2. In Depth Explanations of TameList

Updated 5 months ago

In Depth Explanations of TameList

An overview of configuring the TameList can be found here
Every line, if no attributes named will be formatted like so:

name, commandable, tamingTime, fedDuration, consumeRange, consumeSearchInterval, consumeHeal, consumeSearchRange, consumeItems, changeFaction, procretion, maxCreatures, pregnancyChance, pregnancyDuration, growTime

Any line starting with a # will be skipped from calculating into the TameList

Here is a block of some creatures:



Line: *Default,false,1300,300,1,10,30,15,Raspberry:Blueberries:Carrot:Turnip:Mushroom:Cloudberry:OnionSoup:Onion, false,true,7,0.66,90,2000
- Will set the default for all creatures going forward until the next default is set. This is due to the *Default at the beginning of the line:
- It is set to not be commandable with the false and have a taming time of 1300 seconds.
- Once it consumes an item it will be fed for 300 seconds.
- It can consume items up to 1m away (The default for Boars).
- Will look for food every 10 seconds.
- Will heal 30 health when eating*(if set in config to heal). Will look for food in a radius of 15m.
- Will be able to eat Raspberry:Blueberries:Carrot:Turnip:Mushroom:Cloudberry:OnionSoup:Onion.
- When tamed it will not change factions due to being set to false so it will not attack untamed of the same creature.
- It will also be able to procreate as procreation is set to true.
- When attempting to procreate, the max number of creatures in the area that it can breed with is 7, if there are more than that it will not procreate.
- There is a 34% chance to procreate every time it attempts to procreate (every 10 seconds) this is due to being set to 0.66. The lower the number the more likely it is: 0.2 will make it 80% chance, 0.99 will give it a 1% chance.
- The creature will be pregnant for 90s.
- The offspring will take 2000s to grow up.

Line: Boar
- Since the previous line was set with a *Default line and all it has of the aspects we want, this will be equivalent to a line such as:

Line: *Tier_1,true,1500,300,1.4
- As this line starts with a '*' with *Tier_1 then it will overwrite and set the default.
- This will set it to commandable with the true.
- Have a taming time of 1500 seconds.
- Will not change the current default, having a fed time of 300 seconds.
- Changes the consume range to 1.4m.
- The rest will be kept from the first line *Default

Line: Deer,offspringName=Fawn
- Since the previous line modified part of the default with *Tier_1 line, this will be equivalent to a line such as:
- There is also a custom offspring name set with offspringName=Fawn as by default the offspring name would be Mini Deer and now it will be Fawn

Line: Neck,consumeItems=SerpentMeat:FishRaw:Bread:Raspberry:Blueberries:Cloudberry:Carrot:Mushroom:MushroomYellow:MushroomBlue:Turnip, egg=drake(1200:#00FF00:0.3)
- This will start with the default as a base and since we specified the consumeItems=... it will change the consumeItems from Raspberry:Blueberries:Carrot:Turnip:Mushroom:Cloudberry:OnionSoup:Onion to SerpentMeat:FishRaw:Bread:Raspberry:Blueberries:Cloudberry:Carrot:Mushroom:MushroomYellow:MushroomBlue:Turnip
- The special aspect egg is also specified with the part egg=drake(1200:#00FF00:0.3) which sets the offspring to be an egg that hatches when close to a fire.
-The format of the egg is eggtype(hatchtime:HexColor:size) with the options for eggtype being either chicken or drake, in this case drake is used.
- This specific line sets the offspring to be a drake egg that is 30% (0.3) the size of the original drake egg and is green (#00FF00).
- The egg will hatch after 1200 seconds into a Mini Neck which will grow into a Neck after an additional 2000 seconds (From the Default).

Line: StoneGolem,true,2300,300,2,10,30,20,CopperOre:IronOre:SilverOre:TinOre:Ruby, true,false,requiredWorldKeys=defeated_dragon:defeated_eikthyr
- As you can see, you do not need to specify "food" as the consumable items, they can be any item that can be dropped on the ground.
- After the consumeItems attribute is set you can see that the changeFaction is set to true. This will make it so after taming it will also be hostile towards other StoneGolem where normally when a creature is tamed it will not be hostile towards the same creature.
- The next part is the setting for procreation which is set to false so it will not be able to procreate. Each Stone Golem that you want to be tamed will have to be tamed from the wild.
- Since procreation is set to false then it does not matter what the values for maxCreatures, pregnancyChance, pregnancyDuration, growTime so we can just leave them as default.
- The requiredWorldKeys=defeated_dragon:defeated_eikthyr makes it so you will not be able to tame the Stone Golem unless you have these two global keys which come from defeating Eikthyr and Modor. You can separate keys with a : (colon). - If you do not have the required keys then the creature will be considered "Feral"

Line: ###Goblins###
- Since this line starts with a '#' then it is not attempted to be loaded in as a configuration.
- The extra # are just to make it look like a heading and are not necessary.

Line:*Goblins,true,2300,500,2,10,90,15,SerpentMeatCooked:CookedLoxMeat:BloodPudding:FishWraps:LoxPie:TurnipStew:SerpentStew:BlackSoup:WolfMeatSkewer:WolfJerky:CookedWolfMeat:CookedHareMeat, false,true,5,0.66,200,3200
- As this line starts with a '*' with *Goblins then it will overwrite and set the default.

Line: Goblin,-1,group=AllGoblin
- As you can see, in the commandable section it is set to -1. This makes it so the creature is not tameable.
- The second part with group=AllGoblin will set the group it is a part of to AllGoblin meaning if there are tamed creatures that are also in the AllGoblin group that it will not be hostile towards them.

Line: GoblinBrute,group=AllGoblin,size=1.7,canMateWithSelf=false
- This will take the default set from the *Goblins line, and change the group to also be AllGoblin.
- Now if there are tamed Goblin Brutes they will not be hostile to wild Goblins.
- Since Brutes are quite large, when trying to mate, the default range that is used may not be ideal. Therefore, we change the size with size=1.7 which is 1.7 times the size of default. (for example, Lox should have a size of 2 to be vanilla size)
- If we want the brutes to have to breed with other creatures and not themselves then we can set canMateWithSelf=false.
- This is very useful when specifying a male and female of the same creature (or humans), you can set the male to canMateWithSelf=false and the female to have specificOffspring when mating with the male.

Line:GoblinShaman,group=AllGoblin, specificOffspring=GoblinBrute(Goblin:80/GoblinBrute:10), specificOffspring=GoblinShaman(GoblinBrute:70)
- This will also change the group to be AllGoblin. So now all of the types of goblins will not be hostile towards each other.
- The second part specificOffspring=GoblinBrute(Goblin:80/GoblinBrute:10) specifies that there should be specific offspring if the Goblin Shaman attempts to mate with a Goblin Brute.
- In this case, when the Goblin Shaman mates with a Goblin Brute there is an 80% chance it will produce a Goblin, 10% chance it will produce a GoblinBrute, and since that only adds up to 90% the remaining (10%) will be set to GoblinShaman.
- You can specify more than one specificOffspring. In this case we also specified specific offspring if mating with other GoblinShaman using the part specificOffspring=GoblinShaman(GoblinBrute:70) which would have a 70% chance of the offspring being a GoblinBrute and 30% chance it would be a GoblinShaman.
- In general when you specify specificOffspring it is in the form Mate(offspring1:chance1/offspring2:chance2/...) where if the chances do not add up to 100 then the remaining will be the set the original creature.


This is what the default creatures would look like if put into the TameList:


Premade Tamelists