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Horem-Horemvores_Assembly_Mod-1.0.2 icon

Horemvores Assembly Mod

Modders resource containing custom scripts.

Date uploaded 10 months ago
Version 1.0.2
Download link
Downloads 1346
Dependency string Horem-Horemvores_Assembly_Mod-1.0.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

ValheimModding-Jotunn-2.14.4 icon

Jötunn (/ˈjɔːtʊn/, 'giant'), the Valheim Library was created with the goal of making the lives of mod developers easier. It enables you to create mods for Valheim using an abstracted API so you can focus on the actual content creation.

Preferred version: 2.14.4



Modders resource that contains all my custom scripts used in a variety of my mods. ATM it is mostly Custom Status Effects.

Recent Patch Notes


  • Added On Damaged to passive script.
  • Added 5 more armor sets and 2 weapon sets to the demo.
  • Tooltip tweaks.


Plug and Play for users.

For other Modders

  • There is a Unity Package included in the zip, import this into your Unity project to gain access to the raw scripts, contains a Assembly Definition pointing to this DLL. You can then make Status Effects from Scriptable Objects.
  • Add a Reference to this dll in your mods Visual Studio project (or what ever IDE you use) and add: using HoremvoreAssembly; to your script or scripts.
  • The DLL has a basic Demo you can enable in the config that adds some effects to Vanilla Monsters, adds some Healing Potions and some armor and weapon sets.
  • Do what ever you like with the scripts, I do not claim copywrite.

Current Scripts Overview


  • Has a hit roll, Damage over Time that is scaled by Level, Skill or both. Also has the option for Leech Life effect.


  • Heal over Time, Scaled by Level, Skill or both.


  • Stamina over Time, Scaled by Level, Skill or both.


  • Etir over Time, Scaled by Level, Skill or both.


  • Removes listed Status Effects


  • Has a hit roll, Damage over Time, Speed Modifier, Regeneration of Health/Stamina/Etir, Damage Resistances and Attack Skill modifiers.


  • Allows the application of Random Effects from a list, along with a Critical Success and Fail effect all based off of a Hit Chance.


  • Applies Status effects progressively depending on what current effect the character has also has a Hit Roll.


  • Reduces AC Value and does a one off Damage amount based of of a Hit Roll.


  • Has a Damage over Time, Speed Modifier, Regeneration Modifiers, Spawns random objects that can rotate around the character or basic Objects/Monsters, plays random sounds.


  • A custom Puke effect that also has a Damage over Time.


  • Allows adjusting the Emissive property on a material to either change color or to fade in and out.


  • Allows bonus effects, on damaged effects, recovery of Health, Stamina and Eitr along with many of the SE_Stats modifiers.

Bug Reports

Join the discord to report any bugs:


If you like what I do and want to support me.

WIP scripts

These scripts are still been written and may not function as intended if used.


Included Items

Armor Sets

  • CapeRogue_AH

  • HelmetRogue_AH

  • ArmorRogueChest_AH

  • ArmorRogueLegs_AH

  • CapeWizard_AH

  • HelmetWizard_AH

  • ArmorWizardChest_AH

  • ArmorWizardLegs_AH

  • CapePaladin_AH

  • HelmetPaladin_AH

  • ArmorPaladinChest_AH

  • ArmorPaladinLegs_AH

  • CapeWarrior_AH

  • HelmetWarrior_AH

  • ArmorWarriorChest_AH

  • ArmorWarriorLegs_AH

  • ShieldWarrior_AH

  • HammerWarrior_AH

  • CapeBarbarian_AH

  • HelmetBarbarian_AH

  • ArmorBarbarianChest_AH

  • ArmorBarbarianLegs_AH

  • CapeRanger_AH

  • HelmetRanger_AH

  • ArmorRangerChest_AH

  • ArmorRangerLegs_AH

  • CapeCleric_AH

  • HelmetCleric_AH

  • ArmorClericChest_AH

  • ArmorClericLegs_AH

  • ShieldCleric_AH

  • HammerCleric_AH

Cure Potions

  • Item_Potion_Bless_AH
  • Item_Potion_Dispel_AH
  • Item_Potion_Purify_AH
  • Item_Potion_CureMinorWounds_AH
  • Item_Potion_CureWounds_AH
  • Item_Potion_CureMajorWounds_AH

Healing Potions

  • Item_Flask_Red_3_AH
  • Item_Flask_Red_2_AH
  • Item_Flask_Red_1_AH
  • Item_Elixir_Red_3_AH
  • Item_Elixir_Red_2_AH
  • Item_Elixir_Red_1_AH
  • Item_Potion_Red_3_AH
  • Item_Potion_Red_2_AH
  • Item_Potion_Red_1_AH

Example Status Effect List


  • SE_Rend_AH
  • SE_Gore_AH
  • SE_Lacerate_AH
  • SE_Maul_AH
  • SE_Shred_AH
  • SE_Mangle_AH
  • SE_Maim_AH
  • SE_Hemorrage_AH
  • SE_Rupture_AH

Life Drains

  • SE_LeechLife_AH
  • SE_VampiresTouch_AH
  • SE_LifeDrain_AH
  • SE_SiphonLife_AH
  • SE_VampiricEmbrace_AH
  • SE_DeathSiphon_AH
  • SE_DeathCoil_AH


  • SE_Weak_AH
  • SE_Poison_AH
  • SE_Venom_AH
  • SE_Infection_AH
  • SE_Scourge_AH
  • SE_Disease_AH
  • SE_Contagion_AH
  • SE_Pestilence_AH
  • SE_Bane_AH
  • SE_Blight_AH
  • SE_Corrosion_AH
  • SE_Corruption_AH


  • SE_RandomMinorInfection_AH
  • SE_RandomInfection_AH
  • SE_RandomMajorInfection_AH
  • SE_RandomCriticalInfection_AH
  • SE_RandomDeadlyInfection_AH
  • SE_RandomMinorBleed_AH
  • SE_RandomBleed_AH
  • SE_RandomMajorBleed_AH
  • SE_RandomCriticalBleed_AH


  • SE_SetBarbarianBuff_AH
  • SE_SetClericBuff_AH
  • SE_SetPaladinBuff_AH
  • SE_SetRangerBuff_AH
  • SE_SetRogueBuff_AH
  • SE_SetWarriorBuff_AH
  • SE_SetWizardBuff_AH
  • SE_SetEffectBarbarian_AH
  • SE_SetEffectCleric_AH
  • SE_SetEffectPaladin_AH
  • SE_SetEffectRanger_AH
  • SE_SetEffectRogue_AH
  • SE_SetEffectWarrior_AH
  • SE_SetEffectWizard_AH
  • SE_BarbarianArmor_AH
  • SE_BarbarianHelm_AH
  • SE_BarbarianLeggings_AH
  • SE_BarbarianUtility_AH
  • SE_BarbarianWeapon_AH
  • SE_ClericHelm_AH
  • SE_ClericArmor_AH
  • SE_ClericLeggings_AH
  • SE_ClericUtility_AH
  • SE_ClericWeapon_AH
  • SE_PaladinArmor_AH
  • SE_PaladinHelm_AH
  • SE_PaladinLeggings_AH
  • SE_PaladinUtility_AH
  • SE_PaladinWeapon_AH
  • SE_RangerArmor_AH
  • SE_RangerHelm_AH
  • SE_RangerLeggings_AH
  • SE_RangerUtility_AH
  • SE_RangerWeapon_AH
  • SE_RogueArmor_AH
  • SE_RogueHelm_AH
  • SE_RogueLeggings_AH
  • SE_RogueUtility_AH
  • SE_RogueWeapon_AH
  • SE_WarriorArmor_AH
  • SE_WarriorHelm_AH
  • SE_WarriorLeggings_AH
  • SE_WarriorUtility_AH
  • SE_WarriorWeapon_AH
  • SE_WizardArmor_AH
  • SE_WizardHelm_AH
  • SE_WizardLeggings_AH
  • SE_WizardUtility_AH
  • SE_WizardWeapon_AH
  • SE_SetEffectClericWeapons_AH
  • SE_SetEffectWarriorWeapons_AH


  • SE_FlaskRed_1_AH
  • SE_FlaskRed_2_AH
  • SE_FlaskRed_3_AH
  • SE_ElixirRed_1_AH
  • SE_ElixirRed_2_AH
  • SE_ElixirRed_3_AH
  • SE_PotionRed_1_AH
  • SE_PotionRed_2_AH
  • SE_PotionRed_3_AH


  • SE_EitrRecovery_AH
  • SE_StaminaRecovery_AH
  • SE_Judgement_AH
  • SE_Vengance_AH
  • SE_Smite_AH

Patch Notes


  • Added SE_Passive_HS
  • A lot of bugfixing
  • Updated most scripts to give more information in the tooltip
  • Added Rogue and Wizard armor sets for show casing SE_Passive_HS.


  • Initial upload to TS



  • Added Json item recipe loading from:- ...Config\Horem\Assembly\Recipes. In this folder there is a txt file:- Json Recipe Layout Example.txt


  • Added 240 new Status Effects for Items, OnEquip.
  • Adjusted Potion heal effects, lower durations for better heals.
  • Added Eir's Blessing Status Effect.


  • Rebanlaced Cleric, Druid, Paladin and Mage skill effects to repect thier class names more.


  • Fix bad code for Starter set.


  • Added Starter Set, based on Rags 2 piece set.
  • Reduced random effect chance from 50% to 15%.


  • Fixed SE_Passive from harming the player casting the effect if Ignore PvP is used.
  • Added config options to disable Effect tooltips showing up for items.
  • Fixed some armor having wrong AC values.
  • Fixed some weapons and Armor not using Durability.
  • Fixed SE_CureEffect trying to create effects that were null.


  • Update for Ashlands(0.218.15)


  • Fixed some items having Destroy on Broken.
  • Fixed some items not using Durability.
  • Fixed some items having wrong Icons.
  • Fixed bad naming of russian translation json.


  • Fixed some status effects not applying damage. (Typo in SE_Infection_HS.cs)


  • Added Druid Set.
  • Added Option to disable the hardcoded English Translation and use a Json instead.
  • Added support for adding random effects to Creepy Crawlies mod.


  • Added EmissionMesh_HS script.


  • Community supplied, Russian Translation json added
  • Translations moved to config folder
  • Bug fixing


  • Texture fixes for server


  • Finished off the Armor and Weapons sets. (Wizard, Barbarian and Ranger)
  • Added Cheat(Admin) Staff
  • Fix for OnDamaged of SE_Passive_HS
  • Redesigned Leech part of SE_DoT_HS


The do not rush patch.

  • Fix for missing prefabs
  • Added null check for VFX and SFX code to prevent errors from missing prefabs


  • Fix for SE_HoT_HS
  • Added Diving and Tradeskill scripts
  • Added 4 Pickable Flowers
  • Added 9 Flower Items
  • Added 5 Bark Items


  • Paladin Weapon set effect fix
  • Localization fix for Shadow Cape
  • Readme updated with SE's and items added with 1.0.3


  • Added 2 more weapon sets
  • Updated the SE_DoT_HS script
  • Some Status Effect tweaks
  • Added Frostbite and Burn SE's (20 in total)


  • Added On Damaged to passive script
  • Added 5 more armor sets and 2 weapon sets to the demo
  • Tooltip tweaks


  • Added SE_Passive_HS
  • A lot of bugfixing
  • Updated most scripts to give more information in the tooltip
  • Added Rogue and Wizard armor sets for show casing SE_Passive_HS.


  • Initial upload to TS