Iskindur-ToDoList icon


Adds a dynamic To-Do List for tracking the needed resources for crafting and building the listed recipes



Version Notes
0.5.2 Maintenance patch due Jotunn update
0.5.1 Fixes costs and output of crafting multiple items at once. Fixed upgrade costs and display.
0.5.0 Added free text notes. Resource translation fixes.
0.4.1 Fixes bug that prevented showing the To-Do List UI
0.4.0 Counts item upgrade cost correctly. Save files are now also map specific. No longer overlaps with inventory UI. More robust UI design and interaction with inventory UI.
0.3.0 Show translated item, build piece and crafting recipe names. Fixed bug of not loading to-do build pieces between session.
0.2.0 Now stores To-Do List between gaming sessions
0.1.1 Now updates To-Do List also when moving items to/from inventory
0.1.0 Initial release