About the YAML

Updated 2 years ago

Please note: It's highly recommended that you edit the YAML file with a proper text editor. VSCode or Notepad++ are good choices. Notepad is not a good choice. If you use Notepad, you are making things harder on yourself. You can collapse the YAML elements in things like Notepad++ or VSCode to make it easier to read. You can also use a YAML validator to make sure your YAML is valid. This one works YAML Lint.

The YAML file (Azumatt.RapidLoadouts_ItemSets.yml) that is created by the mod allows for configuration of ItemSets. The entries specify ItemSets (in game items, skills, effects) that can be obtained in the game for a specific price.

Each ItemSet is represented by a YAML entry. The entry contains information about the items, skills, or effects that will be given to the player upon purchase, along with their respective properties such as quantity, quality, and price.

General Structure of the YAML

  • name: This is the name of the ItemSet that will appear in-game. Make sure this is unique.

  • items: This is a list of items included in the ItemSet. Each item has several properties:

    • item: The prefab name of the item.
    • quality: The quality level of the item.
    • stack: The quantity of this item in the ItemSet.
    • use: If true, the item will be automatically used (consumed/used/equipped) upon purchase.
    • hotbarSlot: The position in the player's hotbar where the item will be placed. If multiple items have the same slot, they will be added in the order they appear while swapping each other out in the hotbar. The last item added will be the one that wins the slot.
  • skills: This is a list of skills included in the ItemSet. Each skill has several properties: Note: This is not implemented for custom skills yet

    • skill: The name of the skill.
    • level: The level of the skill that the player will receive.
  • setEffect: This is a status effect that will be applied to the player upon purchase. It uses the setEffectAsGP setting to determine how to apply this effect. If the setting isn't found, it applies it to the player directly by default.

  • setEffectAsGP: If true, the effect in setEffect will be applied as the player's Guardian Power. If false, the effect will be applied to the player directly. Be careful doing this, some can't be removed easily (like needing to die/logout/quit game)

  • dropCurrent: If true, the player will drop their current items upon purchase. They will go into a tombstone.

  • price: The cost of the ItemSet in-game.

  • costPrefab: This specifies an item that will be used as an alternative form of payment. If present, the ItemSet can be bought with the specified item instead of the default currency found in the configuration file ( Section: 1 - General Configuration: ItemSetCostPrefab).


The file contains several preconfigured ItemSets such as:

  1. "Give Hammer" – gives a hammer of quality 3, for the price of 10 Fine Wood.

  2. "AzuMage" – provides a set of armor, a staff, and food items, sets all skills to level 100, and costs 60 Etir. It also drops the player's current items.

  3. "Potion Pack" – includes minor and medium health meads, costing 50 of the default currency.

  4. "Testing Pack" – grants a bronze sword and sets the skill levels of 'Swords' to 16 and 'Run' to 100, for the cost of 100 Bronze.

  5. Several ItemSets provide status effects such as "Status Effect Test", "Goblin Shaman Shield", "Rested Buff level 1", and "Corpse Run Buff", with varying costs.

  6. There are also ItemSets that boost the player's skill levels: "+10 To Skills", "+20 To Skills", and "Max Out Skills". Each ItemSet boosts all skills by a certain amount and has its own cost.

Remember to edit the file carefully as incorrect or missing data could result in unexpected behavior or crashes in the game. Save a backup copy before making any changes.