6 - Changelog

Updated 4 months ago
1.1.1 • Updated ReadMe to link directly to the mods own page on my website.
1.1.0 • Updated for Bog Witch.
1.0.9 • Bosses can now be captured.
        Disabled by default so you will have to enable it in the config.
1.0.8 • Mobs now drop souls again.
1.0.7 • Captured creatures no longer drop any loot when dying or killed by owner.
1.0.6 • Added config for HP Threshold and Capture Chance for each ball.
1.0.5 • Fixed a typo that made Epic Ball show up twice.
1.0.4 • Added particle effects to all balls and projectile so they stand out more.
1.0.3 • Fixed an issue that broke MistlandsMonsters AI.
1.0.2 • Fixed a typo for the uncommon soul drop, regenerate the config.
1.0.1 • Crunched assets.
1.0.0 • Release.