2 - Pieces

Updated 5 months ago
1x WaterFall that makes you wet but no dmg.
1x WaterFall Alt that makes you wet but no dmg.
1x FrostFall that slows you down and does 4 Frost dmg per tick.
1x FireFall that puts you on fire and does 4 Fire dmg per tick.
1x PoisonFall that poisons you and does 4 Poison dmg per tick.
1x LightningFall that electrocutes and does 4 Lightning dmg per tick.
1x WaterGeyser that makes you wet but no dmg.
1x FrostGeyser that slows you down and does 4 Frost dmg per tick.
1x FireGeyser that puts you on fire and does 4 Fire dmg per tick.
1x PoisonGeyser that poisons you and does 4 Poison dmg per tick.
1x LightningGeyser that electrocutes and does 4 Lightning dmg per tick.
1x WaterPuddle that makes you wet but no dmg.
1x FrostPuddle that slows you down and does 4 Frost dmg per tick.
1x FirePuddle that puts you on fire and does 4 Fire dmg per tick.
1x PoisonPuddle that poisons you and does 4 Poison dmg per tick.
1x LightningPuddle that electrocutes and does 4 Lightning dmg per tick.
1x WaterSludge that makes you wet but no dmg.
1x FrostSludge that slows you down and does 4 Frost dmg per tick.
1x FireSludge that puts you on fire and does 4 Fire dmg per tick.
1x PoisonSludge that poisons you and does 4 Poison dmg per tick.
1x LightningSludge that electrocutes and does 4 Lightning dmg per tick.
1x WaterRiver that makes you wet but no dmg.
1x LavaRiver that puts you on fire and does 20 Fire dmg per tick.