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JereKuusela-Expand_World_Prefabs-1.16.0 icon

Expand World Prefabs

Allows configuring build or spawned objects.

Date uploaded a week ago
Version 1.16.0
Download link
Downloads 1021
Dependency string JereKuusela-Expand_World_Prefabs-1.16.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202


Expand World Prefabs

Allows creating rules to react to objects being spawned, destroyed and more.

Install on the server (modding guide).


See documentation.

for help and examples.


Sources: GitHub

Donations: Buy me a computer


  • v1.16

    • Adds a new parameter "day" to get the current day of the world.
    • Adds a new parameter "ticks" to get ticks since the world start.
    • Adds a new parameter "pos" to get the object position as x,z,y.
    • Adds a new parameter "rot" to get the object rotation as y,x,z.
    • Adds new data fields position and rotation.
    • Changes the parameter "time" to be seconds instead of ticks.
    • Adds a new field packaged to RPC calls to send parameters as a single package (some RPCs require this).
    • Adds support for the data field connection to use ZDO id instead of connection hash.
    • Fixes value groups not working for data filters.
    • Fixes nested value groups not working.
    • Fixes parameters not working for data filters.
    • Updates the file.
  • v1.15

    • Adds a new type "globalkey" to trigger on global key changes.
    • Adds a new type "event" to trigger on event start or end.
    • Changes missing global keys to be evaluated as value 0.
  • v1.14

    • Fixes some states not working.
  • v1.13

    • Adds support for value "snap" to y-coordinate for spawn field.
    • Fixed for the new game version.
  • v1.12

    • Adds support for parameter "<key_>" to get value of a global key.
    • Adds wild card matching to string filters.
    • Changes the fields filter and bannedFilter to use the new data system.
    • Fixes parameters not working on spawn or swap specific data.
  • v1.11

    • Fixes arithmetics not working for int or long values.
  • v1.10

    • Adds a new field pokeDelay to delay pokes.
    • Adds a new field clientRpc to trigger any client RPC call.
    • Adds a new field objectRpc to trigger any object RPC call.
    • Adds a new parameter <zdo> that contains the zdoid of the object.
    • Adds a new field fallback to only use the rule when no other rule is found.
    • Adds support for basic arithmetics.
    • Adds a new field poke for alternative way of doing pokes.
    • Adds support for using object data in parameters.
    • Changes the field delay to spawnDelay to make it more explicit.
    • Breaking change: Poke can now also poke the poker.
    • Fixes objects sometimes not found when out of the map bounds.
    • Fixes object filtering not working for far distances.
    • Fixes drop spawning not working on singleplayer.
    • Fixes possible error when matching float, int or long values.
  • v1.9

    • Adds the new data system from World Edit Commands mod.
    • Adds a new field triggerRules to cause spawns from rules to trigger other rules.
    • Adds a new field removeDelay to delay object removing.
    • Adds value group support to the field prefab(from the new data system).
    • Adds parameter support to the fields globalKeys and bannedGlobalKeys.
    • Changes the fields minDistance and maxDistance to not scale with the world radius.
    • Fixes data filters not automatically updating when modifying the data entries.
    • Removes dependency of Expand World Data mod.
  • v1.8

    • Adds a new field drops to spawn drops.
    • Adds the keyword "creature" to the field objects and bannedObjects.
    • Adds the keyword "all" to the field prefab.
    • Adds a new value "poke" to the field type.
    • Adds new fields pokes, pokeLimit and pokeParameter.
  • v1.7

    • Adds support for checking data of the player who triggered armor stands, cooking stations, item stands or obliterators.
    • Adds a new field delay to delay spawns and swaps.
    • Fixes armor stand state not working.
  • v1.6

    • Adds support for checking data of the player who caused the repair trigger.
    • Adds a new field types to set multiples types at once.
    • Changes the keyword format from {} to <>.
    • Fixes the mod not loading the yaml file automatically (changing the file was required).