OdinPlus-OdinsHollowKnight icon


A custom alter for OdinsHollow that spawns an Undead Knight Boss.



#Version 0.0.1 - Release the Kraken!

#Version 0.0.2 - Updated refs for Ashlands

#Version 0.0.3 - Added 5 new swords, Undead Knight now may drop a "Sword Soul" that can be used to craft 1 of 6 swords. Added 3 new build pieces found in the vanilla Hammer Misc tab. A Workbench that is used to craft swords and convert broken swords to bronze and 2 upgrade stations for upgrading the swords.

#Version 0.0.4 - Updated interernal refernces for BogWitch

#Version 0.0.5 - Updated interernal refernces

#Version 0.0.6 - Updated config options - speed settings, attack settings, health settings, and resistances. May require that you delete any old config file first.

#Version 0.0.7 - Added Undead King, new alter, and config options for him. Changed upgrade requirements for weapons to require King's Soul Shard, the Spirit Blade can be used to summon the King.

#Version 0.0.8 - Fixed King Alter spawner.

#Version 0.0.9 - Fixed missing effect on Undead King's death/drop item.

#Version 0.1.0 - Added Undead Wraith - spawns in Blackforest at night. Non-boss mob with full configuration settings.