Item Drops
Updated 6 months agoItem drop info
Here are descirbed items with usage inside the Amazing Nature. Multiple items provided by Amazing Nature do not have usage . Usage of those items come from extensions like FurnitureReborn / Constructions / ArsenalReborn(closed beta) / MysticMixtures( closed Alpha)
- Can be bought from Haldor after deafiting Elder for 100g per one
- Can grow from Apple Tree
- Has chance to drop from Greydwarfs, Elder and Eikthyr
- made on workbench from apples a bit fo honey and thistle
- its used by most wooden structures now including Bed and other furniture
- New type of hide that drops from Boards
- used in variouse items both new and vanilla
- New platn that grows in Meadows and Plains
- Used in variouse build pieces
- Can be made into StrawThread_bal
- used to craft variouse items
- Can be made in SpinningWheel or Workbench
- Crafted on workbench from seeds
- Crafted from Wood or Core Wood or Fine Wood at workbench lvl 1
- Obtained from Oak and Yaw trees
- obtained from tree stub and drops form Greydwarfs and Elder
- random drop from Charred
- can be crafted into Flametal ingot in Blackforge
- FishWraps now need to be cooked in owen but first you need to craft the "Raw" version
Pathswork Leather
- Diffrent types of special leather to use in Tannery to obtains 2 pieces of it coresponding Hide/Pelt
- PatchworkAsk_bal crafted at workbench after used on Tannery gives 2 pieces of AskHide
- PatchworkBoar_bal crafted at workbench after used on Tannery gives 2 pieces of BoardHide_bal
- PatchworkDeer_bal crafted at workbench after used on Tannery gives 2 pieces of DeerHide
- PatchworkLox_bal crafted at workbench after used on Tannery gives 2 pieces of LoxPelt
- PatchworkTroll_bal crafted at workbench after used on Tannery gives 2 pieces of TrollHide
- PatchworkWolf_bal crafted at workbench after used on Tannery gives 2 pieces of WolfPelt
- A random drop from monsters can be sold for gold or smelterd into bronze scrap on forge
- Help standardize diffrent type of colors for all the Banner giving you ealry access to them
- Can be found as Deposit in Meadows and Plains
- Can be found as a single "rock" in Black Forest and Swamps
- Can be made into ClayBrick_bal in kiln
- used in variouse build pieces
- used to craft Clay Pot