
- Added MaxPercentResourcesRetainedOnDeath which provides an alternative to MaximumEquipmentRetainedOnDeath and can the behavior between the two can be toggled with MaximumEquipmentRetainedStyle
	- This allows for scaling of the amount of equipment saved for a variety of different playstyles, and the option for more linear progression between the start of the game to the end of the game
- Fixes an edgecase for retaining food on death
- Fixes an edgecase for retaining items on death that would result in the player retaining less items than intended
- Added DeathSkillPercentageStyle which allows for scaling of saved items based on total player inventory size and not just items in the players inventory
- Lowered the skill floor for item loss, particularly impactful for extremely large inventories (80+)
- Increased base XP rate for all activities


- Fix non-skill checked items being processed incorrectly


- Update default frequency of skill gains


- Fixes AzuExtendedInventory integration not shuffling saved equipment
- Fixes MaxItemsSaved resulting in the same items regularly being saved


- Adds a max number of equipment items saved option
- Adds the option to save all items to the tomb stone


- Fixes old binary being included
- Adds AzuEPI integration
	- Supports saving items from quickslots added by any mods that use AzuEPI
	- Saving of items is not ordered and may not result in the item staying in the slot (unless it is equipment)
- Logo fixes


- Add configurable food clearing on death
- Add configurable food clearing based on skill level on death
- Added configuration to add or not add a map marker on death


- Initial release
- Add death resistance skill
- Add configurable death item loss/destruction
- Add seperate configurable tier for items which are either dropped, or destroyed
- Add skill tracker and skill xp reduction control