Decompiled source of Cron Job v1.11.0
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Logging; using Cronos; using HarmonyLib; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using UnityEngine; using YamlDotNet.Core; using YamlDotNet.Core.Events; using YamlDotNet.Core.ObjectPool; using YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens; using YamlDotNet.Helpers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization.TypeDiscriminators; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Callbacks; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeDeserializers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeTypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectFactories; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphTraversalStrategies; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphVisitors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Schemas; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeInspectors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Utilities; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("CronJob")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+b975bca0a384c697d559dab1c5acd12a59b765df")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("CronJob")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("CronJob")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace CronJob { public class CronData { [DefaultValue("UTC")] public string timezone = "UTC"; [DefaultValue(10f)] public float interval = 10f; public List<CronEntryData> jobs = new List<CronEntryData>(); public List<CronEntryData> zone = new List<CronEntryData>(); public List<CronEntryData> join = new List<CronEntryData>(); [DefaultValue(true)] public bool logJobs = true; [DefaultValue(true)] public bool logZone = true; [DefaultValue(true)] public bool logJoin = true; [DefaultValue(true)] public bool logSkipped = true; [DefaultValue("true")] public string discordConnector = "true"; } public class CronEntryData { [DefaultValue("")] public string command = ""; [DefaultValue(null)] public string[]? commands; [DefaultValue("")] public string schedule = ""; [DefaultValue(null)] public float? inactive; [DefaultValue(null)] public float? chance; [DefaultValue(false)] public bool avoidPlayers; [DefaultValue(false)] public bool useGameTime; [DefaultValue(null)] public bool? log; [DefaultValue("")] public string biomes = ""; [DefaultValue("")] public string locations = ""; [DefaultValue("")] public string objects = ""; [DefaultValue("")] public string bannedObjects = ""; } public class CronGeneralJob : CronBaseJob { public string Schedule = data.schedule; public bool UseGameTime = data.useGameTime; public CronGeneralJob(CronEntryData data) : base(data) { } } public class CronZoneJob : CronBaseJob { public string Schedule = data.schedule; public bool AvoidPlayers = data.avoidPlayers; public Biome Biomes = Parse.ToBiomes(data.biomes); public HashSet<string> Locations = Parse.ToSet(data.locations); public HashSet<int> Objects = Parse.ToHashSet(data.objects); public HashSet<int> BannedObjects = Parse.ToHashSet(data.bannedObjects); public CronZoneJob(CronEntryData data) : base(data) { }//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) } public class CronJoinJob : CronBaseJob { public CronJoinJob(CronEntryData data) : base(data) { } } public abstract class CronBaseJob { public string[] Commands = data.commands ?? new string[1] { data.command }; public float? Chance = data.chance; public bool? Log = data.log; protected CronBaseJob(CronEntryData data) { } } [BepInPlugin("cron_job", "Cron Job", "1.11")] public class CronJob : BaseUnityPlugin { public const string GUID = "cron_job"; public const string NAME = "Cron Job"; public const string VERSION = "1.11"; private static ManualLogSource? Logs; private float timer; public static ManualLogSource Log => Logs; public void Awake() { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Logs = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger; new Harmony("cron_job").PatchAll(); } public void Start() { DiscordHook.Init(); CronManager.SetupWatcher(); } public void LateUpdate() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance) && ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (timer <= 0f) { timer = CronManager.Interval; CronManager.Execute(); TrackManager.Track(); } } } } [HarmonyPatch] public class CronManager { public static string FileName = "cron.yaml"; public static string FilePath = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, FileName); public static List<CronGeneralJob> Jobs = new List<CronGeneralJob>(); public static List<CronZoneJob> ZoneJobs = new List<CronZoneJob>(); public static List<CronJoinJob> JoinJobs = new List<CronJoinJob>(); public static float Interval = 10f; public static bool LogJobs = true; public static bool LogZone = true; public static bool LogJoin = true; public static bool LogSkipped = true; public static string DiscordConnector = "CronJob"; public static DateTime Previous = DateTime.UtcNow; public static DateTime PreviousGameTime = new DateTime(Year2000, DateTimeKind.Utc); public static TimeZoneInfo TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Utc; private static readonly Random random = new Random(); private static readonly long Year2000 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).Ticks; private static HashSet<ZNetPeer> HandledPeers = new HashSet<ZNetPeer>(); private static DateTime? Parse(string value, DateTime? next = null) { CronFormat format = ((value.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }).Length == 6) ? CronFormat.IncludeSeconds : CronFormat.Standard); return CronExpression.Parse(value, format).GetNextOccurrence(next ?? DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZone); } private static bool Roll(float? chance) { if (!chance.HasValue || chance >= 1f || chance == 0f) { return true; } return random.NextDouble() < (double?)chance; } public static void Execute() { DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(Year2000 + (long)(ZNet.instance.GetTimeSeconds() / (double)EnvMan.instance.m_dayLengthSec * 864000000000.0), DateTimeKind.Utc); foreach (CronGeneralJob job in Jobs) { DateTime obj = (job.UseGameTime ? dateTime : utcNow); DateTime value = (job.UseGameTime ? PreviousGameTime : Previous); DateTime value2 = obj; DateTime? dateTime2 = Parse(job.Schedule, value); if (!(value2 < dateTime2)) { RunJob(job.Commands, job.Chance, job.Log); } } Previous = utcNow; PreviousGameTime = dateTime; } private static void RunJob(string[] commands, float? chance, bool? log) { if (Roll(chance)) { string[] array = commands; foreach (string text in array) { ((Terminal)Console.instance).TryRunCommand(text, false, false); if (log ?? LogJobs) { Log("Executing: " + text); } } } else { if (!LogSkipped) { return; } string[] array = commands; foreach (string text2 in array) { if (log ?? LogJobs) { Log("Skipped: " + text2); } } } } private static void Log(string message) { CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)message); if (DiscordConnector != "") { DiscordHook.SendMessage(DiscordConnector, message); } } public static bool Execute(Vector2i zone, bool hasPlayer, DateTime? previous) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0132: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0280: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0164: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0175: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_036b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0205: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_020a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0239: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_024a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_024f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) List<CronZoneJob> list = ZoneJobs.Where((CronZoneJob cron) => !cron.AvoidPlayers || !hasPlayer).ToList(); if (list.Count == 0) { return false; } DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; ZoneSystem instance = ZoneSystem.instance; ZDOMan instance2 = ZDOMan.instance; WorldGenerator instance3 = WorldGenerator.instance; foreach (CronZoneJob cron2 in list) { DateTime value = utcNow; DateTime? dateTime = Parse(cron2.Schedule, previous); if (value < dateTime) { continue; } Vector3 pos = ZoneSystem.GetZonePos(zone); if (((int)cron2.Biomes != 0 && (instance3.GetBiome(pos.x, pos.y, 0.02f, false) & cron2.Biomes) == 0 && (instance3.GetBiome(pos.x + 32f, pos.y + 32f, 0.02f, false) & cron2.Biomes) == 0 && (instance3.GetBiome(pos.x + 32f, pos.y - 32f, 0.02f, false) & cron2.Biomes) == 0 && (instance3.GetBiome(pos.x - 32f, pos.y + 32f, 0.02f, false) & cron2.Biomes) == 0 && (instance3.GetBiome(pos.x - 32f, pos.y + 32f, 0.02f, false) & cron2.Biomes) == 0) || (cron2.Locations.Count > 0 && (!instance.m_locationInstances.TryGetValue(zone, out var value2) || !cron2.Locations.Contains(value2.m_location?.m_prefabName ?? "")))) { continue; } if (cron2.Objects.Count > 0) { int num = instance2.SectorToIndex(zone); if (num < 0 || num >= instance2.m_objectsBySector.Length) { continue; } List<ZDO> list2 = instance2.m_objectsBySector[num]; if (list2 == null || list2.All((ZDO zdo) => !cron2.Objects.Contains(zdo.m_prefab))) { continue; } } if (cron2.BannedObjects.Count > 0) { int num2 = instance2.SectorToIndex(zone); if (num2 < 0 || num2 >= instance2.m_objectsBySector.Length) { continue; } List<ZDO> list3 = instance2.m_objectsBySector[num2]; if (list3 == null || list3.Any((ZDO zdo) => cron2.BannedObjects.Contains(zdo.m_prefab))) { continue; } } RunJob(cron2.Commands.Select((string cmd) => cmd.Replace("<i>", zone.x.ToString()).Replace("<j>", zone.y.ToString()).Replace("<x>", pos.x.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .Replace("<y>", pos.y.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .Replace("<z>", pos.z.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).ToArray(), cron2.Chance, cron2.Log); } return true; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_CharacterID")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void AddPeer(ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc, ZDOID characterID) { if (!__instance.IsServer() || ((ZDOID)(ref characterID)).IsNone()) { return; } ZNetPeer peer = __instance.GetPeer(rpc); if (HandledPeers.Contains(peer)) { return; } HandledPeers.Add(peer); foreach (CronJoinJob joinJob in JoinJobs) { RunJob(joinJob.Commands.Select((string cmd) => cmd.Replace("<name>", peer.m_playerName).Replace("<first>", peer.m_playerName.Split(new char[1] { ' ' })[0]).Replace("<id>", ((ZDOID)(ref peer.m_characterID)).UserID.ToString()) .Replace("<x>", peer.m_refPos.x.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .Replace("<y>", peer.m_refPos.y.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .Replace("<z>", peer.m_refPos.z.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).ToArray(), joinJob.Chance, joinJob.Log); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Disconnect")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Disconnect(ZNetPeer peer) { HandledPeers.Remove(peer); } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Chat), "Awake")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void ChatAwake() { if (File.Exists(FilePath)) { FromFile(); return; } string contents = Data.Serializer().Serialize(new CronData()); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, contents); } private static bool ParseTimeZone(string timezone) { timezone = timezone.ToLower(); foreach (TimeZoneInfo systemTimeZone in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()) { if (systemTimeZone.Id.ToLower() == timezone || systemTimeZone.DisplayName.ToLower() == timezone) { TimeZone = systemTimeZone; return true; } } foreach (TimeZoneInfo systemTimeZone2 in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()) { if (systemTimeZone2.Id.ToLower().Contains(timezone) || systemTimeZone2.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(timezone)) { TimeZone = systemTimeZone2; return true; } } return false; } public static void FromFile() { if (!File.Exists(FilePath)) { File.WriteAllText(FilePath, Data.Serializer().Serialize(new CronData())); } try { CronData cronData = Data.Read<CronData>(FilePath); Interval = cronData.interval; if (ParseTimeZone(cronData.timezone)) { CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)("Selected time zone " + TimeZone.Id + " / " + TimeZone.DisplayName + ".")); } else { CronJob.Log.LogWarning((object)("Time zone " + cronData.timezone + " not found, using UTC. Possible time zones are:")); foreach (TimeZoneInfo systemTimeZone in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()) { CronJob.Log.LogWarning((object)(systemTimeZone.Id + " / " + systemTimeZone.DisplayName)); } } LogJobs = cronData.logJobs; LogZone = cronData.logZone; LogJoin = cronData.logJoin; LogSkipped = cronData.logSkipped; cronData.join.ForEach(ReplaceParameters);;;;;; = SkipWithoutSchedule(; = SkipWithoutSchedule(; DiscordConnector = cronData.discordConnector; if (DiscordConnector == "true") { DiscordConnector = "cronjob"; } else if (DiscordConnector == "false") { DiscordConnector = ""; } Jobs = s) => new CronGeneralJob(s)).ToList(); CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)$"Reloading {Jobs.Count} cron jobs."); ZoneJobs = s) => new CronZoneJob(s)).ToList(); CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)$"Reloading {ZoneJobs.Count} zone cron jobs."); JoinJobs = cronData.join.Select((CronEntryData s) => new CronJoinJob(s)).ToList(); CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)$"Reloading {JoinJobs.Count} join jobs."); } catch (Exception ex) { CronJob.Log.LogError((object)ex.StackTrace); } } private static void ReplaceParameters(CronEntryData entry) { if (entry.command.Contains("$$")) { CronJob.Log.LogWarning((object)("$$ is deprecated, use <> instead. Command: " + entry.command)); entry.command = entry.command.Replace("$$i", "<i>").Replace("$$I", "<i>").Replace("$$j", "<j>") .Replace("$$J", "<j>") .Replace("$$x", "<x>") .Replace("$$X", "<x>") .Replace("$$y", "<y>") .Replace("$$Y", "<y>") .Replace("$$z", "<z>") .Replace("$$Z", "<>>") .Replace("$$id", "<id>") .Replace("$$ID", "<id>") .Replace("$$name", "<name>") .Replace("$$NAME", "<name>") .Replace("$$first", "<first>") .Replace("$$FIRST", "<first>"); } } private static void VerifyParameterExists(CronEntryData entry) { if (!entry.command.Contains("<") && !entry.command.Contains(">")) { CronJob.Log.LogWarning((object)("Command " + entry.command + " does not contain parameters, should this be general job instead?")); } } private static void VerifyInactiveIsNull(CronEntryData entry) { if (entry.inactive.HasValue) { CronJob.Log.LogWarning((object)("Inactive time is deprecated and can be removed. Command: " + entry.command)); } } private static List<CronEntryData> SkipWithoutSchedule(List<CronEntryData> entries) { return entries.Where(delegate(CronEntryData entry) { int num; if (entry.schedule != null) { num = ((entry.schedule != "") ? 1 : 0); if (num != 0) { goto IL_003d; } } else { num = 0; } CronJob.Log.LogWarning((object)("Command " + entry.command + " does not have a schedule, skipping.")); goto IL_003d; IL_003d: return (byte)num != 0; }).ToList(); } public static void SetupWatcher() { Data.SetupWatcher(FileName, FromFile); } } public class Data : MonoBehaviour { public static bool SkipWatch; public static void SetupWatcher(string pattern, Action action) { Action action2 = action; FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Paths.ConfigPath, pattern); fileSystemWatcher.Created += delegate { skippableAction(); }; fileSystemWatcher.Changed += delegate { skippableAction(); }; fileSystemWatcher.Renamed += delegate { skippableAction(); }; fileSystemWatcher.Deleted += delegate { skippableAction(); }; fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; fileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject = ThreadingHelper.SynchronizingObject; fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; void skippableAction() { if (SkipWatch) { SkipWatch = false; } else { action2(); } } } public static IDeserializer Deserializer() { return new DeserializerBuilder().WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance).Build(); } public static ISerializer Serializer() { return new SerializerBuilder().WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance).WithIndentedSequences().ConfigureDefaultValuesHandling(DefaultValuesHandling.OmitNull) .DisableAliases() .Build(); } public static T Deserialize<T>(string raw) where T : new() { return Deserializer().Deserialize<T>(raw); } public static string Serialize<T>(T data) where T : new() { return Serializer().Serialize((T)((data != null) ? ((object)data) : ((object)new T()))); } public static T Read<T>(string file) where T : new() { return Deserialize<T>(File.ReadAllText(file)); } } public static class DiscordHook { public const string GUID = "games.nwest.valheim.discordconnector"; private static Assembly? assembly; private static MethodInfo? sendMessage; private static Type? eventType; private static Dictionary<string, object> messageTypes = new Dictionary<string, object>(); public static void SendMessage(string type, string message) { if (sendMessage == null || eventType == null) { return; } if (!messageTypes.ContainsKey(type)) { try { object value = Enum.Parse(eventType, type, ignoreCase: true); messageTypes[type] = value; } catch { CronJob.Log.LogError((object)("Invalid message type " + type)); return; } } sendMessage.Invoke(null, new object[2] { messageTypes[type], message }); } public static void Init() { if (!Chainloader.PluginInfos.TryGetValue("games.nwest.valheim.discordconnector", out var value)) { return; } assembly = ((object)value.Instance).GetType().Assembly; eventType = assembly.GetType("DiscordConnector.Webhook+Event"); if (eventType == null) { CronJob.Log.LogError((object)"Failed to get DiscordConnector.WebHook+Event"); return; } Type type = assembly.GetType("DiscordConnector.DiscordApi"); if (type == null) { CronJob.Log.LogError((object)"Failed to get DiscordConnector.DiscordApi"); return; } sendMessage = AccessTools.Method(type, "SendMessage", new Type[2] { eventType, typeof(string) }, (Type[])null); if (sendMessage == null) { CronJob.Log.LogError((object)"Failed to get DiscordConnector.DiscordApi.SendMessage"); } else { CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)"DiscordConnector initialized"); } } } public class Parse { public static string[] Split(string arg, bool removeEmpty = true, char split = ',') { return (from s in arg.Split(new char[1] { split }) select s.Trim() into s where !removeEmpty || s != "" select s).ToArray(); } public static HashSet<int> ToHashSet(string arg) { return new HashSet<int>(from s in Split(arg) select StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode(s)); } public static HashSet<string> ToSet(string arg) { return new HashSet<string>(Split(arg)); } public static Biome ToBiomes(string biomeStr) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Biome val = (Biome)0; string[] array = Split(biomeStr); foreach (string text in array) { if (Enum.TryParse<Biome>(text, ignoreCase: true, out Biome result)) { val |= result; continue; } if (int.TryParse(text, out var result2)) { val = (Biome)(val + result2); continue; } throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid biome " + text + "."); } return val; } } [HarmonyPatch] public class TrackManager { public static string FileNameJob = "cron_last.yaml"; public static string FileNameZone = "cron_track.yaml"; public static string FilePathJob = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, FileNameJob); public static string FilePathZone = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, FileNameZone); public static Dictionary<Vector2i, DateTime> ZoneTimestamps = new Dictionary<Vector2i, DateTime>(); private static readonly HashSet<Vector2i> Zones = new HashSet<Vector2i>(); private static readonly HashSet<Vector2i> PlayerZones = new HashSet<Vector2i>(); [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Chat), "Awake")] [HarmonyPostfix] public static void ChatAwake() { if (File.Exists(FilePathJob)) { Dictionary<string, long> dictionary = Data.Read<Dictionary<string, long>>(FilePathJob); if (dictionary.TryGetValue("world", out var value)) { CronManager.Previous = new DateTime(value, DateTimeKind.Utc); } if (dictionary.TryGetValue("game", out var value2)) { CronManager.PreviousGameTime = new DateTime(value2, DateTimeKind.Utc); } } if (File.Exists(FilePathZone)) { ZoneTrackFromFile(); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "SaveWorldThread")] [HarmonyPostfix] public static void OnSave() { Dictionary<string, long> graph = new Dictionary<string, long> { { "world", CronManager.Previous.Ticks }, { "game", CronManager.PreviousGameTime.Ticks } }; string contents = Data.Serializer().Serialize(graph); File.WriteAllText(FilePathJob, contents); if (ZoneTimestamps.Count == 0) { if (File.Exists(FilePathZone)) { File.Delete(FilePathZone); } return; } Dictionary<string, long> graph2 = ZoneTimestamps.ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<Vector2i, DateTime> kvp) => $"{kvp.Key.x},{kvp.Key.y}", (KeyValuePair<Vector2i, DateTime> kvp) => kvp.Value.Ticks); contents = Data.Serializer().Serialize(graph2); File.WriteAllText(FilePathZone, contents); } public static void ZoneTrackFromFile() { ZoneTimestamps = new Dictionary<Vector2i, DateTime>(); if (!File.Exists(FilePathZone)) { return; } try { ZoneTimestamps = ((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, long>>)Data.Read<Dictionary<string, long>>(FilePathZone)).ToDictionary((Func<KeyValuePair<string, long>, Vector2i>)delegate(KeyValuePair<string, long> kvp) { //IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) string[] array = kvp.Key.Split(new char[1] { ',' }); return new Vector2i(int.Parse(array[0]), int.Parse(array[1])); }, (Func<KeyValuePair<string, long>, DateTime>)((KeyValuePair<string, long> kvp) => new DateTime(kvp.Value, DateTimeKind.Utc))); CronJob.Log.LogInfo((object)$"Reloading {ZoneTimestamps.Count} zone last runs."); } catch (Exception ex) { CronJob.Log.LogError((object)ex.StackTrace); } } public static void Track() { //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (CronManager.ZoneJobs.Count == 0) { return; } HashSet<Vector2i> playerZones = GetPlayerZones(); Zones.Clear(); if (!ZNet.instance.IsDedicated()) { TrackPeer(Zones, ZNet.instance.GetReferencePosition()); } foreach (ZNetPeer peer in ZNet.instance.GetPeers()) { TrackPeer(Zones, peer.GetRefPos()); } foreach (Vector2i zone in Zones) { Poke(zone, playerZones.Contains(zone)); } } private static void Poke(Vector2i zone, bool hasPlayer) { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) DateTime? previous = (ZoneTimestamps.ContainsKey(zone) ? new DateTime?(ZoneTimestamps[zone]) : null); if (CronManager.Execute(zone, hasPlayer, previous)) { ZoneTimestamps[zone] = DateTime.UtcNow; } } private static void TrackPeer(HashSet<Vector2i> zones, Vector3 pos) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ZoneSystem instance = ZoneSystem.instance; Vector2i zone = ZoneSystem.GetZone(pos); int num = instance.m_activeArea + instance.m_activeDistantArea; Vector2i val = default(Vector2i); for (int i = zone.y - num; i <= zone.y + num; i++) { for (int j = zone.x - num; j <= zone.x + num; j++) { ((Vector2i)(ref val))..ctor(j, i); if (instance.IsZoneGenerated(val)) { zones.Add(val); } } } } private static HashSet<Vector2i> GetPlayerZones() { //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) PlayerZones.Clear(); if (!ZNet.instance.IsDedicated()) { PlayerZones.Add(ZoneSystem.GetZone(ZNet.instance.GetReferencePosition())); } foreach (ZNetPeer peer in ZNet.instance.GetPeers()) { PlayerZones.Add(ZoneSystem.GetZone(peer.GetRefPos())); } return PlayerZones; } } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace YamlDotNet { internal sealed class CultureInfoAdapter : CultureInfo { private readonly IFormatProvider provider; public CultureInfoAdapter(CultureInfo baseCulture, IFormatProvider provider) : base(baseCulture.Name) { this.provider = provider; } public override object? GetFormat(Type formatType) { return provider.GetFormat(formatType); } } internal static class Polyfills { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal static bool Contains(this string source, char c) { return source.IndexOf(c) != -1; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal static bool EndsWith(this string source, char c) { if (source.Length > 0) { return source[source.Length - 1] == c; } return false; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal static bool StartsWith(this string source, char c) { if (source.Length > 0) { return source[0] == c; } return false; } } internal static class PropertyInfoExtensions { public static object? ReadValue(this PropertyInfo property, object target) { return property.GetValue(target, null); } } internal static class ReflectionExtensions { private static readonly Func<PropertyInfo, bool> IsInstance = (PropertyInfo property) => !(property.GetMethod ?? property.SetMethod).IsStatic; private static readonly Func<PropertyInfo, bool> IsInstancePublic = (PropertyInfo property) => IsInstance(property) && (property.GetMethod ?? property.SetMethod).IsPublic; private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, bool> TypesHaveNullContext = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, bool>(); public static Type? BaseType(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().BaseType; } public static bool IsValueType(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType; } public static bool IsGenericType(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType; } public static bool IsGenericTypeDefinition(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericTypeDefinition; } public static Type? GetImplementationOfOpenGenericInterface(this Type type, Type openGenericType) { if (!openGenericType.IsGenericType || !openGenericType.IsInterface) { throw new ArgumentException("The type must be a generic type definition and an interface", "openGenericType"); } if (IsGenericDefinitionOfType(type, openGenericType)) { return type; } return type.FindInterfaces((Type t, object context) => IsGenericDefinitionOfType(t, context), openGenericType).FirstOrDefault(); static bool IsGenericDefinitionOfType(Type t, object? context) { if (t.IsGenericType) { return t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == (Type)context; } return false; } } public static bool IsInterface(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface; } public static bool IsEnum(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum; } public static bool IsRequired(this MemberInfo member) { return member.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true).Any((object x) => x.GetType().FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RequiredMemberAttribute"); } public static bool HasDefaultConstructor(this Type type, bool allowPrivateConstructors) { BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public; if (allowPrivateConstructors) { bindingFlags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic; } if (!type.IsValueType) { return type.GetConstructor(bindingFlags, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null) != null; } return true; } public static bool IsAssignableFrom(this Type type, Type source) { return type.IsAssignableFrom(source.GetTypeInfo()); } public static bool IsAssignableFrom(this Type type, TypeInfo source) { return type.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(source); } public static TypeCode GetTypeCode(this Type type) { if (type.IsEnum()) { type = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type); } if (type == typeof(bool)) { return TypeCode.Boolean; } if (type == typeof(char)) { return TypeCode.Char; } if (type == typeof(sbyte)) { return TypeCode.SByte; } if (type == typeof(byte)) { return TypeCode.Byte; } if (type == typeof(short)) { return TypeCode.Int16; } if (type == typeof(ushort)) { return TypeCode.UInt16; } if (type == typeof(int)) { return TypeCode.Int32; } if (type == typeof(uint)) { return TypeCode.UInt32; } if (type == typeof(long)) { return TypeCode.Int64; } if (type == typeof(ulong)) { return TypeCode.UInt64; } if (type == typeof(float)) { return TypeCode.Single; } if (type == typeof(double)) { return TypeCode.Double; } if (type == typeof(decimal)) { return TypeCode.Decimal; } if (type == typeof(DateTime)) { return TypeCode.DateTime; } if (type == typeof(string)) { return TypeCode.String; } return TypeCode.Object; } public static bool IsDbNull(this object value) { return value?.GetType()?.FullName == "System.DBNull"; } public static Type[] GetGenericArguments(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().GenericTypeArguments; } public static PropertyInfo? GetPublicProperty(this Type type, string name) { string name2 = name; return type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).FirstOrDefault((PropertyInfo p) => p.Name == name2); } public static FieldInfo? GetPublicStaticField(this Type type, string name) { return type.GetRuntimeField(name); } public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties(this Type type, bool includeNonPublic) { Func<PropertyInfo, bool> predicate = (includeNonPublic ? IsInstance : IsInstancePublic); if (!type.IsInterface()) { return type.GetRuntimeProperties().Where(predicate); } return new Type[1] { type }.Concat(type.GetInterfaces()).SelectMany((Type i) => i.GetRuntimeProperties().Where(predicate)); } public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetPublicProperties(this Type type) { return type.GetProperties(includeNonPublic: false); } public static IEnumerable<FieldInfo> GetPublicFields(this Type type) { return from f in type.GetRuntimeFields() where !f.IsStatic && f.IsPublic select f; } public static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetPublicStaticMethods(this Type type) { return from m in type.GetRuntimeMethods() where m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic select m; } public static MethodInfo GetPrivateStaticMethod(this Type type, string name) { string name2 = name; return type.GetRuntimeMethods().FirstOrDefault((MethodInfo m) => !m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic && m.Name.Equals(name2)) ?? throw new MissingMethodException("Expected to find a method named '" + name2 + "' in '" + type.FullName + "'."); } public static MethodInfo? GetPublicStaticMethod(this Type type, string name, params Type[] parameterTypes) { string name2 = name; Type[] parameterTypes2 = parameterTypes; return type.GetRuntimeMethods().FirstOrDefault(delegate(MethodInfo m) { if (m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic && m.Name.Equals(name2)) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = m.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == parameterTypes2.Length) { return parameters.Zip(parameterTypes2, (ParameterInfo pi, Type pt) => pi.ParameterType == pt).All((bool r) => r); } return false; } return false; }); } public static MethodInfo? GetPublicInstanceMethod(this Type type, string name) { string name2 = name; return type.GetRuntimeMethods().FirstOrDefault((MethodInfo m) => m.IsPublic && !m.IsStatic && m.Name.Equals(name2)); } public static MethodInfo? GetGetMethod(this PropertyInfo property, bool nonPublic) { MethodInfo methodInfo = property.GetMethod; if (!nonPublic && !methodInfo.IsPublic) { methodInfo = null; } return methodInfo; } public static MethodInfo? GetSetMethod(this PropertyInfo property) { return property.SetMethod; } public static IEnumerable<Type> GetInterfaces(this Type type) { return type.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces; } public static bool IsInstanceOf(this Type type, object o) { if (!(o.GetType() == type)) { return o.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsSubclassOf(type); } return true; } public static Attribute[] GetAllCustomAttributes<TAttribute>(this PropertyInfo member) { return Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(member, typeof(TAttribute), inherit: true); } public static bool AcceptsNull(this MemberInfo member) { bool result = true; if (TypesHaveNullContext.GetOrAdd(member.DeclaringType, delegate(Type t) { object[] customAttributes2 = t.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true); return customAttributes2.Any((object x) => x.GetType().FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute"); })) { object[] customAttributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true); result = customAttributes.Any((object x) => x.GetType().FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableAttribute"); } return result; } } internal static class StandardRegexOptions { public const RegexOptions Compiled = RegexOptions.Compiled; } } namespace YamlDotNet.Serialization { internal abstract class BuilderSkeleton<TBuilder> where TBuilder : BuilderSkeleton<TBuilder> { internal INamingConvention namingConvention = NullNamingConvention.Instance; internal INamingConvention enumNamingConvention = NullNamingConvention.Instance; internal ITypeResolver typeResolver; internal readonly YamlAttributeOverrides overrides; internal readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverterFactories; internal readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<ITypeInspector, ITypeInspector> typeInspectorFactories; internal bool ignoreFields; internal bool includeNonPublicProperties; internal Settings settings; internal YamlFormatter yamlFormatter = YamlFormatter.Default; protected abstract TBuilder Self { get; } internal BuilderSkeleton(ITypeResolver typeResolver) { overrides = new YamlAttributeOverrides(); typeConverterFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, IYamlTypeConverter> { { typeof(YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters.GuidConverter), (Nothing _) => new YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters.GuidConverter(jsonCompatible: false) }, { typeof(SystemTypeConverter), (Nothing _) => new SystemTypeConverter() } }; typeInspectorFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<ITypeInspector, ITypeInspector>(); this.typeResolver = typeResolver ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("typeResolver"); settings = new Settings(); } public TBuilder IgnoreFields() { ignoreFields = true; return Self; } public TBuilder IncludeNonPublicProperties() { includeNonPublicProperties = true; return Self; } public TBuilder EnablePrivateConstructors() { settings.AllowPrivateConstructors = true; return Self; } public TBuilder WithNamingConvention(INamingConvention namingConvention) { this.namingConvention = namingConvention ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("namingConvention"); return Self; } public TBuilder WithEnumNamingConvention(INamingConvention enumNamingConvention) { this.enumNamingConvention = enumNamingConvention; return Self; } public TBuilder WithTypeResolver(ITypeResolver typeResolver) { this.typeResolver = typeResolver ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("typeResolver"); return Self; } public abstract TBuilder WithTagMapping(TagName tag, Type type); public TBuilder WithAttributeOverride<TClass>(Expression<Func<TClass, object>> propertyAccessor, Attribute attribute) { overrides.Add(propertyAccessor, attribute); return Self; } public TBuilder WithAttributeOverride(Type type, string member, Attribute attribute) { overrides.Add(type, member, attribute); return Self; } public TBuilder WithTypeConverter(IYamlTypeConverter typeConverter) { return WithTypeConverter(typeConverter, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IYamlTypeConverter> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public TBuilder WithTypeConverter(IYamlTypeConverter typeConverter, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IYamlTypeConverter>> where) { IYamlTypeConverter typeConverter2 = typeConverter; if (typeConverter2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("typeConverter"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(typeConverterFactories.CreateRegistrationLocationSelector(typeConverter2.GetType(), (Nothing _) => typeConverter2)); return Self; } public TBuilder WithTypeConverter<TYamlTypeConverter>(WrapperFactory<IYamlTypeConverter, IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverterFactory, Action<ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IYamlTypeConverter>> where) where TYamlTypeConverter : IYamlTypeConverter { WrapperFactory<IYamlTypeConverter, IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverterFactory2 = typeConverterFactory; if (typeConverterFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("typeConverterFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(typeConverterFactories.CreateTrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TYamlTypeConverter), (IYamlTypeConverter wrapped, Nothing _) => typeConverterFactory2(wrapped))); return Self; } public TBuilder WithoutTypeConverter<TYamlTypeConverter>() where TYamlTypeConverter : IYamlTypeConverter { return WithoutTypeConverter(typeof(TYamlTypeConverter)); } public TBuilder WithoutTypeConverter(Type converterType) { if (converterType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("converterType"); } typeConverterFactories.Remove(converterType); return Self; } public TBuilder WithTypeInspector<TTypeInspector>(Func<ITypeInspector, TTypeInspector> typeInspectorFactory) where TTypeInspector : ITypeInspector { return WithTypeInspector(typeInspectorFactory, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<ITypeInspector> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public TBuilder WithTypeInspector<TTypeInspector>(Func<ITypeInspector, TTypeInspector> typeInspectorFactory, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<ITypeInspector>> where) where TTypeInspector : ITypeInspector { Func<ITypeInspector, TTypeInspector> typeInspectorFactory2 = typeInspectorFactory; if (typeInspectorFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("typeInspectorFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(typeInspectorFactories.CreateRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => typeInspectorFactory2(inner))); return Self; } public TBuilder WithTypeInspector<TTypeInspector>(WrapperFactory<ITypeInspector, ITypeInspector, TTypeInspector> typeInspectorFactory, Action<ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<ITypeInspector>> where) where TTypeInspector : ITypeInspector { WrapperFactory<ITypeInspector, ITypeInspector, TTypeInspector> typeInspectorFactory2 = typeInspectorFactory; if (typeInspectorFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("typeInspectorFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(typeInspectorFactories.CreateTrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector wrapped, ITypeInspector inner) => typeInspectorFactory2(wrapped, inner))); return Self; } public TBuilder WithoutTypeInspector<TTypeInspector>() where TTypeInspector : ITypeInspector { return WithoutTypeInspector(typeof(TTypeInspector)); } public TBuilder WithoutTypeInspector(Type inspectorType) { if (inspectorType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inspectorType"); } typeInspectorFactories.Remove(inspectorType); return Self; } public TBuilder WithYamlFormatter(YamlFormatter formatter) { yamlFormatter = formatter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("formatter"); return Self; } protected IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> BuildTypeConverters() { return typeConverterFactories.BuildComponentList(); } } internal delegate TComponent WrapperFactory<TComponentBase, TComponent>(TComponentBase wrapped) where TComponent : TComponentBase; internal delegate TComponent WrapperFactory<TArgument, TComponentBase, TComponent>(TComponentBase wrapped, TArgument argument) where TComponent : TComponentBase; [Flags] internal enum DefaultValuesHandling { Preserve = 0, OmitNull = 1, OmitDefaults = 2, OmitEmptyCollections = 4 } internal sealed class Deserializer : IDeserializer { private readonly IValueDeserializer valueDeserializer; public Deserializer() : this(new DeserializerBuilder().BuildValueDeserializer()) { } private Deserializer(IValueDeserializer valueDeserializer) { this.valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("valueDeserializer"); } public static Deserializer FromValueDeserializer(IValueDeserializer valueDeserializer) { return new Deserializer(valueDeserializer); } public T Deserialize<T>(string input) { using StringReader input2 = new StringReader(input); return Deserialize<T>(input2); } public T Deserialize<T>(TextReader input) { return Deserialize<T>(new Parser(input)); } public T Deserialize<T>(IParser parser) { return (T)Deserialize(parser, typeof(T)); } public object? Deserialize(string input) { return Deserialize<object>(input); } public object? Deserialize(TextReader input) { return Deserialize<object>(input); } public object? Deserialize(IParser parser) { return Deserialize<object>(parser); } public object? Deserialize(string input, Type type) { using StringReader input2 = new StringReader(input); return Deserialize(input2, type); } public object? Deserialize(TextReader input, Type type) { return Deserialize(new Parser(input), type); } public object? Deserialize(IParser parser, Type type) { if (parser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parser"); } if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } YamlDotNet.Core.Events.StreamStart @event; bool flag = parser.TryConsume<YamlDotNet.Core.Events.StreamStart>(out @event); YamlDotNet.Core.Events.DocumentStart event2; bool flag2 = parser.TryConsume<YamlDotNet.Core.Events.DocumentStart>(out event2); object result = null; if (!parser.Accept<YamlDotNet.Core.Events.DocumentEnd>(out var _) && !parser.Accept<YamlDotNet.Core.Events.StreamEnd>(out var _)) { using SerializerState serializerState = new SerializerState(); result = valueDeserializer.DeserializeValue(parser, type, serializerState, valueDeserializer); serializerState.OnDeserialization(); } if (flag2) { parser.Consume<YamlDotNet.Core.Events.DocumentEnd>(); } if (flag) { parser.Consume<YamlDotNet.Core.Events.StreamEnd>(); } return result; } } internal sealed class DeserializerBuilder : BuilderSkeleton<DeserializerBuilder> { private Lazy<IObjectFactory> objectFactory; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, INodeDeserializer> nodeDeserializerFactories; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, INodeTypeResolver> nodeTypeResolverFactories; private readonly Dictionary<TagName, Type> tagMappings; private readonly Dictionary<Type, Type> typeMappings; private readonly ITypeConverter typeConverter; private bool ignoreUnmatched; private bool duplicateKeyChecking; private bool attemptUnknownTypeDeserialization; private bool enforceNullability; private bool caseInsensitivePropertyMatching; private bool enforceRequiredProperties; protected override DeserializerBuilder Self => this; public DeserializerBuilder() : base((ITypeResolver)new StaticTypeResolver()) { typeMappings = new Dictionary<Type, Type>(); objectFactory = new Lazy<IObjectFactory>(() => new DefaultObjectFactory(typeMappings, settings), isThreadSafe: true); tagMappings = new Dictionary<TagName, Type> { { FailsafeSchema.Tags.Map, typeof(Dictionary<object, object>) }, { FailsafeSchema.Tags.Str, typeof(string) }, { JsonSchema.Tags.Bool, typeof(bool) }, { JsonSchema.Tags.Float, typeof(double) }, { JsonSchema.Tags.Int, typeof(int) }, { DefaultSchema.Tags.Timestamp, typeof(DateTime) } }; typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(CachedTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => new CachedTypeInspector(inner)); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(NamingConventionTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => (!(namingConvention is NullNamingConvention)) ? new NamingConventionTypeInspector(inner, namingConvention) : inner); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(YamlAttributesTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => new YamlAttributesTypeInspector(inner)); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(YamlAttributeOverridesInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => (overrides == null) ? inner : new YamlAttributeOverridesInspector(inner, overrides.Clone())); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(ReadableAndWritablePropertiesTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => new ReadableAndWritablePropertiesTypeInspector(inner)); nodeDeserializerFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, INodeDeserializer> { { typeof(YamlConvertibleNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new YamlConvertibleNodeDeserializer(objectFactory.Value) }, { typeof(YamlSerializableNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new YamlSerializableNodeDeserializer(objectFactory.Value) }, { typeof(TypeConverterNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new TypeConverterNodeDeserializer(BuildTypeConverters()) }, { typeof(NullNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new NullNodeDeserializer() }, { typeof(ScalarNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new ScalarNodeDeserializer(attemptUnknownTypeDeserialization, typeConverter, BuildTypeInspector(), yamlFormatter, enumNamingConvention) }, { typeof(ArrayNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new ArrayNodeDeserializer(enumNamingConvention, BuildTypeInspector()) }, { typeof(DictionaryNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new DictionaryNodeDeserializer(objectFactory.Value, duplicateKeyChecking) }, { typeof(CollectionNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new CollectionNodeDeserializer(objectFactory.Value, enumNamingConvention, BuildTypeInspector()) }, { typeof(EnumerableNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new EnumerableNodeDeserializer() }, { typeof(ObjectNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new ObjectNodeDeserializer(objectFactory.Value, BuildTypeInspector(), ignoreUnmatched, duplicateKeyChecking, typeConverter, enumNamingConvention, enforceNullability, caseInsensitivePropertyMatching, enforceRequiredProperties, BuildTypeConverters()) }, { typeof(FsharpListNodeDeserializer), (Nothing _) => new FsharpListNodeDeserializer(BuildTypeInspector(), enumNamingConvention) } }; nodeTypeResolverFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, INodeTypeResolver> { { typeof(MappingNodeTypeResolver), (Nothing _) => new MappingNodeTypeResolver(typeMappings) }, { typeof(YamlConvertibleTypeResolver), (Nothing _) => new YamlConvertibleTypeResolver() }, { typeof(YamlSerializableTypeResolver), (Nothing _) => new YamlSerializableTypeResolver() }, { typeof(TagNodeTypeResolver), (Nothing _) => new TagNodeTypeResolver(tagMappings) }, { typeof(PreventUnknownTagsNodeTypeResolver), (Nothing _) => new PreventUnknownTagsNodeTypeResolver() }, { typeof(DefaultContainersNodeTypeResolver), (Nothing _) => new DefaultContainersNodeTypeResolver() } }; typeConverter = new ReflectionTypeConverter(); } public ITypeInspector BuildTypeInspector() { ITypeInspector typeInspector = new WritablePropertiesTypeInspector(typeResolver, includeNonPublicProperties); if (!ignoreFields) { typeInspector = new CompositeTypeInspector(new ReadableFieldsTypeInspector(typeResolver), typeInspector); } return typeInspectorFactories.BuildComponentChain(typeInspector); } public DeserializerBuilder WithAttemptingUnquotedStringTypeDeserialization() { attemptUnknownTypeDeserialization = true; return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithObjectFactory(IObjectFactory objectFactory) { IObjectFactory objectFactory2 = objectFactory; if (objectFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectFactory"); } this.objectFactory = new Lazy<IObjectFactory>(() => objectFactory2, isThreadSafe: true); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithObjectFactory(Func<Type, object> objectFactory) { if (objectFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectFactory"); } return WithObjectFactory(new LambdaObjectFactory(objectFactory)); } public DeserializerBuilder WithNodeDeserializer(INodeDeserializer nodeDeserializer) { return WithNodeDeserializer(nodeDeserializer, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeDeserializer> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public DeserializerBuilder WithNodeDeserializer(INodeDeserializer nodeDeserializer, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeDeserializer>> where) { INodeDeserializer nodeDeserializer2 = nodeDeserializer; if (nodeDeserializer2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeDeserializer"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(nodeDeserializerFactories.CreateRegistrationLocationSelector(nodeDeserializer2.GetType(), (Nothing _) => nodeDeserializer2)); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithNodeDeserializer<TNodeDeserializer>(WrapperFactory<INodeDeserializer, TNodeDeserializer> nodeDeserializerFactory, Action<ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeDeserializer>> where) where TNodeDeserializer : INodeDeserializer { WrapperFactory<INodeDeserializer, TNodeDeserializer> nodeDeserializerFactory2 = nodeDeserializerFactory; if (nodeDeserializerFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeDeserializerFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(nodeDeserializerFactories.CreateTrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TNodeDeserializer), (INodeDeserializer wrapped, Nothing _) => nodeDeserializerFactory2(wrapped))); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithoutNodeDeserializer<TNodeDeserializer>() where TNodeDeserializer : INodeDeserializer { return WithoutNodeDeserializer(typeof(TNodeDeserializer)); } public DeserializerBuilder WithoutNodeDeserializer(Type nodeDeserializerType) { if (nodeDeserializerType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeDeserializerType"); } nodeDeserializerFactories.Remove(nodeDeserializerType); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithTypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer(Action<ITypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions> configureTypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions, int maxDepth = -1, int maxLength = -1) { TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions typeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions = new TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions(); configureTypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions(typeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions); TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer nodeDeserializer = new TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer(nodeDeserializerFactories.BuildComponentList(), typeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializerOptions.discriminators, maxDepth, maxLength); return WithNodeDeserializer(nodeDeserializer, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeDeserializer> s) { s.Before<DictionaryNodeDeserializer>(); }); } public DeserializerBuilder WithNodeTypeResolver(INodeTypeResolver nodeTypeResolver) { return WithNodeTypeResolver(nodeTypeResolver, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeTypeResolver> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public DeserializerBuilder WithNodeTypeResolver(INodeTypeResolver nodeTypeResolver, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeTypeResolver>> where) { INodeTypeResolver nodeTypeResolver2 = nodeTypeResolver; if (nodeTypeResolver2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeTypeResolver"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(nodeTypeResolverFactories.CreateRegistrationLocationSelector(nodeTypeResolver2.GetType(), (Nothing _) => nodeTypeResolver2)); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithNodeTypeResolver<TNodeTypeResolver>(WrapperFactory<INodeTypeResolver, TNodeTypeResolver> nodeTypeResolverFactory, Action<ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<INodeTypeResolver>> where) where TNodeTypeResolver : INodeTypeResolver { WrapperFactory<INodeTypeResolver, TNodeTypeResolver> nodeTypeResolverFactory2 = nodeTypeResolverFactory; if (nodeTypeResolverFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeTypeResolverFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(nodeTypeResolverFactories.CreateTrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TNodeTypeResolver), (INodeTypeResolver wrapped, Nothing _) => nodeTypeResolverFactory2(wrapped))); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithCaseInsensitivePropertyMatching() { caseInsensitivePropertyMatching = true; return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithEnforceNullability() { enforceNullability = true; return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithEnforceRequiredMembers() { enforceRequiredProperties = true; return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithoutNodeTypeResolver<TNodeTypeResolver>() where TNodeTypeResolver : INodeTypeResolver { return WithoutNodeTypeResolver(typeof(TNodeTypeResolver)); } public DeserializerBuilder WithoutNodeTypeResolver(Type nodeTypeResolverType) { if (nodeTypeResolverType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodeTypeResolverType"); } nodeTypeResolverFactories.Remove(nodeTypeResolverType); return this; } public override DeserializerBuilder WithTagMapping(TagName tag, Type type) { if (tag.IsEmpty) { throw new ArgumentException("Non-specific tags cannot be maped"); } if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } if (tagMappings.TryGetValue(tag, out Type value)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Type already has a registered type '{value.FullName}' for tag '{tag}'", "tag"); } tagMappings.Add(tag, type); return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithTypeMapping<TInterface, TConcrete>() where TConcrete : TInterface { Type typeFromHandle = typeof(TInterface); Type typeFromHandle2 = typeof(TConcrete); if (!typeFromHandle.IsAssignableFrom(typeFromHandle2)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The type '" + typeFromHandle2.Name + "' does not implement interface '" + typeFromHandle.Name + "'."); } if (!DictionaryExtensions.TryAdd(typeMappings, typeFromHandle, typeFromHandle2)) { typeMappings[typeFromHandle] = typeFromHandle2; } return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithoutTagMapping(TagName tag) { if (tag.IsEmpty) { throw new ArgumentException("Non-specific tags cannot be maped"); } if (!tagMappings.Remove(tag)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Tag '{tag}' is not registered"); } return this; } public DeserializerBuilder IgnoreUnmatchedProperties() { ignoreUnmatched = true; return this; } public DeserializerBuilder WithDuplicateKeyChecking() { duplicateKeyChecking = true; return this; } public IDeserializer Build() { return Deserializer.FromValueDeserializer(BuildValueDeserializer()); } public IValueDeserializer BuildValueDeserializer() { return new AliasValueDeserializer(new NodeValueDeserializer(nodeDeserializerFactories.BuildComponentList(), nodeTypeResolverFactories.BuildComponentList(), typeConverter, enumNamingConvention, BuildTypeInspector())); } } internal sealed class EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs { private readonly IEnumerable<IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> preProcessingPhaseVisitors; public IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter> InnerVisitor { get; private set; } public IEventEmitter EventEmitter { get; private set; } public ObjectSerializer NestedObjectSerializer { get; private set; } public IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> TypeConverters { get; private set; } public EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs(IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter> innerVisitor, IEventEmitter eventEmitter, IEnumerable<IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> preProcessingPhaseVisitors, IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters, ObjectSerializer nestedObjectSerializer) { InnerVisitor = innerVisitor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("innerVisitor"); EventEmitter = eventEmitter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("eventEmitter"); this.preProcessingPhaseVisitors = preProcessingPhaseVisitors ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("preProcessingPhaseVisitors"); TypeConverters = typeConverters ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("typeConverters"); NestedObjectSerializer = nestedObjectSerializer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("nestedObjectSerializer"); } public T GetPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor<T>() where T : IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing> { return preProcessingPhaseVisitors.OfType<T>().Single(); } } internal abstract class EventInfo { public IObjectDescriptor Source { get; } protected EventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) { Source = source ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } } internal class AliasEventInfo : EventInfo { public AnchorName Alias { get; } public bool NeedsExpansion { get; set; } public AliasEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source, AnchorName alias) : base(source) { if (alias.IsEmpty) { throw new ArgumentNullException("alias"); } Alias = alias; } } internal class ObjectEventInfo : EventInfo { public AnchorName Anchor { get; set; } public TagName Tag { get; set; } protected ObjectEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) : base(source) { } } internal sealed class ScalarEventInfo : ObjectEventInfo { public string RenderedValue { get; set; } public ScalarStyle Style { get; set; } public bool IsPlainImplicit { get; set; } public bool IsQuotedImplicit { get; set; } public ScalarEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) : base(source) { Style = source.ScalarStyle; RenderedValue = string.Empty; } } internal sealed class MappingStartEventInfo : ObjectEventInfo { public bool IsImplicit { get; set; } public MappingStyle Style { get; set; } public MappingStartEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) : base(source) { } } internal sealed class MappingEndEventInfo : EventInfo { public MappingEndEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) : base(source) { } } internal sealed class SequenceStartEventInfo : ObjectEventInfo { public bool IsImplicit { get; set; } public SequenceStyle Style { get; set; } public SequenceStartEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) : base(source) { } } internal sealed class SequenceEndEventInfo : EventInfo { public SequenceEndEventInfo(IObjectDescriptor source) : base(source) { } } internal interface IAliasProvider { AnchorName GetAlias(object target); } public interface IDeserializer { T Deserialize<T>(string input); T Deserialize<T>(TextReader input); T Deserialize<T>(IParser parser); object? Deserialize(string input); object? Deserialize(TextReader input); object? Deserialize(IParser parser); object? Deserialize(string input, Type type); object? Deserialize(TextReader input, Type type); object? Deserialize(IParser parser, Type type); } internal interface IEventEmitter { void Emit(AliasEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter); void Emit(ScalarEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter); void Emit(MappingStartEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter); void Emit(MappingEndEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter); void Emit(SequenceStartEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter); void Emit(SequenceEndEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter); } internal interface INamingConvention { string Apply(string value); string Reverse(string value); } internal interface INodeDeserializer { bool Deserialize(IParser reader, Type expectedType, Func<IParser, Type, object?> nestedObjectDeserializer, out object? value, ObjectDeserializer rootDeserializer); } internal interface INodeTypeResolver { bool Resolve(NodeEvent? nodeEvent, ref Type currentType); } internal interface IObjectAccessor { void Set(string name, object target, object value); object? Read(string name, object target); } internal interface IObjectDescriptor { object? Value { get; } Type Type { get; } Type StaticType { get; } ScalarStyle ScalarStyle { get; } } internal static class ObjectDescriptorExtensions { public static object NonNullValue(this IObjectDescriptor objectDescriptor) { return objectDescriptor.Value ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to use a IObjectDescriptor of type '" + objectDescriptor.Type.FullName + "' whose Value is null at a point whete it is invalid to do so. This may indicate a bug in YamlDotNet."); } } internal interface IObjectFactory { object Create(Type type); object? CreatePrimitive(Type type); bool GetDictionary(IObjectDescriptor descriptor, out IDictionary? dictionary, out Type[]? genericArguments); Type GetValueType(Type type); void ExecuteOnDeserializing(object value); void ExecuteOnDeserialized(object value); void ExecuteOnSerializing(object value); void ExecuteOnSerialized(object value); } internal interface IObjectGraphTraversalStrategy { void Traverse<TContext>(IObjectDescriptor graph, IObjectGraphVisitor<TContext> visitor, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); } internal interface IObjectGraphVisitor<TContext> { bool Enter(IPropertyDescriptor? propertyDescriptor, IObjectDescriptor value, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); bool EnterMapping(IObjectDescriptor key, IObjectDescriptor value, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); bool EnterMapping(IPropertyDescriptor key, IObjectDescriptor value, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); void VisitScalar(IObjectDescriptor scalar, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); void VisitMappingStart(IObjectDescriptor mapping, Type keyType, Type valueType, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); void VisitMappingEnd(IObjectDescriptor mapping, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); void VisitSequenceStart(IObjectDescriptor sequence, Type elementType, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); void VisitSequenceEnd(IObjectDescriptor sequence, TContext context, ObjectSerializer serializer); } internal interface IPropertyDescriptor { string Name { get; } bool AllowNulls { get; } bool CanWrite { get; } Type Type { get; } Type? TypeOverride { get; set; } int Order { get; set; } ScalarStyle ScalarStyle { get; set; } bool Required { get; } Type? ConverterType { get; } T? GetCustomAttribute<T>() where T : Attribute; IObjectDescriptor Read(object target); void Write(object target, object? value); } internal interface IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TBaseRegistrationType> { void InsteadOf<TRegistrationType>() where TRegistrationType : TBaseRegistrationType; void Before<TRegistrationType>() where TRegistrationType : TBaseRegistrationType; void After<TRegistrationType>() where TRegistrationType : TBaseRegistrationType; void OnTop(); void OnBottom(); } internal interface ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TBaseRegistrationType> { void InsteadOf<TRegistrationType>() where TRegistrationType : TBaseRegistrationType; } public interface ISerializer { string Serialize(object? graph); string Serialize(object? graph, Type type); void Serialize(TextWriter writer, object? graph); void Serialize(TextWriter writer, object? graph, Type type); void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object? graph); void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object? graph, Type type); } internal interface ITypeInspector { IEnumerable<IPropertyDescriptor> GetProperties(Type type, object? container); IPropertyDescriptor GetProperty(Type type, object? container, string name, [MaybeNullWhen(true)] bool ignoreUnmatched, bool caseInsensitivePropertyMatching); string GetEnumName(Type enumType, string name); string GetEnumValue(object enumValue); } internal interface ITypeResolver { Type Resolve(Type staticType, object? actualValue); } internal interface IValueDeserializer { object? DeserializeValue(IParser parser, Type expectedType, SerializerState state, IValueDeserializer nestedObjectDeserializer); } internal interface IValuePromise { event Action<object?> ValueAvailable; } internal interface IValueSerializer { void SerializeValue(IEmitter emitter, object? value, Type? type); } internal interface IYamlConvertible { void Read(IParser parser, Type expectedType, ObjectDeserializer nestedObjectDeserializer); void Write(IEmitter emitter, ObjectSerializer nestedObjectSerializer); } internal delegate object? ObjectDeserializer(Type type); internal delegate void ObjectSerializer(object? value, Type? type = null); [Obsolete("Please use IYamlConvertible instead")] internal interface IYamlSerializable { void ReadYaml(IParser parser); void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter); } internal interface IYamlTypeConverter { bool Accepts(Type type); object? ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type, ObjectDeserializer rootDeserializer); void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object? value, Type type, ObjectSerializer serializer); } internal sealed class LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> : IEnumerable<Func<TArgument, TComponent>>, IEnumerable { public sealed class LazyComponentRegistration { public readonly Type ComponentType; public readonly Func<TArgument, TComponent> Factory; public LazyComponentRegistration(Type componentType, Func<TArgument, TComponent> factory) { ComponentType = componentType; Factory = factory; } } public sealed class TrackingLazyComponentRegistration { public readonly Type ComponentType; public readonly Func<TComponent, TArgument, TComponent> Factory; public TrackingLazyComponentRegistration(Type componentType, Func<TComponent, TArgument, TComponent> factory) { ComponentType = componentType; Factory = factory; } } private class RegistrationLocationSelector : IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent> { private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> registrations; private readonly LazyComponentRegistration newRegistration; public RegistrationLocationSelector(LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> registrations, LazyComponentRegistration newRegistration) { this.registrations = registrations; this.newRegistration = newRegistration; } void IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent>.InsteadOf<TRegistrationType>() { if (newRegistration.ComponentType != typeof(TRegistrationType)) { registrations.EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(newRegistration.ComponentType); } int index = registrations.EnsureRegistrationExists<TRegistrationType>(); registrations.entries[index] = newRegistration; } void IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent>.After<TRegistrationType>() { registrations.EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(newRegistration.ComponentType); int num = registrations.EnsureRegistrationExists<TRegistrationType>(); registrations.entries.Insert(num + 1, newRegistration); } void IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent>.Before<TRegistrationType>() { registrations.EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(newRegistration.ComponentType); int index = registrations.EnsureRegistrationExists<TRegistrationType>(); registrations.entries.Insert(index, newRegistration); } void IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent>.OnBottom() { registrations.EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(newRegistration.ComponentType); registrations.entries.Add(newRegistration); } void IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent>.OnTop() { registrations.EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(newRegistration.ComponentType); registrations.entries.Insert(0, newRegistration); } } private class TrackingRegistrationLocationSelector : ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent> { private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> registrations; private readonly TrackingLazyComponentRegistration newRegistration; public TrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> registrations, TrackingLazyComponentRegistration newRegistration) { this.registrations = registrations; this.newRegistration = newRegistration; } void ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent>.InsteadOf<TRegistrationType>() { if (newRegistration.ComponentType != typeof(TRegistrationType)) { registrations.EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(newRegistration.ComponentType); } int index = registrations.EnsureRegistrationExists<TRegistrationType>(); Func<TArgument, TComponent> innerComponentFactory = registrations.entries[index].Factory; registrations.entries[index] = new LazyComponentRegistration(newRegistration.ComponentType, (TArgument arg) => newRegistration.Factory(innerComponentFactory(arg), arg)); } } private readonly List<LazyComponentRegistration> entries = new List<LazyComponentRegistration>(); public int Count => entries.Count; public IEnumerable<Func<TArgument, TComponent>> InReverseOrder { get { int i = entries.Count - 1; while (i >= 0) { yield return entries[i].Factory; int num = i - 1; i = num; } } } public LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> Clone() { LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> lazyComponentRegistrationList = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent>(); foreach (LazyComponentRegistration entry in entries) { lazyComponentRegistrationList.entries.Add(entry); } return lazyComponentRegistrationList; } public void Clear() { entries.Clear(); } public void Add(Type componentType, Func<TArgument, TComponent> factory) { entries.Add(new LazyComponentRegistration(componentType, factory)); } public void Remove(Type componentType) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) { if (entries[i].ComponentType == componentType) { entries.RemoveAt(i); return; } } throw new KeyNotFoundException("A component registration of type '" + componentType.FullName + "' was not found."); } public IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent> CreateRegistrationLocationSelector(Type componentType, Func<TArgument, TComponent> factory) { return new RegistrationLocationSelector(this, new LazyComponentRegistration(componentType, factory)); } public ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<TComponent> CreateTrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(Type componentType, Func<TComponent, TArgument, TComponent> factory) { return new TrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(this, new TrackingLazyComponentRegistration(componentType, factory)); } public IEnumerator<Func<TArgument, TComponent>> GetEnumerator() { return entries.Select((LazyComponentRegistration e) => e.Factory).GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } private int IndexOfRegistration(Type registrationType) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) { if (registrationType == entries[i].ComponentType) { return i; } } return -1; } private void EnsureNoDuplicateRegistrationType(Type componentType) { if (IndexOfRegistration(componentType) != -1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("A component of type '" + componentType.FullName + "' has already been registered."); } } private int EnsureRegistrationExists<TRegistrationType>() { int num = IndexOfRegistration(typeof(TRegistrationType)); if (num == -1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("A component of type '" + typeof(TRegistrationType).FullName + "' has not been registered."); } return num; } } internal static class LazyComponentRegistrationListExtensions { public static TComponent BuildComponentChain<TComponent>(this LazyComponentRegistrationList<TComponent, TComponent> registrations, TComponent innerComponent) { return registrations.InReverseOrder.Aggregate(innerComponent, (TComponent inner, Func<TComponent, TComponent> factory) => factory(inner)); } public static TComponent BuildComponentChain<TArgument, TComponent>(this LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> registrations, TComponent innerComponent, Func<TComponent, TArgument> argumentBuilder) { Func<TComponent, TArgument> argumentBuilder2 = argumentBuilder; return registrations.InReverseOrder.Aggregate(innerComponent, (TComponent inner, Func<TArgument, TComponent> factory) => factory(argumentBuilder2(inner))); } public static List<TComponent> BuildComponentList<TComponent>(this LazyComponentRegistrationList<Nothing, TComponent> registrations) { return registrations.Select((Func<Nothing, TComponent> factory) => factory(default(Nothing))).ToList(); } public static List<TComponent> BuildComponentList<TArgument, TComponent>(this LazyComponentRegistrationList<TArgument, TComponent> registrations, TArgument argument) { TArgument argument2 = argument; return registrations.Select((Func<TArgument, TComponent> factory) => factory(argument2)).ToList(); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 1)] internal struct Nothing { } internal sealed class ObjectDescriptor : IObjectDescriptor { public object? Value { get; private set; } public Type Type { get; private set; } public Type StaticType { get; private set; } public ScalarStyle ScalarStyle { get; private set; } public ObjectDescriptor(object? value, Type type, Type staticType) : this(value, type, staticType, ScalarStyle.Any) { } public ObjectDescriptor(object? value, Type type, Type staticType, ScalarStyle scalarStyle) { Value = value; Type = type ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); StaticType = staticType ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("staticType"); ScalarStyle = scalarStyle; } } internal delegate IObjectGraphTraversalStrategy ObjectGraphTraversalStrategyFactory(ITypeInspector typeInspector, ITypeResolver typeResolver, IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters, int maximumRecursion); internal sealed class PropertyDescriptor : IPropertyDescriptor { private readonly IPropertyDescriptor baseDescriptor; public bool AllowNulls => baseDescriptor.AllowNulls; public string Name { get; set; } public bool Required => baseDescriptor.Required; public Type Type => baseDescriptor.Type; public Type? TypeOverride { get { return baseDescriptor.TypeOverride; } set { baseDescriptor.TypeOverride = value; } } public Type? ConverterType => baseDescriptor.ConverterType; public int Order { get; set; } public ScalarStyle ScalarStyle { get { return baseDescriptor.ScalarStyle; } set { baseDescriptor.ScalarStyle = value; } } public bool CanWrite => baseDescriptor.CanWrite; public PropertyDescriptor(IPropertyDescriptor baseDescriptor) { this.baseDescriptor = baseDescriptor; Name = baseDescriptor.Name; } public void Write(object target, object? value) { baseDescriptor.Write(target, value); } public T? GetCustomAttribute<T>() where T : Attribute { return baseDescriptor.GetCustomAttribute<T>(); } public IObjectDescriptor Read(object target) { return baseDescriptor.Read(target); } } internal sealed class Serializer : ISerializer { private readonly IValueSerializer valueSerializer; private readonly EmitterSettings emitterSettings; public Serializer() : this(new SerializerBuilder().BuildValueSerializer(), EmitterSettings.Default) { } private Serializer(IValueSerializer valueSerializer, EmitterSettings emitterSettings) { this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("valueSerializer"); this.emitterSettings = emitterSettings ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("emitterSettings"); } public static Serializer FromValueSerializer(IValueSerializer valueSerializer, EmitterSettings emitterSettings) { return new Serializer(valueSerializer, emitterSettings); } public string Serialize(object? graph) { using StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); Serialize(stringWriter, graph); return stringWriter.ToString(); } public string Serialize(object? graph, Type type) { using StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); Serialize(stringWriter, graph, type); return stringWriter.ToString(); } public void Serialize(TextWriter writer, object? graph) { Serialize(new Emitter(writer, emitterSettings), graph); } public void Serialize(TextWriter writer, object? graph, Type type) { Serialize(new Emitter(writer, emitterSettings), graph, type); } public void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object? graph) { if (emitter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("emitter"); } EmitDocument(emitter, graph, null); } public void Serialize(IEmitter emitter, object? graph, Type type) { if (emitter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("emitter"); } if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } EmitDocument(emitter, graph, type); } private void EmitDocument(IEmitter emitter, object? graph, Type? type) { emitter.Emit(new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.StreamStart()); emitter.Emit(new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.DocumentStart()); valueSerializer.SerializeValue(emitter, graph, type); emitter.Emit(new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.DocumentEnd(isImplicit: true)); emitter.Emit(new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.StreamEnd()); } } internal sealed class SerializerBuilder : BuilderSkeleton<SerializerBuilder> { private class ValueSerializer : IValueSerializer { private readonly IObjectGraphTraversalStrategy traversalStrategy; private readonly IEventEmitter eventEmitter; private readonly IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter>, IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs, IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter>> emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories; public ValueSerializer(IObjectGraphTraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, IEventEmitter eventEmitter, IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters, LazyComponentRegistrationList<IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter>, IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories, LazyComponentRegistrationList<EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs, IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter>> emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories) { this.traversalStrategy = traversalStrategy; this.eventEmitter = eventEmitter; this.typeConverters = typeConverters; this.preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories = preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories; this.emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories = emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories; } public void SerializeValue(IEmitter emitter, object? value, Type? type) { IEmitter emitter2 = emitter; Type type2 = type ?? ((value != null) ? value.GetType() : typeof(object)); Type staticType = type ?? typeof(object); ObjectDescriptor graph = new ObjectDescriptor(value, type2, staticType); List<IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitors = preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories.BuildComponentList(typeConverters); IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter> visitor = emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories.BuildComponentChain<EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs, IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter>>(new EmittingObjectGraphVisitor(eventEmitter), (IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter> inner) => new EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs(inner, eventEmitter, preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitors, typeConverters, NestedObjectSerializer)); foreach (IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing> item in preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitors) { traversalStrategy.Traverse(graph, item, default(Nothing), NestedObjectSerializer); } traversalStrategy.Traverse(graph, visitor, emitter2, NestedObjectSerializer); void NestedObjectSerializer(object? v, Type? t) { SerializeValue(emitter2, v, t); } } } private ObjectGraphTraversalStrategyFactory objectGraphTraversalStrategyFactory; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter>, IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs, IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter>> emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories; private readonly LazyComponentRegistrationList<IEventEmitter, IEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactories; private readonly Dictionary<Type, TagName> tagMappings = new Dictionary<Type, TagName>(); private readonly IObjectFactory objectFactory; private int maximumRecursion = 50; private EmitterSettings emitterSettings = EmitterSettings.Default; private DefaultValuesHandling defaultValuesHandlingConfiguration; private ScalarStyle defaultScalarStyle; private bool quoteNecessaryStrings; private bool quoteYaml1_1Strings; protected override SerializerBuilder Self => this; public SerializerBuilder() : base((ITypeResolver)new DynamicTypeResolver()) { typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(CachedTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => new CachedTypeInspector(inner)); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(NamingConventionTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => (!(namingConvention is NullNamingConvention)) ? new NamingConventionTypeInspector(inner, namingConvention) : inner); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(YamlAttributesTypeInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => new YamlAttributesTypeInspector(inner)); typeInspectorFactories.Add(typeof(YamlAttributeOverridesInspector), (ITypeInspector inner) => (overrides == null) ? inner : new YamlAttributeOverridesInspector(inner, overrides.Clone())); preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter>, IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> { { typeof(AnchorAssigner), (IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters) => new AnchorAssigner(typeConverters) } }; emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs, IObjectGraphVisitor<IEmitter>> { { typeof(CustomSerializationObjectGraphVisitor), (EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs args) => new CustomSerializationObjectGraphVisitor(args.InnerVisitor, args.TypeConverters, args.NestedObjectSerializer) }, { typeof(AnchorAssigningObjectGraphVisitor), (EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs args) => new AnchorAssigningObjectGraphVisitor(args.InnerVisitor, args.EventEmitter, args.GetPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor<AnchorAssigner>()) }, { typeof(DefaultValuesObjectGraphVisitor), (EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs args) => new DefaultValuesObjectGraphVisitor(defaultValuesHandlingConfiguration, args.InnerVisitor, new DefaultObjectFactory()) }, { typeof(CommentsObjectGraphVisitor), (EmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorArgs args) => new CommentsObjectGraphVisitor(args.InnerVisitor) } }; eventEmitterFactories = new LazyComponentRegistrationList<IEventEmitter, IEventEmitter> { { typeof(TypeAssigningEventEmitter), (IEventEmitter inner) => new TypeAssigningEventEmitter(inner, tagMappings, quoteNecessaryStrings, quoteYaml1_1Strings, defaultScalarStyle, yamlFormatter, enumNamingConvention, BuildTypeInspector()) } }; objectFactory = new DefaultObjectFactory(); objectGraphTraversalStrategyFactory = (ITypeInspector typeInspector, ITypeResolver typeResolver, IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters, int maximumRecursion) => new FullObjectGraphTraversalStrategy(typeInspector, typeResolver, maximumRecursion, namingConvention, objectFactory); } public SerializerBuilder WithQuotingNecessaryStrings(bool quoteYaml1_1Strings = false) { quoteNecessaryStrings = true; this.quoteYaml1_1Strings = quoteYaml1_1Strings; return this; } public SerializerBuilder WithDefaultScalarStyle(ScalarStyle style) { defaultScalarStyle = style; return this; } public SerializerBuilder WithMaximumRecursion(int maximumRecursion) { if (maximumRecursion <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maximumRecursion", $"The maximum recursion specified ({maximumRecursion}) is invalid. It should be a positive integer."); } this.maximumRecursion = maximumRecursion; return this; } public SerializerBuilder WithEventEmitter<TEventEmitter>(Func<IEventEmitter, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory) where TEventEmitter : IEventEmitter { return WithEventEmitter(eventEmitterFactory, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public SerializerBuilder WithEventEmitter<TEventEmitter>(Func<IEventEmitter, ITypeInspector, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory) where TEventEmitter : IEventEmitter { return WithEventEmitter(eventEmitterFactory, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public SerializerBuilder WithEventEmitter<TEventEmitter>(Func<IEventEmitter, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter>> where) where TEventEmitter : IEventEmitter { Func<IEventEmitter, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory2 = eventEmitterFactory; return WithEventEmitter((IEventEmitter e, ITypeInspector _) => eventEmitterFactory2(e), where); } public SerializerBuilder WithEventEmitter<TEventEmitter>(Func<IEventEmitter, ITypeInspector, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter>> where) where TEventEmitter : IEventEmitter { Func<IEventEmitter, ITypeInspector, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory2 = eventEmitterFactory; if (eventEmitterFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("eventEmitterFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(eventEmitterFactories.CreateRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TEventEmitter), (IEventEmitter inner) => eventEmitterFactory2(inner, BuildTypeInspector()))); return Self; } public SerializerBuilder WithEventEmitter<TEventEmitter>(WrapperFactory<IEventEmitter, IEventEmitter, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory, Action<ITrackingRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter>> where) where TEventEmitter : IEventEmitter { WrapperFactory<IEventEmitter, IEventEmitter, TEventEmitter> eventEmitterFactory2 = eventEmitterFactory; if (eventEmitterFactory2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("eventEmitterFactory"); } if (where == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("where"); } where(eventEmitterFactories.CreateTrackingRegistrationLocationSelector(typeof(TEventEmitter), (IEventEmitter wrapped, IEventEmitter inner) => eventEmitterFactory2(wrapped, inner))); return Self; } public SerializerBuilder WithoutEventEmitter<TEventEmitter>() where TEventEmitter : IEventEmitter { return WithoutEventEmitter(typeof(TEventEmitter)); } public SerializerBuilder WithoutEventEmitter(Type eventEmitterType) { if (eventEmitterType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("eventEmitterType"); } eventEmitterFactories.Remove(eventEmitterType); return this; } public override SerializerBuilder WithTagMapping(TagName tag, Type type) { if (tag.IsEmpty) { throw new ArgumentException("Non-specific tags cannot be maped"); } if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } if (tagMappings.TryGetValue(type, out var value)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Type already has a registered tag '{value}' for type '{type.FullName}'", "type"); } tagMappings.Add(type, tag); return this; } public SerializerBuilder WithoutTagMapping(Type type) { if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } if (!tagMappings.Remove(type)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Tag for type '" + type.FullName + "' is not registered"); } return this; } public SerializerBuilder EnsureRoundtrip() { objectGraphTraversalStrategyFactory = (ITypeInspector typeInspector, ITypeResolver typeResolver, IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter> typeConverters, int maximumRecursion) => new RoundtripObjectGraphTraversalStrategy(typeConverters, typeInspector, typeResolver, maximumRecursion, namingConvention, settings, objectFactory); WithEventEmitter((IEventEmitter inner) => new TypeAssigningEventEmitter(inner, tagMappings, quoteNecessaryStrings, quoteYaml1_1Strings, defaultScalarStyle, yamlFormatter, enumNamingConvention, BuildTypeInspector()), delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter> loc) { loc.InsteadOf<TypeAssigningEventEmitter>(); }); return WithTypeInspector((ITypeInspector inner) => new ReadableAndWritablePropertiesTypeInspector(inner), delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<ITypeInspector> loc) { loc.OnBottom(); }); } public SerializerBuilder DisableAliases() { preProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories.Remove(typeof(AnchorAssigner)); emissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitorFactories.Remove(typeof(AnchorAssigningObjectGraphVisitor)); return this; } [Obsolete("The default behavior is now to always emit default values, thefore calling this method has no effect. This behavior is now controlled by ConfigureDefaultValuesHandling.", true)] public SerializerBuilder EmitDefaults() { return ConfigureDefaultValuesHandling(DefaultValuesHandling.Preserve); } public SerializerBuilder ConfigureDefaultValuesHandling(DefaultValuesHandling configuration) { defaultValuesHandlingConfiguration = configuration; return this; } public SerializerBuilder JsonCompatible() { emitterSettings = emitterSettings.WithMaxSimpleKeyLength(int.MaxValue).WithoutAnchorName(); return WithTypeConverter(new YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters.GuidConverter(jsonCompatible: true), delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IYamlTypeConverter> w) { w.InsteadOf<YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters.GuidConverter>(); }).WithTypeConverter(new DateTime8601Converter(ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted)).WithEventEmitter((IEventEmitter inner) => new JsonEventEmitter(inner, yamlFormatter, enumNamingConvention, BuildTypeInspector()), delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IEventEmitter> loc) { loc.InsteadOf<TypeAssigningEventEmitter>(); }); } public SerializerBuilder WithNewLine(string newLine) { emitterSettings = emitterSettings.WithNewLine(newLine); return this; } public SerializerBuilder WithPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor<TObjectGraphVisitor>(TObjectGraphVisitor objectGraphVisitor) where TObjectGraphVisitor : IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing> { return WithPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(objectGraphVisitor, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public SerializerBuilder WithPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor<TObjectGraphVisitor>(Func<IEnumerable<IYamlTypeConverter>, TObjectGraphVisitor> objectGraphVisitorFactory) where TObjectGraphVisitor : IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing> { return WithPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(objectGraphVisitorFactory, delegate(IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>> w) { w.OnTop(); }); } public SerializerBuilder WithPreProcessingPhaseObjectGraphVisitor<TObjectGraphVisitor>(TObjectGraphVisitor objectGraphVisitor, Action<IRegistrationLocationSelectionSyntax<IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing>>> where) where TObjectGraphVisitor : IObjectGraphVisitor<Nothing> { TObjectGraphVisitor objectGraphVisitor2 = objectGraphVisitor; if (objectGraphVisitor2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectGraphVisitor"); } if (where == nul