealed class PluginSettingsData
public sealed class PluginSettingsGroupData
public string Name;
public List<SettingEntryBase> Settings;
public BepInPlugin Info;
public List<PluginSettingsGroupData> Categories;
public int Height;
public string Website;
private bool _collapsed;
public bool Collapsed
return _collapsed;
_collapsed = value;
Height = 0;
public const string GUID = "com.bepis.bepinex.configurationmanager";
public const string Version = "18.4";
internal static ManualLogSource Logger;
private static SettingFieldDrawer _fieldDrawer;
private static readonly Color _advancedSettingColor = new Color(1f, 0.95f, 0.67f, 1f);
private const int WindowId = -68;
private const string SearchBoxName = "searchBox";
private bool _focusSearchBox;
private string _searchString = string.Empty;
public bool OverrideHotkey;
private bool _displayingWindow;
private bool _obsoleteCursor;
private string _modsWithoutSettings;
private List<SettingEntryBase> _allSettings;
private List<PluginSettingsData> _filteredSetings = new List<PluginSettingsData>();
private bool _windowWasMoved;
private bool _tipsPluginHeaderWasClicked;
private bool _tipsWindowWasMoved;
private Rect _screenRect;
private Vector2 _settingWindowScrollPos;
private int _tipsHeight;
private PropertyInfo _curLockState;
private PropertyInfo _curVisible;
private int _previousCursorLockState;
private bool _previousCursorVisible;
private readonly ConfigEntry<bool> _showAdvanced;
private readonly ConfigEntry<bool> _showKeybinds;
private readonly ConfigEntry<bool> _showSettings;
private readonly ConfigEntry<KeyboardShortcut> _keybind;
private readonly ConfigEntry<bool> _hideSingleSection;
private readonly ConfigEntry<bool> _pluginConfigCollapsedDefault;
private bool _showDebug;
internal Rect SettingWindowRect { get; private set; }
public bool IsWindowFullscreen
if (DisplayingWindow)
return !_windowWasMoved;
return false;
internal int LeftColumnWidth { get; private set; }
internal int RightColumnWidth { get; private set; }
public bool DisplayingWindow
return _displayingWindow;
if (_displayingWindow == value)
_displayingWindow = value;
if (_displayingWindow)
_focusSearchBox = true;
if ((object)_curLockState != null)
_previousCursorLockState = (_obsoleteCursor ? Convert.ToInt32((bool)_curLockState.GetValue(null, null)) : ((int)_curLockState.GetValue(null, null)));
_previousCursorVisible = (bool)_curVisible.GetValue(null, null);
else if (!_previousCursorVisible || _previousCursorLockState != 0)
SetUnlockCursor(_previousCursorLockState, _previousCursorVisible);
this.DisplayingWindowChanged?.Invoke(this, new ValueChangedEventArgs<bool>(value));
public string SearchString
return _searchString;
private set
if (value == null)
value = string.Empty;
if (!(_searchString == value))
_searchString = value;
public event EventHandler<ValueChangedEventArgs<bool>> DisplayingWindowChanged;
public ConfigurationManager()
//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00c0: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00ed: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0110: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_011a: Expected O, but got Unknown
Logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
_fieldDrawer = new SettingFieldDrawer(this);
_showAdvanced = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Filtering", "Show advanced", false, (ConfigDescription)null);
_showKeybinds = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Filtering", "Show keybinds", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
_showSettings = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Filtering", "Show settings", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
_keybind = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<KeyboardShortcut>("General", "Show config manager", new KeyboardShortcut((KeyCode)282, (KeyCode[])(object)new KeyCode[0]), new ConfigDescription("The shortcut used to toggle the config manager window on and off.\nThe key can be overridden by a game-specific plugin if necessary, in that case this setting is ignored.", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[0]));
_hideSingleSection = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Hide single sections", false, new ConfigDescription("Show section title for plugins with only one section", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[0]));
_pluginConfigCollapsedDefault = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Plugin collapsed default", true, new ConfigDescription("If set to true plugins will be collapsed when opening the configuration manager window", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[0]));
public static void RegisterCustomSettingDrawer(Type settingType, Action<SettingEntryBase> onGuiDrawer)
if ((object)settingType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("settingType");
if (onGuiDrawer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("onGuiDrawer");
if (SettingFieldDrawer.SettingDrawHandlers.ContainsKey(settingType))
Logger.LogWarning((object)("Tried to add a setting drawer for type " + settingType.FullName + " while one already exists."));
SettingFieldDrawer.SettingDrawHandlers[settingType] = onGuiDrawer;
public void BuildSettingList()
SettingSearcher.CollectSettings(out var results, out var modsWithoutSettings, _showDebug);
_modsWithoutSettings = string.Join(", ", (from x in modsWithoutSettings
select x.TrimStart(new char[1] { '!' }) into x
orderby x
select x).ToArray());
_allSettings = results.ToList();
private void BuildFilteredSettingList()
IEnumerable<SettingEntryBase> source = _allSettings;
string[] searchStrings = SearchString.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (searchStrings.Length != 0)
source = source.Where((SettingEntryBase x) => ContainsSearchString(x, searchStrings));
if (!_showAdvanced.Value)
source = source.Where((SettingEntryBase x) => !x.IsAdvanced.GetValueOrDefault());
if (!_showKeybinds.Value)
source = source.Where((SettingEntryBase x) => !IsKeyboardShortcut(x));
if (!_showSettings.Value)
source = source.Where((SettingEntryBase x) => x.IsAdvanced.GetValueOrDefault() || IsKeyboardShortcut(x));
bool settingsAreCollapsed = _pluginConfigCollapsedDefault.Value;
HashSet<string> nonDefaultCollpasingStateByPluginName = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (PluginSettingsData filteredSeting in _filteredSetings)
if (filteredSeting.Collapsed != settingsAreCollapsed)
_filteredSetings = (from x in (from x in source
group x by x.PluginInfo).Select(delegate(IGrouping<BepInPlugin, SettingEntryBase> pluginSettings)
List<string> originalCategoryOrder = pluginSettings.Select((SettingEntryBase x) => x.Category).Distinct().ToList();
IEnumerable<PluginSettingsData.PluginSettingsGroupData> source2 = from x in pluginSettings
group x by x.Category into x
orderby originalCategoryOrder.IndexOf(x.Key), x.Key
select new PluginSettingsData.PluginSettingsGroupData
Name = x.Key,
Settings = (from set in x
orderby set.Order descending, set.DispName
select set).ToList()
string website = Utils.GetWebsite(pluginSettings.First().PluginInstance);
return new PluginSettingsData
Info = pluginSettings.Key,
Categories = source2.ToList(),
Collapsed = (nonDefaultCollpasingStateByPluginName.Contains(pluginSettings.Key.Name) ? (!settingsAreCollapsed) : settingsAreCollapsed),
Website = website
orderby x.Info.Name
select x).ToList();
private static bool IsKeyboardShortcut(SettingEntryBase x)
if ((object)x.SettingType != typeof(KeyboardShortcut))
return (object)x.SettingType == typeof(KeyCode);
return true;
private static bool ContainsSearchString(SettingEntryBase setting, string[] searchStrings)
string combinedSearchTarget = setting.PluginInfo.Name + "\n" + setting.PluginInfo.GUID + "\n" + setting.DispName + "\n" + setting.Category + "\n" + setting.Description + "\n" + setting.DefaultValue?.ToString() + "\n" + setting.Get();
return searchStrings.All((string s) => combinedSearchTarget.IndexOf(s, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0);
private void CalculateWindowRect()
//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
int num = Mathf.Min(Screen.width, 650);
int num2 = ((Screen.height < 560) ? Screen.height : (Screen.height - 100));
int num3 = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(Screen.width - num) / 2f);
int num4 = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(Screen.height - num2) / 2f);
SettingWindowRect = new Rect((float)num3, (float)num4, (float)num, (float)num2);
_screenRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)Screen.width, (float)Screen.height);
Rect settingWindowRect = SettingWindowRect;
LeftColumnWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).width / 2.5f);
settingWindowRect = SettingWindowRect;
RightColumnWidth = (int)((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).width - LeftColumnWidth - 115;
_windowWasMoved = false;
private void OnGUI()
//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a2: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_009d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (!DisplayingWindow)
SetUnlockCursor(0, cursorVisible: true);
Vector2 val = Vector2.op_Implicit(UnityInput.Current.mousePosition);
val.y = (float)Screen.height - val.y;
Rect settingWindowRect;
if (!_windowWasMoved)
if (GUI.Button(_screenRect, string.Empty,
settingWindowRect = SettingWindowRect;
if (!((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).Contains(val))
DisplayingWindow = false;
Rect val2 = GUILayout.Window(-68, SettingWindowRect, new WindowFunction(SettingsWindow), "Plugin / mod settings", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (val2 != SettingWindowRect)
_windowWasMoved = true;
SettingWindowRect = val2;
_tipsWindowWasMoved = true;
if (SettingFieldDrawer.SettingKeyboardShortcut)
if (_windowWasMoved)
settingWindowRect = SettingWindowRect;
if (!((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).Contains(val))
private static void DrawTooltip(Rect area)
//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
string tooltip = GUI.tooltip;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip))
GUIStyle val =;
val.wordWrap = true;
val.alignment = (TextAnchor)4;
GUIContent val2 = new GUIContent(tooltip);
float num = val.CalcHeight(val2, 400f) + 10f;
Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition;
float num2 = ((mousePosition.x + 400f > ((Rect)(ref area)).width) ? (((Rect)(ref area)).width - 400f) : mousePosition.x);
float num3 = ((mousePosition.y + 25f + num > ((Rect)(ref area)).height) ? (mousePosition.y - num) : (mousePosition.y + 25f));
Rect val3 = default(Rect);
((Rect)(ref val3))..ctor(num2, num3, 400f, num);
val.Draw(val3, val2, -1);
private void SettingsWindow(int id)
//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006b: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
//IL_00ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00f0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_018d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
_settingWindowScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_settingWindowScrollPos, false, true, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
float y = _settingWindowScrollPos.y;
Rect val = SettingWindowRect;
float height = ((Rect)(ref val)).height;
GUILayout.BeginVertical((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString))
if (_tipsHeight == 0 && (int)Event.current.type == 7)
val = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
_tipsHeight = (int)((Rect)(ref val)).height;
int num = _tipsHeight;
foreach (PluginSettingsData filteredSeting in _filteredSetings)
if (filteredSeting.Height == 0 || ((float)(num + filteredSeting.Height) >= y && (float)num <= y + height))
catch (ArgumentException)
if (filteredSeting.Height == 0 && (int)Event.current.type == 7)
val = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
filteredSeting.Height = (int)((Rect)(ref val)).height;
catch (ArgumentException)
num += filteredSeting.Height;
if (_showDebug)
GUILayout.Label("Plugins with no options available: " + _modsWithoutSettings, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (!SettingFieldDrawer.DrawCurrentDropdown())
private void DrawTips()
string text = ((!_tipsPluginHeaderWasClicked) ? "Tip: Click plugin names to expand. Click setting and group names to see their descriptions." : ((!_tipsWindowWasMoved) ? "Tip: You can drag this window to move it. It will stay open while you interact with the game." : null));
if (text != null)
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUILayout.Label(text, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
private void DrawWindowHeader()
//IL_00a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUI.enabled = SearchString == string.Empty;
bool flag = GUILayout.Toggle(_showSettings.Value, "Normal settings", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (_showSettings.Value != flag)
_showSettings.Value = flag;
flag = GUILayout.Toggle(_showKeybinds.Value, "Keyboard shortcuts", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (_showKeybinds.Value != flag)
_showKeybinds.Value = flag;
Color color = GUI.color;
GUI.color = _advancedSettingColor;
flag = GUILayout.Toggle(_showAdvanced.Value, "Advanced settings", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (_showAdvanced.Value != flag)
_showAdvanced.Value = flag;
GUI.color = color;
GUI.enabled = true;
flag = GUILayout.Toggle(_showDebug, "Debug info", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (_showDebug != flag)
_showDebug = flag;
if (GUILayout.Button("Open Log", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]))
catch (SystemException ex)
Logger.Log((LogLevel)10, (object)ex.Message);
if (GUILayout.Button("Close", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]))
DisplayingWindow = false;
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUILayout.Label("Search: ", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
SearchString = GUILayout.TextField(SearchString, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
if (_focusSearchBox)
_focusSearchBox = false;
if (GUILayout.Button("Clear", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
SearchString = string.Empty;
if (GUILayout.Button(_pluginConfigCollapsedDefault.Value ? "Expand All" : "Collapse All", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
bool flag2 = !_pluginConfigCollapsedDefault.Value;
_pluginConfigCollapsedDefault.Value = flag2;
foreach (PluginSettingsData filteredSeting in _filteredSetings)
filteredSeting.Collapsed = flag2;
_tipsPluginHeaderWasClicked = true;
private void DrawSinglePlugin(PluginSettingsData plugin)
//IL_009a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a0: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0109: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_010a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0120: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0143: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0150: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
GUILayout.BeginVertical(, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUIContent content = (_showDebug ? new GUIContent($"{plugin.Info.Name.TrimStart(new char[1] { '!' })} {plugin.Info.Version}", (Texture)null, "GUID: " + plugin.Info.GUID) : new GUIContent($"{plugin.Info.Name.TrimStart(new char[1] { '!' })} {plugin.Info.Version}"));
bool flag = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString);
bool flag2 = plugin.Website != null;
if (flag2)
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
if (SettingFieldDrawer.DrawPluginHeader(content, plugin.Collapsed && !flag) && !flag)
_tipsPluginHeaderWasClicked = true;
plugin.Collapsed = !plugin.Collapsed;
if (flag2)
Color color = GUI.color;
GUI.color = Color.gray;
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("URL", (Texture)null, plugin.Website),, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
GUI.color = color;
if (flag || !plugin.Collapsed)
foreach (PluginSettingsData.PluginSettingsGroupData category in plugin.Categories)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Name) && (plugin.Categories.Count > 1 || !_hideSingleSection.Value))
foreach (SettingEntryBase setting in category.Settings)
private void DrawSingleSetting(SettingEntryBase setting)
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
catch (Exception arg)
Logger.Log((LogLevel)2, (object)$"Failed to draw setting {setting.DispName} - {arg}");
GUILayout.Label("Failed to draw this field, check log for details.", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
private void DrawSettingName(SettingEntryBase setting)
//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0074: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (!setting.HideSettingName)
Color color = GUI.color;
if (setting.IsAdvanced.GetValueOrDefault())
GUI.color = _advancedSettingColor;
GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(setting.DispName.TrimStart(new char[1] { '!' }), (Texture)null, setting.Description), (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[2]
GUI.color = color;
private static void DrawDefaultButton(SettingEntryBase setting)
if (setting.HideDefaultButton)
object defaultValue = setting.DefaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null || setting.SettingType.IsClass)
if (GUILayout.Button("Reset", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
private void Start()
Type typeFromHandle = typeof(Cursor);
_curLockState = typeFromHandle.GetProperty("lockState", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
_curVisible = typeFromHandle.GetProperty("visible", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
if ((object)_curLockState == null && (object)_curVisible == null)
_obsoleteCursor = true;
_curLockState = typeof(Screen).GetProperty("lockCursor", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
_curVisible = typeof(Screen).GetProperty("showCursor", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.Log((LogLevel)12, (object)("WARNING: Failed to write to config directory, expect issues!\nError message:" + ex.Message));
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex2)
Logger.Log((LogLevel)12, (object)("WARNING: Permission denied to write to config directory, expect issues!\nError message:" + ex2.Message));
private void Update()
//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (DisplayingWindow)
SetUnlockCursor(0, cursorVisible: true);
if (!OverrideHotkey)
KeyboardShortcut value = _keybind.Value;
if (((KeyboardShortcut)(ref value)).IsDown())
DisplayingWindow = !DisplayingWindow;
private void LateUpdate()
if (DisplayingWindow)
SetUnlockCursor(0, cursorVisible: true);
private void SetUnlockCursor(int lockState, bool cursorVisible)
if ((object)_curLockState != null)
if (_obsoleteCursor)
_curLockState.SetValue(null, Convert.ToBoolean(lockState), null);
_curLockState.SetValue(null, lockState, null);
_curVisible.SetValue(null, cursorVisible, null);
internal class PropertySettingEntry : SettingEntryBase
private Type _settingType;
public object Instance { get; internal set; }
public PropertyInfo Property { get; internal set; }
public override string DispName
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.DispName))
return base.DispName;
return Property.Name;
protected internal set
base.DispName = value;
public override Type SettingType => _settingType ?? (_settingType = Property.PropertyType);
public PropertySettingEntry(object instance, PropertyInfo settingProp, BaseUnityPlugin pluginInstance)
SetFromAttributes(settingProp.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false), pluginInstance);
if (!base.Browsable.HasValue)
base.Browsable = settingProp.CanRead && settingProp.CanWrite;
base.ReadOnly = settingProp.CanWrite;
Property = settingProp;
Instance = instance;
public override object Get()
return Property.GetValue(Instance, null);
protected override void SetValue(object newVal)
Property.SetValue(Instance, newVal, null);
public abstract class SettingEntryBase
public delegate void CustomHotkeyDrawerFunc(ConfigEntryBase setting, ref bool isCurrentlyAcceptingInput);
private static readonly PropertyInfo[] _myProperties = typeof(SettingEntryBase).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
public object[] AcceptableValues { get; protected set; }
public KeyValuePair<object, object> AcceptableValueRange { get; protected set; }
public bool? ShowRangeAsPercent { get; protected set; }
public Action<ConfigEntryBase> CustomDrawer { get; private set; }
public CustomHotkeyDrawerFunc CustomHotkeyDrawer { get; private set; }
public bool? Browsable { get; protected set; }
public string Category { get; protected set; }
public object DefaultValue { get; protected set; }
public bool HideDefaultButton { get; protected set; }
public bool HideSettingName { get; protected set; }
public string Description { get; protected internal set; }
public virtual string DispName { get; protected internal set; }
public BepInPlugin PluginInfo { get; protected internal set; }
public bool? ReadOnly { get; protected set; }
public abstract Type SettingType { get; }
public BaseUnityPlugin PluginInstance { get; private set; }
public bool? IsAdvanced { get; internal set; }
public int Order { get; protected set; }
public Func<object, string> ObjToStr { get; internal set; }
public Func<string, object> StrToObj { get; internal set; }
public abstract object Get();
public void Set(object newVal)
if (!ReadOnly.GetValueOrDefault())
protected abstract void SetValue(object newVal);
internal void SetFromAttributes(object[] attribs, BaseUnityPlugin pluginInstance)
PluginInstance = pluginInstance;
PluginInfo = ((pluginInstance != null) ? pluginInstance.Info.Metadata : null);
if (attribs == null || attribs.Length == 0)
foreach (object obj in attribs)
if (obj == null)
if (!(obj is DisplayNameAttribute displayNameAttribute))
if (!(obj is CategoryAttribute categoryAttribute))
if (!(obj is DescriptionAttribute descriptionAttribute))
if (!(obj is DefaultValueAttribute defaultValueAttribute))
if (!(obj is ReadOnlyAttribute readOnlyAttribute))
if (!(obj is BrowsableAttribute browsableAttribute))
Action<SettingEntryBase> action = obj as Action<SettingEntryBase>;
if (action == null)
if (obj is string text)
switch (text)
case "ReadOnly":
ReadOnly = true;
case "Browsable":
Browsable = true;
case "Unbrowsable":
case "Hidden":
Browsable = false;
case "Advanced":
IsAdvanced = true;
Type type = obj.GetType();
if (!(type.Name == "ConfigurationManagerAttributes"))
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
foreach (var item in from my in _myProperties
join other in fields on my.Name equals other.Name
select new { my, other })
object obj2 = item.other.GetValue(obj);
if (obj2 != null)
if ((object) != item.other.FieldType && typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(
obj2 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(, ((Delegate)obj2).Target, ((Delegate)obj2).Method);
}, obj2, null);
catch (Exception ex)
ConfigurationManager.Logger.LogWarning((object)("Failed to copy value " + + " from provided tag object " + type.FullName + " - " + ex.Message));
CustomDrawer = delegate
Browsable = browsableAttribute.Browsable;
ReadOnly = readOnlyAttribute.IsReadOnly;
DefaultValue = defaultValueAttribute.Value;
Description = descriptionAttribute.Description;
Category = categoryAttribute.Category;
DispName = displayNameAttribute.DisplayName;
internal class SettingFieldDrawer
private sealed class ColorCacheEntry
public Color Last;
public Texture2D Tex;
private static IEnumerable<KeyCode> _keysToCheck;
private static readonly Dictionary<SettingEntryBase, ComboBox> _comboBoxCache;
private static readonly Dictionary<SettingEntryBase, ColorCacheEntry> _colorCache;
private static ConfigurationManager _instance;
private static SettingEntryBase _currentKeyboardShortcutToSet;
private static GUIStyle _categoryHeaderSkin;
private static GUIStyle _pluginHeaderSkin;
private readonly Dictionary<Type, bool> _canCovertCache = new Dictionary<Type, bool>();
private static bool _drawColorHex;
public static Dictionary<Type, Action<SettingEntryBase>> SettingDrawHandlers { get; }
public static bool SettingKeyboardShortcut => _currentKeyboardShortcutToSet != null;
static SettingFieldDrawer()
_comboBoxCache = new Dictionary<SettingEntryBase, ComboBox>();
_colorCache = new Dictionary<SettingEntryBase, ColorCacheEntry>();
SettingDrawHandlers = new Dictionary<Type, Action<SettingEntryBase>>
public SettingFieldDrawer(ConfigurationManager instance)
_instance = instance;
public void DrawSettingValue(SettingEntryBase setting)
if (setting.CustomDrawer != null)
setting.CustomDrawer((setting is ConfigSettingEntry configSettingEntry) ? configSettingEntry.Entry : null);
else if (setting.CustomHotkeyDrawer != null)
bool isCurrentlyAcceptingInput = _currentKeyboardShortcutToSet == setting;
bool flag = isCurrentlyAcceptingInput;
setting.CustomHotkeyDrawer((setting is ConfigSettingEntry configSettingEntry2) ? configSettingEntry2.Entry : null, ref isCurrentlyAcceptingInput);
if (isCurrentlyAcceptingInput != flag)
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = (isCurrentlyAcceptingInput ? setting : null);
else if (setting.ShowRangeAsPercent.HasValue && setting.AcceptableValueRange.Key != null)
else if (setting.AcceptableValues != null)
else if (!DrawFieldBasedOnValueType(setting))
if (setting.SettingType.IsEnum)
DrawUnknownField(setting, _instance.RightColumnWidth);
public static void ClearCache()
foreach (KeyValuePair<SettingEntryBase, ColorCacheEntry> item in _colorCache)
public static void DrawCenteredLabel(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
GUILayout.Label(text, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
public static void DrawCategoryHeader(string text)
if (_categoryHeaderSkin == null)
_categoryHeaderSkin =;
_categoryHeaderSkin.alignment = (TextAnchor)1;
_categoryHeaderSkin.wordWrap = true;
_categoryHeaderSkin.stretchWidth = true;
_categoryHeaderSkin.fontSize = 14;
GUILayout.Label(text, _categoryHeaderSkin, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
public static bool DrawPluginHeader(GUIContent content, bool isCollapsed)
if (_pluginHeaderSkin == null)
_pluginHeaderSkin =;
_pluginHeaderSkin.alignment = (TextAnchor)1;
_pluginHeaderSkin.wordWrap = true;
_pluginHeaderSkin.stretchWidth = true;
_pluginHeaderSkin.fontSize = 15;
if (isCollapsed)
content.text += "\n...";
return GUILayout.Button(content, _pluginHeaderSkin, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
public static bool DrawCurrentDropdown()
if (ComboBox.CurrentDropdownDrawer != null)
ComboBox.CurrentDropdownDrawer = null;
return true;
return false;
private static void DrawListField(SettingEntryBase setting)
//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
object[] acceptableValues = setting.AcceptableValues;
if (acceptableValues.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("AcceptableValueListAttribute returned an empty list of acceptable values. You need to supply at least 1 option.");
if (!setting.SettingType.IsInstanceOfType(acceptableValues.FirstOrDefault((object x) => x != null)))
throw new ArgumentException("AcceptableValueListAttribute returned a list with items of type other than the settng type itself.");
if ((object)setting.SettingType == typeof(KeyCode))
Rect settingWindowRect = _instance.SettingWindowRect;
DrawComboboxField(setting, acceptableValues, ((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).yMax);
private static bool DrawFieldBasedOnValueType(SettingEntryBase setting)
if (SettingDrawHandlers.TryGetValue(setting.SettingType, out var value))
return true;
return false;
private static void DrawBoolField(SettingEntryBase setting)
bool flag = (bool)setting.Get();
bool flag2 = GUILayout.Toggle(flag, flag ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
if (flag2 != flag)
private static void DrawEnumField(SettingEntryBase setting)
//IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (setting.SettingType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), inherit: false).Any())
DrawFlagsField(setting, Enum.GetValues(setting.SettingType), _instance.RightColumnWidth);
Array values = Enum.GetValues(setting.SettingType);
Rect settingWindowRect = _instance.SettingWindowRect;
DrawComboboxField(setting, values, ((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).yMax);
private static void DrawFlagsField(SettingEntryBase setting, IList enumValues, int maxWidth)
//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0096: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
long num = Convert.ToInt64(setting.Get());
var array = (from Enum x in enumValues
select new
name = x.ToString(),
val = Convert.ToInt64(x)
GUILayout.BeginVertical((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.MaxWidth((float)maxWidth) });
int i = 0;
while (i < array.Length)
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
int num2 = 0;
for (; i < array.Length; i++)
var anon = array[i];
if (anon.val != 0L)
int num3 = (int) GUIContent(;
num2 += num3;
if (num2 > maxWidth)
GUI.changed = false;
bool flag = GUILayout.Toggle((num & anon.val) == anon.val,, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
if (GUI.changed)
long value = (flag ? (num | anon.val) : (num & ~anon.val));
setting.Set(Enum.ToObject(setting.SettingType, value));
GUI.changed = false;
private static void DrawComboboxField(SettingEntryBase setting, IList list, float windowYmax)
//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
GUIContent val = ObjectToGuiContent(setting.Get());
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(val,, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
if (!_comboBoxCache.TryGetValue(setting, out var value))
value = new ComboBox(rect, val, list.Cast<object>().Select(ObjectToGuiContent).ToArray(),, windowYmax);
_comboBoxCache[setting] = value;
value.Rect = rect;
value.ButtonContent = val;
value.Show(delegate(int id)
if (id >= 0 && id < list.Count)
private static GUIContent ObjectToGuiContent(object x)
//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006f: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0063: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0052: Expected O, but got Unknown
if (x is Enum)
Type type = x.GetType();
DescriptionAttribute descriptionAttribute = type.GetMember(x.ToString()).FirstOrDefault()?.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), inherit: false).Cast<DescriptionAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (descriptionAttribute == null)
return new GUIContent(x.ToString().ToProperCase());
return new GUIContent(descriptionAttribute.Description);
return new GUIContent(x.ToString());
private static void DrawRangeField(SettingEntryBase setting)
object obj = setting.Get();
float num = (float)Convert.ToDouble(obj, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
float num2 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(setting.AcceptableValueRange.Key, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
float num3 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(setting.AcceptableValueRange.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
float num4 = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(num, num2, num3, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
if (Math.Abs(num4 - num) > Mathf.Abs(num3 - num2) / 1000f)
object newVal = Convert.ChangeType(num4, setting.SettingType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (setting.ShowRangeAsPercent.GetValueOrDefault())
DrawCenteredLabel(Mathf.Round(100f * Mathf.Abs(num4 - num2) / Mathf.Abs(num3 - num2)) + "%", GUILayout.Width(50f));
string text = obj.ToString().AppendZeroIfFloat(setting.SettingType);
string text2 = GUILayout.TextField(text, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.Width(50f) });
if (!(text2 != text))
float num5 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(text2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
float num6 = Mathf.Clamp(num5, num2, num3);
setting.Set(Convert.ChangeType(num6, setting.SettingType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
catch (FormatException)
private void DrawUnknownField(SettingEntryBase setting, int rightColumnWidth)
if (setting.ObjToStr != null && setting.StrToObj != null)
string text = setting.ObjToStr(setting.Get()).AppendZeroIfFloat(setting.SettingType);
string text2 = GUILayout.TextField(text, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[2]
if (text2 != text)
object obj = setting.Get();
string text3 = ((obj == null) ? "NULL" : obj.ToString().AppendZeroIfFloat(setting.SettingType));
if (CanCovert(text3, setting.SettingType))
string text4 = GUILayout.TextField(text3, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[2]
if (text4 != text3)
setting.Set(Convert.ChangeType(text4, setting.SettingType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
GUILayout.TextArea(text3, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.MaxWidth((float)rightColumnWidth) });
private bool CanCovert(string value, Type type)
if (_canCovertCache.ContainsKey(type))
return _canCovertCache[type];
object obj = Convert.ChangeType(value, type);
_canCovertCache[type] = true;
return true;
_canCovertCache[type] = false;
return false;
private static void DrawKeyCode(SettingEntryBase setting)
//IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_010e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0127: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet == setting)
GUILayout.Label("Press any key", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
GUIUtility.keyboardControl = -1;
IInputSystem current = UnityInput.Current;
if (_keysToCheck == null)
_keysToCheck = current.SupportedKeyCodes.Except((IEnumerable<KeyCode>)(object)new KeyCode[2]
foreach (KeyCode item in _keysToCheck)
if (current.GetKeyUp(item))
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = null;
if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = null;
object[] acceptableValues = setting.AcceptableValues;
Array list = ((acceptableValues != null && acceptableValues.Length > 1) ? setting.AcceptableValues : Enum.GetValues(setting.SettingType));
Rect settingWindowRect = _instance.SettingWindowRect;
DrawComboboxField(setting, list, ((Rect)(ref settingWindowRect)).yMax);
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Set...", (Texture)null, "Set the key by pressing any key on your keyboard."), (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = setting;
private static void DrawKeyboardShortcut(SettingEntryBase setting)
//IL_0125: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet == setting)
GUILayout.Label("Press any key combination", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
GUIUtility.keyboardControl = -1;
IInputSystem current = UnityInput.Current;
if (_keysToCheck == null)
_keysToCheck = current.SupportedKeyCodes.Except((IEnumerable<KeyCode>)(object)new KeyCode[2]
foreach (KeyCode item in _keysToCheck)
if (current.GetKeyUp(item))
setting.Set((object)new KeyboardShortcut(item, _keysToCheck.Where((Func<KeyCode, bool>)current.GetKey).ToArray()));
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = null;
if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = null;
if (GUILayout.Button(setting.Get().ToString(), (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) }))
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = setting;
if (GUILayout.Button("Clear", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }))
_currentKeyboardShortcutToSet = null;
private static void DrawVector2(SettingEntryBase obj)
//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Vector2 val = (Vector2)obj.Get();
Vector2 val2 = val;
val.x = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.x, "X");
val.y = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.y, "Y");
if (val != val2)
private static void DrawVector3(SettingEntryBase obj)
//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Vector3 val = (Vector3)obj.Get();
Vector3 val2 = val;
val.x = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.x, "X");
val.y = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.y, "Y");
val.z = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.z, "Z");
if (val != val2)
private static void DrawVector4(SettingEntryBase obj)
//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Vector4 val = (Vector4)obj.Get();
Vector4 val2 = val;
val.x = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.x, "X");
val.y = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.y, "Y");
val.z = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.z, "Z");
val.w = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.w, "W");
if (val != val2)
private static void DrawQuaternion(SettingEntryBase obj)
//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Quaternion val = (Quaternion)obj.Get();
Quaternion val2 = val;
val.x = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.x, "X");
val.y = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.y, "Y");
val.z = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.z, "Z");
val.w = DrawSingleVectorSlider(val.w, "W");
if (val != val2)
private static float DrawSingleVectorSlider(float setting, string label)
GUILayout.Label(label, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
float.TryParse(GUILayout.TextField(setting.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) }), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result);
return result;
private static void DrawColor(SettingEntryBase obj)
//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_002d: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_01d1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0215: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0259: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_029d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_02d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_02d2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_02df: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_02ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_02f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_02f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0120: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0122: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Color val = (Color)obj.Get();
GUI.changed = false;
if (!_colorCache.TryGetValue(obj, out var value))
Texture2D tex2 = new Texture2D(100, 20, (TextureFormat)5, false);
value = new ColorCacheEntry
Tex = tex2,
Last = val
FillTex(val, tex2);
_colorCache[obj] = value;
GUILayout.BeginVertical((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUILayout.Label((Texture)(object)value.Tex, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
string text = (_drawColorHex ? ("#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(val)) : $"{val.r:F2} {val.g:F2} {val.b:F2} {val.a:F2}");
string text2 = GUILayout.TextField(text, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
if (GUI.changed && text != text2)
if (_drawColorHex)
Color val2 = default(Color);
if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(text2, ref val2))
val = val2;
string[] array = text2.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
if (array.Length == 4 && float.TryParse(array[0], out var result) && float.TryParse(array[1], out var result2) && float.TryParse(array[2], out var result3) && float.TryParse(array[3], out var result4))
((Color)(ref val))..ctor(result, result2, result3, result4);
_drawColorHex = GUILayout.Toggle(_drawColorHex, "Hex", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[0]);
GUILayout.Label("R", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
val.r = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(val.r, 0f, 1f, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
GUILayout.Label("G", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
val.g = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(val.g, 0f, 1f, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
GUILayout.Label("B", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
val.b = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(val.b, 0f, 1f, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
GUILayout.Label("A", (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) });
val.a = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(val.a, 0f, 1f, (GUILayoutOption[])(object)new GUILayoutOption[1] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) });
if (val != value.Last)
FillTex(val, value.Tex);
value.Last = val;
static void FillTex(Color color, Texture2D tex)
//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (color.a < 1f)
public sealed class ValueChangedEventArgs<TValue> : EventArgs
public TValue NewValue { get; }
public ValueChangedEventArgs(TValue newValue)
NewValue = newValue;
internal static class Constants
public const string Version = "18.4";
public const string Name = "BepInEx.ConfigurationManager";
public const string Description = "Universal in-game configuration manager for BepInEx plugins";
public const string Website = "";
public const string Copyright = "Copyright © 2019 / LGPL-3.0";
namespace ConfigurationManager.Utilities
internal class ComboBox
private static bool forceToUnShow;
private static int useControlID = -1;
private readonly string buttonStyle;
private bool isClickedComboButton;
private readonly GUIContent[] listContent;
private readonly GUIStyle listStyle;
private readonly int _windowYmax;
private Vector2 _scrollPosition =;
public Rect Rect { get; set; }
public GUIContent ButtonContent { get; set; }
public static Action CurrentDropdownDrawer { get; set; }
public ComboBox(Rect rect, GUIContent buttonContent, GUIContent[] listContent, GUIStyle listStyle, float windowYmax)
//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Rect = rect;
ButtonContent = buttonContent;
this.listContent = listContent;
buttonStyle = "button";
this.listStyle = listStyle;
_windowYmax = (int)windowYmax;
public void Show(Action<int> onItemSelected)
//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0043: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
//IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_010f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0114: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0121: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0126: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0161: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0168: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_016f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0174: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0190: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0197: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_019e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_01a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_01f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_01f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0204: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0205: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (forceToUnShow)
forceToUnShow = false;
isClickedComboButton = false;
bool flag = false;
int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID((FocusType)2);
Vector2 val =;
if ((int)Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlID) == 1 && isClickedComboButton)
flag = true;
val = Event.current.mousePosition;
if (GUI.Button(Rect, ButtonContent, GUIStyle.op_Implicit(buttonStyle)))
if (useControlID == -1)
useControlID = controlID;
isClickedComboButton = false;
if (useControlID != controlID)
forceToUnShow = true;
useControlID = controlID;
isClickedComboButton = true;
if (isClickedComboButton)
GUI.enabled = false;
GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 2f);
Rect rect = Rect;
float x = ((Rect)(ref rect)).x;
rect = Rect;
Vector2 location = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(x, ((Rect)(ref rect)).y + listStyle.CalcHeight(listContent[0], 1f)));
rect = Rect;
Vector2 val2 = default(Vector2);
((Vector2)(ref val2))..ctor(((Rect)(ref rect)).width, listStyle.CalcHeight(listContent[0], 1f) * (float)listContent.Length);
Rect innerRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, val2.x, val2.y);
Rect outerRectScreen = new Rect(location.x, location.y, val2.x, val2.y);
if (((Rect)(ref outerRectScreen)).yMax > (float)_windowYmax)
((Rect)(ref outerRectScreen)).height = (float)_windowYmax - ((Rect)(ref outerRectScreen)).y;
ref Rect reference = ref outerRectScreen;
((Rect)(ref reference)).width = ((Rect)(ref reference)).width + 20f;
if (val != && ((Rect)(ref outerRectScreen)).Contains(GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(val)))
flag = false;
CurrentDropdownDrawer = delegate
//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
GUI.enabled = true;
Vector2 val3 = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(location);
Rect val4 = default(Rect);
((Rect)(ref val4))..ctor(val3.x, val3.y, ((Rect)(ref outerRectScreen)).width, ((Rect)(ref outerRectScreen)).height);
_scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(val4, _scrollPosition, innerRect, false, false);
int num = GUI.SelectionGrid(innerRect, -1, listContent, 1, listStyle);
if (num != -1)
isClickedComboButton = false;
if (flag)
isClickedComboButton = false;
internal static class ImguiUtils
private static Texture2D _tooltipBg;
private static Texture2D _windowBackground;
public static void DrawWindowBackground(Rect position)
//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0064: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0069: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_windowBackground))
Texture2D val = new Texture2D(1, 1, (TextureFormat)5, false);
val.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f));
_windowBackground = val;
GUI.Box(position, GUIContent.none, new GUIStyle
normal = new GUIStyleState
background = _windowBackground
public static void DrawContolBackground(Rect position, Color color = default(Color))
//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0050: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0055: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_tooltipBg))
Texture2D val = new Texture2D(1, 1, (TextureFormat)5, false);
val.SetPixel(0, 0,;
_tooltipBg = val;
GUI.Box(position, GUIContent.none, new GUIStyle
normal = new GUIStyleState
background = _tooltipBg
internal static class Utils
public static string ToProperCase(this string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return string.Empty;
if (str.Length < 2)
return str;
string text = str.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
for (int i = 1; i < str.Length; i++)
if (char.IsUpper(str[i]))
text += " ";
text += str[i];
return text;
public static string AppendZero(this string s)
if (s.Contains("."))
return s;
return s + ".0";
public static string AppendZeroIfFloat(this string s, Type type)
if ((object)type != typeof(float) && (object)type != typeof(double) && (object)type != typeof(decimal))
return s;
return s.AppendZero();
public static void FillTexture(this Texture2D tex, Color color)
//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
if (color.a < 1f)
for (int i = 0; i < ((Texture)tex).width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ((Texture)tex).height; j++)
Color pixel = tex.GetPixel(i, j);
Color val = Color.Lerp(pixel, color, color.a);
val.a = Mathf.Max(pixel.a, color.a);
tex.SetPixel(i, j, val);
for (int k = 0; k < ((Texture)tex).width; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < ((Texture)tex).height; l++)
tex.SetPixel(k, l, color);
public static void FillTextureCheckerboard(this Texture2D tex)
//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
for (int i = 0; i < ((Texture)tex).width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ((Texture)tex).height; j++)
tex.SetPixel(i, j, ((i / 10 + j / 10) % 2 == 1) ? : Color.white);
public static void OpenLog()
List<string> list = new List<string>();
string text = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "..");
list.Add(Path.Combine(text, "output_log.txt"));
list.Add(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "output_log.txt"));
PropertyInfo property = typeof(Application).GetProperty("consoleLogPath", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
if ((object)property != null)
string item = property.GetValue(null, null) as string;
if (Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath))
string item2 = Directory.GetFiles(Application.persistentDataPath, "output_log.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories).FirstOrDefault();
string path2 = list.Where(File.Exists).OrderByDescending(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc).FirstOrDefault();
if (!TryOpen(path2))
list.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(text, "LogOutput.log*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
list.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(text, "output_log.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
path2 = list.Where(File.Exists).OrderByDescending(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc).FirstOrDefault();
if (!TryOpen(path2))
throw new FileNotFoundException("No log files were found");
static bool TryOpen(string path)
if (path == null)
return false;
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(path)
UseShellExecute = true
return true;
return false;
public static string GetWebsite(BaseUnityPlugin bepInPlugin)
if ((Object)(object)bepInPlugin == (Object)null)
return null;
string location = bepInPlugin.Info.Location;
if (!File.Exists(location))
return null;
FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(location);
return new string[5] { versionInfo.CompanyName, versionInfo.FileDescription, versionInfo.Comments, versionInfo.LegalCopyright, versionInfo.LegalTrademarks }.FirstOrDefault((string x) => Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(x, UriKind.Absolute));
catch (Exception ex)
ManualLogSource logger = ConfigurationManager.Logger;
PluginInfo info = bepInPlugin.Info;
object obj;
if (info == null)
obj = null;
BepInPlugin metadata = info.Metadata;
obj = ((metadata != null) ? metadata.Name : null);
logger.LogWarning((object)("Failed to get URI for " + (string?)obj + " - " + ex.Message));
return null;
public static void OpenWebsite(string url)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
throw new Exception("Empty URL");
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(url)
UseShellExecute = true
catch (Exception ex)
ConfigurationManager.Logger.Log((LogLevel)12, (object)("Failed to open URL " + url + "\nCause: " + ex.Message));
public static GUIStyle CreateCopy(this GUIStyle original)
//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0007: Expected O, but got Unknown
return new GUIStyle(original);