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Balrond-balrond_amazing_nature-0.5.5 icon

balrond amazing nature

An total overhaul adding over 400 new objects + changes to all vanilla objects

Date uploaded 4 days ago
Version 0.5.5
Download link
Downloads 456
Dependency string Balrond-balrond_amazing_nature-0.5.5


Documentation - Amazing nature


This mod offers an overhaul to current vanilla game massive amount of new content as well as a lot of changes to existing content. Changing vanilla recipes and build pieces along side other already well known vanilla mechanics ex Scrap no longer is melted in Smelter/Furnace. Mod was designed to rediscover Valheim again, increase the play thru and expand on existing content to enrich the game rather then rework it into something different. List of changes is very long and was made simple. All objects with suffix "_bal" comes from this or other of my mods.

Main Content Features

  • translations ( found in config folder in folder with <Mod Name>-translation
  • integration with Upgrade World, Expand World, WackyDB, other mods
  • new crafting table remapping all existing recipes
  • over 150 new items
  • over 150 new vegetation
  • over 40 new build pieces
  • over 100 new clutter grass
  • over 10 new plantables
  • Changes on most vanilla objects


This mod does not offer any configs. This mod is still in it Beta phase a lot of changes are subject of discussion and may change in future. Not all items have full implementation. Usage of some of items come with additional mod extensions like:

  • Balrond Constructions
  • Balrond Furniture Reborn

Feedback is welcome.


  • New Trees Yaw, Cypress , Poplar , Willow , Maple, Elder Tree , Crystalized Tree , "Wet Tree"
  • New Wood Types Soft Wood , Hard Wood , Ember Wood , Crystalized Wood
  • Hard Wood is implemented un usage in both new and vanilla items alongside Sawmill
  • Softwood currently is not implemented other then in Sawmill
  • Oak and Yaw drop Hardwood require IRON AXE to cut down
  • Yggdrasill Trees and some of new trees may drop Soft wood
  • Maple can be only planted from seeds it wont show up on it own
  • Multiple trees got new saplings Ex Swamp Tree and Plains Birch tree
  • Wet Tree require iron axe to be cut down
  • Crystalized Tree and Ashwood require Blackmetal or better axe
  • Requried tool tier on Ore was increase with addition of Flint Pickaxe
  • Flint pickaxe can destroy only stone and copper (NOT TIN) and has low durability
  • New ore deposits Nickel, Cobalt, Gold , Coal , Ifrytium , Borax , Darkiron , Blackmetal
  • New metal Alloys Brass, Ferroboron , Ferrocerium , Whitemetal, Amethysteel , Darksteel, Electrum,
  • Raw wood build set is your early game build set now, vnailla wood pieces now require Construction Bench
  • New Table Construction bench was added as in between of Workbench and Forge
  • New table Ironworks was added as in between of Forge and Blackforge
  • New table Runeforge was added for planned end game items
  • All wood pieces require wooden nails that are made on Construction Bench
  • Recipes where moved around from vanilla tables to new tables.
  • Changed weight and stack size of most vanilla items(decreased weight increase max stack)
  • Changed portal cost
  • Changed build pieces cost for vanilla pieces to include new resources
  • Changed recipe cost for vanilla items to include new resources
  • Changed monster loot tables to include new resources
  • Changed some drop rates of vanilla items from monsters
  • Changes in vanilla locations spawning rates
  • Changes in vanilla vegetation spawning
  • Deep north is populated with new and existing vegetation + a lot of vanilla locations
  • Changed drop tables for most vanilla vegetation adding new items and changing drop rates
  • Added new items to Haldor gated behind boss kills
  • Added new items to Treasure chests loot tables
  • Changed dungeon size and ability to spawn in different biomes
  • Changed draugr village and goblin camp spawn rules they can now spawn in more biomes but with minimal distance required
  • New station Sawmill for converting wood
  • New station Tannery for converting hides
  • Changed cost/time/capacity on each conversion station (Smelter/Furnace/SapCollector/ etc
  • SapCollector requires more space but Yggdrasill roots no longer dry from collecting Sap
  • Only ore can be smelted in Smelter/Furnace
  • Scrap metal is now smelted on workstations Forge/Ironworks/Artisan/Blackforge NOT IN SMELTER/FURNACE
  • Furnace accepts all ORE now
  • Crypt Key is now a consumable item that opens 1 crypt but can be now dropped by Draugr Elite as well
  • Drop rates in Sunken crypts increased mostly on treasure chest value of objects
  • Increased time before submerge on both Leviathan and Flametal deposit
  • Surtlings are moved to Ashlands and made harder
  • new spawners for surtlings added "Meteorite"
  • New item you can make in Windmill "Coal powder" used to create Mold for Ceramic Plate
  • Ceramic Plate is made out of Mold you put in Kiln
  • Carved Deer Skull is a craftable item to summon Eikthyr
  • Changed items for summoning Eikthyr to CarvedDeerSkull_bal x3
  • Changed items for summoning SeekerQueen to SeekerBrain_bal x5
  • All Boss summon items cant be teleported
  • Standardize cost of banner using new item DyeKit_bal instead of guck/coal/berries/etc


Where do i find configs

There are no configs. There will be none. The mod is intendent to be played the way it is. If you want changes there are tools like WackyDB and Expand World that can edit most of stuff in the mod. If changes you require are beyond that then this mod might not be for your taste.

Does mod have server sync?

This mode does not require server sync to work at all. There is nothing to sync as there is no configs.

Are translations synced ?

Translation files are not sync they are only for local player usage.

I see a lot of [ tag_something_something ] !

Its either a bug with missing translations or you did not upload translations to your game. translations found in config folder under BalrondAmazingNature-translation default file is English.json. If you don't have this file . please re-download the mod and move the file to proper location.

How do i add translations?

translations found in config folder under BalrondAmazingNature-translation default file is English.json Copy the default English.json rename it to Language supported by the game ex Polish.json and write your translations ex "tag_thswordsilver_bal_description":"Mój nowy wspaniały opis"

Can i translate other mods with this mod?

Yes you actually can ! If you add the name you see in brackets in game ex [ somename_something ] to the YourLanguage.json as "somename_something": "My translation" it will translate the other mod stuff as well as long as the mod is loaded after BalrondAmazingNature and the mod is present in plugins.

How do I build Construction Bench

Kill Eikthyr use 2x Hard antler alongside other items.

How do I build Ironworks

Kill Bonemass use 1x Soul Core alongside other items.

Can't repair my Troll Armor/ Chitin weapons on Workbench!

Yep you need Construction Bench all workbench items above Leather Armor is now there.

Can't repair my Blackmetal/Silver weapon on Forge!

Yep you need Ironworks all Blackmetal/Silver stuff is now there.

How i build Runeforge

Kill Fader use 1x Fader Drop alongside other items.

My Crypt key is missing!

You probalby didnt but you entered Crypts so it got used up. Go get another one from elder or Draugur Elite.

I don't see wood portal on list?

The slight change in recipe cost now it requires a Ruby.

How do i get coal powder ?

Put Coal in Windmill to crush it down to a powder.

I created extension for Artisan table but i cant craft Ceramic Plate!

You now craft Ceramic Mold using Queen's Drop and then you put the mold in Kiln to get Ceramic Plate.

Smelter dosent accept Iron Scrap or other scrap!

Yes scrap no longer goes to Smelter/Furnace depending on metal you make it on one of tables

  • Copper /Bronze/ Iron scrap on Forge
  • Silver scrap on Ironworks
  • Blackmetal scrap on Artisan
  • Flametal scrap on Blackforge

What is composter for ?

You can throw in trophies or some of food items(puke berries and rotten meat) and get Enriched Soil in return over time for Herb Planter(WIP)

What is Sawmill for?

Its a utility tool for converting 1 wood type into another. THe conversion is downwards so you ex Fine wood into 4 pieces of Wood. It accepts any wood type other then Wood. Require a SawBlade that gets used after certian amount of cuts.

What is Tannery for?

Its a utility tool for converting Leather Scraps into specific leather using special item patchwork Leather. Patchwork leather is converted into 2 of specified Leather ex. PatchworkLox will create 2x LoxPelt. It uses Bronze Nails as fuel.

How can i make SilkReinforcedThread?

You need Raw silk drop from Seekers or first make Raw Silk from Silk Scrap you can get from Webs You put Raw silk into Spinning Wheel.

How can i make Wood Nails?

You can make them in bundles using 1 of wood type specified in recipe.

How can i make Straw Thread?

You can make them by gathering Straw. Straw can be gained form Dry Grass found in wilds or by planting it yourself using seeds.

How do i get Jute Thread?

You can buy i from Haldor after Moder is dead so you can then craft Jute Red or Jute Blue

How do i get Nickel?

A random drop form rocks or find a deposit in Meadows or Moutains.

How do i get Ferroboron?

you need a deposit in Mistlands. Glowing Yellow crystal called Borax and few other materials.

How do i get Apples for Apple Vinegar?

You can buy Apples from Haldor after Elder is dead or you can plant them using seeds that you can get by Crushing Apples or as drop form Black forest

How i cant see FishWraps in cauldron anymore!?

You now need to craft FishWrapsUncooked_bal and put them in Oven.


Update 0.5.2

  • Added FAQ
  • Fixed typos in Description
  • Portal require workbench again not Construction Bench
  • Nickel Deposit should require higher elevation to spawn
  • Translation fixes
  • Composter now accepts items for conversion(list in faq)
  • Minor texture/material/shader fixes
  • Slight changes to ratio spawn of multiple vegetation/location

Update 0.5.3

  • hotfix workbench extension to use workbench
  • added missing icon to composter
  • Nickel deposit size shrunk by 10%

Update 0.5.4

  • hotfix basic bow moved to workbench
  • hotfix straw thread moved to workbench

Update 0.5.5

  • translation file update,
  • added aditional tutorial info with conversion on each station for new items
  • add raw wood halfwall , door , stair
  • fix issue with planting apples
  • fix issue with recipes

Prefab ID


  • "BirdFeed_bal"
  • "WatcherHeart_bal"
  • "FlametalScrap_bal"
  • "CookedCrowMeat_bal"
  • "RawCrowMeat_bal"
  • "CrabLegsCooked_bal"
  • "SharkMeat_bal"
  • "SharkMeatCooked_bal"
  • "CrabLegs_bal"
  • "BatWing_bal"
  • "BatWingCooked_bal"
  • "SerpentEgg_bal"
  • "AppleVinegar_bal"
  • "MincedMeat_bal"
  • "NumbMeal_bal"
  • "Moss_bal"
  • "RawDragonRibs_bal"
  • "RawSteak_bal"
  • "SteakCooked_bal"
  • "SpiceSet_bal"
  • "Milk_bal"
  • "MedPack_bal"
  • "GoatMeatCooked_bal"
  • "GoatMeat_bal"
  • "Cheese_bal"
  • "CookedDragonRibs_bal"
  • "FishWrapsUncooked_bal"
  • "GrilledCheese_bal"
  • "HammerDverger_bal"
  • "HammerIron_bal"
  • "HammerBlackmetal_bal"
  • "BlackMetalCultivator_bal"
  • "BlackMetalHoe_bal"
  • "PatchworkAsk_bal"
  • "PatchworkBoar_bal"
  • "PatchworkDeer_bal"
  • "PatchworkLox_bal"
  • "PatchworkTroll_bal"
  • "PatchworkWolf_bal"
  • "Apple_bal"
  • "AppleSeeds_bal"
  • "RustyBrokenSword_bal"
  • "Blackberries_bal"
  • "IceBerry_bal"
  • "RedKelp_bal"
  • "CursedBone_bal"
  • "CorruptedEitr_bal"
  • "Snowleaf_bal"
  • "Bloodfruit_bal"
  • "Ignicap_bal"
  • "Darkbul_bal"
  • "HardWood_bal"
  • "Straw_bal"
  • "StrawSeeds_bal"
  • "StrawThread_bal"
  • "DyeKit_bal"
  • "BoraxCrystal_bal"
  • "BoarHide_bal"
  • "ClamMeat_bal"
  • "Clay_bal"
  • "ClayBrick_bal"
  • "ClayPot_bal"
  • "NeckSkin_bal"
  • "SeaPearl_bal"
  • "FoxFur_bal"
  • "BearFur_bal"
  • "RawSilk_bal"
  • "SilkReinforcedThread_bal"
  • "SeekerBrain_bal"
  • "EmberWood_bal"
  • "CrystalWood_bal"
  • "IceShard_bal"
  • "Onyx_bal"
  • "Opal_bal"
  • "Emerald_bal"
  • "Cobalt_bal"
  • "CobaltOre_bal"
  • "DarkSteel_bal"
  • "DrakeSkin_bal"
  • "Ferroboron_bal"
  • "Frosteel_bal"
  • "Bloodshard_bal"
  • "BlackMetalOre_bal"
  • "GoldBar_bal"
  • "GoldOre_bal"
  • "MoltenSteel_bal"
  • "BellMetal_bal"
  • "BlackSkin_bal"
  • "Amethyst_bal"
  • "DarkIron_bal"
  • "Sapphire_bal"
  • "SilverScrap_bal"
  • "SpiritShard_bal"
  • "SurtrAmulet_bal"
  • "SoulCore_bal"
  • "Amethysteel_bal"
  • "WhiteMetal_bal"
  • "DeadEgo_bal"
  • "CarvedCarcass_bal"
  • "InfusedCarapace_bal"
  • "ThornHeart_bal"
  • "TormentedSoul_bal"
  • "DragonSoul_bal"
  • "MagmaStone_bal"
  • "NorthernFur_bal"
  • "JotunFinger_bal"
  • "Garlic_bal"
  • "FireGland_bal"
  • "Electrum_bal"
  • "ThunderGland_bal"
  • "Peningar_bal"
  • "Cabbage_bal"
  • "BlackTissue_bal"
  • "AcidSludge_bal"
  • "DrakeMeat_bal"
  • "DrakeMeatCooked_bal"
  • "ForsakenHeart_bal"
  • "GarlicSeeds_bal"
  • "CabbageLeaf_bal"
  • "CabbageSeeds_bal"
  • "StormScale_bal"
  • "SilverPouch_bal"
  • "PickaxeFlametal_bal"
  • "CarvedDeerSkull_bal"
  • "CultInsignia_bal"
  • "FenringMeat_bal"
  • "FenringMeatCooked_bal"
  • "RustedScrap_bal"
  • "JuteThread_bal"
  • "RawSilkScrap_bal"
  • "TrollMeat_bal"
  • "TrollMeatCooked_bal"
  • "MagmaBrokenSword_bal"
  • "FenringInsygnia_bal"
  • "SawBlade_bal"
  • "WoodNails_bal"
  • "SwampTreeSeeds_bal"
  • "WillowSeeds_bal"
  • "CypressSeeds_bal"
  • "MapleSeeds_bal"
  • "PoplarSeeds_bal"
  • "AcaiSeeds_bal"
  • "BlueBasalt_bal"
  • "LimeStone_bal"
  • "CoalPowder_bal"
  • "TarBase_bal"
  • "OilBase_bal"
  • "Oil_bal"
  • "CeramicMold_bal"
  • "EnrichedSoil_bal"
  • "VikingTalisman_bal"
  • "NickelOre_bal"
  • "Nickel_bal"
  • "ArrowBlizzard_bal"
  • "ArrowBone_bal"
  • "ArrowChitin_bal"
  • "ArrowFlametal_bal"
  • "KingMug_bal"
  • "HelmetCrown_bal"
  • "SoftWood_bal"
  • "basaltCliff_bal"
  • "basaltCliff_frac_bal"
  • "iceblock_rock_bal"
  • "iceblock_rock_frac_bal"
  • "web_tunnel_bal"
  • "web_vertical_bal"
  • "web_horizontal_bal"
  • "ClayDeposit_bal"
  • "clamChest_bal"
  • "ChitinDeposit_bal"
  • "MineRock_DarkIron_bal"
  • "MineRock_Blackmetal_bal"
  • "MineRock_MeteoriteNew_bal"
  • "MineRock_IronNew_bal"
  • "MineRock_Cobalt_bal"
  • "MineRock_Borax_bal"
  • "MammothSkull_bal"
  • "DragonSkull_bal"
  • "MammothRibcage_bal"
  • "MammothSpine_bal"
  • "DragonRibcage_bal"
  • "DragonSkull2_bal"
  • "coal_rock1_bal"
  • "coal_rock1_frac_bal"
  • "gold_Rock_bal"
  • "gold_Rock_frac_bal"
  • "AshRock1_bal"
  • "AshRock1_frac_bal"
  • "AshRockPillar_bal"
  • "AshRockPillar_frac_bal"
  • "cliff_deepnorth_bal"
  • "cliff_deepnorth2_bal"
  • "cliff_deepnorth_frac_bal"
  • "cliff_deepnorth2_frac_bal"
  • "rock_ashlands_bal"
  • "rock_ashlands_frac_bal"
  • "RockDolmenAshlands_1_bal"
  • "RockDolmenAshlands_2_bal"
  • "RockDolmenAshlands_3_bal"
  • "IceCliff1_bal"
  • "IceCliff1_frac_bal"
  • "IceCliff2_bal"
  • "IceCliff2_frac_bal"
  • "AncientSkullRock_bal"
  • "RockDolmenSnow_bal"
  • "RockDolmenSnow2_bal"
  • "RockDolmenSnow3_bal"
  • "RockDolmenSnow4_bal"
  • "RockDolmenLava1_bal"
  • "RockDolmenLava2_bal"
  • "RockDolmenLava3_bal"
  • "RockDolmenLava4_bal"
  • "RockDolmenIce1_bal"
  • "RockDolmenIce2_bal"
  • "RockDolmenIce3_bal"
  • "RockDolmenIce4_bal"
  • "caverock_magma_stalagmite_broken_bal"
  • "caverockIce_bal"
  • "bloodshard_deposit_bal"
  • "deposit_jotunfinger_bal"
  • "SurtlingSpawner_bal"
  • "DeathsquitoHive_bal"
  • "DrakeSpawner_bal"
  • "BlackberryBush_bal"
  • "IceberryBush_bal"
  • "WhaleSkull_bal"
  • "WhaleRibs_bal"
  • "WhaleSpine_bal"
  • "Pickable_Mushroom_Darkbul_bal"
  • "Pickable_Kelp_bal"
  • "Pickable_Snowleaf_bal"
  • "Pickable_Ignicap_bal"
  • "Pickable_Bloodvine_bal"
  • "Pickable_TinNew_bal"
  • "Pickable_MeteoriteNew_bal"
  • "Pickable_MagmaStone_bal"
  • "Pickable_Mushroom_blueNew_bal"
  • "Pickable_Clay_bal"
  • "Pickable_Straw_bal"
  • "Pickable_MeadowsMeatPile01_bal"
  • "Pickable_MeadowsMeatPile02_bal"
  • "Pickable_Cabbage_bal"
  • "Pickable_Garlic_bal"
  • "Pickable_SeedGarlic_bal"
  • "Pickable_SeedCabbage_bal"
  • "Pickable_StrawPlant_bal"
  • "IcedTree_bal"
  • "IcedTree_Stub_bal"
  • "ElderTreeStump_bal"
  • "ElderTree_bal"
  • "LinedSwampTreeLarge_bal"
  • "LinedSwampTreeLarge2_bal"
  • "Acai_Dead_bal"
  • "Acai_Dead_Stub_bal"
  • "AcaiTree_New_bal"
  • "AcaiTree_Stub_bal"
  • "Oak2_bal"
  • "Oak_Swamp_bal"
  • "Pickable_AppleTree_bal"
  • "WetTree1_bal"
  • "WetTree2_bal"
  • "WetTree3_bal"
  • "WetTree_Stub_bal"
  • "Willow_bal"
  • "Willow_Stub_bal"
  • "Poplar_bal"
  • "Poplar_Stub_bal"
  • "Oak2_Stub_bal"
  • "YewTree_bal"
  • "YewTree_Stub_bal"
  • "Cypress_bal"
  • "Cypress_Stub_bal"
  • "Maple_Stub_bal"
  • "Maple_bal"
  • "BirchAutStub_bal"
  • "rock_nickel_bal"
  • "rock_nickel_frac_bal"
  • "Pickable_MountainCaveCrystal_bal"
  • "artisan_ext2_bal"
  • "artisan_ext3_bal"
  • "bcopper_ore_pile_bal"
  • "bellmetal_stack_bal"
  • "biron_ore_pile_bal"
  • "blueBasalt_pile_bal"
  • "bmetal_ore_pile_bal"
  • "bmetal_stack_bal"
  • "bronze_stack_bal"
  • "clay_pile_bal"
  • "clay_stack_bal"
  • "cobalt_stack_bal"
  • "composter_bal"
  • "copper_stack_bal"
  • "darkiron_ore_pile_bal"
  • "darksteel_stack_bal"
  • "ferroboron_stack_bal"
  • "flametal_ore_pile_bal"
  • "flametal_stack_bal"
  • "fletcher_ext1_bal"
  • "fletcher_ext2_bal"
  • "fletcher_ext3_bal"
  • "fletcher_ext4_bal"
  • "frosteel_stack_bal"
  • "goldbar_stack_bal"
  • "guck_pile_bal"
  • "heavyworkbench_ext1_bal"
  • "heavyworkbench_ext2_bal"
  • "heavyworkbench_ext3_bal"
  • "heavyworkbench_ext4_bal"
  • "ifrytium_ore_pile_bal"
  • "ifrytium_stack_bal"
  • "ironworks_ext1_bal"
  • "ironworks_ext2_bal"
  • "ironworks_ext3_bal"
  • "ironworks_ext4_bal"
  • "iron_stack_bal"
  • "magetable_ext4_bal"
  • "magetable_ext5_bal"
  • "moltensteel_stack_bal"
  • "ooze_pile_bal"
  • "piece_birdhouse_bal"
  • "piece_chest_raw_wood_bal"
  • "piece_fletcher_bal"
  • "piece_heavy_workbench_bal"
  • "piece_leatherRack_bal"
  • "piece_metalworks_bal"
  • "piece_runeforge_bal"
  • "piece_sawmill_bal"
  • "rawood_bed_bal"
  • "raw_woodwall_2m_bal"
  • "raw_wood_beam_45_bal"
  • "raw_wood_beam_bal"
  • "raw_wood_fence_bal"
  • "raw_wood_floor_bal"
  • "raw_wood_pole_bal"
  • "raw_wood_roof_45d_bal"
  • "raw_wood_roof_45d_corner_bal"
  • "raw_wood_roof_top_bal"
  • "rug_straw_bal"
  • "runeforge_ext1_bal"
  • "runeforge_ext2_bal"
  • "runeforge_ext3_bal"
  • "runeforge_ext4_bal"
  • "silver_ore_pile_bal"
  • "silver_stack_bal"
  • "straw_floor_2x2_bal"
  • "tin_stack_bal"
  • "treasure_pile_peningar_bal"
  • "treasure_stack_peningar_bal"
  • "whitemetal_stack_bal"
  • "wood_ember_stack_bal"
  • "wood_hard_stack_bal"
  • "wood_roof_flat_bal"
  • "nickel_stack_bal"
  • "Acai_log_bal"
  • "IcedTree_log_bal"
  • "ElderTreeLog_bal"
  • "ElderTreeLogHalf_bal"
  • "vfx_MeteoriteDestroyed_bal"
  • "vfx_MeteoriteDestroyed_large_bal"
  • "radiation1_bal"
  • "vfx_wood_ember_stack_destroyed_bal"
  • "Acai_log_half_bal"
  • "Wet_log_bal"
  • "Wet_log_half_bal"
  • "Cypress_log_bal"
  • "Willow_log_bal"
  • "Maple_log_bal"
  • "Oak2_log_bal"
  • "Oak2_log_half_bal"
  • "Poplar_log_bal"
  • "YewTreeLog_bal"
  • "vfx_coin_silver_pile_destroyed"
  • "vfx_coin_silver_stack_destroyed"
  • "bow_projectile_blizzard_bal"
  • "bow_projectile_chitin_bal"
  • "bow_projectile_flametal_bal"
  • "sapling_AppleTree_bal"
  • "sapling_Straw_bal"
  • "sapling_Cabbage_bal"
  • "sapling_garlic_bal"
  • "sapling_seedgarlic_bal"
  • "sapling_CabbageSeed_bal"
  • "sapling_Swamp_bal"
  • "sapling_Willow_bal"
  • "sapling_BirchAtumn_bal"
  • "sapling_Poplar_bal"
  • "sapling_Maple_bal"
  • "sapling_Cypress_bal"
  • "sapling_AcaiTree_bal"