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Date uploaded 3 months ago
Version 1.10.0
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Downloads 17652
Dependency string ComfyMods-Gizmo-1.10.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202



Comfy version of Gizmo.

  • Configurable modifier hot-keys for:
    • X-axis rotation (default: hold LeftShift)
    • Z-axis rotation (default: hold LeftAlt)
    • Reset selected axis rotation (default: V)
    • Reset ALL axis rotations (disabled by default)
  • Can disable the Gizmo placement visual.
  • Can set the snap angles per 180 degrees from 2 - 256.
  • Original Euler-style rotation.

Rotation Modes

Local Frame Mode

  • Allows rotation around the piece's local Y axis rather than the world Y axis.
  • If roof mode was enabled, it is disabled when local frame mode is enabled.

Old Rotation Mode

  • Uses rotation scheme from ComfyGizmo v1.2.0-v1.4.0. Differs from default by behavior when rotating around multiple axes.

Roof Mode

  • Allows rotations for the 8 corner-roof pieces with the x-z axes shifted 45 degrees about Y.
  • Rotations align with the beam of the roof to sync with inclined flat roof pieces.
  • Will be disabled on enabling Local Frame mode.
  • Is only active when one of the 8 corner-roof pieces are selected.
    • Can remain enabled unless a player wishes to rotate a corner roof piece along its tradtional x or z axes.



  1. Unzip ComfyGizmo.dll to your /valheim/BepInEx/plugins/ folder

Thunderstore (manual)

  1. Disable or uninstall any installed ComfyGizmo_v1.8.0 or earlier.
  2. Go to Settings > Import local mod > select
  3. Click "OK/Import local mod" on the pop-up for information.





  • Fixed a NRE with prefab shaders in certain cases where ComfyGizmo is not installed alongside Jotunn.


  • Bumped up <LangVersion> to C# 12.
  • Code clean-up and refactoring.
  • Created new AssetUtils and added logic to replace Gizmo prefab shaders at runtime.


  • Fixed bug where manually entering in snap division changes did not respect reset rotation configuration value.


  • Fixed bug where rotations occurred with build panel open.
  • Added


  • Added Roof Mode to rotation corner roof pieces in sync with other roof pieces.
    • Rotations occur with the x-z plane rotated +45 degrees.
  • Icon, plugin GUID, and dependencies update.


  • Fixed method signature change in patch 0.217.14.


  • Updated piece cache to name + description to disambiguate between vertical and horizontal item stands


  • Added additional null checks for SearsCatalog compatibility checks.


  • Added null check.


  • Added compatibility support for SearsCatalog.


  • Added feature to copy target piece for placing. Default keybind 'P'.


  • Moved patches to their own files
  • Added color configuration values for each gizmo (x, y, and z) updating on change.


  • Added toggle to allow for v1.2.0 rotation scheme versus v1.3.0 rotation scheme. Restart required on enabling/disabling
  • Fixed issue with gizmo visual axes not rotating correctly.


  • Added hotkeys for halving and doubling snap divisions. PageUp and PageDown by default.
  • Added toggle for resetting piece rotation on snap division change. Enabled by default.
  • Added feature to copy target piece's rotation.
  • Added alternate rotation method for using local frame coordinates.
  • Added configuration option to rotate using local frame coordinates.
  • Hot key added to toggle between default and local frame rotation modes. Default set to back quote.
  • Added toggle to reset piece orientation which changing between rotation frames. Enabled by default.


  • Create a new GameObject ComfyGizmo to maintain the current Quaternion rotation state.
  • Re-ordered the mapping/assignment of original Gizmo's prefab XYZ roots/transforms per request by Jere.
  • Increased the snap-angles maximum from 128 to 256.
  • Moved plugin configuration logic into its own class PluginConfig.
  • Renamed the author field in manifest.json to ComfyMods.


  • Try to add compatability with other mods that also transpile UpdatePlacementGhost.


  • Added configuration option for a 'reset all rotations' hot-key (default to un-set).
  • Cleaned-up the UpdatePlacementGhost transpiler.


  • Modified GizmoRoot instantiate to trigger on Game.Start().


  • Turn SnapDivisions into a slider.
  • Moved Resources.GetResources() into the main plugin file.


  • Rewrite of Gizmo for Comfy-specific use.
  • Supprot re-binding of modifier keys and simplify code to one file.