Version 0.2.5 - Minor Improvements - 05/02/2023
- Updated Dependencies.
- Updated Installation to be more clear.
- Updated Bug Section to include possible fixes for each.
- Increased mount costs
Changes in Previous Versions:
Version 0.2.4 - Needed Fixes - 05/01/2023
- Added AutomaticFuel
- CW_Jesses_Valheim_Framerate_Booster
- TreesReborn
- Raised level cap from 100 to 500
Version 0.2.3 - Bug Fixes - 05/01/2023
- Changed From CraftFromContainers to AzuCraftyContainers
- Updated all dependencies to newest version.
- Updated Config Files
- Removed Horem Fantasy_Armor
Version 0.2.2 - Tweaks on Tweaks - 04/15/2023
- Removed Do or Die Shields (Made redundant with DoD Items)
- Tweaked BetterTrader Config to hopefully fix a bug where the menu doesn't load.
Version 0.2.1 - Minor Tweaks - 04/14/2023
- Lowered or removed many monsters' spawns in the meadows to make it more survivable early game.
- Added a lot more creatures to the Black Forest, so watch out.
- Updated dependencies list to newest versions.
- Added Do or Die Items as required by ValadrielsMadNPCs.
- Removed admin mods from dependencies. Only keep/ install if you are admin, otherwise they are pointless.
Version 0.2.0 - Massive Shakeup - 04/11/2023
- Removed ValheimPlus
- Removed Companions_Human
- Removed Kukus_Village
- Removed JM_elemental_Weapons
- Replaced Dungeon_Reset with Venture_Location_Reset
- Replaced ValheimRaft with different port
- Added a ton of QoL mods to replace ValheimPlus
- AllTheBase
- AutomaticFermenters
- AzuAreaRepair
- AzuContainerSizes
- AzuExtendedPlayerInventory
- AzuMiscPatches
- AzuSkillTweaks
- AzuWearNTearPatches
- AzuWorkbenchTweaks
- ComfortTweaks
- ConversionSizeAndSpeed
- CraftFromContainers
- Gizmo
- GracefulLanding
- HoneyPlease
- Infinity_Hammer
- NoSmokeStayLit
- PerfectPlacement
- Pet_Protection
- ProfitablePieces
- RoundStoneScrollFirstPerson
- Server_devcommands
- ShieldMeBruh
- Sleepover
- UseEquipmentInWater
- Venture_Multiplayer_Tweaks
- World_Edit_Commands
- Added WackyEpicMMOSystem
- Added ValheimArmory
- Added Digitalroots_EpicLoot_Adventure_Bounties
- Added Marketplace_And_Server_NPCs_Revamped
- Added MonsterLabz
- Added Monsternomicon
- Added ChebsMercenaries
- Added BetterNetworking
- Added ValkyrieDeathMessages
- Added ValheimArmory
- Added ValWeed - Celebrate 4/20 right
- Added Enhanced_Bosses_Redone
- Added BetterMountRiding
- Added DualWield
- Added Equip Wheel
- Added Expand_World
- Added OdinArchitect
- Added Wings thanks to OdinFlight
- Added Magical Mounts
- Added EmoteWheel
- Updated Configs
- Updated Dependencies
- Improved Installation Instructions
Version 0.1.9 - Small Patch & Background Work - 04/09/2023
- Fixed typo in previous changelog.
- Added modified config for TeleportEverything.
- Started work on a big update in 0.2.0
- Updated dependencies.
Version 0.1.8 - Minor Tweaks & Additions - 04/08/2023
- Switched Changelog from README to independent CHANGELOG file.
- Added more detail to installation section in README.
- Added LandAnimals, AirAnimals, Cats, & TeleportEverything.
- Tweaked hotkey configs to fix equipment hotkey bug.
- Fixed corrupted BetterTrader config. Trader menu working again.
Version 0.1.7 - QoL Update - 04/07/2023
- Added Changelog
- Modified hotkeys to prevent overlap.
- Armor now auto-equips when taken from tombstone.
- Skeleton Wand now requires level 2 workbench
- Increased Undercroft expansion limit
- Updated Dependencies to newest versions.