balrond humanoidRandomizer
Auto creates set of variants for vanilla skeletons, Rancid, Draugr, Dragur Elite, Fueling, Fueling Shaman
Date uploaded | 5 days ago |
Version | 1.3.7 |
Download link | Balrond-balrond_humanoidRandomizer-1.3.7.zip |
Downloads | 506 |
Dependency string | Balrond-balrond_humanoidRandomizer-1.3.7 |
Mod add new variants for vanilla monsters .
What it does is add a set of item sets to vnailla monster + some custom code for them to be randomized way more.
Adding them plenty of wepaons and attacks to chose from. adding new skill to become caster of any magic type.
Note : there are no new prefabs of monsters it basiclly adds all of the date direclty to vanilla prefab
Changes include monsters:
- skeleton
- Rancid remains (poison skeleton)
- Draugr both normal and ranged
- Draugr Elite
- Goblin both normal and ranged
- Goblin shaman
All variant names:
- "Guardian", // mace + shield
- "Archer", //bow
- "Firestarter", //bow fire
- "Sharpshooter", //bow poison
- "Coldblood", //bow frost
- "Soulpiercer", //bow spirit
- "Hunter", // spear + shield
- "Assassin", // 2x knife
- "Brute", // 2x mace
- "Duelist", // 2x sword
- "Berserker", // 2x axe
- "Bonebreaker", //2hmace
- "Swordmaster", //2h sword
- "Executioner", // 2h axe
- "Marauder", // 2 diffrnet 1h weapons (not shield)
- "Warrior", // just 1 one handed weapon knife/sword/mace/axe
- "Scout", // 1h axe + torch
- "Savage", // fist weapons
- "Corsair", // sabers
- "Sailor", // anchor
- "Stabber", // assasin but for goblins
- "Thief", // 1 knife + shield
- "Lightbringer", // 2x torches,
- "Reaper", // spirit 2h axe
- "Frozenhammer", // frost 2h
- "Icecrusher", // dual frost
- "Soulshreder", // dual spirit
- "Blackblade", // 2h sword poison
- "Soulcalibur", // 2h sword spirit
- "Splasher", //2h mace poison
- "Pyromancer", // spell caster fire
- "Cryomancer", // spell caster ice
- "Thundercaller", // spell caster lighting
- "Venomancer", // spell caster poison
- "Cultist", // spell caster spirit
- "Mage", //spell caster all
- "Cleric", // healer + spirit-lighting bolt
- "Reaver" // 2h poison axe
- "Protector", // sword + shield(tower bone shield)
- "Vanguard" , // axe + shield(banded)
- "Defender" , // mace + shield(ShieldIronTower)
- "Sentry", // axe + shield(iron buckler)
- "Warden", // sword + shield(wood)
- "Bruiser", // just 1 one handed weapon mace
- "Solider", // just 1 one handed weapon axe
- "Thug", // just 1 one handed weapon knife
- "Mercenary",// 2 diffrnet 1h weapons (axe mace)(not shield)
- "Fighter",// 2 diffrnet 1h weapons (sword mace)(not shield)
- "Pugilist" // fist weapons (lesser version of Savage variant)
- "Cutthroat" // dual knifes (lesser version of Assasin variant)
Each variant has from 2 to 6 attacks with some exceptions like Casters or Archer/Hunter
Depending on Monster some variants will not show up examples:
- Draugr, Draugur ELite, Goblin , Goblin Shaman can not be assasins
- Goblin shaman can only be of caster type
- Goblin Archer has chance to become a caster
- All goblins can not use 2h weapons
- Draugur Elite is mostly 2h weapon user
- Casters Except Mage have all just 1-2 attack type throw a bolt of something with a small aoe area around it
Restriction on skeleton variants based on biome so more stronger ones wont spawn near player early in the game
To spawn a specyfic variant you can use normal spawn command typing
spawn < MonsterID >Variant< VariantName >
- spawn Skeleton_Variant_Venomancer
- spawn Draugr_Variant_Mage
- spawn Goblin_Variant_Guardian
Other changes:
Updated icon for spirit damage
Changes AI priority on some build pieces
Changes resistance to elements on build pieces based on their material type
Player takes now damage from spirit!
System allows normal monsters have up to 6 stars(they dont spawn by themself you need another tool for that)
New variants will be used in whole world, dungeons, spawners etc.
There is no need for any config just plug and play.
Mod needs to be both on host(server or player) and client if played on dedicated or with friends .
Changes to spawners:
- increased spawn chance on stronger monsters
- max star amount on spawners increased to 4
- stats of spawners changed they are bit more deadly
- spawners now have better drops when destroyed
Planned works:
- add more variants
- more custom attacks for current variants
- new custom status effects
- more control over equiped armor and weapon based on lvl
- add new spawners so game start using mosnter higher then 2 stars more often
- fix issue where there is nearly 0 chance for a 3+ stars to show up naturally
- add more monsters: planned surtling , goblin brute, charred , troll
- new features : pickpocket , monsters gaining experience from kills
Manual install:
just put the dll in your Plugins folder in Bepinex
Removal :
after remove all monsters upon server restart will turn back to standard ones
1.0.1 :
-Fixed the missing vfx problems
-Fixed update UI wtih aditional stars
-Added stars for bosses
-Fixed issue where possible for monster to be able to generate the LevelUp Effects(change color and scale);
-Minor rebalance
1.0.2 :
-Fix issue with Goblin Shaman Randomization
-Temporary disable Goblin Shaman Protect spell
1.0.3 :
- Fix issue with new stars not loading upon relog
- add reworked shield skill for Goblin Shaman(cast all in area) and Guardian Variant(cast self only)
- added new variant Type - Savage
- fix issue with goblin damage multiplier
- minor balance tweaks
- Added prefabs for specyfic variant generation
- changed dbeug log types
- moved generation process (this should help with compatibility issues on Marketplace and Jewelcrafting)
- hotfix on player obtaining monster absorb shield
- bugfixes on relog error and showing more then 2 stars.
- Damage tweak (monsters should feel stronger now Draugr/Goblin)
- small balance tweaks
- changes in generation process in hope that will increase compatibility with other mods
- Hildir's patch bugfixes
- minor code optimizations
- goblin shaman has it damage propelry calculated
- UI fix for monsters above 2 stars and boss with stars
- hotfix - duplicate star UI showing
- hotfix - dedicated server fix for shader loading
- fix issue upon logut-login
- add 3 new variants (Corsair, Sailor, Druid);
- minor bugfixes (ex. attack range on 2h user monster)
- fix multi name issue
- fixed error upon killing a Guardian/Mage/Shaman
- new spells added to casters
- changed rules for Draugr_ranged(less casters)
- fixed Skeleton_NoArcher (he cant be ranged or caster)
- fixed issue with self damage on monsters
- new variants added
- removed passive spirit damage from undead
- added enchanted weapns
- added multiple new archers
- changes to spawners
- changes in weapon damage output
- rebalance
- changed rules for variant spawning. low chance for casters
- bugfix on casting protect shield
- disable debug on goblin armor
- bugfix on cleric heal
- rebalance on Draugr Eliter damage multiplier
- rebalance on 2h weapon attacks
- fix on attack interval
- rebalance on 1h damage and stagger multipliers
- rebalance on stagger amount on 2h with mosnter attack
- small changes to dual weapon attack
- rebalance to spawners
- rebalance on 2h damage decreased by 10%
- rebalance on AoE attack damage decrease by 33%
- rebalance to spawners decrease max Near spawn and range of detection
- fix archery bug when mosnters with Bows did way to much damage
- new variats added:
"Protector", // sword + shield(tower bone shield)
"Vanguard" , // axe + shield(banded)
"Defender" , // mace + shield(ShieldIronTower)
"Sentry", // axe + shield(iron buckler)
"Warden", // sword + shield(wood)
"Bruiser", // just 1 one handed weapon mace
"Solider", // just 1 one handed weapon axe
"Thug", // just 1 one handed weapon knife
"Mercenary",// 2 diffrnet 1h weapons (axe mace)(not shield)
"Fighter",// 2 diffrnet 1h weapons (sword mace)(not shield)
"Pugilist" // fist weapons (lesser version of Savage variant)
"Cutthroat" // dual knifes (lesser version of Assasin variant) - decreased max level of spawners back to vanilla - 2 star
- fix issue with to many variants with 2h weapon showing up
- fix issue with to many variants with enchanted weapons showing up
-chance for Slashed/Pierced/Crushed decreased to 1%
- fixed combat bug,
- added sufix to all attack/visual objects so they wont collide with other mods
- minor tweaks and balance
- temporary disabling random armor generator for goblins ofr problem with Magic Plugin,
- minor tweaks and balance
- fixed issue wth damage scaling on Goblins(now they hit hard)
- addded aditional validation and clear for found compatibility issues
- shader fix
- temporary disabled bleeding/pierced/crushed statuses
- removed custom names for monsters so translation will work without issue
- monsterName_variant_variantName those still have their custom names
- shader fix
if you have any troubles with mods or error please send me a description of when and how it happen and if possible a log file with the error. This wya i be able to fix errors and make adaptations for other mods.
- fixed issue with Mage variant visual
- fixed issue with Fire Cluter visual for Pyromancer
- Lowered the numbers on Spawners(Skeleton and Draugr spawner will spawn less)
- Draugr spawner added low chance for a Wraith to spawn
- minor bugfixes
- restriction on skeleton variant spawn based on biomes
- fix conflict with ZenTargeting
Happy hunting great Viking. Let me hear the stories of challanging this mod on the discord . Link below. Feedback is welcome.
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