Turret Enhancements Mod

Updated 5 months ago

Turrets Go Brrrrrr!

This mod allows you to fully customize your turrets' behavior to better suit your playstyle! Adjust damage, attack speed, detection range, and even decide if your turrets will engage bosses. Perfect for enhancing your defenses! Plus, you can now build ballistae early in the game, with only 10 wood required, making it an affordable and powerful addition to your base right from the start.

You can change the following settings to fine-tune how your turrets operate:

Damage Settings

Damage Modifier (Default: 1.0):
Multiplier for turret damage output. Set this to adjust the damage each shot deals. For example, a value of 0.5 halves the damage, while 2.0 doubles it.

Attack Cooldown (Default: 0.5 seconds):
Time in seconds between turret attacks. Lower values mean faster firing, while higher values slow it down for a more deliberate rate of fire.

Attack Warmup (Default: 0.5 seconds):
Time before the turret fires its first shot after locking onto an enemy. Increase this for a delay before firing, or decrease it for quicker responses.

Targeting Settings

Horizontal Angle (Default: 80°):
The horizontal field of view for turret scanning. Increase this to widen the scanning area horizontally; reduce to narrow the range.

Vertical Angle (Default: 35°):
The vertical field of view for turret scanning. Adjust to control how high or low the turret can detect targets.

View Distance (Default: 40 meters):
Maximum range for turret detection. Increase this for long-range targeting or reduce it to keep turret focus closer.

Attack Bosses (Default: false):
Decide if turrets should attack boss enemies. Set to true to allow boss targeting or false to exclude bosses.

How Turret Damage is Calculated

The turret's damage is modified based on two main factors:

The number of bosses defeated in the world.
The damage multiplier you've set in the configuration (Damage Modifier).

The formula for calculating turret damage is as follows:

Turret Damage = (0.1 + (BossesDefeated * 0.2)) * DamageModifier