ChangeLog v3.6.0+
Updated 2 years ago📌 Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.10
# EpicLoot:
- Slightly increased Bounty refresh interval
- Added new Legendary set bonus called "Shiva", when wearing all 4 pieces youll unlock a new attack.
└─> Warning: This new effect can be heard from others from quite a distance, It works but the sound needs to be fixed, there is also probably an issue with this effect when it comes to DualWielding.
- Added new single legendary pieces for Pickaxes and some other boss weapons.
# CustomizeAltars:
- Reverted AshQueenAltar to use Huldra Tails
- All DoD Boss sacrifice items now require 5 to summon.
# Other:
- Adjusted spawners for the MineRock Copper/Iron
- New creature in Mountains that spawns near specific location.
- Every creature has a very rare chance of dropping Mob Chunks.
- Surtling will respawn at Fireholes every 30m or so.
- Removed Molluscan Trophy requirement for Abyssal Dagger.
- Slightly lowered the damage of Wendigos.
# EpicMMO:
- Adjusted some Meadows creatures levels and experience to be a little forgiving when starting out for first time.
- Increased the amount of experience you get from orbs due to the high exp step as you level up
- Bosses will now have a 25% chance to drop orbs, Bounties from EpicLoot count as a boss so this is to help balance out the new experience numbers for orbs so it isnt exploited with Bounty farming.
- You can now craft a ResetTrophy.
Files and or Folders Adjustments [Config Folder]
If you're on a server, just copy the below updated files/folders to your server
- Folder: _RelicHeimFiles *Changed
- Folder: EpicMMOSystem *Changed
- Folder: wackysDatabase *Changed
- File: CreatureConfig_Creatures.yml *Changed
- File: CreatureConfig_Outsiders.yml *Changed
- File: Huntard.CustomizeAltars2.json *Changed
- File: WackyMole.EpicMMOSystem.cfg *Changed
📌 Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.9
# EpicLoot:
- Removed DeepSeaSerpent from bounties due to issues, flying version is ok.
- Removed EVA weapons from lootables
- Added Monstrum Bosses to lootables.
- Rebalanced most effects.
- More variety of bounties per biome based on rewards.
- Replaced Golden Trophies requirement for upgrading Disenchantment with Coins.
# GoldenJudeEquipment:
- Adjusted some sets bonuses to better suit the biome
- Adjusted SetBonus Effects
- Removed Jormungandr knight's Cape to be part of set effect so players can use backpacks
- Slightly increased NormalSkeletonWarriors damage.
- Removed Chaos and Poison on Chickens, Chicks
# Raids:
- New Monstrum raids triggered when Monstrum bosses are killed.
- Fixed some raids that wouldn't spawn creatures (hopefully)
- Adjusted Interval/Chance for when raids will happen.
# Spawns:
- Specific location in BlackForest the Shaman is now replaced with the Ancient Shaman
- Removed my created spawns for Warfares vegetation since theyre now plantable.
# EpicMMO:
- Fixed Attribute points due to update of the mod.
- Adjustments to XP name when it pops up.
- Updated some entries for creatures.
Files and or Folders Adjustments [Config Folder]
If you're on a server, just copy the below updated files/folders to your server
- Folder: _RelicHeimFiles *Changed
- Folder: EpicMMOSystem *Changed
- Folder: wackysDatabase *Changed
- File: CreatureConfig_Creatures.yml *Changed
- File: custom_raids.cfg *Changed
- File: GoldenJude_JudesEquipment_ItemConfig.yml *Changed
- File: WackyMole.EpicMMOSystem.cfg *Changed
📌 Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.7
# EpicMMO:
- Adjusted points to be max 200 at level 80 due to the extra tiers
└─> extra 2 points every 5 levels but 3 points every 20 levels; 20,40,60,80
- Slight increase in all stat values
- Increased Max and Min exp loss when you die. Just don't die 4head xD
- Added more bosses and Elite Creatures to the ResetTrophy drops
- Added missing creatures to DoorDie file
- Added missing creatures/bosses to Monstrum file
- Added missing creatures/bosses to Monsterlabz file
- Adjusted levels/exp for creatures in Monsterlabz
- Scaled the levelbar position for creatures more to the right so stars are easily visible.
- Fixed Dwarf Fuling/Shamans HP to match vanilla Fulings.
- Fixed Bosses Mending power.
# Spawns-Locals/Spawner:
- Set all respawntime for localspawns that weren't set to 0 so it uses CLLC respawn configuration
- Lowered chance of Crawlers spawning from Draugr Piles.
# Spawns:
- New Spawns near StoneCircle and InfestedTree locations
- Added 3 new spawns to the Mistlands
- Adjusted some creatures spawn entries to only spawn at night
- LootGoblins will always spawn with QuickEffect, their movement is also increased per star.
# Drops:
- Lox Riders have a very rare chance of dropping their Lox Saddle
- Added drops for the 3 new mobs in Mistlands
- Adjusted some drops to Outsider creatures
- Removed venomous fangs from spiders.
- Spiders in meadows will have chance of dropping Spider Meat
- Added new loot to the LootGoblins
# Raids:
- Fixed some raids still starting when RaidDefender is placed.
# Other:
- Adjusted NormalSkeleteonWarriors HP and DMG due to being weaker than Vanilla Skeletons.
- Mead base: Poison resistance no longer requires venomous fang but now requires Ooze
└─> Reason for change: Venomous Fang is a drop in Mistlands from Warfare.
- New Honey food recipe for SpiderMeat.
- Added more missing items for increased item stack.
- Fixed pickaxe upgrade damage to AntlerPickaxe.
- Enabled the Blackmetal Pickaxe recipe, reduced tool tier by 1.
└─> EVA increases tooltier by 1 if Mistlands content from the mod is disabled.
- Cleaned up dead entries in conversionsizespeed.cfg
- Cleaned up dead entries in packhorse.cfg
📌Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.6
# EpicMMO:
- Updated creature files for DoDMonsters
- Adjusted RateExp value
- Changed XP popup name.
- Slightly increased GroupExp
- Removed the smoke surrounding creatures for infusions.
└─> Reason is to not give hints on what a creature has from a distance or show hidden creatures.
- Changes in yaml file for HP and DMG to some creatures.
# Spawns:
- LivingWater will spawn anytime but now only near water.
- Another attempt at fixing wendigos to not spawn near SpawnTemple
- Removed Mudpile scraps from spawning in Mountains
- PoisonSkeletonWarriors will now spawn anytime in Swamps.
- Replaced regular Skeleton spawns with NormalSkeletonWarrior
- Barnacles have a rare chance of spawning in BlackForest near edge of water when conditions are met.
# Spawns-Locals/Dungeons:
- Crpyt2 will be patroled by NormalGhostWarrior instead of Skeletons
- Replaced Skeletons with NormalSkeletonWarriors that patrol Crypts and StoneTowers in BlackForest
- Replaced Wraith spawn in "wells" with HelWraith.
- Crawlers and Leeches will spawn in SunkenCrypts in specific rooms
- New spawn in FrostCaves.
# Drops:
- Glaciers in DeepNorth have rare chance of dropping GlacierCrystals
- FrometalVeins now drop GlacierStones and TyraniumOre instead of Frometal.
- LavaRoots now drop Wood or ScorchedWood.
- Rare chance of finding FishingRod in ShipWreck chests.
- PoisonSkeletonWarrior will now drop SkeletonBones, used to summon DoDs-Swamp miniboss
- Draugr and Fuling Ships have new rare items to drop from the cargo.
- AshHuldras drops were changed.
- Voidlings: Removed BlackDye for VoidOrb, rare drop only in BlackForest.
# Other:
- Fixed some items in ItemConfigJH file
- New GoldenTrophys for Monstrum Bosses
- Fixed Hailstorm creature count
📌Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.5
# EpicLoot:
- Removed all minions from bounties due to issues with minions sometimes being underground.
# EpicMMO:
- Changed MagicFermentor recipe due to issue with an item.
└─> Skeleton,Troll,Boar Trophy now required, not recoverable.
- Added EVA file for Bosses.
# Drops/Spawns:
- Draugr Family has a new drop >=]
- Razorbacks have a chance to drop BoarTusks and BlackDye
- Warfare vegetation in DeepNorth and Ashlands have a chance to respawn.
- Some Monstrum creatures in DeepNorth/Ashlands will have chance at dropping vegetation food
- AshenGolems and GlacierGolems will have rare chance of dropping FlametalOre, TyraniumOre
- RottingElks have a rare chance of dropping DeerHide.
# Raids:
- Fixed Monstrum raids not spawning creatures.
# Other:
- Reduce drop chance of InfusedGemstones
- Increased ItemStack size for missing foods etc
📌Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.4
# EpicLoot:
- Removed 2 bounties "Ships" that caused errors due to needing be spawned in ocean.
- New legendary set added called "Pheonixs Blessing"
# EpicMMO:
- Reduce the chance for orbs to drop from bosses to 50%
└─> Bounties are considered bosses in epicloot so this was overlooked
- Reduced the multiplier for exp when using potions
- Added more trophies to make MobChunks
- Adjusted recipe for MagicFermentor
- Adjusted reset time for dungeons and camps
- Adjusted sector kill amounts
# Raids:
- Added new DeepNorth and Ashland raids
- Fixed some raids by adding globalkeys to enable or disable
# Other:
- Added config file for Orianas WorldAdvancementProgression mod to use privatekeys over globalkeys. Optional mod to install.
└─> This will help servers so players can go at their own pace by unlocking Keys instead of globally.
Files and or Folders Adjustments [Config Folder]
If you're on a server, just copy the below updated files/folders to your server
- Folder: _RelicHeimFiles *Changed
- Folder: wackysDatabase *Changed
- File: org.bepinex.plugins.creaturelevelcontrol.cfg *Changed
- File: WackyMole.EpicMMOSystem.cfg *Changed
Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.3
# EpicLoot:
- Fixed Physical Resistance enchants
- New Legendary "Chest" piece
# EpicMMO:
- Added missing monsters to file
- Adjusted levels and exp for some monsters
- Lowered RateExp value
- Slightly increased the EXP Step per next level
└─> Changes are due to now obtaining Orbs and Potions for EXP gain.
# SpawnFiles:
- All SpawnThat IDs are changed to use IDs 30000+
- DoD SpawnThat Files will use 30000-30999
- Outsider SpawnThat Files will use 31000-31999
- zBase SpawnThat Files will use 32000-32999
- PileOres SpawnThat Files will use 33000+
└─> This is to help not conflict with other mod created IDs or user created IDs, check the SpawnThat files for all IDs being used.
# Other:
- Added more entries for itemstack.
- Slightly lowered dmg and hp of Foxes in meadows.
# Marketplace:
- I have added my quests to the modpack, to enable them you need to go to "config\MarketplaceKG\AdditionalConfigs" and drag the QuestsProfiles.cfg file to the main MarketplaceKG folder.
- Will need to install MarketPlace as well obviously.
📌Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.2
# EpicLoot:
- New LegendarySet "Titan" Fist Set
- Lowered SetBonuses values
- Changed Nomads Undying set bonus to QuickLearner
# Spawns:
- Removed some extra spawn entries and reduce spawn amounts
# Other:
- HoneyFood to be kept on death
- Updated dependencies
- OdinsWater error fixed
# New Mod:
- SimpleMeads added back
- MajesticButton, clickable links on character screen to my discord and wikis.
📌Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.1
- Reduce % for mending to appear on bosses
# EpicLoot:
- Adjusted the json values for the new upgrade features.
â””> Make sure to break down your current Enchanting Table and place a new one down to get the new features.
- EpicMMO orbs will be also used to upgrade the EnchantingTable.
- ConvertMaterials section will not be upgradeable at this time
# Other:
- New item "InfusedGemstone" will drop from any creature at low chance, used to upgrade EnchantingTable.
- InfusedGemstones have 100% chance drop from DoDBosses.
- Wendigos will no longer spawn near Starting temple.
- JumpingSpiders spawn chance/amount lowered, only spawns during Day
- TreeSpiders spawn chance/amount lowered only spawn during Night
📌Changelog for RelicHeim: v3.6.0
# MonsterLabz:
- Removed or Disabled all content regarding DeepSeaSerpents/Flying until creatures get fixed.
# EpicMMO:
- Adjusted some values due to new additions
# Other:
- Updated dependencies
- Massive cleanup of files in wackysdatabase folder
# AddedMods:
- WieldEquipmentWhileSwimming By: blacks7ar
# RemovedMods:
- UseEquipmentInWater By: LVH-IT
- SimpleMeads By: Allegiant Games, I will add this mod back and its files once it gets updated