6 - Changelog

Updated 4 months ago
1.0.8 • Updated ReadMe to link directly to the mods own page on my website.
1.0.7 • Updated PieceManager.
1.0.6 • Updated PieceManager.
1.0.5 • Updated for Bog Witch.
1.0.4 • Rebalanced almost all values so make sure you delete your current config.
        This means you now only need to drink 4 small water, 3 normal, 2 big and 1 large to get the thirst bar full.
        It also means that all other types of water will remove a big chunk of thirst, hunger.
      • All types of liquid (minus Juice) now gives you a status effect when drinking.
        All types of water (minus clean, spring water) will damage you when attempting to drink them.
      • You can now define as many ingredients for recipes as you want and water is no longer required.
        There's a bunch of recipes for Alcohol, Juice and blood for all sizes, check the config.
      • Now you can eat food without overwriting vanilla food by holding SHIFT, check food item tooltip.
1.0.3 • Increased water/hunger loss when puking from Alcohol.
      • Adjusted all recipes and added 10 empty entries where you can make your own recipe.
        Before changing recipes, destroy the Brewery and then build it after you're done editing.
      • Added Raspberry, Blueberry, Cloudberry to food that gives some water when eaten.
      • Adjusted the container collider on the brewery where you put in ingredients.
      • Added a sign component on brewery frame that explains that you need 1 small water for recipes.
      • Added description to all configuration options that didn't have any.
1.0.2 • Re-enabled the brewer and recipes.
      • New icons for status effects and water, food icon.
      • You can now hide the water, food bar with a hotkey (F8 by default).
      • Now the water, food bar hides itself when disabling EnableForPlayer.
      • Fixed Clean Water Bottle not turning into Empty Water Bottle if consumed via the hotbar.
      • CanAlwaysConsume, RemoveWaterAndFoodOnPuke, DebuffCanKill are now set to true by default.
1.0.1 • You now start with 100% Thirst, Hunger and it resets when dying.
      • You now still regenerate Health, Stamina, Eitr when you get Thirty, Dehydrated but very slowly.
      • Added Health, Stamina, Eitr regen configs to all debuffs.
      • Temporarily disabled recipes and the brewer. Test release.
1.0.0 • Test release.