
Valhalla Gothic Optional
Please note that these changelogs also include server information changes. While not relevant to most players it helps me track config settings. Expect these changenotes to become exceptionally detailed over time.
Our Versioning is different than most packs. Version 2 for us is WORLD 2 for Gothalion. So versioning works like this (World version) - Major change (branch) - Updates
- updated odins kingdom
- updated Jotunn
- updated almanac
- updated mining caves
- updated RTD OCeans
- updated better cartography
- updated southsil Armor
- updated wackymmo
- updated seasonal tweaks
- updated seasonality
- updated almanac class system
- updated odins food barrels
- updated legends fork
- updated waypoints
Optional - 5.1.2
- updated crafyboxes
- updated first personmode
- updated autostore
- updated AAAcrafting
Click to view previous versions
- updated waypoint mod which was causing a critical server connection issues
- added waypoints mod by rusty to test out
- updated hud compass
- updated almanac
- updated rtd OCeans
- removed portal stations
- removed marketstall Mod
- removed magicheim
- added valheim legends back in
- updated boat additions
- updated vikingsdoswim
- updated better Continents
- updated herbalist
- updated almanac
- updated dynamic stacks
- updated wield equipment while swimming
- updated rtd OCeans
- updated all the bases
- updated better cartography Table
- updated refined stone Pieces
- updated fine wood build pieces
- updated fine wood furniture
- updated claybuild Pieces
- updated glass Pieces
- updated corewood Pieces
- updated portal stations
- updated seasonality
- updated almanac class system
- updated max dungeon rooms
- updated AntiCheat
- updated internal links
- removed some internal configs
- updated almanac class system
- updated portal stations to integrate new guilds api
- updated wackymmo
- updated rtd OCeans
- updated better cartography
- updated all the bases
- uninstalled rtd items
- uninstalled rtd souls
- updated sears catalog
- updated alamanac class system
- updated location Reset
- updated world advancement
- updated multiplayer tweaks
- updated marketplace
- updated better cartography
- updated southsil armors
- updated wizardry
- added sears catalog back because...why did i remove it?
- updated plant everything
- updated almanac classsystem
- updated portal stations
- updated better Continents
- updated better cartpography Table
- removed sears catalog
- added rtd biomes
- added rtd monsters
- added rtd souls
- added rtd items
- added therzies armory
- added therzies wizardry
- added therzies warfare
- added therzies monstrum
- updated marketplace quests
- added majestics relicheim modifications
- updated majestics mmo modifications
- updated seasonality
- updated marketstalls
- updated hud compass
- updated better Continents
- updated herbalist
- updated wield equipment while Swimming
- updated better cartography
- removed PotteryBarn
- updated internal links. my discord is now on the valheim title screen as well
- updated donation links
- updated guide links
Optional Mods
- updated azu crafty boxes
- updated autostore
- updated comfy gizmo
- updated aaa crafting
- removed asocial cartography
- updated internal links again. My discord is now reopened
- updated seasonality
- updated seasonal tweaks
- updated OdinsKingdom
- updated better cartography
- updated blacksmithing
- updated internal linking across readmes and sites
- added missing shapekeys Mod
- updated shapekeys
- updated seasonality
- updated marketstalls
- updated hudcompass
- updated odins kingdom
- updated marketplace
- updated better cartography
- updated southsil Armor
- updated plant everything
- updated azu inventory
- updated seasonality
- updated professions
- updated almanac class system
- updated marketstalls
- updated seasonal tweaks
- updated portal stations
- updated odins plus food barrels
- updated wackymmo
- updated better Wards
- updated refined stone pieces
- updated glass pieces
- updated finewood furniture
- updated finewood build pieces
- updated core wood pieces
- updated clay pieces
- updated boat additions
- updated hud compass
- updated odins kingdom
- updated Jotunn
- updated almanac
- updated cllc
- updated dynamic storage
- updated rtdoceans
- updated stacked bars
- updated better cartography
- updated southsil Armor
- updated item drawers
- updated server characters
- updated odins undercroft
- updated clutter
- updated Potionsplus
- updated cooking
- updated azuanticheat
- updated almanac classes
- updated marketplace
- updated foraging
- updated professions
- updated passive powers
- updated tree's reborn
- updated seasonality
- updated seasonal tweaks
- updated almanac class system
- updated epic loot
- updated heightmap unlimited
- updated azumatt extended inventory
- updated plant everything
- updated marketstalls
- updated portal stations
- updated azuanticheat
- updated finewoodbuildpieces
- updated finewood furniture
- updated claybuildpieces
- updated glass buildpieces
- updated corewood Pieces
- updated guilds
- updated passive powers
- updated changelog editor
- updated wackymmo
- updated groups
- updated seasonality
- updated item all stands
- updated max dungeon rooms
- updated boat additions
- updated better wards
- updated recycle n Reclaim
- updated extended inventory
- updated EL patches
- updated EL
- updated logkeeper serverside
- updated odins barrels
- cleared out epic loot patches
- removed rune magic. thought it would be fun but it's to much overhead for the Modpack
- added refined stone pieces
- updated hud compass
- updated passive powers
- updated seasonality (again)
- updated EL
- removed and archvied all epic loot patches
- added the new "old" patches for epic loot. Will need to self balance them
- updated vikingsdoswim
- updated world advancement progression
- updated location Reset
- updated OdinsKingdom
- updated better Continents
- updated plant everything again
- updated finewoodbuildpieces
- updated finewood furniture
- updated clay build pieces
- updated glass Pieces
- updated corewood pieces
- updated odins food barrels
- updated cllc
- updated Jotunn
- updated seasonality
- updated almanac class system
- updated almanac
- updated boat additions
- updated plant everything
- updated herbalist
Preparing Updates for Ashlands
- updated rtd Oceans
- updated mining caves
- updated multiplayer tweaks
- updated pathside assistance
- updated seasonal restrictions
- updated meadingful icons
- updated Jotunn
- updated max dungeon rooms
Mods may be shed in order to open the server back up in a reasonable amount of time.
We're currently waiting on Epic loot and marketplace to be updated
- updated Jotunn
- updated almanac class system
- updated better lanterns
- updated marketplace models
- updated marketplace
- updated better Continents
- updated portal stations
- updated exploration
- updated azu stacked bars
- updated clay build Pieces
- updated corewood pieces
- updated majestic button
- updated oplus foodbarrels
- updated pottern barn
- updated world advancement progressions
- updated almanac class systems
- updated workbench tweaks
- updated azuanticheat
- updated allthebases
- Updated Rune Magic
- Updated RTD Oceans
- updated core wood Pieces
- updated guilds
- updated groups
- updated almanac class system
- updated magicheim
- updated BoatAdditions
- updated plant everything
- updated portal stations
- Updated Mining caves
- updated CLLC for new valheim Versioning
- updated multiplayer tweaks
- updated almanacclasssytems
- updated better Continents
- updated clay buildpieces
- updated JVL
- added marketstalls
- added portal stations
- added herbalist for early game mechanics. According to the modder themselves this should stack with certain professions. likely needs balance
- Added better cartography back. With dozens of changes and fixes this should now be the default for the Modpack
- removed NoMapCartography Table mod. No longer needed with bettercartography table
Greylist 4.0.9
- parity with whitelist main list Versioning
- updated chatter
- added PinnaclePinPerformance mod
- removed asocial cartography
- added shortcuts by comfymod
- changed both greylist and whitelist manifests to pair naming conventions together. e.g. all azumatt mods are grouped, all smoothbrain etc.
4.0.9 update
- removed no map printer
- Updated Southsil Armor
- Updated FineWoodBuildPieces
- Updated FinewoodFurniture
- Updated GlassPieces
- Updated CorewoodPieces
- Updated wackymmo
- Updated WorldAdvancementProgress
- Updated LocationReset
- Updated Jotunn
- Updated AlmanacClassSystem
- Updated Almanac
- Updated OdinsKingdom
- Updated BoatAdditions
- Updated betterwards
- Updated ConfigurationManager
- Updated AntiCheat
- Updated PlantEverything
- updated fast link
4.0.7 changes
- removed network because LMAO
- added better networking back
- removed wardislove
- added betterwards back
- removed dungeon splitter because apparently modders cant make things compatible with each other
- added seasonality for some diversity of content
- added no map printer. Synced server side configs to make it so only explorers can read from the cartopgraphy table now
- added asocial cartography
4.0.5 changes
- updated Almanac
- updated jotunn
- updated almanac classes
- synced more configs
4.0.4 changes
- removed RTD & Therzies Mods Completely Excluding Oceans. Optimizing test times over content atm.
- tweaked Configs again.
4.0.3 changes
- synced configs
- removed ashlands and deep north content from therzies
4.0.1 changes
- updated RTD monsters
- updated Almanac Classes
- added network
- added betterzeelog
- added network
- added compass mod
- added death pin mod for compass mod
- updated aaa crafting
Server Owners & Solo Players Do not update to 4.0 if you're currently playing on map 3.
Version 4.0 Focuses on PVP and testing other mods.
4.0.0 Changes
- removed better networking
- removed better Wards
- removed cookiemilk buildpieces
- removed valheim Legends
- removed demigods
- removed halloween pieces
- removed bentog's missing Pieces
- removed asocial cartography
- updated RTD OCeans
- updated RTD monsters
- updated RTD Biomes
- updated world advancement progression
- updated almanac
- added wardislove
- added magicheim
- added itemdrawers
- added better cartography table
- added guilds Mod
- added odins kingdom mod
- added odins undercroft
- added no map cartography table
- added alamanac classes
- added dungeon splitter (should help with dungeon performance)
- added max dungeons rooms
- added rune magic
- updated epic loot
- updated RTD OCeans
- updated rtd biomes
- updated cookies build Pieces
- updated rtd monsters
- updated rtd Oceans
- updated almanac
- changed server side configs
- adjusted some loot drops via epic loot
- added duplicate backend loggers that read from clients which is now necessary due to cheating on the server
- added player activity mod. ^ part of the loggers now required to play on the public server. Server owners can safely disable this if they're playing with users they trust
- added chatter back
- added item compare
- added AAA crafting
- added searchable buildmenu
- updated missing configs i keep forgetting lol
Whitelist/server changes
- removed a chance for the twin prefix from CLLC was causing issues with achievements
- removed food duration multiplier as it devauled the cooking profession and overall player economy
- removed area repair
- adjusted some legendaries enchant rates. E.G. Durability enchant
- updated jotunn
- updated wackymmo
- updated cookie buildpieces
- updated rtd biomes Which fixes a bug being found by my server with the cultivator
- updated auto store
- added comfy gizmo
- added gravelock
- updated RTD Biomes to ensure server stability with new performance tweaks from soloredis
- updated RTD monsters
- Added RTD Oceans
- updated JV Library
- added KG's No server crash which should help prevent crashin from error spam. Mod may not be needed on smaller servers
- added hardcore equipment. This change increases viability of blacksmithing as a profession
- made tweaks to swimming and sailing skills overall. Swimming speed has been reduced to 2.5 speed at 100 skill and sailing has been balanced a bit more
- updated cookies build pieces
- updated recycle and reclaim
- added and changed the durability enchant
- indestructible is now only on legendary items
- increased durability has a range of 1 and a 0.2% chance to roll
- indestructible now has a 0.1% chance to roll
- added missing configs and changes
- updated almanac to 3.2.0
- updated norse demigods to 1.0.6
- updated recycle and reclaim
- updated wackymmo
- balanced some southsil armors that were available to early in the game progression
- updated RTD as the mods were rerelesed with new updates and polish
Soloredis has depreceated RTD, DO NOT REMOVE THESE MODS.
- added discord connector to the server
- updated almanac (seriously love this mod man)
- removed upgrade world
- removed server dev commands
- updated norse demigods
- updated better Continents
- updated pathside assistance
- updated clay build Pieces
- updated server configs and thus cleaned up client side configs.
- adjusted spawns, challenges and added various mod watch tools to the backend of the server as we prepare for opening the server to the public.
- updated cookies buildpieces to now be in the regular hammer drawing parity towards the rest of the build Pieces
- added wield equipment while swimming mod as QOL
- updated Almanac
- updated azu Extended
- updated Warfare
- updated warfare fire and Ice
- updated monstrum deep north
- updated armory
- updated monstrum
- updated monstrum Ashlands
- updated Jotunn
- updated mining caves
- updated BuildPieces
- updated KG marketplace
- updated dynamic storage piles
- updated meadingful icons
- updated fine wood build pieces
- updated clay build Pieces
- updated fine wood furniture.
- updated some minor patches to epic loot
- balanced pumpkin drops
- made a few suggestions to mod authors like blaxxun about configurability and overall professions skill loss
- made attempts at balance passes around professions with server input. high value professions will gain slower than others and now lose faster than others. this follows the trend for most professions this should prevent any explosive growth with overall gain, making some skills much more rewarding over time rather than the ability to hit level 100 in only bronze
- ATTEMPTED merging an old southsil patch. May or may not work with epic loot. Likely needs a rewrite.
- ADDED hugos armory because he is a big fucking nerd and i love him
- added various Majestic patches for various armors and weapons throughout the mod. Made minor tweaks
- Removed judes equipment
- Removed Blacksmith tools by goldenjude
- still no mod updates
- no Updates
- added blacksmithing
- Updated more mods to ensure parity of feaatures and support
- updated Almanac
- updated cookiemilks build mod.
- added blacksmith tools
- updated world advancement progression
- updated asocial cartography
- updated missing pieces
Overhauled all configs, all server configs are now included as the default. Please edit them in game if you want to change them
All users & Players should read this post: https://www.guilded.gg/Genesis/blog/Gothic-Valhalla-Blog/30-and-301-Changes-The-Third-Age-is-Coming
- New World please download the world if you intend on staying synced with the gothalion server : https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2639
- added judes equipment
- added southsil Armor
- added professions
- added potions plus
- added blacksmithing
- added building
- added cooking
- added exploration
- added farming
- added foraging
- added mining
- added ranching
- added sailing
- added RTD Biomes
- added RTD monsters
- updated Almanac
- updated cookimilks BuildPieces
- Updated Almanac
- Updated Azu Extended inventory
- Updated Better Continents
- Updated License Plate
- added azu stacked ingots. allows dynamic storage of ingots.
- polished out some server configs. IF on a private server take the time to add the speedy paths config to your server. it MUST be edited on the server. "server sync" lol i wish.
- removed logout tweaks. trying to keep demigods around.
oops left a mod in
Modpack Update
- added all of blackstars build pieces.
- Pulled the server configs from gothalions server for all mods and added to the pack for any who may be wanting to sync their server configs.
NOTE: IT DOES NOT INCLUDE WHITE/GREYLIST it would be improper for me to add DLLs and mods that are not mine to distribute.
Modpack Update
- added treesreborn to help manage deforestation: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/TastyChickenLegs/TreesReborn/
- added changelog editor by azumatt so that changelogs also appear in game because lets be honest, this is literally just me writing to myself : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Azumatt/ChangelogEditor/
- added speedy paths. this replaces Need for speed due to the additions by speedy paths to modify unmodified ground speeds as well which will come into play overtime : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Nextek/SpeedyPaths/
- added passive powers. This will help balance the overall feel of the pack. May be changed in the future with other mods that fufill a similar slot. This also allows player end configuration for said powers : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Smoothbrain/PassivePowers/
- added pathfinder. This allows discovery radius to expand or shrink based on multiple factors, pair this with some upcoming changes : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Crystal/Pathfinder/
- Added finewoodpieces (unified). Adding over 200+ build pieces is pretty much a no brainer for server longevity, especially with only two new materials to gather: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/blacks7ar/FineWoodPieces/
- Added Norse Demigods for giggles. Was going to add it in 3.0 but might as well work on balancing now : https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Alpus/NorseDemigods/
- added odins food barrels. Good deco additions and functional storage: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/OdinPlus/OdinsFoodBarrels/
- added cookie milks build pieces: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/CookieMilk/BuildPieces/
- added majestic button by azumatt. Added links to the start page to join my personal server, join the support server, and donation links https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Azumatt/MajesticButton/
- Removed need for speed, was replaced by SpeedyPaths
- tweaked and balanced paths around biome additions and having a road network. better the road (paved,dirt) the more speed you gain. swamps now drastically reduce your speed. will be offestable in the 3rd AGE pack update (feb 14th)
- various misc tweaks on the server, added more wayshrines as the server comes to a close in a couple weeks so players can explore more.
- monstrum deepnorth
- Almanac
- Warfare
- PotteryBarn
- Azu Extended inventory
Optional Pack Updates
- Updated all mods
- added emote wheel
- added equip wheel
- synced configs and changelogs.
- Added a fancy changelog to further document changes for all players & users.
- updated rusty's Almanac
- corrected Versioning per metrics already laid out previously by the team internally. Now properly documented going forward.
Players not on gothalions server must remove rusty's Almanac config and generate a new one. Otherwise players may experience inumerable bugs. This will be done on gothalions server backend
Modpack & Server Update
- Monstrum
- Jotunn
- Wacky MMO
- Warfare
- Armory
- Upgrade World
- Better Wards
- VV Location Reset
- Valheim Legends
- Recycle Reclaim
- Config Manager
- Server Dev
- Missing Pieces
- Changed VV adventure backpacks back to Vapoks now that it's been updated.
- Removed the extra row from extended inventory. I can garuentee some of you have lost items
- Added Monstrum Deepnorth
- Added PotteryBarn (building mod)
- Added Monstrum Ashlands
- Added Vikings Do Swim
- Added Fire & Ice
1.2.0 - 2.1.1
- Version updates and Game updates were here. Changes made up until this point were not actively recorded or were to minor to record and document.
- updated mods to ensure stability
full release