1 - About
Updated 4 months agoMajestic Chickens
- Find wild chickens roaming around in the Meadows, tame them with "mc_seed, CarrotSeeds, OnionSeeds, TurnipSeeds, Blueberries, Raspberry, Dandelion"
- Only same colored chickens can breed.
- Once chickens are done breeding they will lay a fertilized egg which will need to be near fire and sheltered in order to hatch in to a chick, you will see the egg say "too cold -> warm"
- Chickens will not pass down stars when breeding due to procreation process is by eggs, sorry.
- During specific weather there is a rare chance you will come across a Cosmic Chicken, these chickens require a specific type of seed to tame.
- They can breed but will hatch in to CosmicNecks
- You can craft hats and place them on your chickens as cosmetics
- They are infinite use and will not be consumed once placed on chickens
- Craft a variety of different foods that currently goes up to Plains so chickens are viable for your entire playthrough.
- Craft Elemental Egg bombs to throw at your enemies.
- Build HenHuts to help you produce Raw Eggs
- They act the same way as BeeHives.
- Build Chicken Coops to place your fertilized eggs in to hatch your eggs
- The coop acts as a shelter and warmth