Take your tames with you, wherever you go, in your trusty Pal Stone!
Version 0.1.0
- Fixed issue with CLLC without AllTameable
- Added Compatibility to DragonRider
- Added ability to capture baby creatures not just full grown
Version 0.0.7
- Added localization
- Fixed warning about deleting recipe
- Modified default recipes
Version 0.0.6
- Added compatibility with MonsterModifiers
- Can no longer accidentally capture babies causing an error
- Fixed server recipe sync
Version 0.0.5
- Updated to Bog Witch
Version 0.0.4
- Hotfix in some instances Palstones don't load
Version 0.0.3
- Fixed error with vikingNPC causing mass spawning.
- Added special types of PalStones
Version 0.0.2
- Fixed unable to repair if crafting station level set to 5
Version 0.0.1
- Release
- Can store creatures in portable stone