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JereKuusela-Infinity_Hammer-1.19.0 icon

Infinity Hammer

Bend the rules of building! Copy any object, make structures indestructible, remove all restrictions, destroy anything and more...

Date uploaded 2 years ago
Version 1.19.0
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Downloads 945
Dependency string JereKuusela-Infinity_Hammer-1.19.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202
JereKuusela-Server_devcommands-1.88.0 icon

Enables devcommands and utilities for server admins.

Preferred version: 1.88.0
JereKuusela-World_Edit_Commands-1.67.0 icon

Adds new client side commands for advanced world editing.

Preferred version: 1.67.0


Infinity Hammer

Bend the rules of building! Copy any object, make structures indestructible, remove all restrictions, destroy anything and more...

Install on the admin client (modding guide).

Install also Server Devcommands to enable key binds and use this on a server (as an admin).

Install also World Edit Commands for terrain tools.


  • Build anything. Trees, rocks, creatures... All can be placed with the hammer, with a precise placement!
  • Copy anything. Armor stands, chests and item stands with their contents. Even boss altars!
  • Make structures indestructible, even the gravity can't bring them down.
  • Remove anything. Something unremovable messing up your grand design? No more!
  • Build without restrictions. Dungeons and even the start temple become valid for building.
  • QoL improvements: Extended range, no resouce costs, no item drops, no visual effects and more!
  • Tame anything. Powerful creatures, or even bosses can become your protectors. Or just pit them against each other!

Selecting objects

The main feature of this mod is the ability to build any object with the hammer.

This is done by using the hammer console command which works in four ways:

  • hammer: Selects (and copies) the hovered object.
  • hammer [object id]: Selects an object by id (Item IDs).
  • hammer connect: Selects the hovered building.
  • hammer circle=[radius] or hammer rect=[width,depth] angle=[degrees]: Selects all nearby objects.

Selecting the hovered object can be quickly done by pressing NumPad5. Holding alt key will select the entire building.

The hammer build menu also contains Pipette and Area select tools.

The hammer command has following extra parameters which allow modifying the selected objects:

  • from=x,z,y: Overrides the player position when doing an area selection.
  • health=number: Overrides the health.
  • level=number: Overrides the creature level (stars + 1).
  • scale=number or scale=x,z,y: Overrides the size (if the object can be scaled).
  • stars=number: Overrides the creature stars (level - 1).
  • text=string: Overrides the sign text.
  • type=creature/structure: Select only certain object types.

For Structure Tweaks mod:

  • collision=false: Removes collision.
  • growth=big/big_bad/small/small_bad: Overrides the plant growth.
  • interact=false: Removes interaction.
  • show=false: Removes visibility.
  • wear=broken/damaged/healthy: Overrides the structure wear.

For example hammer Beech1 scale=2 health=1000 would select a beech tree with a double size and 1000 health.


The scale can be directly set with following commands:

  • hammer_scale [x,z,y or amount]: Sets the size.
  • hammer_scale_x [amount]: Sets only the x-axis.
  • hammer_scale_y [amount]: Sets only the y-axis.
  • hammer_scale_z [amount]: Sets only the z-axis.
  • hammer_scale_cmd [x,z,y or amount]: Sets the size of commands.
  • hammer_scale_x_cmd [amount]: Sets only the x-axis.
  • hammer_scale_y_cmd [amount]: Sets only the y-axis.
  • hammer_scale_z_cmd [amount]: Sets only the z-axis.


Shift + mouse wheel will zoom up/down the selection.

This can be also done with following commands:

  • hammer_zoom [x,z,y or percentage or amount]: Zooms the size.
  • hammer_zoom_x [percentage or amount]: Zooms only the x-axis.
  • hammer_zoom_y [percentage or amount]: Zooms only the y-axis.
  • hammer_zoom_z [percentage or amount]: Zooms only the z-axis.
  • hammer_zoom_cmd [x,z,y or percentage or amount]: Zooms the size of commands.
  • hammer_zoom_x_cmd [percentage or amount]: Zooms only the x-axis.
  • hammer_zoom_y_cmd [percentage or amount]: Zooms only the y-axis.
  • hammer_zoom_z_cmd [percentage or amount]: Zooms only the z-axis.

For example hammer_zoom 5% changes 100 % to 105 % or 200 % to 210 %. While hammer_zoom -5% changes 100 % to 95.2 % or 200 % to 190.5 %.

For example hammer_zoom 0.1 changes 100 % to 110 % or 200 % to 210 %. While hammer_zoom -0.1 changes 100 % to 90 % or 200 % to 190 %.

Note: If you notice using these commands frequency, make a key binding for them.


Locations (or Points of Interests) usually include multiple objects so copying them with the hammer command is not simple.

They also have special behavior like random parts or random damage.

That's why there is another command for creating them: hammer_location [location_id] [seed=0] [random damage]

The seed parameter can be used to set the random parts. If missing or 0, then the result is randomized. If set to all then all parts are forced to be on which allows building complete locations (which are normally very rare).

By the default, the location doesn't get randomly damaged. To set this on, put any value to the fourth parameter.

For example:

  • hammer_location StoneTowerRuins04 creates a stone fortress with random parts (which change when using the command again).
  • hammer_location StoneTowerRuins04 100 creates a stone fortress with some parts (always the same).
  • hammer_location StoneTowerRuins04 all creates a stone fortress with all parts.
  • hammer_location StoneTowerRuins04 0 1 creates a stone fortress with random parts and random damage.

Precise placement

Default key bindings allow freezing the placement by pressing NumPad0. This allows moving around while the placement ghost stays in the same place.

Then the placement can be fine tuned with following keys:

  • PageUp / PageDown: Move up/down 0.1 meters.
  • LeftArrow / RightArrow: Move left/right 0.1 meters.
  • UpArrow / DownARrow: Move forward/backward 0.1 meters.

Holding alt key will move by 1 meter instead of 0.1 meters.

Note: Placement keys also work without freezing.

Following commands exist for this:

  • hammer_move [forward,up,right]: Moves the placement ghost offset for precise placement. Auto value can be used for the object size.
  • hammer_move_backward [meters or number*auto]: Moves the placement towards the backward direction.
  • hammer_move_down [meters or number*auto]: Moves the placement towards the down direction.
  • hammer_move_forward [meters or number*auto]: Moves the placement towards the forward direction.
  • hammer_move_left [meters or number*auto]: Moves the placement towards the left direction.
  • hammer_move_right [meters or number*auto]: Moves the placement towards right left direction.
  • hammer_move_up [meters or number*auto]: Moves the placement towards the up direction.
  • hammer_offset [forward,up,right]: Sets the placement ghost offset.
  • hammer_offset_x [value]: Sets the offset in the right / left direction.
  • hammer_offset_y [value]: Sets the offset in the up / down direction.
  • hammer_offset_z [value]: Sets the offset in the forward / backward direction.

Free rotation

Requires installing either Comfy Gizmo or Gizmo Reloaded. Check their documentation how to use them if needed.

For basic usage that is all you need but extra commands are provided for advanced usage.

Fine-tuning the rotation:

  • hammer_rotate_x [degrees]
  • hammer_rotate_y [degrees]
  • hammer_rotate_z [degrees]

Random rotation (90 or 180 degrees depending on the object shape)

  • hammer_rotate_x random
  • hammer_rotate_y random
  • hammer_rotate_z random

Random rotation with custom precision.

  • hammer_rotate_x [number]*random
  • hammer_rotate_y [number]*random
  • hammer_rotate_z [number]*random

For example 3*random would randomly rotate 0, 120 or 240 degrees.

Undo / redo

Building and removing objects can be quickly reversed by pressing NumPad7. Reversed actions can be redone with NumPad9.

Note: Any other removal like buildings collapsing due to lack of support or destroyed by enemies is not tracked. Only your direct actions can be undone.

Internally this is done by using commands hammer_undo and hammer_redo.

If Server Devcommands mod is installed, this integrates with its undo system (unless overridden in the config). So commmands undo and redo would also work.


Objects can be placed multiple times in a row with the command:

  • hammer_stack_[direction] [amount or min-max] [step=auto]

Possible directions are backward, down, forward,left, right and up.

The amount simply determines how many objects are placed. This can be fine-tuned by giving a range.

The step sets the distance between placed objects. By default this is the size of the object.

Note: Choosing the correction direction can be difficult when rotating the selection. But you can easily try things by reverting the changes with hammer_undo.

Note: Determining the size of the object is not fully reliable. Be prepared to give the distance manually.


  • hammer_stack_up 10: Places 10 objects on top of each other.
  • hammer_stack_up -5-4: Places 10 objects with 5 below and 4 on top of the main object.
  • hammer_stack_left 5 10: Places 5 objects with 10 meters between each of them.
  • hammer_stack_left 5 2*auto: Places 5 objects while leaving a gap between them (equal to the object size).
  • hammer_stack_left 3-4: Places 2 objects some distance away from the selected position.

To place objects in a rectangle or a box, use the following command:

  • hammer_stack [forward,up,right or z1-z2,y1-y2,x1-x2] [step=auto,auto,auto]


Basic support is provided for BuildShare .vbuild and PlanBuild .blueprint files.

The command hammer_blueprint [file name] allows placing them. If no files are found, configure the source folder.

New PlanBuild blueprints can also be created with hammer_save [file name] command.

Note: Infinity Hammer will also store the object data when creating blueprints. This can significantly increase the file size and cause incompatibility with future PlanBuild versions.


Some special commands exist for advaced cases. Usually you want to bind these.

  • hammer_grid [precision] [center=current]: Restricts possible placement coordinates. Using the same command removes the restriction.
  • hammer_place: Allows placing with a key press.
  • hammer_repair: Selects the repair tool for quickly clearing the selection.
  • hammer_mirror: Mirrors the selection.
  • hammer_add_piece_components: Adds the Piece component to every object which allows copying them with PlanBuild mod.

For example with Server Devcommands you could bind command hammer_rotate_y random;hammer_place to build objects with a random rotation.

Executing commands

The hammer (and hoe) can execute any console commands, which provides a quick and an intuitive way to use them. These commands can be found at the build menu with a configurable position.

Unfortunately adding new commands won't be that simple. Probably the easiest way is editing the config directly. That way you can see how the default commands are done.

Commands also exist for this:

  • hammer_add [command] or hoe_add [command]: Adds a new command. Useful for sharing commands with other players.
  • hammer_list [index to clipboard] or hoe_list [index to clipboard]: Prints added commmand and their index numbers. If indes is given, copies to the command to the clipboard for easier sharing.
  • hammer_remove [index] or hoe_remove [index]: Removes the command with the given index.
  • hammer_remove [command] or hoe_remove [command]: Removes all commands that start with the given parameter.

For example hammer_add killall would add a new item to the hammer menu that killed all nearby creatures when clicked.

Command style

By default all added commands have name "Command" and have the command as the description.

This can be customized with parameters cmd_name, cmd_desc and cmd_icon. Valid icons are object ids, skill ids and status effect ids.

For example hammer_add cmd_name=Kill cmd_desc=Kills_everything cmd_icon=softdeath killall

Command placement

Some commands have coordinates as their parameters. These can be set with hammer/hoe by using commands hammer_command or hoe_command.

For example using hammer_command hammer circle=10 from=x,z,y would select every object within 10 meters of the hovered position.

The radius can be modified by using shift + mousewheel, when using hammer_command hammer circle=r from=x,z,y (10 changed to r). This also makes the mod highlight the affected area! For less typing you can use the alias hammer_area.

This command can be added to the menu with hammer_add hammer_area. It's recommended to always test commands first before adding them.

World Edit Commands

The full potential of commands can be unlocked by installing World Edit Commands mod. This automatically adds new commands to the hoe (mainly for terrain modifications).

Full list of parameters:

  • x: X coordinate.
  • y: Y coordinate.
  • z: Z coordinate.
  • a: Angle. Mostly matters for rectangles.
  • r: Radius. Enables circle shape.
  • w: Rectangle width. Enables square shape.
  • d: Rectangle depth. Enables rectangle shape.
  • h: Height.

For example hoe_command terrain from=x,z,y circle=r rect=w,d angle=a raise=h raises terrain by a variable height.

To reduce typing, use aliases hoe_object and hoe_terrain. For example hoe_object tame or hoe_terrain raise=h.

Similar aliases also exist for the hammer (hammer_object and hammer_terrain).

Key binds to change values:

  • Q: Changes the shape (uses hammer_shape command).
  • Shift + Mouse wheel: Circle radius and rectangle width.
  • Shift + Alt + Mouse wheel: Rectangle depth.
  • Shift + Control + Mouse wheel: Height.

The current values are shared between different commands. For example if you changed radius to 20 while leveling then the radius would still be 20 when switching to the raise command.

It's possible to restrict the starting value with parameters cmd_r, cmd_w, cmd_d and cmd_h. This is generally not recommended (unless you really need it).

For example hoe_object tame cmd_r=10-20 would restrict the starting radius between 10 and 20 meters. If the radius was 15 it would stay at 15. But a radius of 5 would become 10 and a radius of 50 would become 20.


Following powers are available with hammer_config command:

  • Enabled (default: true, key: enabled): If disabled, removes most features.
  • All objects (default: true, key: all_objects): Hammer can select and place any object. Any placed object can be removed with the hammer until the area is reloaded.
  • Allow in dungeons (default: true, key: allow_in_dungeons): Building is allowed in dungeons.
  • Build range (default: 0, key: build_range): Range for building (capped at about 50 meters).
  • Build Share folder (default: BuildShare/Builds, key: build_share_folder): Folder relative to the Valheim.exe.
  • Copy rotation (default: true, key: copy_rotation): Copies rotation of the selected object.
  • Copy state (default: true, key: copy_state): Object state is copied (for example chest contents or item stand items).
  • Custom binds (default: , key: custom_binds): Sets binds at the game start up. Any existing binds are cleared from those keys.
  • Disable loot (default: false, key: disable_loot): Creatures and structures won't drop loot when destroyed with the hammer.
  • Disable marker (default: false, key: disable_marker): Whether the placement ghost is visualized.
  • Enable undo (default: true, key: enable_undo): Whether the undo/redo feature is enabled.
  • Ignore no build (default: true, key: ignore_no_build): "Mystical power" no longer prevents building.
  • Ignore other restrictions (default: true, key: ignore_other_restrictions): Removes any other restrictions (for example campfires can be built on wood floors).
  • Ignore wards (default: true, key: ignore_wards): Wards no longer prevent building.
  • Infinite health (default: false, key: infinite_health): Sets the Overwrite health setting to 1E30.
  • No build cost (default: true, key: no_build_cost): Removes resource cost and crafting station requirement.
  • No creator (default: false, key: no_creator): Builds without setting the creator information.
  • No durability loss (default: true, key: no_durability_loss): Hammer auto-repairs used durability.
  • No stamina cost (default: true, key: no_stamina_cost): Hammer auto-regens used stamina.
  • Overwrite health (default: 0, key: overwrite_health): Sets the health of built or repaired objects (0 reverts to the default max health, except for creatures).
  • Plan Build folder (default: BepInEx/config/PlanBuild, key: plan_build_folder): Folder relative to the Valheim.exe.
  • Remove anything (default: false, key: remove_anything): Allows removing any object.
  • Remove area (default: 0, key: remove_area): Removes same objects within the radius.
  • Remove blacklist (key: remove_blacklist): Allows disabling remove for given objects (ids separated by ,). Only works if remove anything is enabled.
  • Remove effects (default: false, key: remove_effects): Removes visual effects of building, repairing and destroying.
  • Remove range (default: 0, key: remove_range): Range for removing (capped at about 50 meters).
  • Repair anything (default: false, key: repair_anything): Allows healing or repairing any object.
  • Repair range (default: 0, key: repair_range): Range for repairing (capped at about 50 meters).
  • Repair taming (default: false, key: repair_taming): Repairing full health creatures will tame/untame them (works for all creatures).
  • Reset offset on unfreeze (default true, key: reset_offset_on_unfreeze): Removes the placement offset when unfreezing the placement.
  • Select blacklist (key: select_blacklist): Allows disabling select for given objects (ids separated by ,).
  • Select range (default: 0, key: select_range): Range for selecting (capped at about 50 meters).
  • Server Devcommands undo (default: true, key: server_devcommands_undo): If disabled, uses Infinity Hammer's own undo system even if Server Devcommands is installed.
  • Unfreeze on select (default false, key: unfreeze_on_select): Removes the placement freeze when selecting a new object.
  • Unfreeze on unequip (defualt true, key: unfreeze_on_unequip): Removes the placement freeze when unequipping the hammer.

On servers, above features are disabled without cheat access (except Copy rotate, No placement marker, Remove effects, Select range and offsetting).

Messages from the mod can be configured with following settings:

  • chat_output: Sends messages to the chat window (when using binds or commands in the chat window).
  • disable_messages: Disables all messages from the mod (console output not affected).
  • disable_offset_messages: Disables messages from changing the placement offset.
  • disable_scale_messages: Disables messages from changing the object scale.
  • disable_select_messages: Disables messages from selecting objects.

Key bindings

Some commonly used features have pre-made key binds in the configuration. Internally these use the bind command.

This means that Server Devcommands mod is needed for multi-key binds or for using the mouse wheel.

If you don't wish to use this system you can set all binds to none and make your own bindings with the bind command.

Binds can also be shared with others with the custom_binds setting but this isn't really recommended.

The format is keycode1 command1;keycode2 command2. For example keypad0 hammer;keypad7 hammer_undo;keypad9 hammer_redo.


Hammer configuration applies to all building, including the standard structures selected from the build menu.

When selecting an existing object, its size and rotation is copied to the placement tool. If "Copy rotation" is disabled then the selection tool keeps the last rotation. The last rotation is always used when using the build window.

Object scaling only works for some objects (mostly trees and rocks). This is restricted by the base game (scaling is not stored in the save file).

If "Overwrite health" is enabled, objects have a specified health (including creatures). For minerocks, the health is applied to the individual parts (the outer shell stays at 1 health). Repairing can be used to modify the shell health if needed.

Setting a very high health (like "1E30") can be used to make object indestructible because the damage taken is rounded down to zero. This also prevents structures collapsing from lack of support.

For creatures, the max health resets when the area is reloaded if the current health equals the max health. For this reason, the current health is set slightly higher than the max health.

"Copy state" only applies when selecting existing objects since structures from the build menu are stateless. However the creator ID is always set based on the "No creator" setting, even for non-standard structures.

"No creator" is currently quite pointless since most structures ignore the value and will get targeted by the enemies regardless of the value. But maybe someone can find some use for it.

Locations (Points of Interest) can also be copied. However only static parts are included in the actual location. For example in the start temple, each boss stone is a separate object and can be copied separately if needed.


By default, only change is that the UI shows how much damage was repaired.

If "Repair anything" is enabled, most destructible objects can be repaired or healed. This includes creatures and players.

For minerocks, if the targeted part is already at full health, a random part is restored instead. This is not very practical but can be used to restore any accidental changes to minerocks.

If "Overwrite health" is enabled, the object is repaired or damaged to the specified health value.

For creatures, the maximum health value is also set. So they will keep their max health even when disabling "Overwrite health". Other objects will revert to the original max health when repaired.

Unfortunately, the max health resets when the area is reloaded if the current health equals the max health. For this reason, the current health is set slightly higher than the max health.


By default, destroying only works for standard structures and placed objects. Placed objects can only be removed temporarily since the required information is lost when the area is reloaded.

If "Destroy anything" is enabled, all objects can be removed.

If "Disable loot" is enabled, destroying creatures or structures won't drop loot. This can be useful to get rid of very high starred creatures that crash the game when killed.

Blacklist can be used to avoid destroying critical objects like locations. For example hammer_config remove_blacklist LocationProxy.


  • v1.19

    • Adds a new paramater type to the hammer command to filter by object type.
    • Adds new paramaters to the hammer command for Structure Tweaks mod.
    • Renames commands hammer_scale* build to hammer_zoom*.
    • Renames commands hammer_scale* command to hammer_zoom_cmd*.
    • Adds new commands hammer_scale* and hammer_´scale_cmd* to directly set the scale.
    • Fixes the mod not working with modded tools like PlanBuild rune.
    • Fixes PlanBuild snap points not working.
    • Fixes selection being shared across all tools.
    • Fixes starred creatures having wrong color/size on the placement ghost.
  • v1.18

    • Adds new settings move_amount and move_amount_large to configure default bindings.
      • Adds new command aliases hammer_area, hammer_object and hammer_terrain.
      • Adds rectangle shape to hammer_area.
      • Changes most default bindings only work when the hammer or hoe is equipped.
      • Changes the command description to always show the actual command.
      • Fixes clicking an empty slot on build menus causing an error message.
      • Fixes the no_creator setting not working.
      • Removes the rotation normalize from multiselects (didn't really work at all).
  • v1.17

    • Fixes hammer_config command not working.
  • v1.16

    • Adds a new setting section for pre-defined key binds.
    • Adds new settings to add custom commands to the build menus.
    • Adds a new setting server_devcommands_undo to allow using Infinity Hammer's own undo system even with Server Devcommands installed (default true).
    • Adds a new parameter to the hammer command which allows selecting all nearby objects.
    • Adds a new parameter connect to the hammer command which allows selecting the hovered object and connected pieces.
    • Adds a new parameter health to the hammer command which allows overriding the object health.
    • Adds new parameters level and stars to the hammer command which allows overriding the creature level.
    • Adds a new parameter text to the hammer command which allows setting the sign text.
    • Adds new commands hammer_command and hoe_command that allow executing console commands.
    • Adds new commands hammer_add and hoe_add that allow adding new commands to the build menu.
    • Adds new commands hammer_remove and hoe_remove that allow removing commands to the build menu.
    • Adds new commands hammer_list and hoe_list that allow listing commands on the build menu.
    • Adds a new command hammer_mirror to mirror the selection.
    • Adds new commands hammer_scale_x, hammer_scale_y and hammer_scale_z to scale up/down a single axis.
    • Changes the hammer_scale command to scale up/down instead of setting the scale directly.
    • Improves PlanBuild compatibility.
    • Renames the hammer_scale command to hammer_set_scale.
    • Removes the setting scaling_step as obsolete.
    • Removes the commands hammer_scale_up and hammer_scale_down as obsolete (existing binds automatically migrate to use hammer_scale).
    • Removes the setting auto_equip as obsolete (now always on so that the mod works properly).
    • Fixes the setting copy_state not working.
    • Fixes the scale parameter not working on the hammer command.
  • v1.15

    • Adds a new command hammer_save to create blueprints with data.
    • Adds support for PlanBuild scaling.
    • Adds a new setting chat_output to control is the output show on the chat window (default false).
    • Removes the setting max_undo_steps as obsolete (usually Server Devcommands is installed).

Thanks for Azumatt for creating the mod icon!


  • v1.64

    • Adds support for repairing MineRock objects, thanks Haloa!
    • Improves repairing of MineRock5 objects.
    • Fixes error when removing other objects than regular build pieces.
    • Fixes remove anything not making feasts removable with the hammer.
    • Fixes hammer_measure giving error about birds (not measuring them anymore).
    • Fixes hammer_measure not working with feasts.
  • v1.63

    • Adds support for placing pieces without colliders (for example Bog Witch candle).
    • Fixes hoe not working.
  • v1.62

    • Fixed for the new game version.
  • v1.61

    • Fixed for the new game version.
  • v1.60

    • Adds a new field snapPiece to tools to allow snapping to piece snap points.
    • Adds a center point to tool selection.
    • Adds sorting by piece name to saved blueprint files.
    • Fixes structure buff from Building mod being incorrectly removed even without custom health setting.
    • Fixes area remove not working.
    • Removes snapping from blueprints that use center piece.
  • v1.58

    • Adds a new command hammer_room to add rooms to dungeons.
    • Adds a new field hammer data= to load simple data entries.
    • Adds snap points to dungeon rooms.
    • Changes the "Remove anything" feature to remove single rooms from dungeons.
    • Changes the setting "No creator" to also remove data from X Ray Vision mod.
    • Fixes repairing not being able to remove invulnerability.
    • Fixes picking up existing dungeons not copying the rooms.
    • Fixes some undo issues by reworking it (now uses World Edit Commands mod).
    • Fixes some data saving issues by reworking it (now uses World Edit Commands mod).
    • Fixes error with MaterialMan.
    • Fixes error when copying MineRock5 objects.
  • v1.57

    • Adds a new setting "Snap points" for automatic snap point generation.
    • Adds a new setting "Blueprint snap piece" to set which piece is used for snap points.
    • Adds a new setting "Zoop magic mode" to do stuff.
    • Adds a new setting "Tool ignored ids" to separate ignored ids for commands.
    • Adds a new setting "Tool included ids" to support included ids for commands.
    • Adds a new parameter to the command "hammer_blueprint" to display the snap points.
    • Adds a new parameter to the command "hammer_save" to override the snap piece.
    • Adds new parameters "include" and "ignore" to the command hammer.
    • Adds setting toggling to the command "hammer_config".
    • Changes the format of command "hammer_blueprint" to have named parameters.
    • Changes the format of command "hammer_save" to have named parameters.
    • Fixes blueprint snap points not working at all.
    • Fixes escaping with "" not working on tool commands.
    • Merged Infinity Tools mod back to this mod.
    • Removes setting "Snap points for all objects" as obsolete.
    • Reorganizes the settings.
  • v1.56

    • Fixes continuous placement being bit too happy with being placed.
  • v1.55

    • Fixes compatibility issue with Marketplace NPC's mod.
  • v1.54

    • Fixed for the new game version.
  • v1.53

    • Fixes trees falling down during the placement selection.
    • Fixes custom locations from Expand World Data not being able to be placed.
  • v1.52

    • Fixed for the new game version.
  • v1.51

    • Adds a new setting "Use blueprint chance" to use the object chance from blueprints.
    • Adds a new setting "Save simpler blueprints" to only save the most important data.
    • Changes the "Ignored ids" setting to also prevent the connecting with the connect parameter.
    • Fixes compatibility issue with Building mod.
    • Fixes compatibility issue with More Vanilla Build Prefabs mod.
    • Removes description from saved blueprints (was bugged and it's not really needed).
  • v1.50

    • Adds a new value "Legacy" to the setting "Set invulnerability".
    • Fixes repairing not working with the setting "Set invulnerability" (some cases, not all).
    • Fixes changing build tab with Q/E not selecting the new object.
    • Fixes build menu showing old selection when selecting existing objects.
    • Fixes copying not always copying the rotation (for example active furnaces).