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JereKuusela-World_Edit_Commands-1.16.0 icon

World Edit Commands

Adds new client side commands for advanced world editing.

Date uploaded 2 years ago
Version 1.16.0
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Downloads 2221
Dependency string JereKuusela-World_Edit_Commands-1.16.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202
JereKuusela-Server_devcommands-1.83.0 icon

Enables devcommands and utilities for server admins.

Preferred version: 1.83.0


World Edit Commands

Adds new commands for advanced world editing.

Install on the admin client (modding guide).

Install also Server Devcommands.


This mods add 4 new commands. Most parameters are given as named parameters that have a "key=value" format (or just "key" if no value is needed). All of them are optional and can be put in any order. All keys and some values are case insensitive too.

Some parameters accept ranges with "key=min-max" format. This causes each affected object to randomly get a value within the range which allows creating some random variation.

Use the alias command to create new simpler commands. This should significantly reduce the amount of typing.

Remember to bind undo and redo commands for easier undoing. Recommended also to read the manual of Server Devcommands mod.


The object [...args] alters the hovered object or objects within a given radius. The undo/redo system is supported by saving snapshots of the object.

Following parameters are available:

  • angle=degrees: Direction of the rectangle when used with rect.
  • baby: Prevents offspring from growing up.
  • copy: Copies most of the ZDO data to the clipboard. Excludes some data to work better and to reduce data size.
  • copy=all: Copies all of the ZDO data to the clipboard.
  • center: Sets rotate center point at player position.
  • center=x,z,y: Overrides the player position and sets rotate center point.
  • chance=number: Randomly filters included objects. For example 0.5 includes about half of the objects (50%).
  • creator=player id: Sets the piece creator. Use 0 for no creator.
  • circle=number or radius=number: Radius for included objects. If not given, the hovered object is only affected.
  • connect: Includes entire structures.
  • data=[key]: Prints ZDO data.
  • data=[key,value]: Sets ZDO data. The key must already exist in the data.
  • durability=number or health=number: Sets the current durability for items, the current health for structures and the maximum health for creatures. Very high values like 1E30 turn the target invulnerable (including gravity for structures).
  • fuel=number: Sets the fuel amount. Without number, prints the fuel amount.
  • from=x,z,y: Same as the center.
  • guide: Visualizes the affected area instead of doing anything. Turn off by not giving the radius.
  • height: Maximum height from the center point (default is 1000 meters).
  • id: Filters objects by id. Supports starts with, ends with or contains by using "*". Default is * that allows all objects which don't start with "_".
  • info: Prints information of objects.
  • level=integer: Sets levels for creatures (level = stars + 1).
  • mirror: Mirrors the position and rotation based on the player position. Always mirrors the x-axis.
  • move=forward,right,up: Moves objects (meters). Static objects only update their position for other players when they leave the area.
  • origin=player|object|world: Base direction for move and rotate. Default value player uses the player's rotation, object uses the objects rotation and world uses the global coordinate system (x=north/south,y=up/down,z=west/east).
  • prefab=id: Replaces the object with the given id.
  • rect=width,depth: Area for included objects. If not given, the hovered object is only affected.
  • remove: Removes objects. Must use the id parameter (id=* is ok). Can't be used with other operations.
  • respawn: Resets loot chests, pickables and spawn points.
  • rotate=yaw,roll,pitch: Rotates objects (degrees). Static objects only update their rotation for other players when they leave the area.
  • rotate=reset: Resets object rotation. Static objects only update their rotation for other players when they leave the area.
  • scale=x,z,y: Scales objects (which support it). A single value sets all of the scales.
  • sleep: Makes creatures fall asleep (that support it).
  • stars=integer: Sets stars for creatures (stars = level - 1).
  • type=creature/structure: Only selects creatures or structures.
  • wild: Untames creatures.

Additional style parameters:

  • chest=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item as their chest (if supported).
  • helmet=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item as their helmet (if supported).
  • left_hand=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item on their left hand (if supported).
  • legs=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item as their legs (if supported).
  • right_hand=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item on their right hand (if supported).
  • shoulders=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item as their shoulders (if supported).
  • utility=item id,variant: Sets creatures to have this item as their utility (if supported).
  • visual=item id,variant: Sets item stands to have this item (including enemy weapons). Not all items work without Item Stand All Items mod.

Note: Creatures reset their style when attacking.


  • object radius=50 move=-5-5,-5,5: Randomly moves all objects within 50 meters.
  • object move=5: Moves the targeted object 5 meters away from you.
  • object move=0,5 origin=world: Moves the targeted object 5 meters towards east.
  • object prefab=Wolf: Changes the targeted object to a wolf.
  • object rotate=90 center radius=10: Rotates nearby objects around the player.
  • alias remove object remove id=$: Adds a command remove [object id] that removes the targeted object if it matches the given object id.
  • alias remove object remove id=*: Adds a command remove that removes the targeted object without having to specify the id.
  • alias remove50 object remove radius=50 id=$: Adds a command remove50 [object id] that removes the given objects within 50 meters.
  • alias essential object tame health=1E30 radius=$ id=$: Adds a command essential [radius] [object id] that tames and turns objects invulnerable within a given radius and with a given id. If radius and id is not given, then affects the hovered object.

Structure Tweaks mod

New parameters to the object command.

  • effect=radius,id: Adds forced effect area (heat, fire, player base, burning, no monsters, warm cozy area).
  • event=radius,id: Adds forced random event area.
  • collision=true/false: Sets whether the object has collision. No value to toggle.
  • fall=off/solid/terrain: Overrides the fall behavior.
  • growth=big/big_bad/small/small_bad: Overrides the plant visual wear (and prevents growth).
  • interact=true/false: Sets whether the object can be interacted with. No value to toggle.
  • show=true/false: Sets whether the object is visible. No value to toggle.
  • status=radius,id: Adds forced status effect area.
  • wear=broken/damaged/healthy: Overrides the object visual wear.
  • weather=radius,id,instant: Adds forced weather area. If third parameter is given, the weather changes instantly.

Five new commands that share many parameters with the object command.

All values can be reseted by providing no value to the parameter. force parameter automatically adds the component if missing.


  • name=text: Display name. Use _ as the space.
  • unlock=true/false: Allows ignoring wards. No value to toggle.


  • unlock=true/false: Allows ignoring wards. No value to toggle.


  • smoke=off/on/ignore: Smoke behavior.


  • restrict=false: Allows teleporting with any items.


  • discover=id,pintext,pintype,showmap: Location discovery. If showmap=1, then opens the map automatically.
  • name=text: Display name. Use _ as the space.
  • text=text: Use text. Use _ as the space.
  • topic=text: Topic shown with the text. Use _ as the space.
  • compendium=text: Label added to the compendium. Use _ as the space. Start with - to remove the label.


  • tweak_runestone compendium=Hello compendium=-Hi text=Stuff: Adds Hello entry to the compendium while removing the Hi entry.

Spawner Tweaks mod

Four new commands that share many parameters with the object command.

All values can be reseted by providing no value to the parameter. force parameter automatically adds the component if missing.


  • amount=number: Amount of needed items to interact.
  • delay=seconds: Duration of the spawning.
  • faction=text: Determines which creatures are considered hostile.
  • itemstandprefix=text: Prefix for included item stands.
  • itemstandrange=meters: Radius for included item stands.
  • itemoffset=x,z,y: Offset when spawning items. Also sets the useeffect position.
  • levelchance=percent: Level up chance (from 0 to 100).
  • maxlevel=number: Maximum level (level 1 = no star).
  • minlevel=number: Minimum level (level 1 = no star).
  • name=text: Display name. Use _ as the space.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time.
  • spawn=id: Spawned item or object.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effect when the spawn happens. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnhealth=number: Overrides the creature health.
  • spawnitem=id: Required item.
  • spawnmaxy=meters: Maximum height difference from the altar.
  • spawnoffset=meters: Spawn distance from the ground.
  • spawnradius=meters: Maximum spawn radius.
  • starteffect=id,flag: Effect when the spawn is started. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • text=text: Use text. Use _ as the space.
  • useeffect=id,flag: Effect when used. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.


  • name=text: Display name. Use _ as the space.
  • item=id,weight,minamount,maxamount: Loot item. Weight is the relative chance compared to other items.
  • maxamount=number: Maximum amount of items.
  • minamount=number: Minimum amount of items.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time for items. Automatically sets item, maxamount and minamount based on chest contents if not given in the command.


  • name=text: Display name. Use _ as the space.
  • item=id,variant: Attached item. Variant is a number.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time for items. Automatically sets the item based on the current item.


  • amount=number: Amount of dropped items.
  • name=text: Display name. Use _ as the space.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time.
  • spawn=id: Spawned item or object.
  • spawnoffset=meters: Spawn distance from the ground.
  • useeffect=id,flag: Effect when used. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.


  • farradius=meters: Radius for maxtotal.
  • respawn=seconds: Respawn time.
  • levelchance=percent: Level up chance (from 0 to 100).
  • maxnear=number: Maximum amount of spawns within the nearradius.
  • maxtotal=number: Maximum amount of spawns within the farradius.
  • nearradius=meters: Radius for maxnear.
  • respawn=seconds: Respawn time.
  • spawn=id,weight,minlevel,maxlevel,faction,health: Spawned item or object. Weight is the relative chance compared to other spawns.
  • spawncondition=flag: Sum up: 1 = day only, 2 = night only, 4 = ground only.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effect when the spawn happens. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnradius=meters: Maximum spawn radius.
  • triggerdistance=meters: Required distance to activate the spawner.


  • faction=text: Determines which creatures are considered hostile.
  • levelchance=percent: Level up chance (from 0 to 100).
  • maxlevel=number: Maximum level (level 1 = no star).
  • minlevel=number: Minimum level (level 1 = no star).
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time.
  • spawn=id: Spawned item or object.
  • spawncondition=flag: 1 = day only, 2 = night only.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effect when the spawn happens. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnhealth=number: Overrides the creature health.
  • triggerdistance=meters: Required distance to activate the spawn point.
  • triggernoise=meters: Required noise to activate the spawn point.


  • tweak_pickable use_effect=[sfx/vfx] use_effect=[sfx/vfx]: Makes a pickable to cause two effects when picked.
  • tweak_spawner spawn=Boar spawn=Deer: Makes a spawner spawn both boars and deer.
  • tweak_spawner force spawn=lightningaoe respawn=1 spawnradius=10: Makes any object to spawn lightning every second.

Spawn object

The spawn_object [object id] [...args] spawns objects to the world. The undo/redo system is supported by saving snapshots of the created objects.

Following parameters are available:

  • amount=integer: Amount of spawned objects within a random radius. Items are autostacked.
  • crafter=value or name=value: Name of the crafter for items or name for tamed creatures (that support naming). Character _ is replaced with a space bar.
  • durability=number or health=number: Overrides the current durability for items, the current health for structures and the maximum health for creatures. Very high values like 1E30 turn the target invulnerable (including gravity for structures).
  • from=x,z,y: Allows overriding the player's position for the command. Used by redo and can be useful for some advanced usage.
  • hunt: Spawned creatures are in the hunt mode.
  • level=integer: Spawned creatures have this amount of level (level = stars + 1).
  • pos=forward,right,up: Relative position (meters) from the player. If not given, the objects are spawned 2 meters front of the player. If y coordinate is not given, the objects snaps to the ground.
  • radius=number: Maximum spawn distance when spawning multiple objects. Default is 0.5 meters.
  • refPlayer=name: Allows overriding the player's position with another player's position.
  • refRot=yaw,roll,pick: Allows overriding the player's rotation for the command. Used by redo and can be useful for some advanced usage.
  • rot=yaw,roll,pick: Relative rotation (degrees) from the player's rotation.
  • scale=x,z,y: Scale for the spawned objects (which support it). A single value sets all of the scales.
  • stars=integer: Spawned creatures have this amount of stars (stars = level - 1).
  • tame: Spawned creatures are tamed.
  • to=x,z,y: Distributes the objects between the player and target position.
  • variant=integer: Style/variant for some spawned items.

Additional style parameters:

  • chest=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item as their chest (if supported).
  • helmet=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item as their helmet (if supported).
  • left_hand=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item on their left hand (if supported).
  • legs=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item as their legs (if supported).
  • right_hand=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item on their right hand (if supported).
  • shoulders=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item as their shoulders (if supported).
  • utility=item id,variant: Spawned creatures have this item as their utility (if supported).

Note: Creatures reset their style when attacking.


  • spawn_object StatueCorqi rot=0-360 amount=10 radius=10: Spawns 10 corqi status within 10 meters that have a random rotation. Undo/redo can be used to reroll the positions and rotations.
  • spawn_object Rock_4 scale=0.5-5 rot=0-360 amount=200 radius=100: Spawns 200 rocks with a random rotation and a random scale.
  • spawn_object Wolf star=0-2 amount=5 radius=20: Spawns 5 wolves with random stars from 0 to 2.
  • spawn_object PickaxeIron refPlayer=Jay: Spawns an iron pickaxe at the position of a player called Jay.
  • alias spawn spawn_object $ amount=$ level=$: Upgrades the default spawn command with undo/redo.

Spawn location

The spawn_location [location id] [...args] spawns Point of Interests to the world. The main difference to the location command is that the game saving doesn't get disabled and all parameters can be set. The undo/redo system is supported by saving snapshots of the created objects.

Following parameters are available:

  • seed=number: Sets the result of randomized locations. If not given, the result is random.
  • dungeonSeed=number: Sets the result of next dungeon generation. If not given, the result is random. If the location is not a dungeon, this will carry over to the next dungeon generation. Forcing dungeon seed randomize the dungeon room seeds (instead of being based on the room position).
  • from=x,z,y: Allows overriding the player's position for the command. Used by redo and can be useful for some advanced usage.
  • pos=forward,right,up: Relative position (meters) from the player. If not given, the location will be placed at the player. If y coordinate is not given, the location snaps to the ground.
  • rot=degrees: Relative rotation (degrees) from the player's rotation.
  • refRot=degrees: Allows overriding the player's rotation for the command. Used by redo and can be useful for some advanced usage.


  • spawn_location DevHouse1: Spawns a location at your position (snaps to the ground).
  • spawn_location DevHouse1 pos=10 seed=1: Spawns a location 10 meters in front of you with a specific random outcome.
  • alias location spawn_location: Upgrades the default command with undo/redo, no save breaking and support for extra parameters.


The terrain [...args] command can create different shapes on top of the usual flattening and resetting. The undo/redo system is supported by saving snapshots of the terrain.

Note: If you have trouble understanding the affected area, try the guide parameter.

Note: The granularity of the terrain system is 0.5 meters.

Note: Terrain is only affected in loaded areas. You can use Render Limits mod to increase this area.

Following parameters are available:

  • angle=degrees: Determines the direction. Cardinal directions like n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w and nw work as a value too. Uses the player's direction if not given (45 degrees precision).
  • blockcheck: Excludes terrain that is under structures or other objects. This can be used to create specific shapes.
  • blockcheck=on/off/inverse:
    • on: Excludes terrain that is under structures or other objects.
    • off: All terrain is affected (default).
    • inverse: Only includes terrain that is under structures or other objects.
  • circle=number: Determines the radius of the affected terrain.
  • delta=meters: Sets the difference from the original elevation. Without the parameter, resets terrain altitude changes.
  • from=x,z,y: Overwrites the player's position. Allows fixing the current position for more precise editing. The y coordinate can be used to override the current ground altitude.
  • guide: Visualizes the affected area instead of doing anything. Turn off by not giving the circle or rect parameters.
  • level=altitude: Sets terrain height to the given altitude. If not given, uses the ground altitude below the player.
  • lower=meters: Lowers terrain by X meters. Same as raise when a negative value is used.
  • max=altitude: Lowers terrain above the given altitude to the altitude.
  • min=altitude: Raises terrain below the given altitude to the altitude.
  • offset=forward,right,up: Moves the targeted position while still using the altitude of the player's position.
  • smooth=number: Determines how gradually the changes are applied (from 0.0 to 1.0).
    • 1.0: All of the terrain gets reduced changes (except the very center).
    • 0.5: Half of the terrain gets reduced changes.
    • 0.0: No reduction (default).
  • paint=value: Sets the terrain material (cultivated, grass, grass_dark,dirt, patches, paved, paved_dark, paved_dirt or paved_moss).
  • paint=dirt,cultivated,paved: Sets custom terrain material (values from 0.0 to 1.0).
  • raise=meters: Raises terrain by X meters. Same as lower when a negative value is used.
  • rect=width,depth: Determines the size of the affected terrain.
  • reset: Resets terrain height and paint changes. Ignores smooth parameter.
  • slope=meters,angle: Creates a slope centered at current position with a given height.
  • step=forward,right,up: Calculates offset based on the radius (and slope height if given).
  • to=x,z,y: Moves the affected terrain between the current position and this position. Determines angle, slope and circle/rect size automatically.
  • within=min-max: Only includes terrain that is within the given altitude range.


  • terrain level circle=10: Sets terrain height within 10 meters (20 meters diameter) to the same level as below you.
  • terrain level terrain raise=4 rect=4 smooth=1 paint=paved: Creates a pyramid.
  • terrain level raise=4 rect=4;terrain lower=4 rect=4 smooth=1 paint=paved: Creates a pyramid shaped hole.
  • terrain slope rect=5 from=10,10 to=10,20: Creates a slope between two positions (10 meters width).
  • terrain slope=5 rect=5 from=10,10 to=10,20: Creates a 5 meter slope between two positions (10 meters width).
  • terrain level from=300,40,-500 rect=5,10000: Creates a long leveled path. Walk along the path to load new areas and then use the command again to extend the path.
  • terrain from=-23,23 angle=e rect=5 slope=4: Creates a slope rising towards east.
  • terrain from=-23,23 angle=e rect=5 slope=4 step=1 level: Creates a level at the end of the slope.
  • terrain from=-23,23 angle=e rect=5 slope=4,e step=1,1: Creates a slope at right side of the level rising towards south (east of east).
  • terrain from=-23,23 angle=e rect=5 slope=4 step=1,2,1 level: Creates a level at the end of the slope. The last parameter of step is needed because the slope is not going to the original direction so it won't be raised automatically.
  • alias level terrain level circle=$: New command level [value] for easier leveling.
  • alias level terrain level rect=$: New command level_sq [value] for easier leveling.


Any changes made by the mod are compatible with unmodded clients which adds some significant restrictions to some commands.

Creature style

Creatures overwrite their style when they try to attack. So altering their style has mainly three uses:

  • Decorating the training dummy since it never attacks.
  • Decorating tamed creatures while ensuring they are safe.
  • Initially decorating aggresive creatures (as long as it's ok that their style resets during the fight).

Creature health

Creatures reset their maximum health if their current health equals the maximum health. To prevent this, the mod sets creature health slightly higer than the max health.

However this means that if the creature is damaged and let to heal back to full, its health may reset when the area is loaded.

  • When creating combat scenarios, manually set enemy health if the scenario is not finished.
  • When creating stronger tamed creatures, manually set their health after the combat is over (recommended to bind a key for this).

Creature / structure invulnerability

Setting a very high health like 1E30 will make objects invulnerable. This is because the float variable type has a limited precision so small amounts of damage is rounded down to nothing. This may cause following:

  • Lack of support doesn't break structures so build limits can be ignored (since lack of support only causes damage equal to the default max health).
  • killall command doesn't kill some creatures (since it only deals very high damage to them).

Dig limit

This mod doesn't unlock the terrain dig limit so all changes will still be capped by the limit (default is +- 8 meters). However the terrain command should be compatible with any mods affecting the dig limit.

The command however supports going over the limit which can lead to unexpected results. For example if you lower terrain by 20 meters and then raise by 10 meters, the second command probably won't do anything because the result is still below the dig limit.

Moving objects

Static objects only synchronize their position and rotation when loaded. This means that object move and object rotate commands won't instantly show for other clients. Instead they have to leave the area.

This shouldn't cause any issues unless objects are moved long distances (which might cause issues anyways).


  • v1.16

    • Adds a new parameter copy to the object command to copy zdo data.
    • Adds a new parameter data to the object command to print and set zdo data.
    • Fixes the discover parameter of tweak_runestone not working.
  • v1.15

    • Adds new commands tweak_itemstand for Spawner Tweaks mod.
    • Adds new parameters to the tweak_chest command for Spawner Tweaks mod.
    • Adds faction to the object info.
    • Fixes the spawn_object not spawning all objects if a high spawn radius is used.
  • v1.14

    • Fixes the object show= not working.
  • v1.13

    • Adds faction overrides to Spawner Tweaks command.
    • Fixes the radius parameter not working for tweak commands.
    • Fixes hidden area effects being targeted.
  • v1.12

    • Adds a parameter to the object info which prints the given data value.
    • Adds new commands tweak_chest, tweak_door, tweak_fireplace, tweak_portal and tweak_runestone for Structure Tweaks mod.
    • Fixes object info printing coordinates incorrectly.
    • Fixes the tweak_* commands not data syncing correctly in some cases.
  • v1.11

    • Adds a new parameter force to the tweak_* commands.
    • Fixes ids which have underscore not working with tweak_* commands.
    • Fixes ids of tweak_* commands being case sensitive.
    • Fixes the durability operation missing from the object command.

Thanks for Azumatt for creating the mod icon!


  • v1.67

    • Fixes the command tweak_object weather= not working properly for environment names with spacebars/underscores.
  • v1.66

    • Improves the undo system (again).
  • v1.65

    • Improves the undo system.
  • v1.64

    • Fixed for the new game version.
    • Fixes the command object refresh.
  • v1.63

    • Adds a new command data dump to save data with default fields.
    • Adds some missing zdo keys.
    • Changes object f=DungeonGenerator,room0_pos to use relative coordinates (converted automatically to absolute).
    • Fixes the data keep command not working. Thanks ddein!
    • Fixes autocomplete missing for normal ZDO data keys.
    • Reworks the undo system.
  • v1.62

    • Adds some missing zdo keys.
    • Adds normal ZDO data keys to fields.
    • Adds support for setting CLLC infusion with the command tweak_creature infusion=.
    • Fixes the command data print taking object ownership.
    • Fixes the command data set not showing "long" on the autocomplete.
    • Removes the id requirement when using the object remove command.
  • v1.61

    • No real changes, just compatibility for Expand World Prefabs data changes.