Updated 2 years ago

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What does this mod do? A: This mod adds ItemSets to the player's inventory, which are pre-configured sets that can be purchased in the game.

Q: How configurable is the mod? A: The mod is highly configurable, allowing you to customize the ItemSets according to your preferences.

Q: Does the mod check for compatibility between the server and clients? A: Yes, the mod performs version checks with itself. If it is installed on the server, clients without the mod will be kicked.

Q: How does the mod handle configuration synchronization? A: The mod uses ServerSync to sync all configurations to clients if it is installed on the server and all clients.

Q: What happens if the configuration file is changed directly on the server? A: The mod uses a file watcher and will sync the changes to all clients upon file save, even if the configuration was not changed using the BepInEx Configuration manager.

Q: How can I install this mod manually? A: You can manually install the mod by downloading the latest release of BepInEx and extracting its contents to the game's root folder. Then, download the latest release of RapidLoadouts from Thunderstore.io and extract its contents to the BepInEx/plugins folder. Launch the game to complete the installation.

Q: Is there an alternative method to install the mod? A: Yes, you can use r2modman or Thunderstore Mod Manager for installation. Install either of these mod managers and search for "RapidLoadouts" under the Online tab. Click the Download button to install the mod.

Q: Can I customize the ItemSets? A: Yes, the mod provides a YAML file (Azumatt.RapidLoadouts_ItemSets.yml) that allows for easy customization of ItemSets. You can edit the file with a text editor like VSCode or Notepad++ to modify the items, skills, effects, and prices of the ItemSets.

Q: Are there any default ItemSets included in the mod? A: Yes, the mod comes with several pre-configured ItemSets that you can use as examples or modify according to your needs. The default YAML file contains ItemSets such as "Give Hammer," "AzuMage," "Potion Pack," and more.

Q: Can I drag the button or the ItemSets window? A: Yes, The ItemSets button and window are both draggable. You can move them around the screen to your liking. The window/button will remember their positions between sessions. CTRL + RightClick to drag.

Q: Why are the icons for the ItemSets changing? A: The icons are dynamically created based on the first item in your items list. Otherwise, they default to the YagluthDrop icon.

Q: Can I contact the author of the mod for support or questions? A: Yes, you can reach out to the mod author, Azumatt, on Discord using the username Azumatt#2625. You can also find the author on Steam using the profile link provided in the mod description (bottom of page).

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!