Krumpac Reforge ModPack
The download for the whole mod pack of Krumpac REFORGE - REGISTRATION AND APPROVAL to closed beta community required - check REAMDE
- 7.2.0
- updated dependencies, many reforge mod updated release
- added afterlife mod
- changed swimming key function, removing direct ascend function
- added oxygen bubble spawner in ocean
- 7.1.1
- updated drop config for blackforest
- updated dependencies
- 7.1.0
- updated dependencies for complete modpack with a lot of changes, see discord
- 7.0.7
- Krump's play testing changes to spawns and drops
- updated dependencies
- 7.0.6
- updated dependencies
- updated this goes here file to apply the correct fixes everywhere
- 7.0.5
- updated dependencies, should work for Valheim version 0.219.16
- removed azu extended inv mod, replaced it with extra slots more from shudnal
- fixed eagle spawn settings
- removed direct meat drops from creatures as carcasses will only be used from now
- fixed some VES configs
- 7.0.4
- updated dependencies
- checked raid configs, no source for spawning giant necks found
- removed tin drops from random rocks
- splits drops configs into more files per biome
- added first person mod
- added new drops for haugars
- 7.0.3
- updated dependencies
- removed foraging mod
- drops and spawn config updates
- 7.0.2
- readded Professions
- dependency updates
- added asfangstein drops
- 7.0.1
- updating reforge dependencies
- temporarily removed professions from dependencies, since it is still not uploaded in working version
- 7.0.0 -> v7 release preparations
- updated raids with new creatures
- updated dependencies
- reworked thisgoeshere configs
- added new creatures for spawning and dropping (partially)
- 6.2.1 -> updated dependencies
- 6.2.0 ->
- we added a bunch of QOL and play enhancement (new skills) mods to the mod packs dependencies
- the reason for adding some of them is that we anyways recommend players to add those, now we do not need to explain and explain configs for those anymore, some other mods add to the gameplay, where the vanilla skill set lacks features
- those mods are created by our favorite modders 'azumatt and 'theblaxxun
- added default configs for those mods
- mods added:
- AAA -> faster crafting and multiple crafting
- Area Repair -> repair multiple building pieces at once
- Auto Store -> helps storing items (hotkey "T") into boxes that have the same item already, also allows to add multiple items to smelter implementations (hotkey "T" + "E"), default distance for finding boxes is set to 50m
- Container Sizes -> increasing the default wood chest size from 8 to 24 fields (less pain for players in the beginning, worthy upgrades still by using our custom boxes later in game)
- Crafty Boxes (craft from boxes) -> helps to not need to have every item for a recipe in inventory for crafting, since there are sooooo many in reforge, reduced the tedious running back and forth while crafting; default range for box content discovery for crafting is set to 100m (allowing larger bases)
- Hover Stats -> enables showing box contents while hovering with mouse over it (other features disabled)
- Workbench Tweaks -> adds auto repairing when approaching a workbench, workbench range and extension ranges set to 50m
- Build Camera -> press "N" to get into build camera mode to have easier building options
- Config Manager -> press "F1" to get the config manager UI to adjust any configs in-game
- Building Skill -> the more you build the stronger (health and support) your buildings become (newly built pieces only)
- Evasion Skill -> requires less stamina for dodging per level
- Stamina regeneration from food -> adds some more stamina regeneration if you eat food (food buff)
- Foraging Skill -> increases the pickup range for pickables (no need to click many times for many pickables nearby) and adds pickable output (number of drops) per level
- Lumberjacking Skill -> do more damage to trees and gain more wood per level
- Mining Skill -> do more damage to mineables and gain more ore per level
- Pack Horse Skill -> carry more weight per level
- Ranching Skill -> gain more, unlock displayed helpful taming information on level 10, 20, 40
- Sailing Skill -> sail faster, stronger boats, more exploration radius per level
- Steady Regeneration -> will add health and stamina points continuously not in chunks
- Target Portal -> will change the way portals work from "you need to construct a pair of portals" to "contructing a portal allows you to connect to all other portals", press button "P" to display / hide target portal map icons
- Tenacity Skill -> increases damage resistance of the player per level (level gained by receiving damage)
- Vitality Skill -> increases the player health, health regen (from level 30), etc. per level - levels gained by eating food
- We are aware that adding some of those mods do change game behavior and might conflict with other mods used that try to do similar things, feel free to report inconvenient compatibility issues with the selected mods
- updated dependencies
- we added a bunch of QOL and play enhancement (new skills) mods to the mod packs dependencies
- 6.1.6 ->
- updated dependencies
- new content / content changes, see discord news post
- 6.1.5 -> updated dependencies
- 6.1.4 -> added this goes here settings to clean up the mess in the bad upload from 6.1.3
- 6.1.3 ->
- drunkard operation modpack )soory :D(
- adding mineshafts to black forest, but requires new map or genloc
- 6.1.1 -> added drops for the dungeon spiders
- 6.1.0 ->
- updates for 6.1 release:
- new black forest crypt replacing old crypt (burial chambers)
- copper ores only in crypt, not on surface anymore
- many more things, see discord message
- updated dependencies
- updates for 6.1 release:
- 6.0.2 ->
- updated dependencies
- replaced drops of Serpent also for the new Krump_Monsters_Ocean_Serpent, now it will drop loot
- 6.0.1 -> Release version 6 should be complete
- 6.0.0 -> !! PRE - RELEASE !!
- BEWARE: this is still NOT a full 6.0.0 release, since SOME MODS MISS UPDATES!!
- adjusted spawn that configs
- updated dependencies
- 5.0.4 ->
- updated dependencies
- 5.0.3 -> re-added reforge UI after fixing it
- 5.0.2 ->
- removed Reforge UI, since some mod of it might require fixing
- removed also meadows dungeon
- make sure that you remove those above, if previously installed, or even better -> create a new profile
- 5.0.1 ->
- added the missing locations mod after it could be uploaded finally
- updated some remaining dependencies
- 5.0.0 ->
- bumped version to align with other mods 5.0.0 version
- updated mods dependencies
- 1 major new mod still missing, will be fixed with TS ops soon, hopefully
- TBD updates on configs, etc.
- 4.0.3 ->
- updated dependencies
- outlaw and shark drops added
- 4.0.2 ->
- included / corrected the drop configurations to have all necessary creature drops for datys professions
- updated dependencies
- 4.0.1 ->
- turned off the config file deleting at game start, so, players can set the things in the config files (this was a very old left over mechanic back then required because recipes were added to config files)
- updated dependencies
- 4.0.0 ->
- drop and spawn updates for release
- updated dependencies
- many more things... see news post
- 3.1.6 ->
- more enchantment recipe preps
- disabled enchanting vfx on weapons
- eikthyr (new) drops added
- drops for the new elder added
- 3.1.5 ->
- fixed some ocean spawner settings
- 3.1.4 ->
- moved rat raid back to non-supplemental raids file, since it seems the mod is not loading supplemental raids properly...
- fixed Giant Neck spawning only at night
- 3.1.3 ->
- updated dependencies to pre-valheim patch 0.217.18, downloading 3.1.3 should work with default_old if you do not update any mod any further
- 3.1.2 ->
- reduced hay and hemp spawn a little due to too much resources now
- increased troll trophy drop chance, since now part of progress
- 3.1.1 ->
- be careful sailing or swimming too far out :D
- updated dependencies
- 3.1.0 ->
- updated core and other mods
- scenery update to fix terrain bug
- armor update to
- remove the mistlands armor (Ulf...) that accidentaly was available for crafting from iron
- reworked rope crafting
- new Hemp plant (not for smoking!)
- replaced straw and rope (from cotton) to rope made from Hemp
- replaced usage of straw rope with rope made from Hemp
- reworked fabric crafting
- Sheep do now have drops
- wool replaces cotton, cotton will be moved to Plains
- recipes already changed
- plant will be in future only growing in Plains
- spawns now only in Plains
- fabrics can be made from wool and cotton
- wool fabric is now used across armors
- reworked Spinning Wheel
- now uses Spools to create thread
- reworked some trophies, and added more of them
- changed Shadows in BF to Boss faction
- updated core and other mods
- 3.0.6 -> spawns the rocktopus
- 3.0.5 -> adding the startup accelerator as default
- 3.0.4 -> also now added AzuExtendedPlayerInventory with 4 extra rows and equipment and quickslots as defaults
- 3.0.2 & .3 -> updated dependencies and README
- 3.0.1 -> updated trophies
- 3.0.0 -> first upload