Decompiled source of EpicJewels v0.9.9
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using BepInEx.Logging; using EpicJewels.Common; using EpicJewels.GemEffects; using HarmonyLib; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Jewelcrafting; using LocalizationManager; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using YamlDotNet.Core; using YamlDotNet.Core.Events; using YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens; using YamlDotNet.Helpers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization.TypeDiscriminators; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Callbacks; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeDeserializers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeTypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectFactories; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphTraversalStrategies; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphVisitors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Schemas; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeInspectors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Utilities; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("EpicJewels")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("EpicJewels")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2021")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("e3243d22-4307-4008-ba36-9f326008cde5")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace EpicJewels { public class CustomGems { public CustomGems(AssetBundle embeddedResources) { AddGems(embeddedResources); } public void AddGems(AssetBundle embeddedResources) { //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0138: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Material material = embeddedResources.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/jade/gem_jade.mat"); Material material2 = embeddedResources.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/garnet/garnet_gem.mat"); Material material3 = embeddedResources.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/amber/amber_gem.mat"); Material material4 = embeddedResources.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/opal/opal_gem.mat"); Material material5 = embeddedResources.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/amethyst/amethyst_gem.mat"); Material material6 = embeddedResources.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/aquamarine/aquamarine_gem.mat"); API.AddGems("Jade", "jade", material, new Color(0.031f, 0.69f, 0.043f, 1f)); API.AddGems("Amber", "amber", material3, new Color(1f, 0.776f, 0.071f, 1f)); API.AddGems("Aquamarine", "aquamarine", material6, new Color(0.259f, 0.663f, 0.71f, 1f)); API.AddGems("Garnet", "garnet", material2, new Color(1f, 0.141f, 0.039f)); API.AddGems("Opal", "opal", material4, new Color(0.945f, 0.988f, 0.988f, 1f)); API.AddGems("Amethyst", "amethyst", material5, new Color(0.784f, 0.302f, 0.98f, 1f)); API.AddGemConfig(EpicJewels.LoadEmbeddedAssetToString("EJConfig.yaml")); } } [BepInPlugin("MidnightsFX.EpicJewels", "EpicJewels", "0.9.9")] [BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class EpicJewels : BaseUnityPlugin { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryGui), "Awake")] public static class EnableSynergyTextfit { [HarmonyPriority(0)] public static void Postfix() { IEnumerable<GameObject> enumerable = from obj in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<GameObject>() where ((Object)obj).name.StartsWith("JC_Synergies_Window") select obj; EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Found {enumerable.Count()} Synergy panels to update."); foreach (GameObject item in enumerable) { try { EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Updating Synergy GO {item}"); ((Component)item.transform.Find("Bkg/Left_Text/Left_Text_1")).gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().resizeTextForBestFit = true; } catch (Exception) { } } } } public const string PluginGUID = "MidnightsFX.EpicJewels"; public const string PluginName = "EpicJewels"; public const string PluginVersion = "0.9.9"; public static readonly ManualLogSource EJLog = Logger.CreateLogSource("EpicJewels"); internal Config cfg; internal static AssetBundle EmbeddedResourceBundle; internal static Harmony Harmony = new Harmony("MidnightsFX.EpicJewels"); public static IDeserializer yamldeserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance).Build(); public static ISerializer yamlserializer = new SerializerBuilder().WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance).DisableAliases().Build(); public static Material spiritCreature; private void Awake() { Localizer.Load(); cfg = new Config(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config); EmbeddedResourceBundle = LoadAssetBundle("EpicJewels.AssetsEmbedded.epicjewels"); EJLog.LogDebug((object)"Logging embedded assets."); string[] allAssetNames = EmbeddedResourceBundle.GetAllAssetNames(); foreach (string text in allAssetNames) { EJLog.LogDebug((object)text); } EJLog.LogInfo((object)"Let the gems flow."); EffectList.AddGemEffects(); new CustomGems(EmbeddedResourceBundle); spiritCreature = EmbeddedResourceBundle.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/custom/fbx_exports/gems/spirit_animal_mat.mat"); Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Harmony.PatchAll(executingAssembly); } public static AssetBundle LoadAssetBundle(string bundleName) { Assembly assembly = typeof(EpicJewels).Assembly; string name = null; try { name = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single((string str) => str.EndsWith(bundleName)); } catch (Exception) { } using Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name); return AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(stream); } public static string LoadEmbeddedAssetToString(string assetName) { Assembly assembly = typeof(EpicJewels).Assembly; string text = null; try { text = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single((string str) => str.EndsWith(assetName)); } catch (Exception) { } if (text == null) { return null; } using Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(text); using StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream); return streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } } namespace EpicJewels.GemEffects { public static class AddBluntDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class AddChopDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class CombatSpirit { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "OnTargeted")] public static class CombatCompanion { private static void Postfix(Player __instance, bool sensed, bool alerted) { //IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_022b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0230: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0240: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0245: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_025c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_025e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer != (Object)null && Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Combat Spirit").Power > 0f && (Object)(object)__instance == (Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer && sensed && alerted)) { return; } if ((Object)(object)wolf == (Object)null) { ZNetScene.instance.m_namedPrefabs.TryGetValue(StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Wolf"), out var value); wolf = value; ((Renderer)wolf.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>()).material = EpicJewels.spiritCreature; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)wolf.GetComponent<CharacterDrop>()); Object.Destroy((Object)(object)wolf.GetComponent<Tameable>()); Humanoid component = wolf.GetComponent<Humanoid>(); wolf.GetComponent<Character>(); wolf.GetComponent<MonsterAI>().m_attackPlayerObjects = false; ((Character)component).m_health = 1000f; ((Character)component).m_deathEffects.m_effectPrefabs[1].m_enabled = false; ((Character)component).m_deathEffects.m_effectPrefabs[0].m_enabled = false; if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null) { ((Character)component).m_faction = (Faction)0; } ((Object)wolf).name = "Spirit Wolf"; } EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"checking for spawning spirit companion {recheck_spirit_spawn_timer} has companion? {have_spirit_companion} cooldown {cooldown_timer}"); float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; if (cooldown_timer > 0f) { if (deltaTime > cooldown_timer * 60f) { cooldown_timer = 0f; } cooldown_timer -= deltaTime; if (cooldown_timer < 0f) { cooldown_timer = 0f; } return; } if (recheck_spirit_spawn_timer > 3f) { recheck_spirit_spawn_timer = 0f; if (Character.s_characters.Any((Character c) => Vector3.Distance(((Component)Player.m_localPlayer).gameObject.transform.position, ((Component)c).transform.position) < 100f && ((Object)c).name == "Spirit Wolf")) { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)"Already have spirit wolf"); have_spirit_companion = true; } else { have_spirit_companion = false; } } else { recheck_spirit_spawn_timer += Time.deltaTime; } if (!have_spirit_companion) { Quaternion val = Quaternion.Euler(0f, Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0f); Vector3 position = ((Component)Player.m_localPlayer).gameObject.transform.position; position.x += 1f; GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(wolf, position, val); cooldown_timer = 120f; have_spirit_companion = true; obj.AddComponent<CharacterTimedDestruction>(); Character component2 = wolf.GetComponent<Character>(); obj.GetComponent<CharacterTimedDestruction>().m_character = component2; obj.GetComponent<CharacterTimedDestruction>().Trigger(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Combat Spirit").Power); } } } private static GameObject wolf = null; private static bool have_spirit_companion = false; private static float recheck_spirit_spawn_timer = 0f; private static float cooldown_timer = 5f; } public static class CoverOfDarkness { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Chance; [AdditivePower] public float MaxCount; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "Damage")] public static class SummonBatHelpers { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { //IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!(hit.GetAttacker() is Player) || !(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").Power > 0f) || !(Random.value < Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").Chance / 100f)) { return; } EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)string.Format("Cover of darkness triggered darkness power: {0}", Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").Power)); int stars = 1; float power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").Power; if (power > 70f) { stars = 4; } else if (power > 50f) { stars = 3; } else if (power > 30f) { stars = 2; } if ((float)spawnedBats.Count >= Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").MaxCount) { List<ZDOID> list = new List<ZDOID>(); foreach (ZDOID spawnedBat in spawnedBats) { if ((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance.FindInstance(spawnedBat) != (Object)null) { list.Add(spawnedBat); } } spawnedBats = list; if ((float)spawnedBats.Count >= Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").MaxCount) { return; } } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").Power > 90f) { SpawnBat(stars); SpawnBat(stars); } else { SpawnBat(stars); } } } public static List<ZDOID> spawnedBats = new List<ZDOID>(); private static GameObject bat = null; private static void SpawnBat(int stars = 1) { //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((Object)(object)bat == (Object)null) { ZNetScene.instance.m_namedPrefabs.TryGetValue(StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Bat"), out bat); } Quaternion val = Quaternion.Euler(0f, Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0f); Vector3 position = ((Component)Player.m_localPlayer).gameObject.transform.position; position.y += 1f; GameObject val2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(bat, position, val); Character component = val2.GetComponent<Character>(); val2.GetComponent<ZNetView>().m_persistent = true; component.m_level = stars; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)val2.GetComponent<CharacterDrop>()); MonsterAI component2 = val2.GetComponent<MonsterAI>(); if ((Object)(object)component2 != (Object)null) { val2.AddComponent<Tameable>(); component2.MakeTame(); } else { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)val2); } val2.AddComponent<CharacterTimedDestruction>(); val2.GetComponent<CharacterTimedDestruction>().m_character = component; val2.GetComponent<CharacterTimedDestruction>().Trigger(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Cover of Darkness").Power); spawnedBats.Add(component.GetZDOID()); } } public static class EitrConversion { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Chance; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Humanoid), "BlockAttack")] private static class HealOnParry { private static void Postfix(Humanoid __instance, ref bool __result) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Eitr Conversion").Power > 0f) { float value = Random.value; float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Eitr Conversion").Chance / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Eitr Conversion chance roll: {value} < {num}"); if (value < num) { ((Character)val).AddEitr(((Character)val).GetMaxEitr() * (val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Eitr Conversion").Power / 100f)); } } } } } public static class EitrFused { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; [AdditivePower] public float Cost; } } public static class FlamingGuard { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; [AdditivePower] public float Chance; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Humanoid), "BlockAttack")] private static class FlamingBlock_Patch { private static int burningstatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Burning"); private static void Postfix(Humanoid __instance, HitData hit, Character attacker, ref bool __result) { //IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0084: Expected O, but got Unknown Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Guard").Chance > 0f && __result && !attacker.IsDead()) { float value = Random.value; float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Guard").Chance / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Burning Guard chance roll: {value} < {num}"); if (value < num) { HitData val2 = new HitData(); val2.m_damage.m_fire = val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Guard").Power / 100f * ((DamageTypes)(ref hit.m_damage)).GetTotalDamage(); attacker.ApplyDamage(val2, true, true, (DamageModifier)0); attacker.m_seman.AddStatusEffect(burningstatus, true, 1, Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.GetSkill((SkillType)6).m_level); } } } } } internal class FreezingGuard { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; [AdditivePower] public float Chance; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Humanoid), "BlockAttack")] private static class FreezingBlock_Patch { private static int froststatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Frost"); private static void Postfix(Humanoid __instance, HitData hit, Character attacker, ref bool __result) { //IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0084: Expected O, but got Unknown Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Freezing Guard").Chance > 0f && __result && !attacker.IsDead()) { float value = Random.value; float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Freezing Guard").Chance / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Freezing guard chance roll: {value} < {num}"); if (value < num) { HitData val2 = new HitData(); val2.m_damage.m_frost = val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Freezing Guard").Power / 100f * ((DamageTypes)(ref hit.m_damage)).GetTotalDamage(); attacker.ApplyDamage(val2, true, true, (DamageModifier)0); attacker.m_seman.AddStatusEffect(froststatus, true, 3, Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.GetSkill((SkillType)6).m_level); } } } } } public static class Inferno { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [MultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; [MultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Chance; } } public static class AddLightningDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } internal class AddPickaxeDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class AddPierceDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class AddSlashDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class AddSpiritDamage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class BlockReduceStamina { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Humanoid), "BlockAttack")] public static class ModifyBlockStaminaUse_Humanoid_BlockAttack_Patch { public static void Prefix(Humanoid __instance, HitData hit, Character attacker) { if (((Character)__instance).IsPlayer() && Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Block Reduce Stamina").Power > 0f) { float num = 100f / (100f + Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Block Reduce Stamina").Power); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Multiplying block stamina cost by {num}"); __instance.m_blockStaminaDrain *= num; } } } } public static class BluntResistance { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "RPC_Damage")] public static class ReduceBluntDamageTaken { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null) { Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); if (attacker != null && (Object)(object)attacker != (Object)(object)__instance && hit.m_damage.m_blunt > 0f && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Blunt Resistance").Power > 0f) { float num = (100f - val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Blunt Resistance").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Blunt Resistance is reducing Blunt damage {1f - num}"); hit.m_damage.m_slash *= num; } } } } } public static class BurningFrenzy { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "Damage")] private class AddBonusBonusDamageWhileOnFire { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { if (hit.GetAttacker() is Player) { bool flag = ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(burningstatus); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Frenzy checking for burning viking {flag}"); if (flag) { float num = (100f + Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Frenzy").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"VikingOnFire Damage multiplier {num}"); hit.m_damage.m_blunt *= num; hit.m_damage.m_pierce *= num; hit.m_damage.m_pierce *= num; hit.m_damage.m_fire *= num; hit.m_damage.m_lightning *= num; hit.m_damage.m_frost *= num; hit.m_damage.m_spirit *= num; hit.m_damage.m_poison *= num; hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe *= num; } } } } private static int burningstatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Burning"); } public static class BurningViking { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "GetJogSpeedFactor")] private class IncreaseJogSpeed { private static void Postfix(Player __instance, ref float __result) { if (((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(burningstatus) && __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Viking").Power > 0f) { __result *= (__instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Viking").Power + 100f) / 100f; } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "GetRunSpeedFactor")] private class IncreaseRunSpeed { private static void Postfix(Player __instance, ref float __result) { if (((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(burningstatus) && __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Viking").Power > 0f) { __result *= (__instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Burning Viking").Power + 100f) / 100f; } } } private static int burningstatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Burning"); } public static class CoinGreed { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Chance; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "OnDeath")] public static class AddGreedOnDeathFromPlayer { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Postfix(Character __instance) { //IL_0109: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer == (Object)null || __instance.m_lastHit == null || (Object)(object)__instance.m_lastHit.GetAttacker() != (Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer) { return; } float power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Coin Greed").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Coingreed enabled? {power > 0f}"); if (power > 0f) { float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Coin Greed").Chance / 100f; float value = Random.value; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Coingreed: {value} < {num} = {value < num}"); if (value < num) { float num2 = Random.Range(1f, Math.Max(1f, power)); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"coingreed drop {(int)num2}"); Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab("Coins"), ((Component)__instance).gameObject.transform.position, ((Component)__instance).gameObject.transform.rotation).GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_stack = (int)num2; } } } } } internal class CoinHoarder { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "Damage")] private class IncreaseAllDamageByCoins { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { if (!(hit.GetAttacker() is Player) || !((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer != (Object)null) || !(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Coin Hoarder").Power > 0f)) { return; } ItemData[] array = (from val in ((Humanoid)Player.m_localPlayer).m_inventory.GetAllItems() where ((Object)val.m_dropPrefab).name == "Coins" select val).ToArray(); if (array.Length != 0) { float num = 0f; ItemData[] array2 = array; foreach (ItemData val2 in array2) { num += (float)val2.m_stack; } float num2 = (float)Math.Log10(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Coin Hoarder").Power * num); float num3 = num2 * 5.5f / 100f + 1f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Coinhorder bonus multipler {num3} coin log bonus: {num2} inv coins: {num}"); hit.m_damage.m_blunt *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_pierce *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_slash *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_fire *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_lightning *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_frost *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_spirit *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_poison *= num3; hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe *= num3; } } } } public static class EffectList { public enum DmgEffect { AddBluntDamage, AddPierceDamage, AddSlashDamage, AddSpiritDamage, AddLightningDamage, AddPickaxeDamage, AddChopDamage } public static void AddGemEffects() { API.AddGemEffect<BluntResistance.Config>("Blunt Resistance", "$EJ_blunt_resistance_header.", "$EJ_blunt_resistance_header $EJ_by $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<PierceResistance.Config>("Pierce Resistance", "$EJ_pierce_resistance_header.", "$EJ_pierce_resistance_header $EJ_by $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<SlashResistance.Config>("Slash Resistance", "$EJ_slash_resistance_header.", "$EJ_slash_resistance_header $EJ_by $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<FireResistance.Config>("Fire Resistance", "$EJ_fire_resistance_header.", "$EJ_fire_resistance_header $EJ_by $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<PoisonResistance.Config>("Poison Resistance", "$EJ_poison_resistance_header.", "$EJ_poison_resistance_header $EJ_by $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<LightningResistance.Config>("Lightning Resistance", "$EJ_lightning_resistance_header.", "$EJ_lightning_resistance_header $EJ_by $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<AddBluntDamage.Config>("Add Blunt Damage", "$EJ_blunt_dmg_header.", "$EJ_blunt_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end $EJ_dmg_tooltip"); API.AddGemEffect<AddPierceDamage.Config>("Add Pierce Damage", "$EJ_pierce_dmg_header.", "$EJ_pierce_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end $EJ_dmg_tooltip"); API.AddGemEffect<AddSlashDamage.Config>("Add Slash Damage", "$EJ_slash_dmg_header.", "$EJ_slash_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end $EJ_dmg_tooltip"); API.AddGemEffect<AddSpiritDamage.Config>("Add Spirit Damage", "$EJ_spirit_dmg_header.", "$EJ_spirit_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end $EJ_dmg_tooltip"); API.AddGemEffect<AddLightningDamage.Config>("Add Lightning Damage", "$EJ_lightning_dmg_header.", "$EJ_lightning_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end $EJ_dmg_tooltip"); API.AddGemEffect<AddPickaxeDamage.Config>("Add Pickaxe Damage", "$EJ_pickaxe_dmg_header.", "$EJ_pickaxe_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end"); API.AddGemEffect<AddChopDamage.Config>("Add Chop Damage", "$EJ_woodcutting_dmg_header.", "$EJ_woodcutting_dmg_header $EJ_eq $1% $EJ_dmg_explained_end"); API.AddGemEffect<Inferno.Config>("Inferno", "$EJ_inferno_header", "$2% $EJ_inferno_ep1 $1% $EJ_inferno_ep2"); API.AddGemEffect<IncreaseEitr.Config>("Increase Eitr", "$EJ_more_eitr_header", "$EJ_more_eitr_details $1."); API.AddGemEffect<IncreaseStamina.Config>("Increase Stamina", "$EJ_more_stamina_header", "$EJ_more_stamina_explained $1."); API.AddGemEffect<IncreaseStaminaRegen.Config>("Increase Stamina Regen", "$EJ_stamina_regen_header", "$EJ_stamina_regen_explained $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<BlockReduceStamina.Config>("Block Reduce Stamina", "$EJ_stamina_block_cost_header", "$EJ_stamina_block_cost_explained $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<WeaponReducedStamina.Config>("Weapon Reduced Stamina", "$EJ_stamina_weapon_cost_header", "$EJ_stamina_weapon_cost_explained $1%."); API.AddGemEffect<CoinGreed.Config>("Coin Greed", "$EJ_coingreed_header", "$EJ_coingreed_pt1 $2% $EJ_coingreed_pt2 1-$1 $EJ_coingreed_pt3"); API.AddGemEffect<CoinHoarder.Config>("Coin Hoarder", "$EJ_coinhoarder", "Increase all of your damage by a fraction of the coins you carry."); API.AddGemEffect<WaterResistant.Config>("Water Resistant", "$EJ_water_prevent", "$EJ_water_prevent_pt1 $1 $EJ_water_prevent_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<WaterFrenzy.Config>("Water Frenzy", "$EJ_water_dmg_buff", "$EJ_dmg_buff_pt1 $1% $EJ_water_dmg_buff_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<WaterSwiftness.Config>("Water Swiftness", "$EJ_water_speed_buff", "$EJ_speed_buff_pt1 $1% $EJ_water_speed_buff_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<BurningViking.Config>("Burning Viking", "$EJ_fire_speed_buff", "$EJ_speed_buff_pt1 $1% $EJ_fire_speed_buff_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<BurningFrenzy.Config>("Burning Frenzy", "$EJ_fire_dmg_buff", "$EJ_dmg_buff_pt1 $1% $EJ_fire_dmg_buff_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertFisher.Config>("Expert Fisher", "$EJ_skill_fishing", "$EJ_skill_fishing_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertMage.Config>("Expert Mage", "$EJ_skill_magic", "$EJ_skill_magic_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertHarvester.Config>("Expert Harvester", "$EJ_skill_harvest", "$EJ_skill_harvest_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertBrawler.Config>("Expert Brawler", "$EJ_brawling", "$EJ_brawling_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertAcrobat.Config>("Expert Acrobat", "$EJ_jump", "$EJ_jump_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertDaggers.Config>("Expert Daggers", "$EJ_knives", "$EJ_knives_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertSwordsman.Config>("Expert Swordsman", "$EJ_swords", "$EJ_swords_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertSmasher.Config>("Expert Smasher", "$EJ_maces", "$EJ_maces_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertPolearms.Config>("Expert Polearms", "$EJ_polearms", "$EJ_polearms_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertSpearmaiden.Config>("Expert Spearmaiden", "$EJ_spears", "$EJ_spears_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertAxemaster.Config>("Expert Axemaster", "$EJ_axes", "$EJ_axes_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ExpertSprinter.Config>("Expert Sprinter", "$EJ_sprinter", "$EJ_sprinter_pt1 $1% $EJ_skill_higher $EJ_skill_inc_visible"); API.AddGemEffect<ReduceWeight.Config>("Reduce Weight", "$EJ_weight_reduce", "$EJ_weight_reduce_pt1 $1% $EJ_weight_reduce_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<CoverOfDarkness.Config>("Cover of Darkness", "$EJ_cover_darkness", "$2% $EJ_cover_darkness_pt1 $1% $EJ_cover_darkness_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<EitrConversion.Config>("Eitr Conversion", "$EJ_eitr_conversion", "$2% $EJ_eitr_conversion_pt1 $1% $EJ_eitr_conversion_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<Retribution.Config>("Retribution", "$EJ_retribution", "$2% $EJ_retribution_pt1 $1% $EJ_retribution_pt2"); API.AddGemEffect<StaggeringBlock.Config>("Staggering Block", "Blocking can stagger attackers.", "$1% chance to stagger your attacker."); API.AddGemEffect<FlamingGuard.Config>("Burning Guard", "On block chance to return fire damage.", "$1% chance to set your attacker on fire for $2% of the blocked damage."); API.AddGemEffect<FreezingGuard.Config>("Freezing Guard", "On block chance to return frost damage.", "$1% chance to return frost damage for $2% of the blocked damage."); API.AddGemEffect<WetWorker.Config>("Wet Worker", "Reduces stamina usage when wet.", "$1% usage stamina cost reduction when wet."); API.AddGemEffect<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused", "Uses eitr to increase damage.", "$1% increase to damage at the cost of $2 eitr per hit."); API.AddGemEffect<Farmer.Config>("Farmer", "Chance for bigger harvests.", "$2% chance to get $1 additional crops when harvesting."); API.AddGemEffect<CombatSpirit.Config>("Combat Spirit", "A spirit helps you in combat.", "A spirit aids you in combat for $1 seconds. Returns after a cooldown."); API.AddGemEffect<IntenseFire.Config>("Intense Fire", "An affinity for fire.", "You are +$1% fire resistant and have a higher chance to trigger Inferno."); API.AddGemEffect<SlipperyWhenWet.Config>("Slippery When Wet", "Water quickens you.", "You are $1% faster when wet."); API.AddGemEffect<SlipperyWhenWet.Config>("Waterproof", "You do not get wet.", "You do not get wet."); API.AddGemEffect<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master", "Experianced with weapons.", "Your skill with all weapons is $1% higher."); API.AddGemEffect<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword", "Use eitr to increase weapon damage.", "$1% increase to damage at the cost of 5 eitr per hit."); } } public static class ExpertAcrobat { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertAxemaster { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertBrawler { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertDaggers { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertHarvester { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertMage { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertFisher { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertPolearms { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertSmasher { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertSpearmaiden { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertSprinter { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class ExpertSwordsman { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } } public static class FireResistance { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "RPC_Damage")] public static class ReducePierceDamageTaken { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null) { Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); if (attacker != null && (Object)(object)attacker != (Object)(object)__instance && hit.m_damage.m_fire > 0f && (val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Fire Resistance").Power > 0f || val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Intense Fire").Power > 0f)) { float num = (100f - (val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Fire Resistance").Power + val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Intense Fire").Power)) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Fire Resistance is reducing fire damage {1f - num}"); hit.m_damage.m_fire *= num; } } } } } public static class IncreaseEitr { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "GetTotalFoodValue")] public static class IncreaseTotalStamina { public static void Postfix(Player __instance, ref float eitr) { eitr += __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Increase Eitr").Power; } } } public static class IncreaseStamina { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "GetTotalFoodValue")] public static class IncreaseTotalStamina { public static void Postfix(Player __instance, ref float stamina) { stamina += __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Increase Stamina").Power; } } } public static class IncreaseStaminaRegen { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SEMan), "ModifyStaminaRegen")] public static class IncreasePlayerStaminaRegen { public static void Postfix(SEMan __instance, ref float staminaMultiplier) { if (__instance.m_character.IsPlayer() && Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Increase Stamina Regen").Power > 0f) { float num = (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Increase Stamina Regen").Power + 100f) / 100f; staminaMultiplier *= num; } } } } public static class IntenseFire { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class LightningResistance { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "RPC_Damage")] public static class ReducePierceDamageTaken { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null) { Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); if (attacker != null && (Object)(object)attacker != (Object)(object)__instance && hit.m_damage.m_lightning > 0f && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Lightning Resistance").Power > 0f) { float num = (100f - val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Lightning Resistance").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Lightning Resistance is reducing lightning damage {1f - num}"); hit.m_damage.m_fire *= num; } } } } } public static class PierceResistance { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "RPC_Damage")] public static class ReducePierceDamageTaken { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null) { Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); if (attacker != null && (Object)(object)attacker != (Object)(object)__instance && hit.m_damage.m_pierce > 0f && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Pierce Resistance").Power > 0f) { float num = (100f - val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Pierce Resistance").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Pierce Resistance is reducing Pierce damage {1f - num}"); hit.m_damage.m_pierce *= num; } } } } } public static class PoisonResistance { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "RPC_Damage")] public static class ReducePoisonDamageTaken { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null) { Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); if (attacker != null && (Object)(object)attacker != (Object)(object)__instance && hit.m_damage.m_poison > 0f && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Poison Resistance").Power > 0f) { float num = (100f - val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Poison Resistance").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Poison Resistance is reducing poison damage {1f - num}"); hit.m_damage.m_poison *= num; } } } } } public static class PracticedGemcutter { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [UsedImplicitly] private static void Postfix(Skills __instance, SkillType skillType, ref float __result) { if (!(((object)(SkillType)(ref skillType)).ToString() != "gemcutting") && !((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer == (Object)null)) { __result += Mathf.RoundToInt(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("PracticedGemcutter").Power); } } } public static class ReduceWeight { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemData), "GetWeight")] public static class ReduceWeight_ItemData_GetWeight_Patch { public static void Postfix(ref float __result) { __result = ReduceWeightByPower(__result); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemData), "GetNonStackedWeight")] public static class ReduceWeight_ItemData_GetNonstackedWeight_Patch { public static void Postfix(ref float __result) { __result = ReduceWeightByPower(__result); } } public static float ReduceWeightByPower(float original) { if ((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer == (Object)null) { return original; } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Reduce Weight").Power > 0f) { float num = 100f / (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Reduce Weight").Power + 100f); original *= num; } return original; } } public static class Retribution { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Chance; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Humanoid), "BlockAttack")] private static class Retribution_Patch { private static void Postfix(Humanoid __instance, HitData hit, Character attacker, ref bool __result) { //IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0079: Expected O, but got Unknown Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Retribution").Power > 0f && __result) { float value = Random.value; float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Retribution").Chance / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Retribution chance roll: {value} < {num}"); if (value < num) { HitData val2 = new HitData(); float totalDamage = hit.GetTotalDamage(); val2.m_damage.m_damage = totalDamage * (val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Retribution").Power / 100f); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Hit dmg {totalDamage} Retribution returning damage {val2.m_damage.m_damage}"); attacker.Damage(val2); } } } } } public static class SlashResistance { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "RPC_Damage")] public static class ReduceSlashDamageTaken { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null) { Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); if (attacker != null && (Object)(object)attacker != (Object)(object)__instance && hit.m_damage.m_slash > 0f && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Slash Resistance").Power > 0f) { float num = (100f - val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Slash Resistance").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Slash Resistance is reducing Slash damage {1f - num}"); hit.m_damage.m_slash *= num; } } } } } public static class SlipperyWhenWet { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class Spellsword { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class StaggeringBlock { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Humanoid), "BlockAttack")] private static class StaggeringBlock_Patch { private static void Postfix(Humanoid __instance, HitData hit, Character attacker, ref bool __result) { //IL_008b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Player val = (Player)(object)((__instance is Player) ? __instance : null); if (val != null && val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Staggering Block").Power > 0f && __result && !attacker.IsDead()) { float value = Random.value; float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Staggering Block").Power / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Staggering block chance roll: {value} < {num}"); if (value < num) { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)"Staggering attacker"); attacker.AddStaggerDamage(999f, -hit.m_dir); } } } } } public static class Farmer { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; [AdditivePower] public float Chance; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Pickable), "Interact")] public static class IncreaseCarryWeight { public static void Postfix(ref bool __result, Humanoid character, Pickable __instance) { if (!__result || !((Object)(object)character != (Object)null) || !(character is Player) || !(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Farmer").Power > 0f)) { return; } string text = ((Object)__instance.m_itemPrefab).name.Replace("(Clone)", "").Replace("Pickable_", ""); if (UnallowedGreenThumbPickables.Contains(text)) { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)("Pickable type (" + text + ") is not allowed for farmer perk.")); return; } float value = Random.value; float num = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Farmer").Chance / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Farmer chance roll: {value} < {num}"); if (value < num) { int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; (float)i < Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Farmer").Power; i++) { __instance.Drop(__instance.m_itemPrefab, num2++, 1); } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "Update")] public static class AutoPickupNearby_Pickables { private static readonly int pickableMask = LayerMask.GetMask(new string[3] { "piece_nonsolid", "item", "Default_small" }); private static float fdt = Time.fixedDeltaTime; private static float last_update = 0f; private static float current_tick_time = 0f; public static void Postfix(Player __instance) { //IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)__instance == (Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer) || !(Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Farmer").Power > 0f)) { return; } current_tick_time += fdt; if (!(current_tick_time > last_update + 1f)) { return; } last_update = current_tick_time; Collider[] array = Physics.OverlapSphere(((Component)__instance).transform.position, 3f, pickableMask); foreach (Collider val in array) { object obj = ((Component)val).GetComponent<Pickable>(); if (obj == null) { Transform parent = ((Component)val).transform.parent; obj = ((parent != null) ? ((Component)parent).GetComponent<Pickable>() : null); } Pickable val2 = (Pickable)obj; if ((Object)(object)val2 != (Object)null) { string text = ((Object)val2).name.Replace("(Clone)", "").Replace("Pickable_", ""); if (!UnallowedGreenThumbPickables.Contains(text) && val2.CanBePicked()) { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)("Autopicking: " + text)); val2.Interact((Humanoid)(object)Player.m_localPlayer, false, false); } } } } } private static List<string> UnallowedGreenThumbPickables = new List<string> { "SurtlingCore", "Flint", "Wood", "Stone", "Amber", "AmberPearl", "Coins", "Ruby" }; } public static class WaterFrenzy { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "Damage")] private class AddBonusSlashDamage { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { if (hit.GetAttacker() is Player) { bool flag = ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(wetstatus); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Frenzy checking for wet viking {flag}"); if (flag) { float num = (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Frenzy").Power + 100f) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"WetDogViking Damage multiplier {num}"); hit.m_damage.m_blunt *= num; hit.m_damage.m_pierce *= num; hit.m_damage.m_pierce *= num; hit.m_damage.m_fire *= num; hit.m_damage.m_lightning *= num; hit.m_damage.m_frost *= num; hit.m_damage.m_spirit *= num; hit.m_damage.m_poison *= num; hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe *= num; } } } } private static int wetstatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Wet"); } public static class Waterproof { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } internal class WaterResistant { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SEMan), "AddStatusEffect", new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(bool), typeof(int), typeof(float) })] public static class Waterproof_SEMan_AddStatusEffect_Patch { public static bool Prefix(SEMan __instance, int nameHash) { if (__instance.m_character.IsPlayer() && nameHash == wet_hash) { if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Waterproof.Config>("Waterproof").Power > 0f) { return false; } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Resistant").Power > 0f) { if (delayWetTill == 0f) { delayWetTill = Time.time + Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Resistant").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Set water resistance timeout: {delayWetTill}"); return false; } if (delayWetTill < Time.time) { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)"Water resistance is expired."); if (delayWetTill + 2f < Time.time) { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)"Reset water resistance."); delayWetTill = 0f; return false; } delayWetTill = 0f; return true; } return false; } } return true; } } private static float delayWetTill = 0f; private static int wet_hash = "Wet".GetHashCode(); } public static class WaterSwiftness { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "GetJogSpeedFactor")] private class IncreaseJogSpeed { private static void Postfix(Player __instance, ref float __result) { if (((Character)__instance).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(wetstatus) || (__instance.GetEffectPower<Waterproof.Config>("Waterproof").Power > 0f && (__instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Swiftness").Power > 0f || __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Slippery When Wet").Power > 0f))) { float num = (__instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Swiftness").Power + __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Slippery When Wet").Power + 100f) / 100f; __result *= num; } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "GetRunSpeedFactor")] private class IncreaseRunSpeed { private static void Postfix(Player __instance, ref float __result) { if (((Character)__instance).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(wetstatus) || (__instance.GetEffectPower<Waterproof.Config>("Waterproof").Power > 0f && (__instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Swiftness").Power > 0f || __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Slippery When Wet").Power > 0f))) { float num = (__instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Water Swiftness").Power + __instance.GetEffectPower<Config>("Slippery When Wet").Power + 100f) / 100f; __result *= num; } } } private static int wetstatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Wet"); } public static class WeaponMaster { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } } public static class WeaponReducedStamina { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [InverseMultiplicativePercentagePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Attack), "GetAttackStamina")] public class ReduceStaminaCostForAttack { public static void Postfix(Attack __instance, ref float __result) { Humanoid character = __instance.m_character; Player val = (Player)(object)((character is Player) ? character : null); if (val != null && Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Weapon Reduced Stamina").Power > 0f) { float num = 100f / (val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Weapon Reduced Stamina").Power + 100f); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Stamina Reduction multipler: {num}"); __result *= num; } } } } public static class WetWorker { [PublicAPI] public struct Config { [AdditivePower] public float Power; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Attack), "GetAttackStamina")] public class ReduceStaminaCostWet_Patch { public static void Postfix(Attack __instance, ref float __result) { Humanoid character = __instance.m_character; Player val = (Player)(object)((character is Player) ? character : null); if (val != null && Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Config>("Wet Worker").Power > 0f && ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetSEMan().HaveStatusEffect(wetstatus)) { float num = 100f / (val.GetEffectPower<Config>("Wet Worker").Power + 100f); EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Wet Worker Stamina Reduction multipler: {num}"); __result *= num; } } } private static int wetstatus = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("Wet"); } } namespace EpicJewels.EffectHelpers { public static class AddDamageHarvestables { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(MineRock), "RPC_Hit")] private static class DamageRock { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { ModifyHarvestDamage(hit); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(MineRock5), "RPC_Damage")] private static class DamageRock5 { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { ModifyHarvestDamage(hit); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(TreeBase), "RPC_Damage")] private static class DamageTreebase { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { ModifyHarvestDamage(hit); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(TreeLog), "RPC_Damage")] private static class DamageTreeLog { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { ModifyHarvestDamage(hit); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Destructible), "RPC_Damage")] private static class DamageDestructible { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { ModifyHarvestDamage(hit); } } private static HitData ModifyHarvestDamage(HitData hit) { if (hit.GetAttacker() is Player) { float totalDamage = ((DamageTypes)(ref hit.m_damage)).GetTotalDamage(); float num = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddPickaxeDamage.Config>("Add Pickaxe Damage").Power / 100f); float num2 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddChopDamage.Config>("Add Chop Damage").Power / 100f); if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused").Power > 0f || Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword").Power > 0f) { float num3 = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused").Cost; if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword").Power > 0f) { num3 += 5f; } if (((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).HaveEitr(num3)) { float num4 = (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused").Power + Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword").Power) / 100f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Eitr powered attack powered up multiplier {num4} cost {num3}"); num2 += hit.m_damage.m_chop * num4; num += hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe * num4; ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).UseEitr(num3); } else { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Eitr powered attack not triggered due to cost {num3}"); } } float num5 = num2 + num; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Added Damage {num5} = pickaxe: {num} chop: {num2} original_total_dmg {totalDamage}"); hit.m_damage.m_chop += num2; hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe += num; } return hit; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Character), "Damage")] public static class IncreaseDamageByPowers { private static void Prefix(HitData hit) { if (!(hit.GetAttacker() is Player)) { return; } float totalDamage = ((DamageTypes)(ref hit.m_damage)).GetTotalDamage(); float num = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddBluntDamage.Config>("Add Blunt Damage").Power / 100f); float num2 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddSlashDamage.Config>("Add Slash Damage").Power / 100f); float num3 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddPierceDamage.Config>("Add Pierce Damage").Power / 100f); float num4 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddLightningDamage.Config>("Add Lightning Damage").Power / 100f); float num5 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddSpiritDamage.Config>("Add Spirit Damage").Power / 100f); float num6 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddPickaxeDamage.Config>("Add Pickaxe Damage").Power / 100f); float num7 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddChopDamage.Config>("Add Chop Damage").Power / 100f); if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused").Power > 0f || Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword").Power > 0f) { float num8 = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused").Cost; if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword").Power > 0f) { num8 += 5f; } if (((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).HaveEitr(num8)) { float num9 = (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<EitrFused.Config>("Eitr Fused").Power + Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Spellsword.Config>("Spellsword").Power) / 100f + 1f; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Eitr powered attack powered up multiplier {num9} cost {num8}"); num7 += hit.m_damage.m_chop * num9; num6 += hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe * num9; num5 += hit.m_damage.m_spirit * num9; num4 += hit.m_damage.m_lightning * num9; num3 += hit.m_damage.m_pierce * num9; num2 += hit.m_damage.m_slash * num9; num += hit.m_damage.m_blunt * num9; ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).UseEitr(num8); } else { EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Eitr powered attack not triggered due to cost {num8}"); } } float num10 = num + num2 + num3 + num4 + num5 + num6 + num7; float num11 = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Inferno.Config>("Inferno").Chance; if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<IntenseFire.Config>("Intense Fire").Power > 0f) { num11 *= 1.5f; } num11 /= 100f; float value = Random.value; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Inferno activation chance: {value} < {num11}"); if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Inferno.Config>("Inferno").Power > 0f && value < num11) { float num12 = totalDamage * (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<Inferno.Config>("Inferno").Power / 100f); hit.m_damage.m_fire += num12; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Inferno activated, added fire damage: {num12}"); } EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Added Damage {num10} = blunt:{num} slash:{num2} pierce:{num3} lightning: {num4} spirit: {num5} pickaxe: {num6} original_total_dmg {totalDamage}"); hit.m_damage.m_blunt += num; hit.m_damage.m_pierce += num3; hit.m_damage.m_slash += num2; hit.m_damage.m_lightning += num4; hit.m_damage.m_spirit += num5; hit.m_damage.m_chop += num7; hit.m_damage.m_pickaxe += num6; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(DamageTypes), "GetTooltipString", new Type[] { typeof(SkillType) })] public static class ItemDisplay { private class DmgModDetails { public string localizedName { get; set; } public bool added { get; set; } public float power { get; set; } } private static void Postfix(DamageTypes __instance, SkillType skillType, ref string __result) { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0128: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_022a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_027a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer == (Object)null) { return; } float min = default(float); float max = default(float); ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetSkills().GetRandomSkillRange(ref min, ref max, skillType); float totalDamage = ((DamageTypes)(ref __instance)).GetTotalDamage(); Dictionary<string, DmgModDetails> dictionary = DetermineCharacterDamageModifiers(); List<string> list = __result.Split(new char[1] { '\n' }).ToList(); List<string> list2 = new List<string>(list); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].Length < 17) { continue; } switch (list[i].Split(new char[1] { ':' })[0].Trim()) { case "$inventory_blunt": if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Add Blunt Damage")) { dictionary["Add Blunt Damage"].added = true; list2[i] = AddModifierExplainer(list[i], totalDamage, __instance.m_blunt, min, max, dictionary["Add Blunt Damage"].power); } break; case "$inventory_slash": if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Add Slash Damage")) { dictionary["Add Slash Damage"].added = true; list2[i] = AddModifierExplainer(list[i], totalDamage, __instance.m_slash, min, max, dictionary["Add Slash Damage"].power); } break; case "$inventory_pierce": if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Add Pierce Damage")) { dictionary["Add Pierce Damage"].added = true; list2[i] = AddModifierExplainer(list[i], totalDamage, __instance.m_pierce, min, max, dictionary["Add Pierce Damage"].power); } break; case "$inventory_lightning": if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Add Lightning Damage")) { dictionary["Add Lightning Damage"].added = true; list2[i] = AddModifierExplainer(list[i], totalDamage, __instance.m_lightning, min, max, dictionary["Add Lightning Damage"].power); } break; case "$inventory_spirit": if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Add Spirit Damage")) { dictionary["Add Spirit Damage"].added = true; list2[i] = AddModifierExplainer(list[i], totalDamage, __instance.m_spirit, min, max, dictionary["Add Spirit Damage"].power); } break; } } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DmgModDetails> item in dictionary) { if (!item.Value.added) { list2.Add(BuildModifierExplainer(item.Value.localizedName, totalDamage, min, max, item.Value.power)); } } string text = string.Join("\n", list2.ToArray()); __result = text; } private static Dictionary<string, DmgModDetails> DetermineCharacterDamageModifiers() { Dictionary<string, DmgModDetails> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, DmgModDetails>(); if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddSpiritDamage.Config>("Add Spirit Damage").Power > 0f) { dictionary.Add("Add Spirit Damage", new DmgModDetails { added = false, localizedName = "$inventory_spirit", power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddSpiritDamage.Config>("Add Spirit Damage").Power }); } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddLightningDamage.Config>("Add Lightning Damage").Power > 0f) { dictionary.Add("Add Lightning Damage", new DmgModDetails { added = false, localizedName = "$inventory_lightning", power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddLightningDamage.Config>("Add Lightning Damage").Power }); } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddPierceDamage.Config>("Add Pierce Damage").Power > 0f) { dictionary.Add("Add Pierce Damage", new DmgModDetails { added = false, localizedName = "$inventory_pierce", power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddPierceDamage.Config>("Add Pierce Damage").Power }); } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddSlashDamage.Config>("Add Slash Damage").Power > 0f) { dictionary.Add("Add Slash Damage", new DmgModDetails { added = false, localizedName = "$inventory_slash", power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddSlashDamage.Config>("Add Slash Damage").Power }); } if (Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddBluntDamage.Config>("Add Blunt Damage").Power > 0f) { dictionary.Add("Add Blunt Damage", new DmgModDetails { added = false, localizedName = "$inventory_blunt", power = Player.m_localPlayer.GetEffectPower<AddBluntDamage.Config>("Add Blunt Damage").Power }); } return dictionary; } private static string AddModifierExplainer(string current_line, float total_dmg, float m_dmg_value, float min, float max, float bonus_power) { float num = total_dmg * (bonus_power / 100f); string[] array = current_line.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }); float num2 = int.Parse(array[1].Replace("<color=orange>", "").Replace("</color>", "")); array[1] = "<color=purple>" + (num2 + num).ToString("F1") + "</color>"; ref string reference = ref array[1]; reference = reference + " <color=purple>[+" + num.ToString("F1") + "]</color>"; array[2] = $"<color=purple>({Mathf.RoundToInt((m_dmg_value + num) * min)}-{Mathf.RoundToInt((m_dmg_value + num) * max)})"; return string.Join(" ", array); } private static string BuildModifierExplainer(string dmg_localization, float total_dmg, float min, float max, float bonus_power) { float num = total_dmg * (bonus_power / 100f); return string.Format("{0}: <color=purple>{1}</color> <color=purple>({2}-{3})</color>", dmg_localization, num.ToString("F1"), Mathf.RoundToInt(num * min), Mathf.RoundToInt(num * max)); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Skills), "GetSkillFactor")] public static class IncreaseSkillPatch { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SkillsDialog), "Setup")] public static class DisplayExtraSkillLevels_SkillsDialog_Setup_Patch { [UsedImplicitly] private static void Postfix(SkillsDialog __instance, Player player) { //IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0131: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_013b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_014c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0177: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) List<Skill> skillList = player.m_skills.GetSkillList(); new List<GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject element in __instance.m_elements) { UITooltip tooltipComponent = element.GetComponentInChildren<UITooltip>(); Skill val = skillList.Find((Skill s) => s.m_info.m_description == tooltipComponent.m_text); if (val == null) { continue; } float level = player.m_skills.GetSkill(val.m_info.m_skill).m_level; float num = DetermineSkillIncrease(player, val.m_info.m_skill, level); if (num > level) { float num2 = num - level; Transform val2 = Utils.FindChild(element.transform, "bar", (IterativeSearchType)0); Transform obj = Utils.FindChild(element.transform, "extrabar", (IterativeSearchType)0); GameObject val3 = ((obj != null) ? ((Component)obj).gameObject : null); if ((Object)(object)val3 == (Object)null) { val3 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)val2).gameObject, val2.parent); val3.transform.SetSiblingIndex(val2.GetSiblingIndex()); ((Object)val3).name = "extrabar"; } val3.SetActive(true); RectTransform component = val3.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.sizeDelta = new Vector2((val.m_level + num2) * 1.6f, component.sizeDelta.y); ((Graphic)val3.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Color.magenta; TMP_Text component2 = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(element.transform, "leveltext", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<TMP_Text>(); component2.text += $" <color=#{ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(Color.magenta)}>+{num2:#0.0}</color>"; } else { Transform val4 = Utils.FindChild(element.transform, "extrabar", (IterativeSearchType)0); if ((Object)(object)val4 != (Object)null) { ((Component)val4).gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } } [UsedImplicitly] private static void Postfix(Skills __instance, SkillType skillType, ref float __result) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) __result = DetermineSkillIncrease(__instance.m_player, skillType, __result); } private static float DetermineSkillIncrease(Player player, SkillType selectedSkill, float current_skill_level) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0048: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007d: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0083: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 float num = 0f; switch ((int)selectedSkill) { default: switch (selectedSkill - 100) { default: if ((int)selectedSkill == 999) { float power = player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertHarvester.Config>("Expert Harvester").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertHarvester.Config>("Expert Harvester").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSwordsman.Config>("Expert Swordsman").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSpearmaiden.Config>("Expert Spearmaiden").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSmasher.Config>("Expert Smasher").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertPolearms.Config>("Expert Polearms").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertMage.Config>("Expert Mage").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertMage.Config>("Expert Mage").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertFisher.Config>("Expert Fisher").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertDaggers.Config>("Expert Daggers").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertBrawler.Config>("Expert Brawler").Power; num += power + player.GetEffectPower<ExpertAxemaster.Config>("Expert Axemaster").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertAcrobat.Config>("Expert Acrobat").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"All skills increase {num}"); } break; case 4: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertFisher.Config>("Expert Fisher").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertFisher.Config>("Expert Fisher").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Fishing skill increase {num}"); } break; case 0: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertAcrobat.Config>("Expert Acrobat").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertAcrobat.Config>("Expert Acrobat").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Jump skill increase {num}"); } break; case 2: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSprinter.Config>("Expert Sprinter").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSprinter.Config>("Expert Sprinter").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Run skill increase {num}"); } break; case 1: case 3: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: break; } break; case 1: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSwordsman.Config>("Expert Swordsman").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSwordsman.Config>("Expert Swordsman").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Swords skill increase {num}"); } break; case 5: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSpearmaiden.Config>("Expert Spearmaiden").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSpearmaiden.Config>("Expert Spearmaiden").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Spears skill increase {num}"); } break; case 3: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSmasher.Config>("Expert Smasher").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertSmasher.Config>("Expert Smasher").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Clubs skill increase {num}"); } break; case 4: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertPolearms.Config>("Expert Polearms").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertPolearms.Config>("Expert Polearms").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Polearms skill increase {num}"); } break; case 9: case 10: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertMage.Config>("Expert Mage").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertMage.Config>("Expert Mage").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Magic skill increase {num}"); } break; case 2: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertDaggers.Config>("Expert Daggers").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertDaggers.Config>("Expert Daggers").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Knives skill increase {num}"); } break; case 11: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertBrawler.Config>("Expert Brawler").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertBrawler.Config>("Expert Brawler").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Unarmed skill increase {num}"); } break; case 7: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertAxemaster.Config>("Expert Axemaster").Power > 0f || player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertAxemaster.Config>("Expert Axemaster").Power; num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Axes skill increase {num}"); } break; case 12: case 13: if (player.GetEffectPower<ExpertHarvester.Config>("Expert Harvester").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<ExpertHarvester.Config>("Expert Harvester").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Pickaxe & woodcutting skill increase {num}"); } break; case 14: if (player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power > 0f) { num += player.GetEffectPower<WeaponMaster.Config>("Weapon Master").Power; EpicJewels.EJLog.LogDebug((object)$"Crossbow skill increase {num}"); } break; case 0: case 6: case 8: break; } float num2 = (num + 100f) / 100f; return current_skill_level * num2; } } } namespace EpicJewels.Common { internal class Config { public static ConfigFile cfg; public Config(ConfigFile cfgref) { cfg = cfgref; cfg.SaveOnConfigSet = true; CreateConfigValues(cfgref); } private void CreateConfigValues(ConfigFile Config) { } } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace Jewelcrafting { [PublicAPI] internal static class API { [PublicAPI] public class GemInfo { public readonly string gemPrefab; public readonly Sprite gemSprite; public readonly Dictionary<string, float> gemEffects; public GemInfo(string gemPrefab, Sprite gemSprite, Dictionary<string, float> gemEffects) { this.gemPrefab = gemPrefab; this.gemSprite = gemSprite; this.gemEffects = gemEffects; } } public delegate bool GemBreakHandler(ItemData? container, ItemData gem, int count = 1); public delegate bool ItemBreakHandler(ItemData? container); public delegate bool ItemMirroredHandler(ItemData? item); public static event Action? OnEffectRecalc; public static bool IsLoaded() { return false; } internal static void InvokeEffectRecalc() { API.OnEffectRecalc?.Invoke(); } public static GameObject CreateNecklaceFromTemplate(string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject CreateNecklaceFromTemplate(string colorName, Material material) { return null; } public static GameObject CreateRingFromTemplate(string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject CreateRingFromTemplate(string colorName, Material material) { return null; } public static void MarkJewelry(GameObject jewelry) { } public static void AddGems(string type, string colorName, Color color) { } public static List<GameObject> AddGems(string type, string colorName, Material material, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject AddDestructibleFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject AddDestructibleFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Material material) { return null; } public static GameObject AddUncutFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject AddUncutFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Material material) { return null; } public static GameObject AddAndRegisterUncutFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject AddAndRegisterUncutFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Material material) { return null; } public static GameObject AddShardFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject AddShardFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Material material) { return null; } public static GameObject[] AddTieredGemFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Color color) { return null; } public static GameObject[] AddTieredGemFromTemplate(string type, string colorName, Material material, Color color) { return null; } public static void AddGem(GameObject prefab, string colorName) { } public static void AddShard(GameObject prefab, string colorName) { } public static void AddDestructible(GameObject prefab, string colorName) { } public static void AddUncutGem(GameObject prefab, string colorName, ConfigEntry<float>? dropChance = null) { } public static void AddGemEffect<T>(string name, string? englishDescription = null, string? englishDescriptionDetailed = null) where T : struct { } public static void AddGemConfig(string yaml) { } public static T GetEffectPower<T>(this Player player, string name) where T : struct { return default(T); } public static List<GemInfo?> GetGems(ItemData item) { return new List<GemInfo>(); } public static bool SetGems(ItemData item, List<GemInfo?> gems) { return false; } public static Sprite GetSocketBorder() { return null; } public static GameObject GetGemcuttersTable() { return null; } public static void AddParticleEffect(string prefabName, GameObject effect, VisualEffectCondition displayCondition) { } public static void SetSocketsLock(ItemData item, bool enabled) { } public static void OnGemBreak(GemBreakHandler callback) { } public static void OnItemBreak(ItemBreakHandler callback) { } public static void OnItemMirrored(ItemMirroredHandler callback) { } public static bool IsJewelryEquipped(Player player, string prefabName) { return false; } public static bool BlacklistItem(GameObject item) { return false; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field)] internal abstract class PowerAttribute : Attribute { public abstract float Add(float a, float b); } internal class AdditivePowerAttribute : PowerAttribute { public override float Add(float a, float b) { return a + b; } } internal class MultiplicativePercentagePowerAttribute : PowerAttribute { public override float Add(float a, float b) { return ((1f + a / 100f) * (1f + b / 100f) - 1f) * 100f; } } internal class InverseMultiplicativePercentagePowerAttribute : PowerAttribute { public override float Add(float a, float b) { return (1f - (1f - a / 100f) * (1f - b / 100f)) * 100f; } } internal class MinPowerAttribute : PowerAttribute { public override float Add(float a, float b) { return Mathf.Min(a, b); } } internal class MaxPowerAttribute : PowerAttribute { public override float Add(float a, float b) { return Mathf.Max(a, b); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field)] internal class OptionalPowerAttribute : Attribute { public readonly float DefaultValue; public OptionalPowerAttribute(float defaultValue) { DefaultValue = defaultValue; } } [Flags] internal enum VisualEffectCondition : uint { IsSkill = 0xFFFu, Swords = 1u, Knives = 2u, Clubs = 3u, Polearms = 4u, Spears = 5u, Blocking = 6u, Axes = 7u, Bows = 8u, Unarmed = 0xBu, Pickaxes = 0xCu, WoodCutting = 0xDu, Crossbows = 0xEu, IsItem = 0xFF000u, Helmet = 0x6000u, Chest = 0x7000u, Legs = 0xB000u, Hands = 0xC000u, Shoulder = 0x11000u, Tool = 0x13000u, GenericExtraAttributes = 0xFF000000u, Blackmetal = 0x40000000u, TwoHanded = 0x80000000u, SpecificExtraAttributes = 0xF00000u, Hammer = 0x113000u, Hoe = 0x213000u, Buckler = 0x100006u, Towershield = 0x200006u, FineWoodBow = 0x100008u, BowHuntsman = 0x200008u, BowDraugrFang = 0x300008u, PickaxeIron = 0x10000Cu, Club = 0x100003u } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<b89b921d-8954-4084-bd4d-1feb826a594e>Embedded] internal sealed class <b89b921d-8954-4084-bd4d-1feb826a594e>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [<b89b921d-8954-4084-bd4d-1feb826a594e>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [<b89b921d-8954-4084-bd4d-1feb826a594e>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace LocalizationManager { [<f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] [<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(1)] internal class Localizer { private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Func<string>>> PlaceholderProcessors; private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> loadedTexts; private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Localization, string> localizationLanguage; private static readonly List<WeakReference<Localization>> localizationObjects; [<f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>Nullable(2)] private static BaseUnityPlugin _plugin; private static readonly List<string> fileExtensions; private static BaseUnityPlugin plugin { get { //IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a5: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_plugin == null) { IEnumerable<TypeInfo> source; try { source = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().DefinedTypes.ToList(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { source = from t in ex.Types where t != null select t.GetTypeInfo(); } _plugin = (BaseUnityPlugin)Chainloader.ManagerObject.GetComponent((Type)source.First([<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(0)] (TypeInfo t) => t.IsClass && typeof(BaseUnityPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t))); } return _plugin; } } private static void UpdatePlaceholderText(Localization localization, string key) { localizationLanguage.TryGetValue(localization, out var value); string text = loadedTexts[value][key]; if (PlaceholderProcessors.TryGetValue(key, out var value2)) { text = value2.Aggregate(text, [<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(0)] (string current, KeyValuePair<string, Func<string>> kv) => current.Replace("{" + kv.Key + "}", kv.Value())); } localization.AddWord(key, text); } public static void AddPlaceholder<T>(string key, string placeholder, ConfigEntry<T> config, [<f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] Func<T, string> convertConfigValue = null) { if (convertConfigValue == null) { convertConfigValue = [<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(0)] [return: <f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>Nullable(1)] (T val) => val.ToString(); } if (!PlaceholderProcessors.ContainsKey(key)) { PlaceholderProcessors[key] = new Dictionary<string, Func<string>>(); } config.SettingChanged += [<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { UpdatePlaceholder(); }; if (loadedTexts.ContainsKey(Localization.instance.GetSelectedLanguage())) { UpdatePlaceholder(); } void UpdatePlaceholder() { PlaceholderProcessors[key][placeholder] = () => convertConfigValue(config.Value); UpdatePlaceholderText(Localization.instance, key); } } public static void AddText(string key, string text) { List<WeakReference<Localization>> list = new List<WeakReference<Localization>>(); foreach (WeakReference<Localization> localizationObject in localizationObjects) { if (localizationObject.TryGetTarget(out var target)) { Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = loadedTexts[localizationLanguage.GetOrCreateValue(target)]; if (!target.m_translations.ContainsKey(key)) { dictionary[key] = text; target.AddWord(key, text); } } else { list.Add(localizationObject); } } foreach (WeakReference<Localization> item in list) { localizationObjects.Remove(item); } } public static void Load() { LoadLocalization(Localization.instance, Localization.instance.GetSelectedLanguage()); } private static void LoadLocalization(Localization __instance, string language) { if (!localizationLanguage.Remove(__instance)) { localizationObjects.Add(new WeakReference<Localization>(__instance)); } localizationLanguage.Add(__instance, language); Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (string item in from f in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(Paths.PluginPath), plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + ".*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) where fileExtensions.IndexOf(Path.GetExtension(f)) >= 0 select f) { string text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item).Split(new char[1] { '.' })[1]; if (dictionary.ContainsKey(text)) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Duplicate key " + text + " found for " + plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + ". The duplicate file found at " + item + " will be skipped.")); } else { dictionary[text] = item; } } byte[] array = LoadTranslationFromAssembly("English"); if (array == null) { throw new Exception("Found no English localizations in mod " + plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + ". Expected an embedded resource translations/English.json or translations/English.yml."); } Dictionary<string, string> dictionary2 = new <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>DeserializerBuilder().IgnoreFields().Build().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array)); if (dictionary2 == null) { throw new Exception("Localization for mod " + plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + " failed: Localization file was empty."); } string text2 = null; if (language != "English") { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(language)) { text2 = File.ReadAllText(dictionary[language]); } else { byte[] array2 = LoadTranslationFromAssembly(language); if (array2 != null) { text2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array2); } } } if (text2 == null && dictionary.ContainsKey("English")) { text2 = File.ReadAllText(dictionary["English"]); } if (text2 != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item2 in new <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>DeserializerBuilder().IgnoreFields().Build().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(text2) ?? new Dictionary<string, string>()) { dictionary2[item2.Key] = item2.Value; } } loadedTexts[language] = dictionary2; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item3 in dictionary2) { UpdatePlaceholderText(__instance, item3.Key); } } static Localizer() { //IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008c: Expected O, but got Unknown PlaceholderProcessors = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Func<string>>>(); loadedTexts = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(); localizationLanguage = new ConditionalWeakTable<Localization, string>(); localizationObjects = new List<WeakReference<Localization>>(); fileExtensions = new List<string> { ".json", ".yml" }; new Harmony("org.bepinex.helpers.LocalizationManager").Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Localization), "LoadCSV", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Localizer), "LoadLocalization", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); } [return: <f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>Nullable(2)] private static byte[] LoadTranslationFromAssembly(string language) { foreach (string fileExtension in fileExtensions) { byte[] array = ReadEmbeddedFileBytes("translations." + language + fileExtension); if (array != null) { return array; } } return null; } [<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(2)] public static byte[] ReadEmbeddedFileBytes([<f6f8ff5f-fa45-43ba-9489-b740a9e7c98b>Nullable(1)] string resourceFileName, Assembly containingAssembly = null) { using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if ((object)containingAssembly == null) { containingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); } string text = containingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().FirstOrDefault([<bb5e3e5e-5c47-485a-88ef-ea5afd7f01c7>NullableContext(0)] (string str) => str.EndsWith(resourceFileName, StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (text != null) { containingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(text)?.CopyTo(memoryStream); } return (memoryStream.Length == 0L) ? null : memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } namespace System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>AllowNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>DisallowNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>DoesNotReturnAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>DoesNotReturnIfAttribute : Attribute { public bool ParameterValue { get; } public <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>DoesNotReturnIfAttribute(bool parameterValue) { ParameterValue = parameterValue; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>MaybeNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>MaybeNullWhenAttribute : Attribute { public bool ReturnValue { get; } public <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>MaybeNullWhenAttribute(bool returnValue) { ReturnValue = returnValue; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>NotNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>NotNullIfNotNullAttribute : Attribute { public string ParameterName { get; } public <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>NotNullIfNotNullAttribute(string parameterName) { ParameterName = parameterName; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>NotNullWhenAttribute : Attribute { public bool ReturnValue { get; } public <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>NotNullWhenAttribute(bool returnValue) { ReturnValue = returnValue; } } } namespace System.Collections.Generic { internal static class DeconstructionExtensions { public static void Deconstruct<TKey, TValue>(this KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> pair, out TKey key, out TValue value) { key = pair.Key; value = pair.Value; } } } namespace YamlDotNet { internal sealed class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>CultureInfoAdapter : CultureInfo { private readonly IFormatProvider provider; public <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>CultureInfoAdapter(CultureInfo baseCulture, IFormatProvider provider) : base(baseCulture.LCID) { this.provider = provider; } public override object? GetFormat(Type? formatType) { return provider.GetFormat(formatType); } } internal static class <c1115aee-2ebb-4910-9809-e81b758f145c>ReflectionExtensions { private static readonly FieldInfo? RemoteStackTraceField = typeof(Exception).GetField("_remoteStackTraceString", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); public static Type? BaseType(this Type type) { return type.BaseType; } public static bool IsValueType(this Type type) { return type.IsValueType; } public static bool IsGenericType(this Type type) { return type.IsGenericType; } public static bool IsGenericTypeDefinition(this Type type) { return type.IsGenericTypeDefinition; } public static bool IsInterface(this Type type) { return type.IsInterface; } public static bool IsEnum(this Type type) { return type.IsEnu