2 - Creatures

Updated 6 months ago
1x Fire Wisp that does 10 Fire dmg per hit
1x Water Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Frost Wisp that does 10 Frost dmg per hit
1x Shock Wisp that does 10 Lightning dmg per hit
1x Nature Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Wind Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Arcane Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Fairy Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Hole Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Light Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Universe Wisp that does 10 Basic dmg per hit
1x Mist Wisp that does 10 Poison dmg per hit
1x Dark Wisp that does 10 Blunt dmg per hit
1x Crimson Wisp that does 10 Slash dmg per hit
1x Void Wisp that does 10 Pierce dmg per hit