QoLTeam - QualityOfLife
Updated 10 months agoQuality of Life
QoL if a cheat / admin mod for both single and multiplayer games. It has standard cheats like God Mode, Unlimited Stamina etc, but also more advanced options like editing your skill levels, whether or not you should lose your inventory upon death etc.
- God Mode = Makes you invulnerable to damage
- Debug Mode = The game's default Debug Mode. Allows you to fly etc.
- Unlimited Stamina = Gives you unlimited stamina
- Unlimited Eitr = Sets your Eitr to 150 and keeps it that way
- Freecam = Allows you to freely fly around with the camera
- Fly Mode = Allows you to fly
- NoClip = Enables no clipping so you can fly through anything you want
- Ghost Mode = Makes you invisible to enemies, provided you are the instance owner (always true on single player)
- No Placement Cost = Allows you to build / craft without any resources
- Build Everywhere = Allows you to build regardless the location or whether it's supported or not
- Disable Durability Loss = Experimental Feature that disables durability loss on any item you craft after enabling this.
- Food doesn't degrade = Food degradation is disabled. It'll still timeout
- Food doesn't timeout = Food will not timeout
- No carry limit = Gives you practically no carry limit
- Quick Heal = Quickly heals you back to max health
- Give Rested = Gives you 1 hour Rested buff
- Explore Map = Explores the entire map
- Reset Map = Resets the entire map
- Editing all your skill levels
- Edit what happens upon death, like no item loss, no skill loss, no food loss, no status loss
- Sailing options like: Always wind in back and increasing sailing speed (again, must be instance owner)
- Guardian menu allows you to give yourself (and those around you) all Guardian powers
- Spawn menu allows you to spawn anything in you want
- Entitiy menu allows you to spawn any creature you want
- Misc menu allows you to teleport towards any online player