Decompiled source of EpicValheimsAdditions v2.1.2
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using HarmonyLib; using Jotunn; using Jotunn.Configs; using Jotunn.Entities; using Jotunn.Managers; using Jotunn.Utils; using LitJson; using UnityEngine; using UpgradeWorld; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("EpicValheimsAdditions")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("EpicValheimsAdditions")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2021")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("012b64d5-4aa6-4b1a-ac94-9584f6f07bcb")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.1.2")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace UpgradeWorld { public class CommandRegistration { public string name = ""; public string description = ""; public string[] commands = new string[0]; public void AddCommand() { //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0027: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) new ConsoleCommand(name, description, (ConsoleEvent)delegate(ConsoleEventArgs args) { string[] array = commands; foreach (string text in array) { args.Context.TryRunCommand(text, false, false); } }, false, false, false, false, false, (ConsoleOptionsFetcher)null, false, false, false); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Terminal), "InitTerminal")] public static class Upgrade { private static List<CommandRegistration> registrations = new List<CommandRegistration>(); public const string GUID = "upgrade_world"; public static void Register(string name, string description, params string[] commands) { if (Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("upgrade_world")) { registrations.Add(new CommandRegistration { name = name, description = description, commands = commands }); } } private static void Postfix() { foreach (CommandRegistration registration in registrations) { registration.AddCommand(); } } } } namespace LitJson { public enum JsonType { None, Object, Array, String, Int, Long, Double, Boolean } public interface IJsonWrapper : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IOrderedDictionary, IDictionary { bool IsArray { get; } bool IsBoolean { get; } bool IsDouble { get; } bool IsInt { get; } bool IsLong { get; } bool IsObject { get; } bool IsString { get; } bool GetBoolean(); double GetDouble(); int GetInt(); JsonType GetJsonType(); long GetLong(); string GetString(); void SetBoolean(bool val); void SetDouble(double val); void SetInt(int val); void SetJsonType(JsonType type); void SetLong(long val); void SetString(string val); string ToJson(); void ToJson(JsonWriter writer); } public class JsonData : IJsonWrapper, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IOrderedDictionary, IDictionary, IEquatable<JsonData> { private IList<JsonData> inst_array; private bool inst_boolean; private double inst_double; private int inst_int; private long inst_long; private IDictionary<string, JsonData> inst_object; private string inst_string; private string json; private JsonType type; private IList<KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>> object_list; public int Count => EnsureCollection().Count; public bool IsArray => type == JsonType.Array; public bool IsBoolean => type == JsonType.Boolean; public bool IsDouble => type == JsonType.Double; public bool IsInt => type == JsonType.Int; public bool IsLong => type == JsonType.Long; public bool IsObject => type == JsonType.Object; public bool IsString => type == JsonType.String; public ICollection<string> Keys { get { EnsureDictionary(); return inst_object.Keys; } } int ICollection.Count => Count; bool ICollection.IsSynchronized => EnsureCollection().IsSynchronized; object ICollection.SyncRoot => EnsureCollection().SyncRoot; bool IDictionary.IsFixedSize => EnsureDictionary().IsFixedSize; bool IDictionary.IsReadOnly => EnsureDictionary().IsReadOnly; ICollection IDictionary.Keys { get { EnsureDictionary(); IList<string> list = new List<string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> item in object_list) { list.Add(item.Key); } return (ICollection)list; } } ICollection IDictionary.Values { get { EnsureDictionary(); IList<JsonData> list = new List<JsonData>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> item in object_list) { list.Add(item.Value); } return (ICollection)list; } } bool IJsonWrapper.IsArray => IsArray; bool IJsonWrapper.IsBoolean => IsBoolean; bool IJsonWrapper.IsDouble => IsDouble; bool IJsonWrapper.IsInt => IsInt; bool IJsonWrapper.IsLong => IsLong; bool IJsonWrapper.IsObject => IsObject; bool IJsonWrapper.IsString => IsString; bool IList.IsFixedSize => EnsureList().IsFixedSize; bool IList.IsReadOnly => EnsureList().IsReadOnly; object IDictionary.this[object key] { get { return EnsureDictionary()[key]; } set { if (!(key is string)) { throw new ArgumentException("The key has to be a string"); } JsonData value2 = ToJsonData(value); this[(string)key] = value2; } } object IOrderedDictionary.this[int idx] { get { EnsureDictionary(); return object_list[idx].Value; } set { EnsureDictionary(); JsonData value2 = ToJsonData(value); KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> keyValuePair = object_list[idx]; inst_object[keyValuePair.Key] = value2; KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> value3 = new KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>(keyValuePair.Key, value2); object_list[idx] = value3; } } object IList.this[int index] { get { return EnsureList()[index]; } set { EnsureList(); JsonData value2 = ToJsonData(value); this[index] = value2; } } public JsonData this[string prop_name] { get { EnsureDictionary(); return inst_object[prop_name]; } set { EnsureDictionary(); KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> keyValuePair = new KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>(prop_name, value); if (inst_object.ContainsKey(prop_name)) { for (int i = 0; i < object_list.Count; i++) { if (object_list[i].Key == prop_name) { object_list[i] = keyValuePair; break; } } } else { object_list.Add(keyValuePair); } inst_object[prop_name] = value; json = null; } } public JsonData this[int index] { get { EnsureCollection(); if (type == JsonType.Array) { return inst_array[index]; } return object_list[index].Value; } set { EnsureCollection(); if (type == JsonType.Array) { inst_array[index] = value; } else { KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> keyValuePair = object_list[index]; KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> value2 = new KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>(keyValuePair.Key, value); object_list[index] = value2; inst_object[keyValuePair.Key] = value; } json = null; } } public bool ContainsKey(string key) { EnsureDictionary(); return inst_object.Keys.Contains(key); } public JsonData() { } public JsonData(bool boolean) { type = JsonType.Boolean; inst_boolean = boolean; } public JsonData(double number) { type = JsonType.Double; inst_double = number; } public JsonData(int number) { type = JsonType.Int; inst_int = number; } public JsonData(long number) { type = JsonType.Long; inst_long = number; } public JsonData(object obj) { if (obj is bool) { type = JsonType.Boolean; inst_boolean = (bool)obj; return; } if (obj is double) { type = JsonType.Double; inst_double = (double)obj; return; } if (obj is int) { type = JsonType.Int; inst_int = (int)obj; return; } if (obj is long) { type = JsonType.Long; inst_long = (long)obj; return; } if (obj is string) { type = JsonType.String; inst_string = (string)obj; return; } throw new ArgumentException("Unable to wrap the given object with JsonData"); } public JsonData(string str) { type = JsonType.String; inst_string = str; } public static implicit operator JsonData(bool data) { return new JsonData(data); } public static implicit operator JsonData(double data) { return new JsonData(data); } public static implicit operator JsonData(int data) { return new JsonData(data); } public static implicit operator JsonData(long data) { return new JsonData(data); } public static implicit operator JsonData(string data) { return new JsonData(data); } public static explicit operator bool(JsonData data) { if (data.type != JsonType.Boolean) { throw new InvalidCastException("Instance of JsonData doesn't hold a double"); } return data.inst_boolean; } public static explicit operator double(JsonData data) { if (data.type != JsonType.Double) { throw new InvalidCastException("Instance of JsonData doesn't hold a double"); } return data.inst_double; } public static explicit operator int(JsonData data) { if (data.type != JsonType.Int && data.type != JsonType.Long) { throw new InvalidCastException("Instance of JsonData doesn't hold an int"); } return (int)((data.type == JsonType.Int) ? data.inst_int : data.inst_long); } public static explicit operator long(JsonData data) { if (data.type != JsonType.Long && data.type != JsonType.Int) { throw new InvalidCastException("Instance of JsonData doesn't hold a long"); } return (data.type == JsonType.Long) ? data.inst_long : data.inst_int; } public static explicit operator string(JsonData data) { if (data.type != JsonType.String) { throw new InvalidCastException("Instance of JsonData doesn't hold a string"); } return data.inst_string; } void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) { EnsureCollection().CopyTo(array, index); } void IDictionary.Add(object key, object value) { JsonData value2 = ToJsonData(value); EnsureDictionary().Add(key, value2); KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> item = new KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>((string)key, value2); object_list.Add(item); json = null; } void IDictionary.Clear() { EnsureDictionary().Clear(); object_list.Clear(); json = null; } bool IDictionary.Contains(object key) { return EnsureDictionary().Contains(key); } IDictionaryEnumerator IDictionary.GetEnumerator() { return ((IOrderedDictionary)this).GetEnumerator(); } void IDictionary.Remove(object key) { EnsureDictionary().Remove(key); for (int i = 0; i < object_list.Count; i++) { if (object_list[i].Key == (string)key) { object_list.RemoveAt(i); break; } } json = null; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return EnsureCollection().GetEnumerator(); } bool IJsonWrapper.GetBoolean() { if (type != JsonType.Boolean) { throw new InvalidOperationException("JsonData instance doesn't hold a boolean"); } return inst_boolean; } double IJsonWrapper.GetDouble() { if (type != JsonType.Double) { throw new InvalidOperationException("JsonData instance doesn't hold a double"); } return inst_double; } int IJsonWrapper.GetInt() { if (type != JsonType.Int) { throw new InvalidOperationException("JsonData instance doesn't hold an int"); } return inst_int; } long IJsonWrapper.GetLong() { if (type != JsonType.Long) { throw new InvalidOperationException("JsonData instance doesn't hold a long"); } return inst_long; } string IJsonWrapper.GetString() { if (type != JsonType.String) { throw new InvalidOperationException("JsonData instance doesn't hold a string"); } return inst_string; } void IJsonWrapper.SetBoolean(bool val) { type = JsonType.Boolean; inst_boolean = val; json = null; } void IJsonWrapper.SetDouble(double val) { type = JsonType.Double; inst_double = val; json = null; } void IJsonWrapper.SetInt(int val) { type = JsonType.Int; inst_int = val; json = null; } void IJsonWrapper.SetLong(long val) { type = JsonType.Long; inst_long = val; json = null; } void IJsonWrapper.SetString(string val) { type = JsonType.String; inst_string = val; json = null; } string IJsonWrapper.ToJson() { return ToJson(); } void IJsonWrapper.ToJson(JsonWriter writer) { ToJson(writer); } int IList.Add(object value) { return Add(value); } void IList.Clear() { EnsureList().Clear(); json = null; } bool IList.Contains(object value) { return EnsureList().Contains(value); } int IList.IndexOf(object value) { return EnsureList().IndexOf(value); } void IList.Insert(int index, object value) { EnsureList().Insert(index, value); json = null; } void IList.Remove(object value) { EnsureList().Remove(value); json = null; } void IList.RemoveAt(int index) { EnsureList().RemoveAt(index); json = null; } IDictionaryEnumerator IOrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator() { EnsureDictionary(); return new OrderedDictionaryEnumerator(object_list.GetEnumerator()); } void IOrderedDictionary.Insert(int idx, object key, object value) { string text = (string)key; JsonData value2 = (this[text] = ToJsonData(value)); KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> item = new KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>(text, value2); object_list.Insert(idx, item); } void IOrderedDictionary.RemoveAt(int idx) { EnsureDictionary(); inst_object.Remove(object_list[idx].Key); object_list.RemoveAt(idx); } private ICollection EnsureCollection() { if (type == JsonType.Array) { return (ICollection)inst_array; } if (type == JsonType.Object) { return (ICollection)inst_object; } throw new InvalidOperationException("The JsonData instance has to be initialized first"); } private IDictionary EnsureDictionary() { if (type == JsonType.Object) { return (IDictionary)inst_object; } if (type != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Instance of JsonData is not a dictionary"); } type = JsonType.Object; inst_object = new Dictionary<string, JsonData>(); object_list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>>(); return (IDictionary)inst_object; } private IList EnsureList() { if (type == JsonType.Array) { return (IList)inst_array; } if (type != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Instance of JsonData is not a list"); } type = JsonType.Array; inst_array = new List<JsonData>(); return (IList)inst_array; } private JsonData ToJsonData(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } if (obj is JsonData) { return (JsonData)obj; } return new JsonData(obj); } private static void WriteJson(IJsonWrapper obj, JsonWriter writer) { if (obj == null) { writer.Write(null); } else if (obj.IsString) { writer.Write(obj.GetString()); } else if (obj.IsBoolean) { writer.Write(obj.GetBoolean()); } else if (obj.IsDouble) { writer.Write(obj.GetDouble()); } else if (obj.IsInt) { writer.Write(obj.GetInt()); } else if (obj.IsLong) { writer.Write(obj.GetLong()); } else if (obj.IsArray) { writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (object item in (IEnumerable)obj) { WriteJson((JsonData)item, writer); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } else { if (!obj.IsObject) { return; } writer.WriteObjectStart(); foreach (DictionaryEntry item2 in (IDictionary)obj) { writer.WritePropertyName((string)item2.Key); WriteJson((JsonData)item2.Value, writer); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } } public int Add(object value) { JsonData value2 = ToJsonData(value); json = null; return EnsureList().Add(value2); } public bool Remove(object obj) { json = null; if (IsObject) { JsonData value = null; if (inst_object.TryGetValue((string)obj, out value)) { return inst_object.Remove((string)obj) && object_list.Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>((string)obj, value)); } throw new KeyNotFoundException("The specified key was not found in the JsonData object."); } if (IsArray) { return inst_array.Remove(ToJsonData(obj)); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Instance of JsonData is not an object or a list."); } public void Clear() { if (IsObject) { ((IDictionary)this).Clear(); } else if (IsArray) { ((IList)this).Clear(); } } public bool Equals(JsonData x) { if (x == null) { return false; } if (x.type != type && ((x.type != JsonType.Int && x.type != JsonType.Long) || (type != JsonType.Int && type != JsonType.Long))) { return false; } switch (type) { case JsonType.None: return true; case JsonType.Object: return inst_object.Equals(x.inst_object); case JsonType.Array: return inst_array.Equals(x.inst_array); case JsonType.String: return inst_string.Equals(x.inst_string); case JsonType.Int: if (x.IsLong) { if (x.inst_long < int.MinValue || x.inst_long > int.MaxValue) { return false; } return inst_int.Equals((int)x.inst_long); } return inst_int.Equals(x.inst_int); case JsonType.Long: if (x.IsInt) { if (inst_long < int.MinValue || inst_long > int.MaxValue) { return false; } return x.inst_int.Equals((int)inst_long); } return inst_long.Equals(x.inst_long); case JsonType.Double: return inst_double.Equals(x.inst_double); case JsonType.Boolean: return inst_boolean.Equals(x.inst_boolean); default: return false; } } public JsonType GetJsonType() { return type; } public void SetJsonType(JsonType type) { if (this.type != type) { switch (type) { case JsonType.Object: inst_object = new Dictionary<string, JsonData>(); object_list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>>(); break; case JsonType.Array: inst_array = new List<JsonData>(); break; case JsonType.String: inst_string = null; break; case JsonType.Int: inst_int = 0; break; case JsonType.Long: inst_long = 0L; break; case JsonType.Double: inst_double = 0.0; break; case JsonType.Boolean: inst_boolean = false; break; } this.type = type; } } public string ToJson() { if (json != null) { return json; } StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter); jsonWriter.Validate = false; WriteJson(this, jsonWriter); json = stringWriter.ToString(); return json; } public void ToJson(JsonWriter writer) { bool validate = writer.Validate; writer.Validate = false; WriteJson(this, writer); writer.Validate = validate; } public override string ToString() { return type switch { JsonType.Array => "JsonData array", JsonType.Boolean => inst_boolean.ToString(), JsonType.Double => inst_double.ToString(), JsonType.Int => inst_int.ToString(), JsonType.Long => inst_long.ToString(), JsonType.Object => "JsonData object", JsonType.String => inst_string, _ => "Uninitialized JsonData", }; } } internal class OrderedDictionaryEnumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator, IEnumerator { private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>> list_enumerator; public object Current => Entry; public DictionaryEntry Entry { get { KeyValuePair<string, JsonData> current = list_enumerator.Current; return new DictionaryEntry(current.Key, current.Value); } } public object Key => list_enumerator.Current.Key; public object Value => list_enumerator.Current.Value; public OrderedDictionaryEnumerator(IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, JsonData>> enumerator) { list_enumerator = enumerator; } public bool MoveNext() { return list_enumerator.MoveNext(); } public void Reset() { list_enumerator.Reset(); } } public class JsonException : ApplicationException { public JsonException() { } internal JsonException(ParserToken token) : base($"Invalid token '{token}' in input string") { } internal JsonException(ParserToken token, Exception inner_exception) : base($"Invalid token '{token}' in input string", inner_exception) { } internal JsonException(int c) : base($"Invalid character '{(char)c}' in input string") { } internal JsonException(int c, Exception inner_exception) : base($"Invalid character '{(char)c}' in input string", inner_exception) { } public JsonException(string message) : base(message) { } public JsonException(string message, Exception inner_exception) : base(message, inner_exception) { } } internal struct PropertyMetadata { public MemberInfo Info; public bool IsField; public Type Type; } internal struct ArrayMetadata { private Type element_type; private bool is_array; private bool is_list; public Type ElementType { get { if (element_type == null) { return typeof(JsonData); } return element_type; } set { element_type = value; } } public bool IsArray { get { return is_array; } set { is_array = value; } } public bool IsList { get { return is_list; } set { is_list = value; } } } internal struct ObjectMetadata { private Type element_type; private bool is_dictionary; private IDictionary<string, PropertyMetadata> properties; public Type ElementType { get { if (element_type == null) { return typeof(JsonData); } return element_type; } set { element_type = value; } } public bool IsDictionary { get { return is_dictionary; } set { is_dictionary = value; } } public IDictionary<string, PropertyMetadata> Properties { get { return properties; } set { properties = value; } } } internal delegate void ExporterFunc(object obj, JsonWriter writer); public delegate void ExporterFunc<T>(T obj, JsonWriter writer); internal delegate object ImporterFunc(object input); public delegate TValue ImporterFunc<TJson, TValue>(TJson input); public delegate IJsonWrapper WrapperFactory(); public class JsonMapper { private static readonly int max_nesting_depth; private static readonly IFormatProvider datetime_format; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, ExporterFunc> base_exporters_table; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, ExporterFunc> custom_exporters_table; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, ImporterFunc>> base_importers_table; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, ImporterFunc>> custom_importers_table; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, ArrayMetadata> array_metadata; private static readonly object array_metadata_lock; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>> conv_ops; private static readonly object conv_ops_lock; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, ObjectMetadata> object_metadata; private static readonly object object_metadata_lock; private static readonly IDictionary<Type, IList<PropertyMetadata>> type_properties; private static readonly object type_properties_lock; private static readonly JsonWriter static_writer; private static readonly object static_writer_lock; static JsonMapper() { array_metadata_lock = new object(); conv_ops_lock = new object(); object_metadata_lock = new object(); type_properties_lock = new object(); static_writer_lock = new object(); max_nesting_depth = 100; array_metadata = new Dictionary<Type, ArrayMetadata>(); conv_ops = new Dictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>>(); object_metadata = new Dictionary<Type, ObjectMetadata>(); type_properties = new Dictionary<Type, IList<PropertyMetadata>>(); static_writer = new JsonWriter(); datetime_format = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; base_exporters_table = new Dictionary<Type, ExporterFunc>(); custom_exporters_table = new Dictionary<Type, ExporterFunc>(); base_importers_table = new Dictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, ImporterFunc>>(); custom_importers_table = new Dictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, ImporterFunc>>(); RegisterBaseExporters(); RegisterBaseImporters(); } private static void AddArrayMetadata(Type type) { if (array_metadata.ContainsKey(type)) { return; } ArrayMetadata value = default(ArrayMetadata); value.IsArray = type.IsArray; if (type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IList") != null) { value.IsList = true; } PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties) { if (!(propertyInfo.Name != "Item")) { ParameterInfo[] indexParameters = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters(); if (indexParameters.Length == 1 && indexParameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(int)) { value.ElementType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; } } } lock (array_metadata_lock) { try { array_metadata.Add(type, value); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } private static void AddObjectMetadata(Type type) { if (object_metadata.ContainsKey(type)) { return; } ObjectMetadata value = default(ObjectMetadata); if (type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IDictionary") != null) { value.IsDictionary = true; } value.Properties = new Dictionary<string, PropertyMetadata>(); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties) { if (propertyInfo.Name == "Item") { ParameterInfo[] indexParameters = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters(); if (indexParameters.Length == 1 && indexParameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(string)) { value.ElementType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; } } else { PropertyMetadata value2 = default(PropertyMetadata); value2.Info = propertyInfo; value2.Type = propertyInfo.PropertyType; value.Properties.Add(propertyInfo.Name, value2); } } FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields) { PropertyMetadata value3 = default(PropertyMetadata); value3.Info = fieldInfo; value3.IsField = true; value3.Type = fieldInfo.FieldType; value.Properties.Add(fieldInfo.Name, value3); } lock (object_metadata_lock) { try { object_metadata.Add(type, value); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } private static void AddTypeProperties(Type type) { if (type_properties.ContainsKey(type)) { return; } IList<PropertyMetadata> list = new List<PropertyMetadata>(); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties) { if (!(propertyInfo.Name == "Item")) { PropertyMetadata item = default(PropertyMetadata); item.Info = propertyInfo; item.IsField = false; list.Add(item); } } FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo info in fields) { PropertyMetadata item2 = default(PropertyMetadata); item2.Info = info; item2.IsField = true; list.Add(item2); } lock (type_properties_lock) { try { type_properties.Add(type, list); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } private static MethodInfo GetConvOp(Type t1, Type t2) { lock (conv_ops_lock) { if (!conv_ops.ContainsKey(t1)) { conv_ops.Add(t1, new Dictionary<Type, MethodInfo>()); } } if (conv_ops[t1].ContainsKey(t2)) { return conv_ops[t1][t2]; } MethodInfo method = t1.GetMethod("op_Implicit", new Type[1] { t2 }); lock (conv_ops_lock) { try { conv_ops[t1].Add(t2, method); } catch (ArgumentException) { return conv_ops[t1][t2]; } } return method; } private static object ReadValue(Type inst_type, JsonReader reader) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { return null; } Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(inst_type); Type type = underlyingType ?? inst_type; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Null) { if (inst_type.IsClass || underlyingType != null) { return null; } throw new JsonException($"Can't assign null to an instance of type {inst_type}"); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Double || reader.Token == JsonToken.Int || reader.Token == JsonToken.Long || reader.Token == JsonToken.String || reader.Token == JsonToken.Boolean) { Type type2 = reader.Value.GetType(); if (type.IsAssignableFrom(type2)) { return reader.Value; } if (custom_importers_table.ContainsKey(type2) && custom_importers_table[type2].ContainsKey(type)) { ImporterFunc importerFunc = custom_importers_table[type2][type]; return importerFunc(reader.Value); } if (base_importers_table.ContainsKey(type2) && base_importers_table[type2].ContainsKey(type)) { ImporterFunc importerFunc2 = base_importers_table[type2][type]; return importerFunc2(reader.Value); } if (type.IsEnum) { return Enum.ToObject(type, reader.Value); } MethodInfo convOp = GetConvOp(type, type2); if (convOp != null) { return convOp.Invoke(null, new object[1] { reader.Value }); } throw new JsonException($"Can't assign value '{reader.Value}' (type {type2}) to type {inst_type}"); } object obj = null; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayStart) { AddArrayMetadata(inst_type); ArrayMetadata arrayMetadata = array_metadata[inst_type]; if (!arrayMetadata.IsArray && !arrayMetadata.IsList) { throw new JsonException($"Type {inst_type} can't act as an array"); } IList list; Type elementType; if (!arrayMetadata.IsArray) { list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); elementType = arrayMetadata.ElementType; } else { list = new ArrayList(); elementType = inst_type.GetElementType(); } list.Clear(); while (true) { object obj2 = ReadValue(elementType, reader); if (obj2 == null && reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { break; } list.Add(obj2); } if (arrayMetadata.IsArray) { int count = list.Count; obj = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((Array)obj).SetValue(list[i], i); } } else { obj = list; } } else if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectStart) { AddObjectMetadata(type); ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = object_metadata[type]; obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type); while (true) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectEnd) { break; } string text = (string)reader.Value; if (objectMetadata.Properties.ContainsKey(text)) { PropertyMetadata propertyMetadata = objectMetadata.Properties[text]; if (propertyMetadata.IsField) { ((FieldInfo)propertyMetadata.Info).SetValue(obj, ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader)); continue; } PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)propertyMetadata.Info; if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) { propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader), null); } else { ReadValue(propertyMetadata.Type, reader); } } else if (!objectMetadata.IsDictionary) { if (!reader.SkipNonMembers) { throw new JsonException($"The type {inst_type} doesn't have the property '{text}'"); } ReadSkip(reader); } else { ((IDictionary)obj).Add(text, ReadValue(objectMetadata.ElementType, reader)); } } } return obj; } private static IJsonWrapper ReadValue(WrapperFactory factory, JsonReader reader) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd || reader.Token == JsonToken.Null) { return null; } IJsonWrapper jsonWrapper = factory(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.String) { jsonWrapper.SetString((string)reader.Value); return jsonWrapper; } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Double) { jsonWrapper.SetDouble((double)reader.Value); return jsonWrapper; } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Int) { jsonWrapper.SetInt((int)reader.Value); return jsonWrapper; } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Long) { jsonWrapper.SetLong((long)reader.Value); return jsonWrapper; } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Boolean) { jsonWrapper.SetBoolean((bool)reader.Value); return jsonWrapper; } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayStart) { jsonWrapper.SetJsonType(JsonType.Array); while (true) { IJsonWrapper jsonWrapper2 = ReadValue(factory, reader); if (jsonWrapper2 == null && reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { break; } jsonWrapper.Add(jsonWrapper2); } } else if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectStart) { jsonWrapper.SetJsonType(JsonType.Object); while (true) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectEnd) { break; } string key = (string)reader.Value; jsonWrapper[key] = ReadValue(factory, reader); } } return jsonWrapper; } private static void ReadSkip(JsonReader reader) { ToWrapper(() => new JsonMockWrapper(), reader); } private static void RegisterBaseExporters() { base_exporters_table[typeof(byte)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToInt32((byte)obj)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(char)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToString((char)obj)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(DateTime)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToString((DateTime)obj, datetime_format)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(decimal)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write((decimal)obj); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(sbyte)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToInt32((sbyte)obj)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(short)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToInt32((short)obj)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(ushort)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToInt32((ushort)obj)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(uint)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(Convert.ToUInt64((uint)obj)); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(ulong)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write((ulong)obj); }; base_exporters_table[typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { writer.Write(((DateTimeOffset)obj).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz", datetime_format)); }; } private static void RegisterBaseImporters() { ImporterFunc importer = (object input) => Convert.ToByte((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(byte), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToUInt64((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(ulong), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToInt64((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(long), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToSByte((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(sbyte), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToInt16((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(short), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToUInt16((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(ushort), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToUInt32((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(uint), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToSingle((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(float), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToDouble((int)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(int), typeof(double), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToDecimal((double)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(double), typeof(decimal), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToSingle((double)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(double), typeof(float), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToUInt32((long)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(long), typeof(uint), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToChar((string)input); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(string), typeof(char), importer); importer = (object input) => Convert.ToDateTime((string)input, datetime_format); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(string), typeof(DateTime), importer); importer = (object input) => DateTimeOffset.Parse((string)input, datetime_format); RegisterImporter(base_importers_table, typeof(string), typeof(DateTimeOffset), importer); } private static void RegisterImporter(IDictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, ImporterFunc>> table, Type json_type, Type value_type, ImporterFunc importer) { if (!table.ContainsKey(json_type)) { table.Add(json_type, new Dictionary<Type, ImporterFunc>()); } table[json_type][value_type] = importer; } private static void WriteValue(object obj, JsonWriter writer, bool writer_is_private, int depth) { if (depth > max_nesting_depth) { throw new JsonException($"Max allowed object depth reached while trying to export from type {obj.GetType()}"); } if (obj == null) { writer.Write(null); return; } if (obj is IJsonWrapper) { if (writer_is_private) { writer.TextWriter.Write(((IJsonWrapper)obj).ToJson()); } else { ((IJsonWrapper)obj).ToJson(writer); } return; } if (obj is string) { writer.Write((string)obj); return; } if (obj is double) { writer.Write((double)obj); return; } if (obj is float) { writer.Write((float)obj); return; } if (obj is int) { writer.Write((int)obj); return; } if (obj is bool) { writer.Write((bool)obj); return; } if (obj is long) { writer.Write((long)obj); return; } if (obj is Array) { writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (object item in (Array)obj) { WriteValue(item, writer, writer_is_private, depth + 1); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); return; } if (obj is IList) { writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (object item2 in (IList)obj) { WriteValue(item2, writer, writer_is_private, depth + 1); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); return; } if (obj is IDictionary dictionary) { writer.WriteObjectStart(); foreach (DictionaryEntry item3 in dictionary) { string property_name = ((item3.Key is string text) ? text : Convert.ToString(item3.Key, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); writer.WritePropertyName(property_name); WriteValue(item3.Value, writer, writer_is_private, depth + 1); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); return; } Type type = obj.GetType(); if (custom_exporters_table.ContainsKey(type)) { ExporterFunc exporterFunc = custom_exporters_table[type]; exporterFunc(obj, writer); return; } if (base_exporters_table.ContainsKey(type)) { ExporterFunc exporterFunc2 = base_exporters_table[type]; exporterFunc2(obj, writer); return; } if (obj is Enum) { Type underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType == typeof(long)) { writer.Write((long)obj); } else if (underlyingType == typeof(uint)) { writer.Write((uint)obj); } else if (underlyingType == typeof(ulong)) { writer.Write((ulong)obj); } else if (underlyingType == typeof(ushort)) { writer.Write((ushort)obj); } else if (underlyingType == typeof(short)) { writer.Write((short)obj); } else if (underlyingType == typeof(byte)) { writer.Write((byte)obj); } else if (underlyingType == typeof(sbyte)) { writer.Write((sbyte)obj); } else { writer.Write((int)obj); } return; } AddTypeProperties(type); IList<PropertyMetadata> list = type_properties[type]; writer.WriteObjectStart(); foreach (PropertyMetadata item4 in list) { if (item4.IsField) { writer.WritePropertyName(item4.Info.Name); WriteValue(((FieldInfo)item4.Info).GetValue(obj), writer, writer_is_private, depth + 1); continue; } PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)item4.Info; if (propertyInfo.CanRead) { writer.WritePropertyName(item4.Info.Name); WriteValue(propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null), writer, writer_is_private, depth + 1); } } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } public static string ToJson(object obj) { lock (static_writer_lock) { static_writer.Reset(); WriteValue(obj, static_writer, writer_is_private: true, 0); return static_writer.ToString(); } } public static void ToJson(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { WriteValue(obj, writer, writer_is_private: false, 0); } public static JsonData ToObject(JsonReader reader) { return (JsonData)ToWrapper(() => new JsonData(), reader); } public static JsonData ToObject(TextReader reader) { JsonReader reader2 = new JsonReader(reader); return (JsonData)ToWrapper(() => new JsonData(), reader2); } public static JsonData ToObject(string json) { return (JsonData)ToWrapper(() => new JsonData(), json); } public static T ToObject<T>(JsonReader reader) { return (T)ReadValue(typeof(T), reader); } public static T ToObject<T>(TextReader reader) { JsonReader reader2 = new JsonReader(reader); return (T)ReadValue(typeof(T), reader2); } public static T ToObject<T>(string json) { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(json); return (T)ReadValue(typeof(T), reader); } public static object ToObject(string json, Type ConvertType) { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(json); return ReadValue(ConvertType, reader); } public static IJsonWrapper ToWrapper(WrapperFactory factory, JsonReader reader) { return ReadValue(factory, reader); } public static IJsonWrapper ToWrapper(WrapperFactory factory, string json) { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(json); return ReadValue(factory, reader); } public static void RegisterExporter<T>(ExporterFunc<T> exporter) { ExporterFunc value = delegate(object obj, JsonWriter writer) { exporter((T)obj, writer); }; custom_exporters_table[typeof(T)] = value; } public static void RegisterImporter<TJson, TValue>(ImporterFunc<TJson, TValue> importer) { ImporterFunc importer2 = (object input) => importer((TJson)input); RegisterImporter(custom_importers_table, typeof(TJson), typeof(TValue), importer2); } public static void UnregisterExporters() { custom_exporters_table.Clear(); } public static void UnregisterImporters() { custom_importers_table.Clear(); } } public class JsonMockWrapper : IJsonWrapper, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IOrderedDictionary, IDictionary { public bool IsArray => false; public bool IsBoolean => false; public bool IsDouble => false; public bool IsInt => false; public bool IsLong => false; public bool IsObject => false; public bool IsString => false; bool IList.IsFixedSize => true; bool IList.IsReadOnly => true; object IList.this[int index] { get { return null; } set { } } int ICollection.Count => 0; bool ICollection.IsSynchronized => false; object ICollection.SyncRoot => null; bool IDictionary.IsFixedSize => true; bool IDictionary.IsReadOnly => true; ICollection IDictionary.Keys => null; ICollection IDictionary.Values => null; object IDictionary.this[object key] { get { return null; } set { } } object IOrderedDictionary.this[int idx] { get { return null; } set { } } public bool GetBoolean() { return false; } public double GetDouble() { return 0.0; } public int GetInt() { return 0; } public JsonType GetJsonType() { return JsonType.None; } public long GetLong() { return 0L; } public string GetString() { return ""; } public void SetBoolean(bool val) { } public void SetDouble(double val) { } public void SetInt(int val) { } public void SetJsonType(JsonType type) { } public void SetLong(long val) { } public void SetString(string val) { } public string ToJson() { return ""; } public void ToJson(JsonWriter writer) { } int IList.Add(object value) { return 0; } void IList.Clear() { } bool IList.Contains(object value) { return false; } int IList.IndexOf(object value) { return -1; } void IList.Insert(int i, object v) { } void IList.Remove(object value) { } void IList.RemoveAt(int index) { } void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) { } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return null; } void IDictionary.Add(object k, object v) { } void IDictionary.Clear() { } bool IDictionary.Contains(object key) { return false; } void IDictionary.Remove(object key) { } IDictionaryEnumerator IDictionary.GetEnumerator() { return null; } IDictionaryEnumerator IOrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator() { return null; } void IOrderedDictionary.Insert(int i, object k, object v) { } void IOrderedDictionary.RemoveAt(int i) { } } public enum JsonToken { None, ObjectStart, PropertyName, ObjectEnd, ArrayStart, ArrayEnd, Int, Long, Double, String, Boolean, Null } public class JsonReader { private static readonly IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, int[]>> parse_table; private Stack<int> automaton_stack; private int current_input; private int current_symbol; private bool end_of_json; private bool end_of_input; private Lexer lexer; private bool parser_in_string; private bool parser_return; private bool read_started; private TextReader reader; private bool reader_is_owned; private bool skip_non_members; private object token_value; private JsonToken token; public bool AllowComments { get { return lexer.AllowComments; } set { lexer.AllowComments = value; } } public bool AllowSingleQuotedStrings { get { return lexer.AllowSingleQuotedStrings; } set { lexer.AllowSingleQuotedStrings = value; } } public bool SkipNonMembers { get { return skip_non_members; } set { skip_non_members = value; } } public bool EndOfInput => end_of_input; public bool EndOfJson => end_of_json; public JsonToken Token => token; public object Value => token_value; static JsonReader() { parse_table = PopulateParseTable(); } public JsonReader(string json_text) : this(new StringReader(json_text), owned: true) { } public JsonReader(TextReader reader) : this(reader, owned: false) { } private JsonReader(TextReader reader, bool owned) { if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); } parser_in_string = false; parser_return = false; read_started = false; automaton_stack = new Stack<int>(); automaton_stack.Push(65553); automaton_stack.Push(65543); lexer = new Lexer(reader); end_of_input = false; end_of_json = false; skip_non_members = true; this.reader = reader; reader_is_owned = owned; } private static IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, int[]>> PopulateParseTable() { IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, int[]>> result = new Dictionary<int, IDictionary<int, int[]>>(); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.Array); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Array, 91, 91, 65549); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 34, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 91, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 93, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 123, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 65537, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 65538, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 65539, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ArrayPrime, 65540, 65550, 65551, 93); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.Object); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Object, 123, 123, 65545); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.ObjectPrime); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ObjectPrime, 34, 65546, 65547, 125); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ObjectPrime, 125, 125); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.Pair); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Pair, 34, 65552, 58, 65550); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.PairRest); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.PairRest, 44, 44, 65546, 65547); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.PairRest, 125, 65554); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.String); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.String, 34, 34, 65541, 34); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.Text); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Text, 91, 65548); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Text, 123, 65544); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.Value); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 34, 65552); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 91, 65548); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 123, 65544); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 65537, 65537); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 65538, 65538); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 65539, 65539); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.Value, 65540, 65540); TableAddRow(result, ParserToken.ValueRest); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ValueRest, 44, 44, 65550, 65551); TableAddCol(result, ParserToken.ValueRest, 93, 65554); return result; } private static void TableAddCol(IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, int[]>> parse_table, ParserToken row, int col, params int[] symbols) { parse_table[(int)row].Add(col, symbols); } private static void TableAddRow(IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, int[]>> parse_table, ParserToken rule) { parse_table.Add((int)rule, new Dictionary<int, int[]>()); } private void ProcessNumber(string number) { int result2; long result3; ulong result4; if ((number.IndexOf('.') != -1 || number.IndexOf('e') != -1 || number.IndexOf('E') != -1) && double.TryParse(number, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result)) { token = JsonToken.Double; token_value = result; } else if (int.TryParse(number, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result2)) { token = JsonToken.Int; token_value = result2; } else if (long.TryParse(number, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result3)) { token = JsonToken.Long; token_value = result3; } else if (ulong.TryParse(number, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result4)) { token = JsonToken.Long; token_value = result4; } else { token = JsonToken.Int; token_value = 0; } } private void ProcessSymbol() { if (current_symbol == 91) { token = JsonToken.ArrayStart; parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 93) { token = JsonToken.ArrayEnd; parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 123) { token = JsonToken.ObjectStart; parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 125) { token = JsonToken.ObjectEnd; parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 34) { if (parser_in_string) { parser_in_string = false; parser_return = true; return; } if (token == JsonToken.None) { token = JsonToken.String; } parser_in_string = true; } else if (current_symbol == 65541) { token_value = lexer.StringValue; } else if (current_symbol == 65539) { token = JsonToken.Boolean; token_value = false; parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 65540) { token = JsonToken.Null; parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 65537) { ProcessNumber(lexer.StringValue); parser_return = true; } else if (current_symbol == 65546) { token = JsonToken.PropertyName; } else if (current_symbol == 65538) { token = JsonToken.Boolean; token_value = true; parser_return = true; } } private bool ReadToken() { if (end_of_input) { return false; } lexer.NextToken(); if (lexer.EndOfInput) { Close(); return false; } current_input = lexer.Token; return true; } public void Close() { if (end_of_input) { return; } end_of_input = true; end_of_json = true; if (reader_is_owned) { using (reader) { } } reader = null; } public bool Read() { if (end_of_input) { return false; } if (end_of_json) { end_of_json = false; automaton_stack.Clear(); automaton_stack.Push(65553); automaton_stack.Push(65543); } parser_in_string = false; parser_return = false; token = JsonToken.None; token_value = null; if (!read_started) { read_started = true; if (!ReadToken()) { return false; } } while (true) { if (parser_return) { if (automaton_stack.Peek() == 65553) { end_of_json = true; } return true; } current_symbol = automaton_stack.Pop(); ProcessSymbol(); if (current_symbol == current_input) { if (!ReadToken()) { break; } continue; } int[] array; try { array = parse_table[current_symbol][current_input]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException inner_exception) { throw new JsonException((ParserToken)current_input, inner_exception); } if (array[0] != 65554) { for (int num = array.Length - 1; num >= 0; num--) { automaton_stack.Push(array[num]); } } } if (automaton_stack.Peek() != 65553) { throw new JsonException("Input doesn't evaluate to proper JSON text"); } if (parser_return) { return true; } return false; } } internal enum Condition { InArray, InObject, NotAProperty, Property, Value } internal class WriterContext { public int Count; public bool InArray; public bool InObject; public bool ExpectingValue; public int Padding; } public class JsonWriter { private static readonly NumberFormatInfo number_format; private WriterContext context; private Stack<WriterContext> ctx_stack; private bool has_reached_end; private char[] hex_seq; private int indentation; private int indent_value; private StringBuilder inst_string_builder; private bool pretty_print; private bool validate; private bool lower_case_properties; private TextWriter writer; public int IndentValue { get { return indent_value; } set { indentation = indentation / indent_value * value; indent_value = value; } } public bool PrettyPrint { get { return pretty_print; } set { pretty_print = value; } } public TextWriter TextWriter => writer; public bool Validate { get { return validate; } set { validate = value; } } public bool LowerCaseProperties { get { return lower_case_properties; } set { lower_case_properties = value; } } static JsonWriter() { number_format = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; } public JsonWriter() { inst_string_builder = new StringBuilder(); writer = new StringWriter(inst_string_builder); Init(); } public JsonWriter(StringBuilder sb) : this(new StringWriter(sb)) { } public JsonWriter(TextWriter writer) { if (writer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); } this.writer = writer; Init(); } private void DoValidation(Condition cond) { if (!context.ExpectingValue) { context.Count++; } if (!validate) { return; } if (has_reached_end) { throw new JsonException("A complete JSON symbol has already been written"); } switch (cond) { case Condition.InArray: if (!context.InArray) { throw new JsonException("Can't close an array here"); } break; case Condition.InObject: if (!context.InObject || context.ExpectingValue) { throw new JsonException("Can't close an object here"); } break; case Condition.NotAProperty: if (context.InObject && !context.ExpectingValue) { throw new JsonException("Expected a property"); } break; case Condition.Property: if (!context.InObject || context.ExpectingValue) { throw new JsonException("Can't add a property here"); } break; case Condition.Value: if (!context.InArray && (!context.InObject || !context.ExpectingValue)) { throw new JsonException("Can't add a value here"); } break; } } private void Init() { has_reached_end = false; hex_seq = new char[4]; indentation = 0; indent_value = 4; pretty_print = true; validate = true; lower_case_properties = false; ctx_stack = new Stack<WriterContext>(); context = new WriterContext(); ctx_stack.Push(context); } private static void IntToHex(int n, char[] hex) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int num = n % 16; if (num < 10) { hex[3 - i] = (char)(48 + num); } else { hex[3 - i] = (char)(65 + (num - 10)); } n >>= 4; } } private void Indent() { if (pretty_print) { indentation += indent_value; } } private void Put(string str) { if (pretty_print && !context.ExpectingValue) { for (int i = 0; i < indentation; i++) { writer.Write(' '); } } writer.Write(str); } private void PutNewline() { PutNewline(add_comma: true); } private void PutNewline(bool add_comma) { if (add_comma && !context.ExpectingValue && context.Count > 1) { writer.Write(','); } if (pretty_print && !context.ExpectingValue) { writer.Write(Environment.NewLine); } } private void PutString(string str) { Put(string.Empty); writer.Write('"'); int length = str.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '\n': writer.Write("\\n"); continue; case '\r': writer.Write("\\r"); continue; case '\t': writer.Write("\\t"); continue; case '"': case '\\': writer.Write('\\'); writer.Write(str[i]); continue; case '\f': writer.Write("\\f"); continue; case '\b': writer.Write("\\b"); continue; } if (str[i] >= ' ' && str[i] <= '~') { writer.Write(str[i]); continue; } IntToHex(str[i], hex_seq); writer.Write("\\u"); writer.Write(hex_seq); } writer.Write('"'); } private void Unindent() { if (pretty_print) { indentation -= indent_value; } } public override string ToString() { if (inst_string_builder == null) { return string.Empty; } return inst_string_builder.ToString(); } public void Reset() { has_reached_end = false; ctx_stack.Clear(); context = new WriterContext(); ctx_stack.Push(context); if (inst_string_builder != null) { inst_string_builder.Remove(0, inst_string_builder.Length); } } public void Write(bool boolean) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); Put(boolean ? "true" : "false"); context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void Write(decimal number) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); Put(Convert.ToString(number, number_format)); context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void Write(double number) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); string text = Convert.ToString(number, number_format); Put(text); if (text.IndexOf('.') == -1 && text.IndexOf('E') == -1) { writer.Write(".0"); } context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void Write(float number) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); string str = Convert.ToString(number, number_format); Put(str); context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void Write(int number) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); Put(Convert.ToString(number, number_format)); context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void Write(long number) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); Put(Convert.ToString(number, number_format)); context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void Write(string str) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); if (str == null) { Put("null"); } else { PutString(str); } context.ExpectingValue = false; } [CLSCompliant(false)] public void Write(ulong number) { DoValidation(Condition.Value); PutNewline(); Put(Convert.ToString(number, number_format)); context.ExpectingValue = false; } public void WriteArrayEnd() { DoValidation(Condition.InArray); PutNewline(add_comma: false); ctx_stack.Pop(); if (ctx_stack.Count == 1) { has_reached_end = true; } else { context = ctx_stack.Peek(); context.ExpectingValue = false; } Unindent(); Put("]"); } public void WriteArrayStart() { DoValidation(Condition.NotAProperty); PutNewline(); Put("["); context = new WriterContext(); context.InArray = true; ctx_stack.Push(context); Indent(); } public void WriteObjectEnd() { DoValidation(Condition.InObject); PutNewline(add_comma: false); ctx_stack.Pop(); if (ctx_stack.Count == 1) { has_reached_end = true; } else { context = ctx_stack.Peek(); context.ExpectingValue = false; } Unindent(); Put("}"); } public void WriteObjectStart() { DoValidation(Condition.NotAProperty); PutNewline(); Put("{"); context = new WriterContext(); context.InObject = true; ctx_stack.Push(context); Indent(); } public void WritePropertyName(string property_name) { DoValidation(Condition.Property); PutNewline(); string text = ((property_name == null || !lower_case_properties) ? property_name : property_name.ToLowerInvariant()); PutString(text); if (pretty_print) { if (text.Length > context.Padding) { context.Padding = text.Length; } for (int num = context.Padding - text.Length; num >= 0; num--) { writer.Write(' '); } writer.Write(": "); } else { writer.Write(':'); } context.ExpectingValue = true; } } internal class FsmContext { public bool Return; public int NextState; public Lexer L; public int StateStack; } internal class Lexer { private delegate bool StateHandler(FsmContext ctx); private static readonly int[] fsm_return_table; private static readonly StateHandler[] fsm_handler_table; private bool allow_comments; private bool allow_single_quoted_strings; private bool end_of_input; private FsmContext fsm_context; private int input_buffer; private int input_char; private TextReader reader; private int state; private StringBuilder string_buffer; private string string_value; private int token; private int unichar; public bool AllowComments { get { return allow_comments; } set { allow_comments = value; } } public bool AllowSingleQuotedStrings { get { return allow_single_quoted_strings; } set { allow_single_quoted_strings = value; } } public bool EndOfInput => end_of_input; public int Token => token; public string StringValue => string_value; static Lexer() { PopulateFsmTables(out fsm_handler_table, out fsm_return_table); } public Lexer(TextReader reader) { allow_comments = true; allow_single_quoted_strings = true; input_buffer = 0; string_buffer = new StringBuilder(128); state = 1; end_of_input = false; this.reader = reader; fsm_context = new FsmContext(); fsm_context.L = this; } private static int HexValue(int digit) { switch (digit) { case 65: case 97: return 10; case 66: case 98: return 11; case 67: case 99: return 12; case 68: case 100: return 13; case 69: case 101: return 14; case 70: case 102: return 15; default: return digit - 48; } } private static void PopulateFsmTables(out StateHandler[] fsm_handler_table, out int[] fsm_return_table) { fsm_handler_table = new StateHandler[28] { State1, State2, State3, State4, State5, State6, State7, State8, State9, State10, State11, State12, State13, State14, State15, State16, State17, State18, State19, State20, State21, State22, State23, State24, State25, State26, State27, State28 }; fsm_return_table = new int[28] { 65542, 0, 65537, 65537, 0, 65537, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 65540, 65541, 65542, 0, 0, 65541, 65542, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; } private static char ProcessEscChar(int esc_char) { switch (esc_char) { case 34: case 39: case 47: case 92: return Convert.ToChar(esc_char); case 110: return '\n'; case 116: return '\t'; case 114: return '\r'; case 98: return '\b'; case 102: return '\f'; default: return '?'; } } private static bool State1(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char == 32 || (ctx.L.input_char >= 9 && ctx.L.input_char <= 13)) { continue; } if (ctx.L.input_char >= 49 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 3; return true; } switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 34: ctx.NextState = 19; ctx.Return = true; return true; case 44: case 58: case 91: case 93: case 123: case 125: ctx.NextState = 1; ctx.Return = true; return true; case 45: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 2; return true; case 48: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 4; return true; case 102: ctx.NextState = 12; return true; case 110: ctx.NextState = 16; return true; case 116: ctx.NextState = 9; return true; case 39: if (!ctx.L.allow_single_quoted_strings) { return false; } ctx.L.input_char = 34; ctx.NextState = 23; ctx.Return = true; return true; case 47: if (!ctx.L.allow_comments) { return false; } ctx.NextState = 25; return true; default: return false; } } return true; } private static bool State2(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); if (ctx.L.input_char >= 49 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 3; return true; } int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 48) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 4; return true; } return false; } private static bool State3(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char >= 48 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); continue; } if (ctx.L.input_char == 32 || (ctx.L.input_char >= 9 && ctx.L.input_char <= 13)) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 44: case 93: case 125: ctx.L.UngetChar(); ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; case 46: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 5; return true; case 69: case 101: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 7; return true; default: return false; } } return true; } private static bool State4(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); if (ctx.L.input_char == 32 || (ctx.L.input_char >= 9 && ctx.L.input_char <= 13)) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 44: case 93: case 125: ctx.L.UngetChar(); ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; case 46: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 5; return true; case 69: case 101: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 7; return true; default: return false; } } private static bool State5(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); if (ctx.L.input_char >= 48 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 6; return true; } return false; } private static bool State6(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char >= 48 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); continue; } if (ctx.L.input_char == 32 || (ctx.L.input_char >= 9 && ctx.L.input_char <= 13)) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 44: case 93: case 125: ctx.L.UngetChar(); ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; case 69: case 101: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 7; return true; default: return false; } } return true; } private static bool State7(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); if (ctx.L.input_char >= 48 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 8; return true; } int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 43 || num2 == 45) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); ctx.NextState = 8; return true; } return false; } private static bool State8(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char >= 48 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); continue; } if (ctx.L.input_char == 32 || (ctx.L.input_char >= 9 && ctx.L.input_char <= 13)) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 44 || num2 == 93 || num2 == 125) { ctx.L.UngetChar(); ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } return false; } return true; } private static bool State9(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 114) { ctx.NextState = 10; return true; } return false; } private static bool State10(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 117) { ctx.NextState = 11; return true; } return false; } private static bool State11(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 101) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } return false; } private static bool State12(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 97) { ctx.NextState = 13; return true; } return false; } private static bool State13(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 108) { ctx.NextState = 14; return true; } return false; } private static bool State14(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 115) { ctx.NextState = 15; return true; } return false; } private static bool State15(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 101) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } return false; } private static bool State16(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 117) { ctx.NextState = 17; return true; } return false; } private static bool State17(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 108) { ctx.NextState = 18; return true; } return false; } private static bool State18(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 108) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } return false; } private static bool State19(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 34: ctx.L.UngetChar(); ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 20; return true; case 92: ctx.StateStack = 19; ctx.NextState = 21; return true; } ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); } return true; } private static bool State20(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 34) { ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } return false; } private static bool State21(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 117: ctx.NextState = 22; return true; case 34: case 39: case 47: case 92: case 98: case 102: case 110: case 114: case 116: ctx.L.string_buffer.Append(ProcessEscChar(ctx.L.input_char)); ctx.NextState = ctx.StateStack; return true; default: return false; } } private static bool State22(FsmContext ctx) { int num = 0; int num2 = 4096; ctx.L.unichar = 0; while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if ((ctx.L.input_char >= 48 && ctx.L.input_char <= 57) || (ctx.L.input_char >= 65 && ctx.L.input_char <= 70) || (ctx.L.input_char >= 97 && ctx.L.input_char <= 102)) { ctx.L.unichar += HexValue(ctx.L.input_char) * num2; num++; num2 /= 16; if (num == 4) { ctx.L.string_buffer.Append(Convert.ToChar(ctx.L.unichar)); ctx.NextState = ctx.StateStack; return true; } continue; } return false; } return true; } private static bool State23(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 39: ctx.L.UngetChar(); ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 24; return true; case 92: ctx.StateStack = 23; ctx.NextState = 21; return true; } ctx.L.string_buffer.Append((char)ctx.L.input_char); } return true; } private static bool State24(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); int num = ctx.L.input_char; int num2 = num; if (num2 == 39) { ctx.L.input_char = 34; ctx.Return = true; ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } return false; } private static bool State25(FsmContext ctx) { ctx.L.GetChar(); switch (ctx.L.input_char) { case 42: ctx.NextState = 27; return true; case 47: ctx.NextState = 26; return true; default: return false; } } private static bool State26(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char == 10) { ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } } return true; } private static bool State27(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char == 42) { ctx.NextState = 28; return true; } } return true; } private static bool State28(FsmContext ctx) { while (ctx.L.GetChar()) { if (ctx.L.input_char == 42) { continue; } if (ctx.L.input_char == 47) { ctx.NextState = 1; return true; } ctx.NextState = 27; return true; } return true; } private bool GetChar() { if ((input_char = NextChar()) != -1) { return true; } end_of_input = true; return false; } private int NextChar() { if (input_buffer != 0) { int result = input_buffer; input_buffer = 0; return result; } return reader.Read(); } public bool NextToken() { fsm_context.Return = false; while (true) { StateHandler stateHandler = fsm_handler_table[state - 1]; if (!stateHandler(fsm_context)) { throw new JsonException(input_char); } if (end_of_input) { return false; } if (fsm_context.Return) { break; } state = fsm_context.NextState; } string_value = string_buffer.ToString(); string_buffer.Remove(0, string_buffer.Length); token = fsm_return_table[state - 1]; if (token == 65542) { token = input_char; } state = fsm_context.NextState; return true; } private void UngetChar() { input_buffer = input_char; } } internal enum ParserToken { None = 65536, Number, True, False, Null, CharSeq, Char, Text, Object, ObjectPrime, Pair, PairRest, Array, ArrayPrime, Value, ValueRest, String, End, Epsilon } } namespace EpicValheimsAdditions { [BepInPlugin("Huntard.EpicValheimsAdditions", "Epic Valheims Additions - by Huntard", "2.1.2")] [BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class Core : BaseUnityPlugin { public enum CustomAssetType { Prefab, Item, Piece } private const string ModName = "Epic Valheims Additions - by Huntard"; private const string ModVersion = "2.1.2"; private const string ModGUID = "Huntard.EpicValheimsAdditions"; public static string configPath = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, "Huntard.EpicValheimsAdditions.json"); public static string configPath2 = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, "Huntard.EpicValheimsAdditions_Content.json"); private AssetBundle assetBundle; private Harmony _harmony; private List<string> sfxAssetNames = new List<string>(); private string contentDescription = "This JSON configuration controls various aspects of in-game content and features. Adjust the boolean values to enable or disable specific content, locations, and creatures. Customize your in-game experience using the following sections:- 'Content': Toggle to enable or disable general content such as Weapons, Tools, Resources, Crafting tables, and Boss summons.- 'Locations': Manage the presence of in-game locations, including Altars, Bosses, Vegvisirs, Ores, and Vegetation.- 'Creatures': Control the spawning of custom creatures in different biomes, including the ocean biome. **Note:** Modifying these settings can lead to warnings and errors in-game. Proceed with caution and only make changes if you understand their implications."; private void Awake() { _harmony = Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "Huntard.EpicValheimsAdditions"); RegisterPrefabs(); LoadContentConfig(); CreateCraftingPieces(); RegisterMiscItems(); RegisterAllPrefabs(); RegisterBossStuff(); RegisterMistlands(); RegisterAshlands(); RegisterDeepnorth(); RegisterDeepAbyss(); AddCreatures(); CreateIngots_Scales(); AddVegetation(); LoadConfig(); ZoneManager.OnVanillaLocationsAvailable += AddLocations; ZoneManager.OnVanillaLocationsAvailable += ModDrops; ZoneManager.OnVanillaLocationsAvailable += ModCraftingStationLevels; PrefabManager.OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable += FixSfx; } private void RegisterPrefabs() { Logger.LogInfo((object)"Loading..."); assetBundle = AssetUtils.LoadAssetBundleFromResources("eva_assets", typeof(Core).Assembly); Logger.LogInfo((object)"Loaded Prefabs"); } public void Start() { Upgrade.Register("EVA_upgrade_mistlands", "Adds Mistlands locations and vegetations of mod EVA.", "locations_add SvartalfrQueenAltar_New,Vegvisir_SvartalfrQueen start", "vegetation_reset HeavymetalVein start"); Upgrade.Register("EVA_upgrade_deepnorth", "Adds DeepNorth locations and vegetations of mod EVA.", "locations_add JotunnAltar,Vegvisir_Jotunn start", "vegetation_reset FrometalVein_frac,EVA_Rock1,EVA_Rock2,EVA_Rock3,EVA_Rock4,EVA_Rock5,EVA_Rock6,EVA_Rock7,EVA_Rock8,EVA_Rock9,EVA_Rock10,EVA_Rock11,EVA_Rock12,EVA_Rock13,EVA_Tree1,EVA_Tree2,EVA_Tree3,EVA_Bush1,EVA_Bush2,Pickable_Snowgil_Shroom start"); Upgrade.Register("EVA_upgrade_ashlands", "Adds Ashlands locations and vegetations of mod EVA.", "locations_add BlazingDamnedOneAltar,Vegvisir_BlazingDamnedOne start", "vegetation_reset EVA_SutRock1,EVA_SutRock2,EVA_SutRock3,EVA_SutRock4,EVA_SutRock5,EVA_SutRock6,EVA_SutRock7,EVA_SutRock8,EVA_SutRock9,EVA_SutRock10,EVA_SutRock11,EVA_BurningTree1,EVA_BurningTree2,EVA_BurningTree3,EVA_BurningBush1,EVA_BurningBush2,EVA_BurningBush3,Pickable_Emberbloom start"); Upgrade.Register("EVA_upgrade", "Adds all locations and vegetations of mod EVA.", "locations_add SvartalfrQueenAltar_New,Vegvisir_SvartalfrQueen,JotunnAltar,Vegvisir_Jotunn,BlazingDamnedOneAltar,Vegvisir_BlazingDamnedOne,StaminaGreydwarf,StaminaTroll,StaminaWraith start", "vegetation_reset HeavymetalVein,FrometalVein_frac,EVA_Rock1,EVA_Rock2,EVA_Rock3,EVA_Rock4,EVA_Rock5,EVA_Rock6,EVA_Rock7,EVA_Rock8,EVA_Rock9,EVA_Rock10,EVA_Rock11,EVA_Rock12,EVA_Rock13,EVA_Tree1,EVA_Tree2,EVA_Tree3,EVA_Bush1,EVA_Bush2,Pickable_Snowgil_Shroom,EVA_SutRock1,EVA_SutRock2,EVA_SutRock3,EVA_SutRock4,EVA_SutRock5,EVA_SutRock6,EVA_SutRock7,EVA_SutRock8,EVA_SutRock9,EVA_SutRock10,EVA_SutRock11,EVA_BurningTree1,EVA_BurningTree2,EVA_BurningTree3,EVA_BurningBush1,EVA_BurningBush2,EVA_BurningBush3,Pickable_Emberbloom start"); } private void AddCreatures() { List<EVAConfiguration> json = GetJson<EVAConfiguration>(configPath2); foreach (EVAConfiguration item in json) { try { if (item.Creatures.DeepNorthCreatures) { CreateCreatures("CrystalhideUrsar", (Faction)5, (Biome)64, 33f, 5, 1, 3, 330, "Crystalhide Ursar"); CreateCreatures("CrystalhideUrsar_Cub", (Faction)5, (Biome)64, 5f, 1, 1, 1, 60, "Crystalhide Ursar Cub"); CreateCreatures("FrostwingFae", (Faction)5, (Biome)64, 15f, 3, 1, 1, 500, "Frostwing Fae"); } else { LoadAndRegisterAsset("CrystalhideUrsar", CustomAssetType.Prefab); LoadAndRegisterAsset("CrystalhideUrsar_Cub", CustomAssetType.Prefab); LoadAndRegisterAsset("FrostwingFae", CustomAssetType.Prefab); Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Deep North creatures are turned off"); } if (item.Creatures.AshlandsCreatures) { CreateCreatures("MagmaSkarab", (Faction)4, (Biome)32, 15f, 3, 1, 2, 250, "Magma Skarab"); CreateCreatures("InfernalMinotaur", (Faction)4, (Biome)32, 33f, 5, 1, 3, 400, "Infernal Minotaur"); } else { LoadAndRegisterAsset("MagmaSkarab", CustomAssetType.Prefab); LoadAndRegisterAsset("InfernalMinotaur", CustomAssetType.Prefab); Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Ashlands creatures are turned off"); } if (item.Creatures.OceanCreatures) { CreateCreatures("DraugrMariner", (Faction)6, (Biome)256, 10f, 3, 1, 1, 500, "Draugr Mariner", "Killed_Jotunn"); continue; } LoadAndRegisterAsset("DraugrMariner", CustomAssetType.Prefab); Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Ocean creatures are turned off"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError((object)$"Loading config for Deep North:{item.Creatures.DeepNorthCreatures}, Ashlands:{item.Creatures.AshlandsCreatures}, Ocean:{item.Creatures.OceanCreatures} failed. {ex.Message} {ex.StackTrace}"); } } Logger.LogInfo((object)"Loaded Creatures"); } private void CreateCreatures(string creaturePrefabName, Faction faction, Biome biome, float spawnChance, int maxSpawned, int minlevel, int maxlevel, int spawninterval, string spawnName, string key = "") { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0122: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0127: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0130: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0139: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0142: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0143: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_014a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0153: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0165: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0171: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0107: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0196: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a0: Expected O, but got Unknown GameObject val = assetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>(creaturePrefabName); CreatureConfig val2 = new CreatureConfig(); val2.Name = spawnName; val2.Faction = faction; if (creaturePrefabName == "DraugrMariner") { val2.AddSpawnConfig(new SpawnConfig { Name = spawnName, SpawnChance = spawnChance, MaxSpawned = maxSpawned, Biome = biome, RequiredGlobalKey = key, MaxLevel = maxlevel, MinLevel = minlevel, MaxAltitude = -5f, MinAltitude = -100f, SpawnDistance = 50f, GroupRadius = 3f, MinGroupSize = 1, MaxGroupSize = 1, MinTilt = 0f, MaxTilt = 35f, SpawnInForest = true, SpawnOutsideForest = true, BiomeArea = (BiomeArea)2, SpawnInterval = spawninterval, GroundOffset = 0.5f, SpawnAtDay = false, SpawnAtNight = true }); } else { val2.AddSpawnConfig(new SpawnConfig { Name = spawnName, SpawnChance = spawnChance, MaxSpawned = maxSpawned, Biome = biome, RequiredGlobalKey = key, MaxLevel = maxlevel, MinLevel = minlevel, SpawnDistance = 30f, SpawnInterval = spawninterval, GroupRadius = 10f }); } CreatureManager.Instance.AddCreature(new CustomCreature(val, true, val2)); } private void AddLocations() { List<EVAConfiguration> json = GetJson<EVAConfiguration>(configPath2); foreach (EVAConfiguration item in json) { try { if (item.Locations.MistlandsLocations) { AddCustomLocation("SvartalfrQueenAltar_New", (Biome)512, 1000f, 4000f, 3, 15f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); AddCustomLocation("Vegvisir_SvartalfrQueen", (Biome)512, 1000f, 1000f, 35, 12f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); } else { Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Mistlands locations are turned off"); } if (item.Locations.DeepNorthLocations) { AddCustomLocation("JotunnAltar", (Biome)64, 1000f, 4000f, 3, 20f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); AddCustomLocation("Vegvisir_Jotunn", (Biome)64, 1000f, 1000f, 15, 6f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); } else { Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA DeepNorth locations are turned off"); } if (item.Locations.AshlandsLocations) { AddCustomLocation("BlazingDamnedOneAltar", (Biome)32, 1000f, 4000f, 3, 15f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); AddCustomLocation("Vegvisir_BlazingDamnedOne", (Biome)32, 1000f, 1000f, 15, 4f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); } else { Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Ashlands locations are turned off"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError((object)$"Loading config for Mistlands:{item.Locations.MistlandsLocations}, DeepNorth:{item.Locations.DeepNorthLocations}, Ashlands:{item.Locations.AshlandsLocations} failed. {ex.Message} {ex.StackTrace}"); } } AddCustomLocation("StaminaGreydwarf", (Biome)1, 1000f, 150f, 15, 4f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); AddCustomLocation("StaminaTroll", (Biome)8, 8500f, 150f, 15, 4f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); AddCustomLocation("StaminaWraith", (Biome)2, 8500f, 150f, 15, 4f, randomRotation: false, 1f, clearArea: true, unique: false, priotized: true); Logger.LogInfo((object)"Loaded Locations"); } private void AddCustomLocation(string prefabName, Biome biome, float maxAltitude, float minDistanceFromSimilar, int quantity, float exteriorRadius, bool randomRotation, float minAltitude, bool clearArea, bool unique, bool priotized) { //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0081: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0086: Expected O, but got Unknown GameObject val = ZoneManager.Instance.CreateLocationContainer(assetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>(prefabName)); ZoneManager.Instance.AddCustomLocation(new CustomLocation(val, true, new LocationConfig { Biome = biome, MaxAltitude = maxAltitude, MinDistanceFromSimilar = minDistanceFromSimilar, Unique = unique, Quantity = quantity, Priotized = priotized, ExteriorRadius = exteriorRadius, RandomRotation = randomRotation, MinAltitude = minAltitude, ClearArea = clearArea })); } private void AddVegetation() { List<EVAConfiguration> json = GetJson<EVAConfiguration>(configPath2); foreach (EVAConfiguration item in json) { try { if (item.Locations.MistlandsLocations) { AddCustomVegetation("HeavymetalVein", (Biome)512, 3f, 1f, 1, 2, 12f, blockCheck: false, 0f, 1000f, 50f, unique: true, priotized: false); } else { Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Mistlands locations are turned off"); } if (item.Locations.DeepNorthLocations) { AddCustomVegetation("FrometalVein_frac", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 25f, blockCheck: true, 5f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock1", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock2", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock3", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 100f, blockCheck: true, 5f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock4", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock5", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock6", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock7", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock8", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 100f, blockCheck: true, 5f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock9", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock10", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock11", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock12", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Rock13", (Biome)64, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 50f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Tree1", (Biome)64, 2f, 1f, 1, 3, 50f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Tree2", (Biome)64, 2f, 1f, 1, 3, 50f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Tree3", (Biome)64, 2f, 1f, 1, 3, 50f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Bush1", (Biome)64, 3f, 1f, 2, 3, 4f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_Bush2", (Biome)64, 3f, 1f, 2, 3, 4f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("Pickable_Snowgil_Shroom", (Biome)64, 4f, 1f, 2, 2, 70f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); } else { Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA DeepNorth locations are turned off"); } if (item.Locations.AshlandsLocations) { AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock1", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock2", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock3", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock4", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock5", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock6", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock7", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock8", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock9", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock10", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 5f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_SutRock11", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 50f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_BurningTree1", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 35f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_BurningTree2", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 2, 15f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_BurningTree3", (Biome)32, 1f, 1f, 1, 1, 65f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); sfxAssetNames.AddRange(new List<string> { "EVA_BurningTree1", "EVA_BurningTree2", "EVA_BurningTree3" }); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_BurningBush1", (Biome)32, 3f, 1f, 2, 3, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_BurningBush2", (Biome)32, 3f, 1f, 2, 3, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("EVA_BurningBush3", (Biome)32, 3f, 1f, 2, 3, 10f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); AddCustomVegetation("Pickable_Emberbloom", (Biome)32, 3f, 1f, 2, 3, 70f, blockCheck: true, 1f, 1000f, 20f, unique: true, priotized: false); } else { Logger.LogInfo((object)"EVA Ashlands locations are turned off"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError((object)$"Loading config for Mistlands:{item.Locations.MistlandsLocations}, DeepNorth:{item.Locations.DeepNorthLocations}, Ashlands:{item.Locations.AshlandsLocations} failed. {ex.Message} {ex.StackTrace}"); } } Logger.LogInfo((object)"Loaded Vegetation"); } private void AddCustomVegetation(string prefabName, Biome biome, float max, float min, int groupSizeMin, int groupSizeMax, float groupRadius, bool blockCheck, float minAltitude, float maxAltitude, float maxTilt,