Galdrheim-Galdrheim_Modpack icon

Galdrheim Modpack

Modpack required to play on the Galdrheim Server


Ver Date Mod Version Author Notes
1.4.0 1/2/25 Loaded 54 mods to setup the server Snayjay Initial mod loadout to start playthru
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1.5.0 1/10/25 Added, Updated and Removed the following mods Total Count now 62
Added Venture_Location_Reset v0.10.5 VentureValheim Resets dungeons & Bosses every 30days in-game
Added ExtraSlots v1.0.19 shudnal Equipment mngt mod, replaced AzuExtendedPlayer Inventory
Added AzuWorkbench_Inventory_Repair v1.0.2 Azumatt One click repair all per workbench
Added CreatureLevelAndLootControl v4.6.2 Smoothbrain Boosts Creature difficulty and Loot drops
Added TargetPortal v1.1.20 Smoothbrain Portalmngt mod, works alongside PortalStations
Added SmarterContainers v1.7.0 Roses Auto Forwards items to the proper containers
Added Souldcatcher_JC_KG_Additions v4.5.8 KGvalheim Jewelcrafting mod/adds souls to the game with stat bonus
Added WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming v1.1.1 blacks7ar Does what it says
Added Build_Camera_Custom_Hammers_Edition v1.2.6 Azumatt Float via camera to build stuff
Updated WackyEpicMMOSystem v1.9.33 WackyMole Mod updated by author
Updated EpicJewels v0.9.6 MidnightMods Mod updated by author
Updated AzuAutoStore v3.0.7 Azumatt Mod updated by author
Updated PlantEasily v2.0.2 Advize Mod updated by author
Removed AzuExtendedPlayerInventory Azumatt Replaced by ExtraSlots (shudnal)
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