Decompiled source of Val Con Official Modded Server Pack v2.2.2
BepInEx/plugins/Rusty-ValConUniform_Updated/ValConUniform (2).dll
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using BepInEx.Logging; using HarmonyLib; using ItemManager; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Managers; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using PieceManager; using ServerSync; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using ValConUniform.Solution; using YamlDotNet.Core; using YamlDotNet.Core.Events; using YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens; using YamlDotNet.Helpers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization.TypeDiscriminators; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeDeserializers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeTypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectFactories; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphTraversalStrategies; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphVisitors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Schemas; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeInspectors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Utilities; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("ValConUniform")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("ValConUniform")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2021")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("4358610B-F3F4-4843-B7AF-98B7BC60DCDE")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.0")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("RustyMods")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<7a2f87cf-e7b0-45f6-941a-3733e6ae4dcd>Embedded] internal sealed class <7a2f87cf-e7b0-45f6-941a-3733e6ae4dcd>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<7a2f87cf-e7b0-45f6-941a-3733e6ae4dcd>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [<7a2f87cf-e7b0-45f6-941a-3733e6ae4dcd>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace ValConUniform { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [BepInPlugin("RustyMods.ValConUniform", "ValConUniform", "1.0.0")] public class ValConUniformPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] public enum Toggle { On = 1, Off = 0 } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] private class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public int? Order; [UsedImplicitly] public bool? Browsable; [UsedImplicitly] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] public string Category; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] [UsedImplicitly] public Action<ConfigEntryBase> CustomDrawer; } internal const string ModName = "ValConUniform"; internal const string ModVersion = "1.0.0"; internal const string Author = "RustyMods"; private const string ModGUID = "RustyMods.ValConUniform"; private static string ConfigFileName = "RustyMods.ValConUniform.cfg"; private static string ConfigFileFullPath; internal static string ConnectionError; private readonly Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("RustyMods.ValConUniform"); public static readonly ManualLogSource ValConUniformLogger; private static readonly ConfigSync ConfigSync; public static readonly AssetBundle _Asset; public static GameObject _Root; public static ValConUniformPlugin _Plugin; private static ConfigEntry<Toggle> _serverConfigLocked; private void InitConfigs() { _serverConfigLocked = config("1 - General", "Lock Configuration", Toggle.On, "If on, the configuration is locked and can be changed by server admins only."); ConfigSync.AddLockingConfigEntry<Toggle>(_serverConfigLocked); } public void Awake() { //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown InitConfigs(); _Plugin = this; _Root = new GameObject("root"); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)_Root); _Root.SetActive(false); Cape.Setup(); Helmet.Setup(); Banners.Setup(); Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); _harmony.PatchAll(executingAssembly); } private void OnDestroy() { ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Save(); } public void SetupWatcher() { FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Paths.ConfigPath, ConfigFileName); fileSystemWatcher.Changed += ReadConfigValues; fileSystemWatcher.Created += ReadConfigValues; fileSystemWatcher.Renamed += ReadConfigValues; fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; fileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject = ThreadingHelper.SynchronizingObject; fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } private static AssetBundle GetAssetBundle(string fileName) { Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string name = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (string str) => str.EndsWith(fileName)); using Stream stream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name); return AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(stream); } private void ReadConfigValues(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { if (!File.Exists(ConfigFileFullPath)) { return; } try { ValConUniformLogger.LogDebug((object)"ReadConfigValues called"); ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Reload(); } catch { ValConUniformLogger.LogError((object)("There was an issue loading your " + ConfigFileName)); ValConUniformLogger.LogError((object)"Please check your config entries for spelling and format!"); } } public ConfigEntry<T> config<[<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] T>(string group, string name, T value, ConfigDescription description, bool synchronizedSetting = true) { //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Expected O, but got Unknown ConfigDescription val = new ConfigDescription(description.Description + (synchronizedSetting ? " [Synced with Server]" : " [Not Synced with Server]"), description.AcceptableValues, description.Tags); ConfigEntry<T> val2 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<T>(group, name, value, val); SyncedConfigEntry<T> syncedConfigEntry = ConfigSync.AddConfigEntry<T>(val2); syncedConfigEntry.SynchronizedConfig = synchronizedSetting; return val2; } public ConfigEntry<T> config<[<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] T>(string group, string name, T value, string description, bool synchronizedSetting = true) { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Expected O, but got Unknown return config(group, name, value, new ConfigDescription(description, (AcceptableValueBase)null, Array.Empty<object>()), synchronizedSetting); } static ValConUniformPlugin() { string configPath = Paths.ConfigPath; char directorySeparatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; ConfigFileFullPath = configPath + directorySeparatorChar + ConfigFileName; ConnectionError = ""; ValConUniformLogger = Logger.CreateLogSource("ValConUniform"); ConfigSync = new ConfigSync("RustyMods.ValConUniform") { DisplayName = "ValConUniform", CurrentVersion = "1.0.0", MinimumRequiredVersion = "1.0.0" }; _Asset = GetAssetBundle("valconbundle"); _Root = null; _Plugin = null; _serverConfigLocked = null; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] public static class RegisterAndCheckVersion { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] private static void Prefix(ZNetPeer peer, ref ZNet __instance) { //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0044: Expected O, but got Unknown ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogDebug((object)"Registering version RPC handler"); peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>("ValConUniform_VersionCheck", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)RpcHandlers.RPC_ValConUniform_Version); ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogInfo((object)"Invoking version check"); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write("1.0.0"); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("ValConUniform_VersionCheck", new object[1] { val }); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public static class VerifyClient { private static bool Prefix(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg, ref ZNet __instance) { if (!__instance.IsServer() || RpcHandlers.ValidatedPeers.Contains(rpc)) { return true; } ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogWarning((object)("Peer (" + rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") never sent version or couldn't due to previous disconnect, disconnecting")); rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { 3 }); return false; } private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance) { //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0023: Expected O, but got Unknown ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(ZRoutedRpc.instance.GetServerPeerID(), "ValConUniformRequestAdminSync", new object[1] { (object)new ZPackage() }); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(FejdStartup), "ShowConnectError")] public class ShowConnectionError { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(FejdStartup __instance) { if (__instance.m_connectionFailedPanel.activeSelf) { __instance.m_connectionFailedError.fontSizeMax = 25f; __instance.m_connectionFailedError.fontSizeMin = 15f; TMP_Text connectionFailedError = __instance.m_connectionFailedError; connectionFailedError.text = connectionFailedError.text + "\n" + ValConUniformPlugin.ConnectionError; } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Disconnect")] public static class RemoveDisconnectedPeerFromVerified { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] private static void Prefix(ZNetPeer peer, ref ZNet __instance) { if (__instance.IsServer()) { ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogInfo((object)("Peer (" + peer.m_rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") disconnected, removing from validated list")); RpcHandlers.ValidatedPeers.Remove(peer.m_rpc); } } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public static class RpcHandlers { public static readonly List<ZRpc> ValidatedPeers = new List<ZRpc>(); public static void RPC_ValConUniform_Version(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg) { string text = pkg.ReadString(); ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogInfo((object)("Version check, local: 1.0.0, remote: " + text)); if (text != "1.0.0") { ValConUniformPlugin.ConnectionError = "ValConUniform Installed: 1.0.0\n Needed: " + text; if (ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogWarning((object)("Peer (" + rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") has incompatible version, disconnecting...")); rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { 3 }); } } else if (!ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogInfo((object)"Received same version from server!"); } else { ValConUniformPlugin.ValConUniformLogger.LogInfo((object)("Adding peer (" + rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") to validated list")); ValidatedPeers.Add(rpc); } } public static string ComputeHashForMod() { using SHA256 sHA = SHA256.Create(); byte[] array = sHA.ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); byte[] array2 = array; foreach (byte b in array2) { stringBuilder.Append(b.ToString("X2")); } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } } namespace ValConUniform.Solution { public static class Banners { public static void Setup() { BuildPiece buildPiece = new BuildPiece(ValConUniformPlugin._Asset, "ValconBanner"); buildPiece.Name.English("ValCon Banner"); buildPiece.Description.English(""); buildPiece.Category.Set(BuildPieceCategory.Furniture); buildPiece.Crafting.Set(PieceManager.CraftingTable.Forge); buildPiece.RequiredItems.Add("Coal", 10, recover: true); buildPiece.RequiredItems.Add("Tin", 3, recover: true); MaterialReplacer.RegisterGameObjectForShaderSwap(buildPiece.Prefab, MaterialReplacer.ShaderType.PieceShader); MaterialReplacer.MaterialData materialData = new MaterialReplacer.MaterialData(ValConUniformPlugin._Asset, "Banner.Defense", MaterialReplacer.ShaderType.VegetationShader); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_Height", 15f); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_SwaySpeed", 15f); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_SwayDistance", 0f); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_PushDistance", 0.4f); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_AddRain", 1f); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_RippleDistance", 0.5f); materialData.AddFloatProperty("_PushClothMode", 1f); } } public static class Cape { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ObjectDB), "Awake")] private static class ObjectDB_Awake_Patch { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ObjectDB __instance) { //IL_0266: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_026b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0278: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0287: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_029c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03f6: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance) || !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance)) { return; } ItemDrop component = default(ItemDrop); CraftingStation val4 = default(CraftingStation); ItemDrop resItem = default(ItemDrop); foreach (CustomCape cape in m_capes) { if (cape.DisplayName == null) { continue; } if (cape.Icon != null) { cape.m_icon = cape.m_bundle.LoadAsset<Sprite>(cape.Icon); } if (cape.Albedo != null) { cape.m_albedo = cape.m_bundle.LoadAsset<Texture>(cape.Albedo); } if (cape.Normal != null) { cape.m_normal = cape.m_bundle.LoadAsset<Texture>(cape.Normal); } GameObject itemPrefab = __instance.GetItemPrefab(cape.m_originalCape); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)itemPrefab)) { continue; } GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(itemPrefab, ValConUniformPlugin._Root.transform, false); if (!val.TryGetComponent<ItemDrop>(ref component)) { continue; } ((Object)val).name = cape.Name; ConfigEntry<ValConUniformPlugin.Toggle> enabled = ValConUniformPlugin._Plugin.config(cape.Name, "_Enabled", ValConUniformPlugin.Toggle.On, "If on, item is enabled"); ((Behaviour)component).enabled = enabled.Value == ValConUniformPlugin.Toggle.On; enabled.SettingChanged += delegate { ((Behaviour)component).enabled = enabled.Value == ValConUniformPlugin.Toggle.On; }; component.m_itemData.m_shared.m_icons = (Sprite[])(object)new Sprite[1] { cape.m_icon }; ConfigEntry<string> displayName = ValConUniformPlugin._Plugin.config(cape.Name, "Display Name", cape.DisplayName, "Set display name"); component.m_itemData.m_shared.m_name = displayName.Value; displayName.SettingChanged += delegate { component.m_itemData.m_shared.m_name = displayName.Value; }; component.m_itemData.m_shared.m_description = ""; component.m_itemData.m_shared.m_dlc = ""; MeshRenderer componentInChildren = val.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>(); SkinnedMeshRenderer componentInChildren2 = val.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(true); List<Material> list = new List<Material>(); Material[] materials = ((Renderer)componentInChildren).materials; foreach (Material val2 in materials) { Material val3 = new Material(val2) { name = cape.Name, mainTexture = cape.m_albedo }; val3.SetTexture(BumpMap, cape.m_normal); val3.color = Color.white; list.Add(val3); } ((Renderer)componentInChildren).materials = list.ToArray(); ((Renderer)componentInChildren).sharedMaterials = list.ToArray(); ((Renderer)componentInChildren2).materials = list.ToArray(); ((Renderer)componentInChildren2).sharedMaterials = list.ToArray(); GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(cape.CraftingStation); if (!prefab.TryGetComponent<CraftingStation>(ref val4)) { return; } Recipe val5 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Recipe>(); ((Object)val5).name = "Recipe_" + cape.Name; val5.m_enabled = true; val5.m_item = component; val5.m_craftingStation = val4; val5.m_repairStation = val4; val5.m_amount = cape.Amount; List<Requirement> list2 = new List<Requirement>(); foreach (CustomCape.RecipeRequirement requirement in cape.m_requirements) { GameObject itemPrefab2 = __instance.GetItemPrefab(requirement.m_itemName); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)itemPrefab2) && itemPrefab2.TryGetComponent<ItemDrop>(ref resItem)) { list2.Add(new Requirement { m_resItem = resItem, m_amount = requirement.m_amount, m_recover = requirement.m_recover }); } } val5.m_resources = list2.ToArray(); Helpers.Register(val); } ValConUniformPlugin._Plugin.SetupWatcher(); } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(2)] private class CustomCape { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] public class RecipeRequirement { public string m_itemName { get; set; } = null; public int m_amount { get; set; } public bool m_recover { get; set; } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] public readonly string m_originalCape; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] public readonly string Name; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] public readonly AssetBundle m_bundle; public Sprite m_icon; public Texture m_albedo; public Texture m_normal; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] public readonly List<RecipeRequirement> m_requirements = new List<RecipeRequirement>(); public int Amount { get; set; } = 1; public string DisplayName { get; set; } public string Icon { get; set; } public string Albedo { get; set; } public string Normal { get; set; } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] [field: <e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] public string CraftingStation { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] get; [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] set; } = "piece_workbench"; [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public void Requirement(string itemName, int amount, bool recover = true) { m_requirements.Add(new RecipeRequirement { m_itemName = itemName, m_amount = amount, m_recover = recover }); } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public CustomCape(string original, string name, AssetBundle bundle) { Name = name; m_originalCape = original; m_bundle = bundle; m_capes.Add(this); } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] private static readonly List<CustomCape> m_capes = new List<CustomCape>(); private static readonly int BumpMap = Shader.PropertyToID("_BumpMap"); public static void Setup() { CustomCape customCape = new CustomCape("CapeOdin", "CapeValCon", ValConUniformPlugin._Asset); customCape.DisplayName = "ValCon Cape"; customCape.Albedo = "valconCape_d2"; customCape.Icon = "valconcapeicon1"; customCape.Normal = "valconCape_n1"; customCape.CraftingStation = "piece_workbench"; customCape.Amount = 1; customCape.Requirement("SwordCheat", 1, recover: false); } } public static class Helmet { public static void Setup() { Item item = new Item(ValConUniformPlugin._Asset, "HelmetValcon"); item.Name.English("ValCon Helm"); item.Description.English(""); item.Crafting.Add(ItemManager.CraftingTable.Forge, 3); item.RequiredItems.Add("SwordCheat", 1); } } public static class Helpers { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public static void Register(GameObject prefab, bool item = true) { if (item) { if (!ObjectDB.instance.m_items.Contains(prefab)) { ObjectDB.instance.m_items.Add(prefab); } ObjectDB.instance.m_itemByHash[StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode(((Object)prefab).name)] = prefab; } if (!ZNetScene.instance.m_prefabs.Contains(prefab)) { ZNetScene.instance.m_prefabs.Add(prefab); } ZNetScene.instance.m_namedPrefabs[StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode(((Object)prefab).name)] = prefab; } } public static class Shield { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ObjectDB), "Awake")] private static class ObjectDB_Awake_Patch { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ObjectDB __instance) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance) || !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance)) { return; } GameObject itemPrefab = __instance.GetItemPrefab("ShieldWood"); MeshRenderer componentInChildren = itemPrefab.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>(true); Texture val = ValConUniformPlugin._Asset.LoadAsset<Texture>("valconshield_paint1"); Sprite item = ValConUniformPlugin._Asset.LoadAsset<Sprite>("ValCon_Logo_No_BG"); Material[] materials = ((Renderer)componentInChildren).materials; foreach (Material val2 in materials) { if (val2.HasProperty("_StyleTex")) { val2.SetTexture("_StyleTex", val); } } ItemDrop val3 = default(ItemDrop); if (itemPrefab.TryGetComponent<ItemDrop>(ref val3)) { List<Sprite> list = val3.m_itemData.m_shared.m_icons.ToList(); list.Add(item); val3.m_itemData.m_shared.m_icons = list.ToArray(); SharedData shared = val3.m_itemData.m_shared; shared.m_variants++; } } } } } namespace PieceManager { [PublicAPI] public enum CraftingTable { None, [InternalName("piece_workbench")] Workbench, [InternalName("piece_cauldron")] Cauldron, [InternalName("forge")] Forge, [InternalName("piece_artisanstation")] ArtisanTable, [InternalName("piece_stonecutter")] StoneCutter, [InternalName("piece_magetable")] MageTable, [InternalName("blackforge")] BlackForge, [InternalName("piece_preptable")] FoodPreparationTable, [InternalName("piece_MeadCauldron")] MeadKetill, Custom } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public class InternalName : Attribute { public readonly string internalName; public InternalName(string internalName) { this.internalName = internalName; } } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] public class ExtensionList { public readonly List<ExtensionConfig> ExtensionStations = new List<ExtensionConfig>(); public void Set(CraftingTable table, int maxStationDistance = 5) { ExtensionStations.Add(new ExtensionConfig { Table = table, maxStationDistance = maxStationDistance }); } public void Set(string customTable, int maxStationDistance = 5) { ExtensionStations.Add(new ExtensionConfig { Table = CraftingTable.Custom, custom = customTable, maxStationDistance = maxStationDistance }); } } public struct ExtensionConfig { public CraftingTable Table; public float maxStationDistance; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] public string custom; } [PublicAPI] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public class CraftingStationList { public readonly List<CraftingStationConfig> Stations = new List<CraftingStationConfig>(); public void Set(CraftingTable table) { Stations.Add(new CraftingStationConfig { Table = table }); } public void Set(string customTable) { Stations.Add(new CraftingStationConfig { Table = CraftingTable.Custom, custom = customTable }); } } public struct CraftingStationConfig { public CraftingTable Table; public int level; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] public string custom; } [PublicAPI] public enum BuildPieceCategory { Misc = 0, Crafting = 1, BuildingWorkbench = 2, BuildingStonecutter = 3, Furniture = 4, All = 100, Custom = 99 } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] public class RequiredResourcesList { public readonly List<Requirement> Requirements = new List<Requirement>(); public void Add(string item, int amount, bool recover) { Requirements.Add(new Requirement { itemName = item, amount = amount, recover = recover }); } } public struct Requirement { [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(1)] public string itemName; public int amount; public bool recover; } public struct SpecialProperties { [Description("Admins should be the only ones that can build this piece.")] public bool AdminOnly; [Description("Turns off generating a config for this build piece.")] public bool NoConfig; } [PublicAPI] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public class BuildingPieceCategory { public BuildPieceCategory Category; public string custom = ""; public void Set(BuildPieceCategory category) { Category = category; } public void Set(string customCategory) { Category = BuildPieceCategory.Custom; custom = customCategory; } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public class PieceTool { public readonly HashSet<string> Tools = new HashSet<string>(); public void Add(string tool) { Tools.Add(tool); } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public class BuildPiece { [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] internal class PieceConfig { public ConfigEntry<string> craft = null; public ConfigEntry<BuildPieceCategory> category = null; public ConfigEntry<string> customCategory = null; public ConfigEntry<string> tools = null; public ConfigEntry<CraftingTable> extensionTable = null; public ConfigEntry<string> customExtentionTable = null; public ConfigEntry<float> maxStationDistance = null; public ConfigEntry<CraftingTable> table = null; public ConfigEntry<string> customTable = null; } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] private class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public int? Order; [UsedImplicitly] public bool? Browsable; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] [UsedImplicitly] public string Category; [UsedImplicitly] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public Action<ConfigEntryBase> CustomDrawer; } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] private class SerializedRequirements { public readonly List<Requirement> Reqs; public SerializedRequirements(List<Requirement> reqs) { Reqs = reqs; } public SerializedRequirements(string reqs) { Reqs = reqs.Split(new char[1] { ',' }).Select([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (string r) => { string[] array = r.Split(new char[1] { ':' }); Requirement result = default(Requirement); result.itemName = array[0]; result.amount = ((array.Length <= 1 || !int.TryParse(array[1], out var result2)) ? 1 : result2); bool result3 = default(bool); result.recover = array.Length <= 2 || !bool.TryParse(array[2], out result3) || result3; return result; }).ToList(); } public override string ToString() { return string.Join(",", Reqs.Select([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => $"{r.itemName}:{r.amount}:{r.recover}")); } [return: <e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] public static ItemDrop fetchByName(ObjectDB objectDB, string name) { GameObject itemPrefab = objectDB.GetItemPrefab(name); ItemDrop val = ((itemPrefab != null) ? itemPrefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>() : null); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { Debug.LogWarning((object)(((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Object)plugin).name)) ? ("[" + ((Object)plugin).name + "]") : "") + " The required item '" + name + "' does not exist.")); } return val; } public static Requirement[] toPieceReqs(SerializedRequirements craft) { Dictionary<string, Requirement> dictionary = craft.Reqs.Where((Requirement r) => r.itemName != "").ToDictionary((Func<Requirement, string>)([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => r.itemName), (Func<Requirement, Requirement>)([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ItemDrop val = ResItem(r); return (val == null) ? ((Requirement)null) : new Requirement { m_amount = r.amount, m_resItem = val, m_recover = r.recover }; })); return dictionary.Values.Where([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement v) => v != null).ToArray(); [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(2)] static ItemDrop ResItem(Requirement r) { return fetchByName(ObjectDB.instance, r.itemName); } } } internal static readonly List<BuildPiece> registeredPieces = new List<BuildPiece>(); private static readonly Dictionary<Piece, BuildPiece> pieceMap = new Dictionary<Piece, BuildPiece>(); internal static Dictionary<BuildPiece, PieceConfig> pieceConfigs = new Dictionary<BuildPiece, PieceConfig>(); internal List<Conversion> Conversions = new List<Conversion>(); internal List<ItemConversion> conversions = new List<ItemConversion>(); [Description("Disables generation of the configs for your pieces. This is global, this turns it off for all pieces in your mod.")] public static bool ConfigurationEnabled = true; public readonly GameObject Prefab; public List<string> PlaceEffects = new List<string>(); public List<string> HitEffects = new List<string>(); public List<string> DestroyedEffects = new List<string>(); public List<string> SwitchEffects = new List<string>(); public List<string> RandomSpeakEffects = new List<string>(); public string CloneDoorEffectsFrom = ""; [Description("Specifies the resources needed to craft the piece.\nUse .Add to add resources with their internal ID and an amount.\nUse one .Add for each resource type the building piece should need.")] public readonly RequiredResourcesList RequiredItems = new RequiredResourcesList(); [Description("Sets the category for the building piece.")] public readonly BuildingPieceCategory Category = new BuildingPieceCategory(); [Description("Specifies the tool needed to build your piece.\nUse .Add to add a tool.")] public readonly PieceTool Tool = new PieceTool(); [Description("Specifies the crafting station needed to build your piece.\nUse .Add to add a crafting station, using the CraftingTable enum and a minimum level for the crafting station.")] public CraftingStationList Crafting = new CraftingStationList(); [Description("Makes this piece a station extension")] public ExtensionList Extension = new ExtensionList(); [Description("Change the extended/special properties of your build piece.")] public SpecialProperties SpecialProperties; [Description("Specifies a config entry which toggles whether a recipe is active.")] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntryBase RecipeIsActive = null; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] private LocalizeKey _name; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] private LocalizeKey _description; internal string[] activeTools = null; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] private static object configManager; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] private static Localization _english; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] internal static BaseUnityPlugin _plugin = null; private static bool hasConfigSync = true; [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] private static object _configSync; public LocalizeKey Name { get { LocalizeKey name = _name; if (name != null) { return name; } Piece component = Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>(); if (component.m_name.StartsWith("$")) { _name = new LocalizeKey(component.m_name); } else { string text = "$piece_" + ((Object)Prefab).name.Replace(" ", "_"); _name = new LocalizeKey(text).English(component.m_name); component.m_name = text; } return _name; } } public LocalizeKey Description { get { LocalizeKey description = _description; if (description != null) { return description; } Piece component = Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>(); if (component.m_description.StartsWith("$")) { _description = new LocalizeKey(component.m_description); } else { string text = "$piece_" + ((Object)Prefab).name.Replace(" ", "_") + "_description"; _description = new LocalizeKey(text).English(component.m_description); component.m_description = text; } return _description; } } private static Localization english => _english ?? (_english = LocalizationCache.ForLanguage("English")); internal static BaseUnityPlugin plugin { get { //IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bd: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_plugin != null) { return _plugin; } IEnumerable<TypeInfo> source; try { source = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().DefinedTypes.ToList(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { source = from t in ex.Types where t != null select t.GetTypeInfo(); } _plugin = (BaseUnityPlugin)Chainloader.ManagerObject.GetComponent((Type)source.First([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (TypeInfo t) => t.IsClass && typeof(BaseUnityPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t))); return _plugin; } } [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] private static object configSync { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(2)] get { if (_configSync != null || !hasConfigSync) { return _configSync; } Type type = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("ServerSync.ConfigSync"); if ((object)type != null) { _configSync = Activator.CreateInstance(type, plugin.Info.Metadata.GUID + " PieceManager"); type.GetField("CurrentVersion").SetValue(_configSync, plugin.Info.Metadata.Version.ToString()); type.GetProperty("IsLocked").SetValue(_configSync, true); } else { hasConfigSync = false; } return _configSync; } } public void UpdateEffects() { UpdateEffectList(PlaceEffects, ref Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_placeEffect); RandomSpeak val = default(RandomSpeak); if (Prefab.TryGetComponent<RandomSpeak>(ref val)) { UpdateEffectList(RandomSpeakEffects, ref val.m_speakEffects); } WearNTear val2 = default(WearNTear); if (Prefab.TryGetComponent<WearNTear>(ref val2)) { UpdateEffectList(DestroyedEffects, ref val2.m_destroyedEffect); UpdateEffectList(HitEffects, ref val2.m_hitEffect); UpdateEffectList(SwitchEffects, ref val2.m_switchEffect); } Door val3 = default(Door); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance) && !Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CloneDoorEffectsFrom) && Prefab.TryGetComponent<Door>(ref val3)) { GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(CloneDoorEffectsFrom); Door val4 = default(Door); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)prefab) && prefab.TryGetComponent<Door>(ref val4)) { val3.m_openEffects = val4.m_openEffects; val3.m_closeEffects = val4.m_closeEffects; val3.m_lockedEffects = val4.m_lockedEffects; } } } private static void UpdateEffectList(List<string> effects, ref EffectList list) { if (effects.Count != 0 && !((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance == (Object)null)) { list.m_effectPrefabs = list.m_effectPrefabs.Concat((from effect in ((IEnumerable<string>)effects).Select((Func<string, GameObject>)ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab) where (Object)(object)effect != (Object)null select effect).Select((Func<GameObject, EffectData>)([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (GameObject effect) => new EffectData { m_prefab = effect, m_enabled = true }))).ToArray(); } } public BuildPiece(string assetBundleFileName, string prefabName, string folderName = "assets") : this(PiecePrefabManager.RegisterAssetBundle(assetBundleFileName, folderName), prefabName) { } public BuildPiece(AssetBundle bundle, string prefabName) { Prefab = PiecePrefabManager.RegisterPrefab(bundle, prefabName); registeredPieces.Add(this); } internal static void Patch_FejdStartup(FejdStartup __instance) { //IL_00fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0101: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02eb: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0389: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0393: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0431: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_040b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0410: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_048c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0496: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0606: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0610: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_08ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_08f4: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_067b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0685: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0721: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_072b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_095f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0969: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0b7e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0b88: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0c18: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0c22: Expected O, but got Unknown Type configManagerType = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Assembly a) => a.GetName().Name == "ConfigurationManager")?.GetType("ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationManager"); configManager = ((configManagerType == null) ? null : Chainloader.ManagerObject.GetComponent(configManagerType)); foreach (BuildPiece registeredPiece in registeredPieces) { registeredPiece.activeTools = registeredPiece.Tool.Tools.DefaultIfEmpty("Hammer").ToArray(); if (registeredPiece.Category.Category != BuildPieceCategory.Custom) { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_category = (PieceCategory)registeredPiece.Category.Category; } else { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_category = PiecePrefabManager.GetCategory(registeredPiece.Category.custom); } } if (!ConfigurationEnabled) { return; } bool saveOnConfigSet = plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet; plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (BuildPiece registeredPiece2 in registeredPieces) { BuildPiece piece = registeredPiece2; if (piece.SpecialProperties.NoConfig) { continue; } PieceConfig pieceConfig2 = (pieceConfigs[piece] = new PieceConfig()); PieceConfig cfg = pieceConfig2; Piece piecePrefab2 = piece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>(); string pieceName = piecePrefab2.m_name; string englishName = new Regex("[=\\n\\t\\\\\"\\'\\[\\]]*").Replace(english.Localize(pieceName), "").Trim(); string localizedName = Localization.instance.Localize(pieceName).Trim(); int order = 0; cfg.category = config(englishName, "Build Table Category", piece.Category.Category, new ConfigDescription("Build Category where " + localizedName + " is available.", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), Category = localizedName } })); ConfigurationManagerAttributes customTableAttributes = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), Browsable = (cfg.category.Value == BuildPieceCategory.Custom), Category = localizedName }; cfg.customCategory = config(englishName, "Custom Build Category", piece.Category.custom, new ConfigDescription("", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { customTableAttributes })); cfg.category.SettingChanged += BuildTableConfigChanged; cfg.customCategory.SettingChanged += BuildTableConfigChanged; if (cfg.category.Value == BuildPieceCategory.Custom) { piecePrefab2.m_category = PiecePrefabManager.GetCategory(cfg.customCategory.Value); } else { piecePrefab2.m_category = (PieceCategory)cfg.category.Value; } = config(englishName, "Tools", string.Join(", ", piece.activeTools), new ConfigDescription("Comma separated list of tools where " + localizedName + " is available.", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { customTableAttributes })); piece.activeTools = (from s in char[1] { ',' }) select s.Trim()).ToArray(); += [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { Inventory[] source = (from c in Player.s_players.Select([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Player p) => ((Humanoid)p).GetInventory()).Concat(from c in Object.FindObjectsOfType<Container>() select c.GetInventory()) where c != null select c).ToArray(); Dictionary<string, List<PieceTable>> dictionary = (from kv in (from i in (from p in ObjectDB.instance.m_items select p.GetComponent<ItemDrop>() into c where Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)c) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)c).GetComponent<ZNetView>()) select c).Concat(ItemDrop.s_instances) select new KeyValuePair<string, ItemData>(Utils.GetPrefabName(((Component)i).gameObject), i.m_itemData)).Concat(from i in source.SelectMany([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Inventory i) => i.GetAllItems()) select new KeyValuePair<string, ItemData>(((Object)i.m_dropPrefab).name, i)) where Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)kv.Value.m_shared.m_buildPieces) group kv by kv.Key).ToDictionary([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (IGrouping<string, KeyValuePair<string, ItemData>> g) => g.Key, [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (IGrouping<string, KeyValuePair<string, ItemData>> g) => g.Select([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (KeyValuePair<string, ItemData> kv) => kv.Value.m_shared.m_buildPieces).Distinct().ToList()); string[] array5 = piece.activeTools; foreach (string key in array5) { if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var value3)) { foreach (PieceTable item3 in value3) { item3.m_pieces.Remove(piece.Prefab); } } } piece.activeTools = (from s in char[1] { ',' }) select s.Trim()).ToArray(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance)) { string[] array6 = piece.activeTools; foreach (string key2 in array6) { if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key2, out var value4)) { foreach (PieceTable item4 in value4) { if (!item4.m_pieces.Contains(piece.Prefab)) { item4.m_pieces.Add(piece.Prefab); } } } } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer.m_buildPieces)) { PiecePrefabManager.CategoryRefreshNeeded = true; ((Humanoid)Player.m_localPlayer).SetPlaceMode(Player.m_localPlayer.m_buildPieces); } } }; StationExtension pieceExtensionComp; List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes> hideWhenNoneAttributes2; if (piece.Extension.ExtensionStations.Count > 0) { pieceExtensionComp = piece.Prefab.GetOrAddComponent<StationExtension>(); PieceConfig pieceConfig3 = cfg; string group = englishName; CraftingTable table = piece.Extension.ExtensionStations.First().Table; string text = "Crafting station that " + localizedName + " extends."; object[] array = new object[1]; ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes(); int num = order - 1; order = num; configurationManagerAttributes.Order = num; array[0] = configurationManagerAttributes; pieceConfig3.extensionTable = config(group, "Extends Station", table, new ConfigDescription(text, (AcceptableValueBase)null, array)); cfg.customExtentionTable = config(englishName, "Custom Extend Station", piece.Extension.ExtensionStations.First().custom ?? "", new ConfigDescription("", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { customTableAttributes })); PieceConfig pieceConfig4 = cfg; string group2 = englishName; float maxStationDistance = piece.Extension.ExtensionStations.First().maxStationDistance; string text2 = "Distance from the station that " + localizedName + " can be placed."; object[] array2 = new object[1]; ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes2 = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes(); num = order - 1; order = num; configurationManagerAttributes2.Order = num; array2[0] = configurationManagerAttributes2; pieceConfig4.maxStationDistance = config(group2, "Max Station Distance", maxStationDistance, new ConfigDescription(text2, (AcceptableValueBase)null, array2)); hideWhenNoneAttributes2 = new List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(); cfg.extensionTable.SettingChanged += ExtensionTableConfigChanged; cfg.customExtentionTable.SettingChanged += ExtensionTableConfigChanged; cfg.maxStationDistance.SettingChanged += ExtensionTableConfigChanged; ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes3 = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes(); num = order - 1; order = num; configurationManagerAttributes3.Order = num; configurationManagerAttributes3.Browsable = cfg.extensionTable.Value != CraftingTable.None; ConfigurationManagerAttributes item = configurationManagerAttributes3; hideWhenNoneAttributes2.Add(item); } List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes> hideWhenNoneAttributes; if (piece.Crafting.Stations.Count > 0) { hideWhenNoneAttributes = new List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(); PieceConfig pieceConfig5 = cfg; string group3 = englishName; CraftingTable table2 = piece.Crafting.Stations.First().Table; string text3 = "Crafting station where " + localizedName + " is available."; object[] array3 = new object[1]; ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes4 = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes(); int num = order - 1; order = num; configurationManagerAttributes4.Order = num; array3[0] = configurationManagerAttributes4; pieceConfig5.table = config(group3, "Crafting Station", table2, new ConfigDescription(text3, (AcceptableValueBase)null, array3)); cfg.customTable = config(englishName, "Custom Crafting Station", piece.Crafting.Stations.First().custom ?? "", new ConfigDescription("", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { customTableAttributes })); cfg.table.SettingChanged += TableConfigChanged; cfg.customTable.SettingChanged += TableConfigChanged; ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes5 = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes(); num = order - 1; order = num; configurationManagerAttributes5.Order = num; configurationManagerAttributes5.Browsable = cfg.table.Value != CraftingTable.None; ConfigurationManagerAttributes item2 = configurationManagerAttributes5; hideWhenNoneAttributes.Add(item2); } cfg.craft = itemConfig("Crafting Costs", new SerializedRequirements(piece.RequiredItems.Requirements).ToString(), "Item costs to craft " + localizedName); cfg.craft.SettingChanged += [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance) && (Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab("YmirRemains") != (Object)null) { Requirement[] resources = SerializedRequirements.toPieceReqs(new SerializedRequirements(cfg.craft.Value)); piecePrefab2.m_resources = resources; Piece[] array4 = Object.FindObjectsOfType<Piece>(); foreach (Piece val in array4) { if (val.m_name == pieceName) { val.m_resources = resources; } } } }; for (int j = 0; j < piece.Conversions.Count; j++) { string text4 = ((piece.Conversions.Count > 1) ? $"{j + 1}. " : ""); Conversion conversion = piece.Conversions[j]; conversion.config = new Conversion.ConversionConfig(); int index = j; conversion.config.input = config(englishName, text4 + "Conversion Input Item", conversion.Input, new ConfigDescription("Conversion input item within " + englishName, (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Category = localizedName } })); conversion.config.input.SettingChanged += [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (index < piece.conversions.Count) { ObjectDB instance2 = ObjectDB.instance; if (instance2 != null) { ItemDrop from = SerializedRequirements.fetchByName(instance2, conversion.config.input.Value); piece.conversions[index].m_from = from; } } }; conversion.config.output = config(englishName, text4 + "Conversion Output Item", conversion.Output, new ConfigDescription("Conversion output item within " + englishName, (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Category = localizedName } })); conversion.config.output.SettingChanged += [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (index < piece.conversions.Count) { ObjectDB instance = ObjectDB.instance; if (instance != null) { ItemDrop to = SerializedRequirements.fetchByName(instance, conversion.config.output.Value); piece.conversions[index].m_to = to; } } }; } void BuildTableConfigChanged(object o, EventArgs e) { //IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (registeredPieces.Count > 0) { if (cfg.category.Value == BuildPieceCategory.Custom) { piecePrefab2.m_category = PiecePrefabManager.GetCategory(cfg.customCategory.Value); } else { piecePrefab2.m_category = (PieceCategory)cfg.category.Value; } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Hud.instance)) { PiecePrefabManager.CategoryRefreshNeeded = true; PiecePrefabManager.CreateCategoryTabs(); } } customTableAttributes.Browsable = cfg.category.Value == BuildPieceCategory.Custom; ReloadConfigDisplay(); } void ExtensionTableConfigChanged(object o, EventArgs e) { if (piece.RequiredItems.Requirements.Count > 0) { CraftingTable value2 = cfg.extensionTable.Value; CraftingTable craftingTable = value2; if (craftingTable == CraftingTable.Custom) { StationExtension obj2 = pieceExtensionComp; GameObject prefab2 = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(cfg.customExtentionTable.Value); obj2.m_craftingStation = ((prefab2 != null) ? prefab2.GetComponent<CraftingStation>() : null); } else { pieceExtensionComp.m_craftingStation = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((InternalName)typeof(CraftingTable).GetMember(cfg.extensionTable.Value.ToString())[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalName)).First()).internalName).GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } pieceExtensionComp.m_maxStationDistance = cfg.maxStationDistance.Value; } customTableAttributes.Browsable = cfg.extensionTable.Value == CraftingTable.Custom; foreach (ConfigurationManagerAttributes item5 in hideWhenNoneAttributes2) { item5.Browsable = cfg.extensionTable.Value != CraftingTable.None; } ReloadConfigDisplay(); plugin.Config.Save(); } void TableConfigChanged(object o, EventArgs e) { if (piece.RequiredItems.Requirements.Count > 0) { switch (cfg.table.Value) { case CraftingTable.None: piecePrefab2.m_craftingStation = null; break; case CraftingTable.Custom: { Piece obj = piecePrefab2; GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(cfg.customTable.Value); obj.m_craftingStation = ((prefab != null) ? prefab.GetComponent<CraftingStation>() : null); break; } default: piecePrefab2.m_craftingStation = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((InternalName)typeof(CraftingTable).GetMember(cfg.table.Value.ToString())[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalName)).First()).internalName).GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); break; } } customTableAttributes.Browsable = cfg.table.Value == CraftingTable.Custom; foreach (ConfigurationManagerAttributes item6 in hideWhenNoneAttributes) { item6.Browsable = cfg.table.Value != CraftingTable.None; } ReloadConfigDisplay(); plugin.Config.Save(); } ConfigEntry<string> itemConfig(string name, string value, string desc) { //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes6 = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { CustomDrawer = DrawConfigTable, Order = (order -= 1), Category = localizedName }; return config(englishName, name, value, new ConfigDescription(desc, (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { configurationManagerAttributes6 })); } } foreach (BuildPiece registeredPiece3 in registeredPieces) { ConfigEntryBase enabledCfg = registeredPiece3.RecipeIsActive; Piece piecePrefab; if (enabledCfg != null) { piecePrefab = registeredPiece3.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>(); ConfigChanged(null, null); ((object)enabledCfg).GetType().GetEvent("SettingChanged").AddEventHandler(enabledCfg, new EventHandler(ConfigChanged)); } registeredPiece3.InitializeNewRegisteredPiece(registeredPiece3); [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(2)] void ConfigChanged(object o, EventArgs e) { piecePrefab.m_enabled = (int)enabledCfg.BoxedValue != 0; } } if (saveOnConfigSet) { plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet = true; plugin.Config.Save(); } void ReloadConfigDisplay() { object obj3 = configManagerType?.GetProperty("DisplayingWindow").GetValue(configManager); if (obj3 is bool && (bool)obj3) { configManagerType.GetMethod("BuildSettingList").Invoke(configManager, Array.Empty<object>()); } } } private void InitializeNewRegisteredPiece(BuildPiece piece) { ConfigEntryBase recipeIsActive = piece.RecipeIsActive; PieceConfig cfg; Piece piecePrefab; string pieceName; if (recipeIsActive != null) { pieceConfigs.TryGetValue(piece, out cfg); piecePrefab = piece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>(); pieceName = piecePrefab.m_name; ((object)recipeIsActive).GetType().GetEvent("SettingChanged").AddEventHandler(recipeIsActive, new EventHandler(ConfigChanged)); } void ConfigChanged(object o, EventArgs e) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance) && (Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab("YmirRemains") != (Object)null && cfg != null) { Requirement[] resources = SerializedRequirements.toPieceReqs(new SerializedRequirements(cfg.craft.Value)); piecePrefab.m_resources = resources; Piece[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<Piece>(); foreach (Piece val in array) { if (val.m_name == pieceName) { val.m_resources = resources; } } } } } [HarmonyPriority(700)] internal static void Patch_ObjectDBInit(ObjectDB __instance) { //IL_0489: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_048e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04f9: Expected O, but got Unknown if ((Object)(object)__instance.GetItemPrefab("YmirRemains") == (Object)null) { return; } foreach (BuildPiece registeredPiece in registeredPieces) { pieceConfigs.TryGetValue(registeredPiece, out var value); registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_resources = SerializedRequirements.toPieceReqs((value == null) ? new SerializedRequirements(registeredPiece.RequiredItems.Requirements) : new SerializedRequirements(value.craft.Value)); foreach (ExtensionConfig extensionStation in registeredPiece.Extension.ExtensionStations) { switch ((value == null || registeredPiece.Extension.ExtensionStations.Count > 0) ? extensionStation.Table : value.extensionTable.Value) { case CraftingTable.None: registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<StationExtension>().m_craftingStation = null; break; case CraftingTable.Custom: { GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab((value == null || registeredPiece.Extension.ExtensionStations.Count > 0) ? extensionStation.custom : value.customExtentionTable.Value); if (prefab != null) { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<StationExtension>().m_craftingStation = prefab.GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } else { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Custom crafting station '" + ((value == null || registeredPiece.Extension.ExtensionStations.Count > 0) ? extensionStation.custom : value.customExtentionTable.Value) + "' does not exist")); } break; } default: if (value != null && value.table.Value == CraftingTable.None) { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<StationExtension>().m_craftingStation = null; } else { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<StationExtension>().m_craftingStation = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((InternalName)typeof(CraftingTable).GetMember(((value == null || registeredPiece.Extension.ExtensionStations.Count > 0) ? extensionStation.Table : value.extensionTable.Value).ToString())[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalName)).First()).internalName).GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } break; } } foreach (CraftingStationConfig station in registeredPiece.Crafting.Stations) { switch ((value == null || registeredPiece.Crafting.Stations.Count > 0) ? station.Table : value.table.Value) { case CraftingTable.None: registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_craftingStation = null; break; case CraftingTable.Custom: { GameObject prefab2 = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab((value == null || registeredPiece.Crafting.Stations.Count > 0) ? station.custom : value.customTable.Value); if (prefab2 != null) { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_craftingStation = prefab2.GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } else { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Custom crafting station '" + ((value == null || registeredPiece.Crafting.Stations.Count > 0) ? station.custom : value.customTable.Value) + "' does not exist")); } break; } default: if (value != null && value.table.Value == CraftingTable.None) { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_craftingStation = null; } else { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_craftingStation = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((InternalName)typeof(CraftingTable).GetMember(((value == null || registeredPiece.Crafting.Stations.Count > 0) ? station.Table : value.table.Value).ToString())[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalName)).First()).internalName).GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } break; } } registeredPiece.conversions = new List<ItemConversion>(); for (int i = 0; i < registeredPiece.Conversions.Count; i++) { Conversion conversion = registeredPiece.Conversions[i]; registeredPiece.conversions.Add(new ItemConversion { m_from = SerializedRequirements.fetchByName(ObjectDB.instance, conversion.config?.input.Value ?? conversion.Input), m_to = SerializedRequirements.fetchByName(ObjectDB.instance, conversion.config?.output.Value ?? conversion.Output) }); if (registeredPiece.conversions[i].m_from != null && registeredPiece.conversions[i].m_to != null) { registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Smelter>().m_conversion.Add(registeredPiece.conversions[i]); } } } } public void Snapshot(float lightIntensity = 1.3f, Quaternion? cameraRotation = null) { SnapshotPiece(Prefab, lightIntensity, cameraRotation); } internal void SnapshotPiece(GameObject prefab, float lightIntensity = 1.3f, Quaternion? cameraRotation = null) { //IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0101: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0121: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0141: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0208: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_020d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0210: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0234: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0239: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0250: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0255: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0257: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0259: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0263: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0268: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0273: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0275: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0277: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_027c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0322: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0333: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0338: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_036f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0376: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0394: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!((Object)(object)prefab == (Object)null) && (prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>().Any() || prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>().Any())) { Camera component = new GameObject("CameraIcon", new Type[1] { typeof(Camera) }).GetComponent<Camera>(); component.backgroundColor = Color.clear; component.clearFlags = (CameraClearFlags)2; ((Component)component).transform.position = new Vector3(10000f, 10000f, 10000f); ((Component)component).transform.rotation = (Quaternion)(((??)cameraRotation) ?? Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f)); component.fieldOfView = 0.5f; component.farClipPlane = 100000f; component.cullingMask = 8; Light component2 = new GameObject("LightIcon", new Type[1] { typeof(Light) }).GetComponent<Light>(); ((Component)component2).transform.position = new Vector3(10000f, 10000f, 10000f); ((Component)component2).transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(5f, 180f, 5f); component2.type = (LightType)1; component2.cullingMask = 8; component2.intensity = lightIntensity; GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(prefab); Transform[] componentsInChildren = val.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); foreach (Transform val2 in componentsInChildren) { ((Component)val2).gameObject.layer = 3; } val.transform.position =; val.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(23f, 51f, 25.8f); ((Object)val).name = ((Object)prefab).name; MeshRenderer[] componentsInChildren2 = val.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>(); Vector3 val3 = componentsInChildren2.Aggregate(Vector3.positiveInfinity, [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Vector3 cur, MeshRenderer renderer) => { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Bounds bounds2 = ((Renderer)renderer).bounds; return Vector3.Min(cur, ((Bounds)(ref bounds2)).min); }); Vector3 val4 = componentsInChildren2.Aggregate(Vector3.negativeInfinity, [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (Vector3 cur, MeshRenderer renderer) => { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Bounds bounds = ((Renderer)renderer).bounds; return Vector3.Max(cur, ((Bounds)(ref bounds)).max); }); val.transform.position = new Vector3(10000f, 10000f, 10000f) - (val3 + val4) / 2f; Vector3 val5 = val4 - val3; TimedDestruction val6 = val.AddComponent<TimedDestruction>(); val6.Trigger(1f); Rect val7 = default(Rect); ((Rect)(ref val7))..ctor(0f, 0f, 128f, 128f); component.targetTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary((int)((Rect)(ref val7)).width, (int)((Rect)(ref val7)).height); component.fieldOfView = 20f; float num = Mathf.Max(val5.x, val5.y) + 0.1f; float num2 = num / Mathf.Tan(component.fieldOfView * ((float)Math.PI / 180f)) * 1.1f; ((Component)component).transform.position = new Vector3(10000f, 10000f, 10000f) + new Vector3(0f, 0f, num2); component.Render(); RenderTexture active =; = component.targetTexture; Texture2D val8 = new Texture2D((int)((Rect)(ref val7)).width, (int)((Rect)(ref val7)).height, (TextureFormat)4, false); val8.ReadPixels(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)(int)((Rect)(ref val7)).width, (float)(int)((Rect)(ref val7)).height), 0, 0); val8.Apply(); = active; prefab.GetComponent<Piece>().m_icon = Sprite.Create(val8, new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)(int)((Rect)(ref val7)).width, (float)(int)((Rect)(ref val7)).height), / 2f); ((Component)component2).gameObject.SetActive(false); component.targetTexture.Release(); ((Component)component).gameObject.SetActive(false); val.SetActive(false); Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)val); Object.Destroy((Object)(object)component); Object.Destroy((Object)(object)component2); Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)component).gameObject); Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)component2).gameObject); } } private static void DrawConfigTable(ConfigEntryBase cfg) { //IL_0108: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0123: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0158: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e0: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_020c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0211: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0227: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0279: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_027e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0294: Expected O, but got Unknown bool valueOrDefault = cfg.Description.Tags.Select([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (object a) => (a.GetType().Name == "ConfigurationManagerAttributes") ? ((bool?)a.GetType().GetField("ReadOnly")?.GetValue(a)) : null).FirstOrDefault((bool? v) => v.HasValue).GetValueOrDefault(); List<Requirement> list = new List<Requirement>(); bool flag = false; int num = (int)(configManager?.GetType().GetProperty("RightColumnWidth", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true) .Invoke(configManager, Array.Empty<object>()) ?? ((object)130)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()); foreach (Requirement req in new SerializedRequirements((string)cfg.BoxedValue).Reqs) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()); int num2 = req.amount; if (int.TryParse(GUILayout.TextField(num2.ToString(), new GUIStyle( { fixedWidth = 40f }, Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()), out var result) && result != num2 && !valueOrDefault) { num2 = result; flag = true; } string text = GUILayout.TextField(req.itemName, new GUIStyle( { fixedWidth = num - 40 - 67 - 21 - 21 - 12 }, Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()); string text2 = (valueOrDefault ? req.itemName : text); flag = flag || text2 != req.itemName; bool flag2 = req.recover; if (GUILayout.Toggle(req.recover, "Recover", new GUIStyle( { fixedWidth = 67f }, Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()) != req.recover) { flag2 = !flag2; flag = true; } if (GUILayout.Button("x", new GUIStyle( { fixedWidth = 21f }, Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()) && !valueOrDefault) { flag = true; } else { list.Add(new Requirement { amount = num2, itemName = text2, recover = flag2 }); } if (GUILayout.Button("+", new GUIStyle( { fixedWidth = 21f }, Array.Empty<GUILayoutOption>()) && !valueOrDefault) { flag = true; list.Add(new Requirement { amount = 1, itemName = "", recover = false }); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (flag) { cfg.BoxedValue = new SerializedRequirements(list).ToString(); } } private static ConfigEntry<T> config<[<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] T>(string group, string name, T value, ConfigDescription description) { ConfigEntry<T> val = plugin.Config.Bind<T>(group, name, value, description); configSync?.GetType().GetMethod("AddConfigEntry").MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T)) .Invoke(configSync, new object[1] { val }); return val; } private static ConfigEntry<T> config<[<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] T>(string group, string name, T value, string description) { //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Expected O, but got Unknown return config(group, name, value, new ConfigDescription(description, (AcceptableValueBase)null, Array.Empty<object>())); } } public static class GoExtensions { [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] public static T GetOrAddComponent<[<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] T>(this GameObject gameObject) where T : Component { return gameObject.GetComponent<T>() ?? gameObject.AddComponent<T>(); } } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] public class LocalizeKey { private static readonly List<LocalizeKey> keys = new List<LocalizeKey>(); public readonly string Key; public readonly Dictionary<string, string> Localizations = new Dictionary<string, string>(); public LocalizeKey(string key) { Key = key.Replace("$", ""); keys.Add(this); } public void Alias(string alias) { Localizations.Clear(); if (!alias.Contains("$")) { alias = "$" + alias; } Localizations["alias"] = alias; Localization.instance.AddWord(Key, Localization.instance.Localize(alias)); } public LocalizeKey English(string key) { return addForLang("English", key); } public LocalizeKey Swedish(string key) { return addForLang("Swedish", key); } public LocalizeKey French(string key) { return addForLang("French", key); } public LocalizeKey Italian(string key) { return addForLang("Italian", key); } public LocalizeKey German(string key) { return addForLang("German", key); } public LocalizeKey Spanish(string key) { return addForLang("Spanish", key); } public LocalizeKey Russian(string key) { return addForLang("Russian", key); } public LocalizeKey Romanian(string key) { return addForLang("Romanian", key); } public LocalizeKey Bulgarian(string key) { return addForLang("Bulgarian", key); } public LocalizeKey Macedonian(string key) { return addForLang("Macedonian", key); } public LocalizeKey Finnish(string key) { return addForLang("Finnish", key); } public LocalizeKey Danish(string key) { return addForLang("Danish", key); } public LocalizeKey Norwegian(string key) { return addForLang("Norwegian", key); } public LocalizeKey Icelandic(string key) { return addForLang("Icelandic", key); } public LocalizeKey Turkish(string key) { return addForLang("Turkish", key); } public LocalizeKey Lithuanian(string key) { return addForLang("Lithuanian", key); } public LocalizeKey Czech(string key) { return addForLang("Czech", key); } public LocalizeKey Hungarian(string key) { return addForLang("Hungarian", key); } public LocalizeKey Slovak(string key) { return addForLang("Slovak", key); } public LocalizeKey Polish(string key) { return addForLang("Polish", key); } public LocalizeKey Dutch(string key) { return addForLang("Dutch", key); } public LocalizeKey Portuguese_European(string key) { return addForLang("Portuguese_European", key); } public LocalizeKey Portuguese_Brazilian(string key) { return addForLang("Portuguese_Brazilian", key); } public LocalizeKey Chinese(string key) { return addForLang("Chinese", key); } public LocalizeKey Japanese(string key) { return addForLang("Japanese", key); } public LocalizeKey Korean(string key) { return addForLang("Korean", key); } public LocalizeKey Hindi(string key) { return addForLang("Hindi", key); } public LocalizeKey Thai(string key) { return addForLang("Thai", key); } public LocalizeKey Abenaki(string key) { return addForLang("Abenaki", key); } public LocalizeKey Croatian(string key) { return addForLang("Croatian", key); } public LocalizeKey Georgian(string key) { return addForLang("Georgian", key); } public LocalizeKey Greek(string key) { return addForLang("Greek", key); } public LocalizeKey Serbian(string key) { return addForLang("Serbian", key); } public LocalizeKey Ukrainian(string key) { return addForLang("Ukrainian", key); } private LocalizeKey addForLang(string lang, string value) { Localizations[lang] = value; if (Localization.instance.GetSelectedLanguage() == lang) { Localization.instance.AddWord(Key, value); } else if (lang == "English" && !Localization.instance.m_translations.ContainsKey(Key)) { Localization.instance.AddWord(Key, value); } return this; } [HarmonyPriority(300)] internal static void AddLocalizedKeys(Localization __instance, string language) { foreach (LocalizeKey key in keys) { string value2; if (key.Localizations.TryGetValue(language, out var value) || key.Localizations.TryGetValue("English", out value)) { __instance.AddWord(key.Key, value); } else if (key.Localizations.TryGetValue("alias", out value2)) { __instance.AddWord(key.Key, Localization.instance.Localize(value2)); } } } } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] public static class LocalizationCache { private static readonly Dictionary<string, Localization> localizations = new Dictionary<string, Localization>(); internal static void LocalizationPostfix(Localization __instance, string language) { string key = localizations.FirstOrDefault([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (KeyValuePair<string, Localization> l) => l.Value == __instance).Key; if (key != null) { localizations.Remove(key); } if (!localizations.ContainsKey(language)) { localizations.Add(language, __instance); } } public static Localization ForLanguage([<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(2)] string language = null) { //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0030: Expected O, but got Unknown if (localizations.TryGetValue(language ?? PlayerPrefs.GetString("language", "English"), out var value)) { return value; } value = new Localization(); if (language != null) { value.SetupLanguage(language); } return value; } } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] public class AdminSyncing { private static bool isServer; internal static bool registeredOnClient; [HarmonyPriority(700)] internal static void AdminStatusSync(ZNet __instance) { isServer = __instance.IsServer(); if (BuildPiece._plugin != null) { if (isServer) { ZRoutedRpc.instance.Register<ZPackage>(BuildPiece._plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + " PMAdminStatusSync", (Action<long, ZPackage>)RPC_AdminPieceAddRemove); } else if (!registeredOnClient) { ZRoutedRpc.instance.Register<ZPackage>(BuildPiece._plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + " PMAdminStatusSync", (Action<long, ZPackage>)RPC_AdminPieceAddRemove); registeredOnClient = true; } } if (isServer) { ((MonoBehaviour)ZNet.instance).StartCoroutine(WatchAdminListChanges()); } static void SendAdmin(List<ZNetPeer> peers, bool isAdmin) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Expected O, but got Unknown ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write(isAdmin); ((MonoBehaviour)ZNet.instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(peers, val)); } static IEnumerator WatchAdminListChanges() { List<string> currentList = new List<string>(ZNet.instance.m_adminList.GetList()); while (true) { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(30f); if (!ZNet.instance.m_adminList.GetList().SequenceEqual(currentList)) { currentList = new List<string>(ZNet.instance.m_adminList.GetList()); List<ZNetPeer> adminPeer = (from p in ZNet.instance.GetPeers() where ZNet.instance.ListContainsId(ZNet.instance.m_adminList, p.m_rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName()) select p).ToList(); List<ZNetPeer> nonAdminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Except(adminPeer).ToList(); SendAdmin(nonAdminPeer, isAdmin: false); SendAdmin(adminPeer, isAdmin: true); } } } } private static IEnumerator sendZPackage(List<ZNetPeer> peers, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { yield break; } byte[] rawData = package.GetArray(); if (rawData != null && rawData.LongLength > 10000) { ZPackage compressedPackage = new ZPackage(); compressedPackage.Write(4); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(output, CompressionLevel.Optimal)) { deflateStream.Write(rawData, 0, rawData.Length); } compressedPackage.Write(output.ToArray()); package = compressedPackage; } List<IEnumerator<bool>> writers = (from peer in peers where peer.IsReady() select peer into p select TellPeerAdminStatus(p, package)).ToList(); writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); while (writers.Count > 0) { yield return null; writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); } } private static IEnumerator<bool> TellPeerAdminStatus(ZNetPeer peer, ZPackage package) { ZRoutedRpc rpc = ZRoutedRpc.instance; if (rpc != null) { SendPackage(package); } void SendPackage(ZPackage pkg) { BaseUnityPlugin plugin = BuildPiece._plugin; string text = ((plugin != null) ? plugin.Info.Metadata.Name : null) + " PMAdminStatusSync"; if (isServer) { peer.m_rpc.Invoke(text, new object[1] { pkg }); } else { rpc.InvokeRoutedRPC(peer.m_server ? 0 : peer.m_uid, text, new object[1] { pkg }); } } yield break; } internal static void RPC_AdminPieceAddRemove(long sender, ZPackage package) { //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009f: Expected O, but got Unknown ZNetPeer peer = ZNet.instance.GetPeer(sender); bool flag = false; try { flag = package.ReadBool(); } catch { } if (isServer) { ZRoutedRpc instance = ZRoutedRpc.instance; long everybody = ZRoutedRpc.Everybody; BaseUnityPlugin plugin = BuildPiece._plugin; instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(everybody, ((plugin != null) ? plugin.Info.Metadata.Name : null) + " PMAdminStatusSync", new object[1] { (object)new ZPackage() }); if (ZNet.instance.ListContainsId(ZNet.instance.m_adminList, peer.m_rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName())) { ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write(true); ZRpc rpc = peer.m_rpc; BaseUnityPlugin plugin2 = BuildPiece._plugin; rpc.Invoke(((plugin2 != null) ? plugin2.Info.Metadata.Name : null) + " PMAdminStatusSync", new object[1] { val }); } return; } foreach (BuildPiece registeredPiece in BuildPiece.registeredPieces) { if (!registeredPiece.SpecialProperties.AdminOnly) { continue; } Piece component = registeredPiece.Prefab.GetComponent<Piece>(); string name = component.m_name; string text = Localization.instance.Localize(name).Trim(); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance) || (Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab("YmirRemains") == (Object)null) { continue; } Piece[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<Piece>(); foreach (Piece val2 in array) { if (flag) { if (val2.m_name == name) { val2.m_enabled = true; } } else if (val2.m_name == name) { val2.m_enabled = false; } } List<GameObject> pieces = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab("Hammer").GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared.m_buildPieces.m_pieces; if (flag) { if (!pieces.Contains(ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((Object)component).name))) { pieces.Add(ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((Object)component).name)); } } else if (pieces.Contains(ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((Object)component).name))) { pieces.Remove(ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(((Object)component).name)); } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] internal class RegisterClientRPCPatch { private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance, ZNetPeer peer) { //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0056: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!__instance.IsServer()) { ZRpc rpc = peer.m_rpc; BaseUnityPlugin plugin = BuildPiece._plugin; rpc.Register<ZPackage>(((plugin != null) ? plugin.Info.Metadata.Name : null) + " PMAdminStatusSync", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)RPC_InitialAdminSync); return; } ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write(__instance.ListContainsId(__instance.m_adminList, peer.m_rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName())); ZRpc rpc2 = peer.m_rpc; BaseUnityPlugin plugin2 = BuildPiece._plugin; rpc2.Invoke(((plugin2 != null) ? plugin2.Info.Metadata.Name : null) + " PMAdminStatusSync", new object[1] { val }); } private static void RPC_InitialAdminSync(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage package) { AdminSyncing.RPC_AdminPieceAddRemove(0L, package); } } [<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(1)] [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] public static class PiecePrefabManager { [<e08e6da8-0bff-4374-9adb-b4a7dd38f09b>Nullable(0)] private struct BundleId { [UsedImplicitly] public string assetBundleFileName; [UsedImplicitly] public string folderName; } private static readonly Dictionary<BundleId, AssetBundle> bundleCache; private static readonly List<GameObject> piecePrefabs; private static readonly Dictionary<string, PieceCategory> PieceCategories; private static readonly Dictionary<string, PieceCategory> OtherPieceCategories; private static readonly Dictionary<PieceCategory, string> VanillaLabels; internal static bool CategoryRefreshNeeded; static PiecePrefabManager() { //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003e: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0079: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f1: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0120: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_015c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0169: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0198: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a5: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e1: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_020f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_024c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0259: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0289: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0295: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_02c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02eb: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_02eb: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_031a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0327: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0356: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0363: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0391: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_039f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_03ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03db: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_040a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0417: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0446: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0453: Expected O, but got Unknown bundleCache = new Dictionary<BundleId, AssetBundle>(); piecePrefabs = new List<GameObject>(); PieceCategories = new Dictionary<string, PieceCategory>(); OtherPieceCategories = new Dictionary<string, PieceCategory>(); VanillaLabels = new Dictionary<PieceCategory, string>(); Harmony val = new Harmony("org.bepinex.helpers.PieceManager"); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(FejdStartup), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(BuildPiece), "Patch_FejdStartup", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Localization), "LoadCSV", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(LocalizeKey), "AddLocalizedKeys", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Localization), "SetupLanguage", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(LocalizationCache), "LocalizationPostfix", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ObjectDB), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "Patch_ObjectDBInit", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ObjectDB), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(BuildPiece), "Patch_ObjectDBInit", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ObjectDB), "CopyOtherDB", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "Patch_ObjectDBInit", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(AdminSyncing), "AdminStatusSync", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNetScene), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "Patch_ZNetSceneAwake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNetScene), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "RefFixPatch_ZNetSceneAwake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PieceTable), "UpdateAvailable", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "UpdateAvailable_Transpiler", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PieceTable), "UpdateAvailable", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "UpdateAvailable_Prefix", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "UpdateAvailable_Postfix", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Player), "SetPlaceMode", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "Patch_SetPlaceMode", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Hud), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "Hud_AwakeCreateTabs", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Hud), "UpdateBuild", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "RepositionCatsIfNeeded", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Hud), "LateUpdate", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "RepositionCatsIfNeeded", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Enum), "GetValues", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "EnumGetValuesPatch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Enum), "GetNames", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(PiecePrefabManager), "EnumGetNamesPatch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); } public static AssetBundle RegisterAssetBundle(string assetBundleFileName, string folderName = "assets") { BundleId bundleId = default(BundleId); bundleId.assetBundleFileName = assetBundleFileName; bundleId.folderName = folderName; BundleId key = bundleId; if (!bundleCache.TryGetValue(key, out var value)) { Dictionary<BundleId, AssetBundle> dictionary = bundleCache; AssetBundle? obj = ((IEnumerable<AssetBundle>)Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<AssetBundle>()).FirstOrDefault((Func<AssetBundle, bool>)([<2df10320-b496-41e2-a200-497494bd9029>NullableContext(0)] (AssetBundle a) => ((Object)a).name == assetBundleFileName)) ?? AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(Assembly.GetEx
BepInEx/plugins/GraveBear-OdinsBillboard/OdinsBillboard (1).dll
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using HarmonyLib; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using PieceManager; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.UI; [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: Guid("F9B815D6-6EF4-44DB-9A0F-436849B24670")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2021")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("OdinsBillboard")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("OdinsBillboard")] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<3025fe5d-62ff-4417-acc5-a7900bc8623f>Embedded] internal sealed class <3025fe5d-62ff-4417-acc5-a7900bc8623f>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<3025fe5d-62ff-4417-acc5-a7900bc8623f>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<3025fe5d-62ff-4417-acc5-a7900bc8623f>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <cca79407-8591-497f-95b8-eace1ca93c51>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <cca79407-8591-497f-95b8-eace1ca93c51>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace OdinsBillboard { [BepInPlugin("org.bepinex.plugins.odinsbillboard", "OdinsBillboard", "1.0.1")] [<bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>Nullable(0)] [<cca79407-8591-497f-95b8-eace1ca93c51>NullableContext(1)] public class OdinsBillboard : BaseUnityPlugin { private const string ModName = "OdinsBillboard"; private const string ModVersion = "1.0.1"; private const string ModGUID = "org.bepinex.plugins.odinsbillboard"; private void Awake() { //IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Expected O, but got Unknown AssetBundle val = PiecePrefabManager.RegisterAssetBundle("odinsbillboard"); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { Debug.LogError((object)"[odinsbillboard] Asset bundle not found! Check the path."); return; } BuildPiece buildPiece = new BuildPiece(val, "Odins_Billboard"); buildPiece.Name.English("Odins Billboard"); buildPiece.Description.English("A customizable billboard."); buildPiece.RequiredItems.Add("SwordCheat", 1, recover: true); SetupOdinsBillboard(buildPiece.Prefab); Debug.Log((object)"[OdinsBillboard] Prefab and asset bundle registered successfully."); Harmony val2 = new Harmony("org.bepinex.plugins.odinsbillboard"); val2.PatchAll(); } private void SetupOdinsBillboard(GameObject OdinsBillboard) { //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Expected O, but got Unknown Sign val = OdinsBillboard.AddComponent<Sign>(); val.m_name = "Picture Frame"; val.m_defaultText = "Enter Picture URL"; val.m_characterLimit = 150; OdinsBillboard.AddComponent<DistanceChecker>(); GameObject val2 = new GameObject("_Collider"); val2.transform.SetParent(OdinsBillboard.transform, false); CanvasRenderer val3 = val2.AddComponent<CanvasRenderer>(); TextMeshProUGUI val4 = val2.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); ((TMP_Text)val4).text = ""; ((TMP_Text)val4).fontSize = 36f; ((TMP_Text)val4).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514; ((TMP_Text)val4).font = Resources.Load<TMP_FontAsset>("Valheim-Norse"); val.m_textWidget = val4; } } public class DistanceChecker : MonoBehaviour { private const float MaxRenderDistance = 50f; private const float CheckInterval = 5f; private float _lastCheckTime; [<bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>Nullable(1)] private Sign _sign; private void Awake() { _sign = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Sign>(); } private void Update() { //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Time.time - _lastCheckTime < 5f) { return; } _lastCheckTime = Time.time; Player localPlayer = Player.m_localPlayer; if (!((Object)(object)localPlayer == (Object)null)) { float num = Vector3.Distance(((Component)localPlayer).transform.position, ((Component)this).transform.position); if (num <= 50f) { RefreshImage(); } } } private void RefreshImage() { if (!((Object)(object)_sign == (Object)null) && !((Object)(object)_sign.m_nview == (Object)null) && _sign.m_nview.IsValid()) { ZDO zDO = _sign.m_nview.GetZDO(); string @string = zDO.GetString("custom_image_url", string.Empty); bool @bool = zDO.GetBool("custom_image_applied", false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string) && !@bool) { SignPatch.ApplyImageIfNeeded(_sign, @string); } } } } [<bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>Nullable(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Sign), "Awake")] [<cca79407-8591-497f-95b8-eace1ca93c51>NullableContext(1)] public class SignAwakePatch { private static void Postfix(Sign __instance) { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(RefreshImageAfterAwake(__instance)); } private static IEnumerator RefreshImageAfterAwake(Sign instance) { while ((Object)(object)instance.m_nview == (Object)null || !instance.m_nview.IsValid()) { yield return null; } ZDO zdo = instance.m_nview.GetZDO(); string url = zdo.GetString("custom_image_url", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !zdo.GetBool("custom_image_applied", false)) { SignPatch.ApplyImageIfNeeded(instance, url); } } } [<bba8820a-d572-41da-9a16-4c99ddcc9a44>Nullable(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Sign), "SetText")] [<cca79407-8591-497f-95b8-eace1ca93c51>NullableContext(1)] public class SignPatch { private static void Postfix(Sign __instance, string text) { if (IsValidUrl(text)) { ZDO zDO = __instance.m_nview.GetZDO(); zDO.Set("custom_image_url", text); zDO.Set("custom_image_applied", false); ApplyImageIfNeeded(__instance, text); } } private static bool IsValidUrl(string url) { return Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.Absolute); } internal static void ApplyImageIfNeeded(Sign instance, string url) { Transform val = ((Component)instance).transform.Find("_Canvas"); if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null) { Renderer component = ((Component)val).GetComponent<Renderer>(); if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(ApplyImageFromUrl(url, component, instance)); } } } private static IEnumerator ApplyImageFromUrl(string url, Renderer canvasRenderer, Sign instance) { UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url); yield return request.SendWebRequest(); if ((int)request.result == 1) { Texture2D downloadedTexture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(request); canvasRenderer.material.mainTexture = (Texture)(object)downloadedTexture; instance.m_nview.GetZDO().Set("custom_image_applied", true); } } } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [<8daf2523-7ad9-441b-9ab2-0980a4cac76d>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <8daf2523-7ad9-441b-9ab2-0980a4cac76d>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] [<8daf2523-7ad9-441b-9ab2-0980a4cac76d>Embedded] internal sealed class <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] [<8daf2523-7ad9-441b-9ab2-0980a4cac76d>Embedded] internal sealed class <c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [<8daf2523-7ad9-441b-9ab2-0980a4cac76d>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace ServerSync { [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] internal abstract class OwnConfigEntryBase { [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public object LocalBaseValue; public bool SynchronizedConfig = true; public abstract ConfigEntryBase BaseConfig { get; } } [PublicAPI] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] internal class SyncedConfigEntry<[<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] T> : OwnConfigEntryBase { public readonly ConfigEntry<T> SourceConfig; public override ConfigEntryBase BaseConfig => (ConfigEntryBase)(object)SourceConfig; public T Value { get { return SourceConfig.Value; } set { SourceConfig.Value = value; } } public SyncedConfigEntry(ConfigEntry<T> sourceConfig) { SourceConfig = sourceConfig; } public void AssignLocalValue(T value) { if (LocalBaseValue == null) { Value = value; } else { LocalBaseValue = value; } } } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(2)] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] internal abstract class CustomSyncedValueBase { public object LocalBaseValue; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(1)] public readonly string Identifier; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(1)] public readonly Type Type; private object boxedValue; protected bool localIsOwner; public readonly int Priority; public object BoxedValue { get { return boxedValue; } set { boxedValue = value; this.ValueChanged?.Invoke(); } } public event Action ValueChanged; [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] protected CustomSyncedValueBase(ConfigSync configSync, string identifier, Type type, int priority) { Priority = priority; Identifier = identifier; Type = type; configSync.AddCustomValue(this); localIsOwner = configSync.IsSourceOfTruth; configSync.SourceOfTruthChanged += delegate(bool truth) { localIsOwner = truth; }; } } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] internal sealed class CustomSyncedValue<[<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] T> : CustomSyncedValueBase { public T Value { get { return (T)base.BoxedValue; } set { base.BoxedValue = value; } } public CustomSyncedValue(ConfigSync configSync, string identifier, T value = default(T), int priority = 0) : base(configSync, identifier, typeof(T), priority) { Value = value; } public void AssignLocalValue(T value) { if (localIsOwner) { Value = value; } else { LocalBaseValue = value; } } } internal class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public bool? ReadOnly = false; } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] internal class ConfigSync { [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZRpc), "HandlePackage")] private static class SnatchCurrentlyHandlingRPC { [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public static ZRpc currentRpc; [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void Prefix(ZRpc __instance) { currentRpc = __instance; } } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Awake")] internal static class RegisterRPCPatch { [HarmonyPostfix] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance) { isServer = __instance.IsServer(); foreach (ConfigSync configSync2 in configSyncs) { ZRoutedRpc.instance.Register<ZPackage>(configSync2.Name + " ConfigSync", (Action<long, ZPackage>)configSync2.RPC_FromOtherClientConfigSync); if (isServer) { configSync2.InitialSyncDone = true; Debug.Log((object)("Registered '" + configSync2.Name + " ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections")); } } if (isServer) { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(WatchAdminListChanges()); } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] static void SendAdmin(List<ZNetPeer> peers, bool isAdmin) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(null, null, new PackageEntry[1] { new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "lockexempt", type = typeof(bool), value = isAdmin } }); ConfigSync configSync = configSyncs.First(); if (configSync != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)ZNet.instance).StartCoroutine(configSync.sendZPackage(peers, package)); } } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] static IEnumerator WatchAdminListChanges() { MethodInfo listContainsId = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList adminList = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); List<string> CurrentList = new List<string>(adminList.GetList()); while (true) { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(30f); if (!adminList.GetList().SequenceEqual(CurrentList)) { CurrentList = new List<string>(adminList.GetList()); List<ZNetPeer> adminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Where(delegate(ZNetPeer p) { string hostName = p.m_rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName(); return ((object)listContainsId == null) ? adminList.Contains(hostName) : ((bool)listContainsId.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { adminList, hostName })); }).ToList(); List<ZNetPeer> nonAdminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Except(adminPeer).ToList(); SendAdmin(nonAdminPeer, isAdmin: false); SendAdmin(adminPeer, isAdmin: true); } } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] private static class RegisterClientRPCPatch { [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance, ZNetPeer peer) { if (__instance.IsServer()) { return; } foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>(configSync.Name + " ConfigSync", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)configSync.RPC_FromServerConfigSync); } } } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] private class ParsedConfigs { [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] public readonly Dictionary<OwnConfigEntryBase, object> configValues = new Dictionary<OwnConfigEntryBase, object>(); [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] public readonly Dictionary<CustomSyncedValueBase, object> customValues = new Dictionary<CustomSyncedValueBase, object>(); } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Shutdown")] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] private class ResetConfigsOnShutdown { [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix() { ProcessingServerUpdate = true; foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { configSync.resetConfigsFromServer(); configSync.IsSourceOfTruth = true; configSync.InitialSyncDone = false; } ProcessingServerUpdate = false; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] private class SendConfigsAfterLogin { [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] private class BufferingSocket : ISocket { public volatile bool finished = false; public volatile int versionMatchQueued = -1; public readonly List<ZPackage> Package = new List<ZPackage>(); public readonly ISocket Original; public BufferingSocket(ISocket original) { Original = original; } public bool IsConnected() { return Original.IsConnected(); } public ZPackage Recv() { return Original.Recv(); } public int GetSendQueueSize() { return Original.GetSendQueueSize(); } public int GetCurrentSendRate() { return Original.GetCurrentSendRate(); } public bool IsHost() { return Original.IsHost(); } public void Dispose() { Original.Dispose(); } public bool GotNewData() { return Original.GotNewData(); } public void Close() { Original.Close(); } public string GetEndPointString() { return Original.GetEndPointString(); } public void GetAndResetStats(out int totalSent, out int totalRecv) { Original.GetAndResetStats(ref totalSent, ref totalRecv); } public void GetConnectionQuality(out float localQuality, out float remoteQuality, out int ping, out float outByteSec, out float inByteSec) { Original.GetConnectionQuality(ref localQuality, ref remoteQuality, ref ping, ref outByteSec, ref inByteSec); } public ISocket Accept() { return Original.Accept(); } public int GetHostPort() { return Original.GetHostPort(); } public bool Flush() { return Original.Flush(); } public string GetHostName() { return Original.GetHostName(); } public void VersionMatch() { if (finished) { Original.VersionMatch(); } else { versionMatchQueued = Package.Count; } } public void Send(ZPackage pkg) { //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005d: Expected O, but got Unknown int pos = pkg.GetPos(); pkg.SetPos(0); int num = pkg.ReadInt(); if ((num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("PeerInfo") || num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("RoutedRPC") || num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ZDOData")) && !finished) { ZPackage val = new ZPackage(pkg.GetArray()); val.SetPos(pos); Package.Add(val); } else { pkg.SetPos(pos); Original.Send(pkg); } } } [HarmonyPriority(800)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void Prefix([<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] ref Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket> __state, ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc) { //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if (__instance.IsServer()) { BufferingSocket value = new BufferingSocket(rpc.GetSocket()); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRpc), "m_socket").SetValue(rpc, value); object? obj = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); ZNetPeer val = (ZNetPeer)((obj is ZNetPeer) ? obj : null); if (val != null && (int)ZNet.m_onlineBackend > 0) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNetPeer), "m_socket").SetValue(val, value); } if (__state == null) { __state = new Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket>(); } __state[Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()] = value; } } [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix(Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket> __state, ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc) { ZNetPeer peer; if (__instance.IsServer()) { object obj = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); peer = (ZNetPeer)((obj is ZNetPeer) ? obj : null); if (peer == null) { SendBufferedData(); } else { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(sendAsync()); } } void SendBufferedData() { if (rpc.GetSocket() is BufferingSocket bufferingSocket) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRpc), "m_socket").SetValue(rpc, bufferingSocket.Original); object? obj2 = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); ZNetPeer val = (ZNetPeer)((obj2 is ZNetPeer) ? obj2 : null); if (val != null) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNetPeer), "m_socket").SetValue(val, bufferingSocket.Original); } } BufferingSocket bufferingSocket2 = __state[Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()]; bufferingSocket2.finished = true; for (int i = 0; i < bufferingSocket2.Package.Count; i++) { if (i == bufferingSocket2.versionMatchQueued) { bufferingSocket2.Original.VersionMatch(); } bufferingSocket2.Original.Send(bufferingSocket2.Package[i]); } if (bufferingSocket2.Package.Count == bufferingSocket2.versionMatchQueued) { bufferingSocket2.Original.VersionMatch(); } } IEnumerator sendAsync() { foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { List<PackageEntry> entries = new List<PackageEntry>(); if (configSync.CurrentVersion != null) { entries.Add(new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "serverversion", type = typeof(string), value = configSync.CurrentVersion }); } MethodInfo listContainsId = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList adminList = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); entries.Add(new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "lockexempt", type = typeof(bool), value = (((object)listContainsId == null) ? ((object)adminList.Contains(rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName())) : listContainsId.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { adminList, rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName() })) }); ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(configSync.allConfigs.Select([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.BaseConfig), configSync.allCustomValues, entries, partial: false); yield return ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(configSync.sendZPackage(new List<ZNetPeer> { peer }, package)); } SendBufferedData(); } } } [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] private class PackageEntry { public string section = null; public string key = null; public Type type = null; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public object value; } [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConfigEntryBase), "GetSerializedValue")] private static class PreventSavingServerInfo { [HarmonyPrefix] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] private static bool Prefix(ConfigEntryBase __instance, ref string __result) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData(__instance); if (ownConfigEntryBase == null || isWritableConfig(ownConfigEntryBase)) { return true; } __result = TomlTypeConverter.ConvertToString(ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue, __instance.SettingType); return false; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConfigEntryBase), "SetSerializedValue")] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] private static class PreventConfigRereadChangingValues { [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool Prefix(ConfigEntryBase __instance, string value) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData(__instance); if (ownConfigEntryBase == null || ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue == null) { return true; } try { ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue = TomlTypeConverter.ConvertToValue(value, __instance.SettingType); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning((object)$"Config value of setting \"{__instance.Definition}\" could not be parsed and will be ignored. Reason: {ex.Message}; Value: {value}"); } return false; } } [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] private class InvalidDeserializationTypeException : Exception { public string expected = null; public string received = null; public string field = ""; } public static bool ProcessingServerUpdate; public readonly string Name; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public string DisplayName; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public string CurrentVersion; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public string MinimumRequiredVersion; public bool ModRequired = false; private bool? forceConfigLocking; private bool isSourceOfTruth = true; private static readonly HashSet<ConfigSync> configSyncs; private readonly HashSet<OwnConfigEntryBase> allConfigs = new HashSet<OwnConfigEntryBase>(); private HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase> allCustomValues = new HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase>(); private static bool isServer; private static bool lockExempt; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private OwnConfigEntryBase lockedConfig = null; private const byte PARTIAL_CONFIGS = 1; private const byte FRAGMENTED_CONFIG = 2; private const byte COMPRESSED_CONFIG = 4; private readonly Dictionary<string, SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>> configValueCache = new Dictionary<string, SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>>(); [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 0, 1 })] private readonly List<KeyValuePair<long, string>> cacheExpirations = new List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>(); private static long packageCounter; public bool IsLocked { get { bool? flag = forceConfigLocking; bool num; if (!flag.HasValue) { if (lockedConfig == null) { goto IL_0052; } num = ((IConvertible)lockedConfig.BaseConfig.BoxedValue).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0; } else { num = flag.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (!num) { goto IL_0052; } int result = ((!lockExempt) ? 1 : 0); goto IL_0053; IL_0053: return (byte)result != 0; IL_0052: result = 0; goto IL_0053; } set { forceConfigLocking = value; } } public bool IsAdmin => lockExempt || isSourceOfTruth; public bool IsSourceOfTruth { get { return isSourceOfTruth; } private set { if (value != isSourceOfTruth) { isSourceOfTruth = value; this.SourceOfTruthChanged?.Invoke(value); } } } public bool InitialSyncDone { get; private set; } = false; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] [method: <c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(2)] [field: <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] public event Action<bool> SourceOfTruthChanged; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] [method: <c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(2)] [field: <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private event Action lockedConfigChanged; static ConfigSync() { ProcessingServerUpdate = false; configSyncs = new HashSet<ConfigSync>(); lockExempt = false; packageCounter = 0L; RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(typeof(VersionCheck).TypeHandle); } public ConfigSync(string name) { Name = name; configSyncs.Add(this); new VersionCheck(this); } public SyncedConfigEntry<T> AddConfigEntry<[<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData((ConfigEntryBase)(object)configEntry); SyncedConfigEntry<T> syncedEntry = ownConfigEntryBase as SyncedConfigEntry<T>; if (syncedEntry == null) { syncedEntry = new SyncedConfigEntry<T>(configEntry); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ConfigDescription), "<Tags>k__BackingField").SetValue(((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes() }.Concat(((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description.Tags ?? Array.Empty<object>()).Concat(new SyncedConfigEntry<T>[1] { syncedEntry }).ToArray()); configEntry.SettingChanged += [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (!ProcessingServerUpdate && syncedEntry.SynchronizedConfig) { Broadcast(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, (ConfigEntryBase)configEntry); } }; allConfigs.Add(syncedEntry); } return syncedEntry; } public SyncedConfigEntry<T> AddLockingConfigEntry<[<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> lockingConfig) where T : IConvertible { if (lockedConfig != null) { throw new Exception("Cannot initialize locking ConfigEntry twice"); } lockedConfig = AddConfigEntry<T>(lockingConfig); lockingConfig.SettingChanged += [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { this.lockedConfigChanged?.Invoke(); }; return (SyncedConfigEntry<T>)lockedConfig; } internal void AddCustomValue(CustomSyncedValueBase customValue) { if (allCustomValues.Select([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase v) => v.Identifier).Concat(new string[1] { "serverversion" }).Contains(customValue.Identifier)) { throw new Exception("Cannot have multiple settings with the same name or with a reserved name (serverversion)"); } allCustomValues.Add(customValue); allCustomValues = new HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase>(allCustomValues.OrderByDescending([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase v) => v.Priority)); customValue.ValueChanged += delegate { if (!ProcessingServerUpdate) { Broadcast(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, customValue); } }; } private void RPC_FromServerConfigSync(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage package) { lockedConfigChanged += serverLockedSettingChanged; IsSourceOfTruth = false; if (HandleConfigSyncRPC(0L, package, clientUpdate: false)) { InitialSyncDone = true; } } private void RPC_FromOtherClientConfigSync(long sender, ZPackage package) { HandleConfigSyncRPC(sender, package, clientUpdate: true); } private bool HandleConfigSyncRPC(long sender, ZPackage package, bool clientUpdate) { //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0250: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0257: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f1: Expected O, but got Unknown try { if (isServer && IsLocked) { ZRpc currentRpc = SnatchCurrentlyHandlingRPC.currentRpc; object obj; if (currentRpc == null) { obj = null; } else { ISocket socket = currentRpc.GetSocket(); obj = ((socket != null) ? socket.GetHostName() : null); } string text = (string)obj; if (text != null) { MethodInfo methodInfo = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList val = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); if (!(((object)methodInfo == null) ? val.Contains(text) : ((bool)methodInfo.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { val, text })))) { return false; } } } cacheExpirations.RemoveAll(([<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 0, 1 })] KeyValuePair<long, string> kv) => { if (kv.Key < DateTimeOffset.Now.Ticks) { configValueCache.Remove(kv.Value); return true; } return false; }); byte b = package.ReadByte(); if ((b & 2u) != 0) { long num = package.ReadLong(); string text2 = sender.ToString() + num; if (!configValueCache.TryGetValue(text2, out var value)) { value = new SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>(); configValueCache[text2] = value; cacheExpirations.Add(new KeyValuePair<long, string>(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(60.0).Ticks, text2)); } int key = package.ReadInt(); int num2 = package.ReadInt(); value.Add(key, package.ReadByteArray()); if (value.Count < num2) { return false; } configValueCache.Remove(text2); package = new ZPackage(value.Values.SelectMany([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (byte[] a) => a).ToArray()); b = package.ReadByte(); } ProcessingServerUpdate = true; if ((b & 4u) != 0) { byte[] buffer = package.ReadByteArray(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { deflateStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); } package = new ZPackage(memoryStream.ToArray()); b = package.ReadByte(); } if ((b & 1) == 0) { resetConfigsFromServer(); } ParsedConfigs parsedConfigs = ReadConfigsFromPackage(package); ConfigFile val2 = null; bool saveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<OwnConfigEntryBase, object> configValue in parsedConfigs.configValues) { if (!isServer && configValue.Key.LocalBaseValue == null) { configValue.Key.LocalBaseValue = configValue.Key.BaseConfig.BoxedValue; } if (val2 == null) { val2 = configValue.Key.BaseConfig.ConfigFile; saveOnConfigSet = val2.SaveOnConfigSet; val2.SaveOnConfigSet = false; } configValue.Key.BaseConfig.BoxedValue = configValue.Value; } if (val2 != null) { val2.SaveOnConfigSet = saveOnConfigSet; } foreach (KeyValuePair<CustomSyncedValueBase, object> customValue in parsedConfigs.customValues) { if (!isServer) { CustomSyncedValueBase key2 = customValue.Key; if (key2.LocalBaseValue == null) { key2.LocalBaseValue = customValue.Key.BoxedValue; } } customValue.Key.BoxedValue = customValue.Value; } Debug.Log((object)string.Format("Received {0} configs and {1} custom values from {2} for mod {3}", parsedConfigs.configValues.Count, parsedConfigs.customValues.Count, (isServer || clientUpdate) ? $"client {sender}" : "the server", DisplayName ?? Name)); if (!isServer) { serverLockedSettingChanged(); } return true; } finally { ProcessingServerUpdate = false; } } private ParsedConfigs ReadConfigsFromPackage(ZPackage package) { ParsedConfigs parsedConfigs = new ParsedConfigs(); Dictionary<string, OwnConfigEntryBase> dictionary = allConfigs.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.SynchronizedConfig).ToDictionary([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.BaseConfig.Definition.Section + "_" + c.BaseConfig.Definition.Key, [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c); Dictionary<string, CustomSyncedValueBase> dictionary2 = allCustomValues.ToDictionary([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase c) => c.Identifier, [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase c) => c); int num = package.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { string text = package.ReadString(); string text2 = package.ReadString(); string text3 = package.ReadString(); Type type = Type.GetType(text3); if (text3 == "" || type != null) { object obj; try { obj = ((text3 == "") ? null : ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type)); } catch (InvalidDeserializationTypeException ex) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected struct internal type " + ex.received + " for field " + ex.field + " struct " + text3 + " for " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + ex.expected)); continue; } OwnConfigEntryBase value2; if (text == "Internal") { CustomSyncedValueBase value; if (text2 == "serverversion") { if (obj?.ToString() != CurrentVersion) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Received server version is not equal: server version = " + (obj?.ToString() ?? "null") + "; local version = " + (CurrentVersion ?? "unknown"))); } } else if (text2 == "lockexempt") { if (obj is bool flag) { lockExempt = flag; } } else if (dictionary2.TryGetValue(text2, out value)) { if ((text3 == "" && (!value.Type.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(value.Type) != null)) || GetZPackageTypeString(value.Type) == text3) { parsedConfigs.customValues[value] = obj; continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected type " + text3 + " for internal value " + text2 + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + value.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } } else if (dictionary.TryGetValue(text + "_" + text2, out value2)) { Type type2 = configType(value2.BaseConfig); if ((text3 == "" && (!type2.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type2) != null)) || GetZPackageTypeString(type2) == text3) { parsedConfigs.configValues[value2] = obj; continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected type " + text3 + " for " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + type2.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } else { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Received unknown config entry " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ". This may happen if client and server versions of the mod do not match.")); } continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got invalid type " + text3 + ", abort reading of received configs")); return new ParsedConfigs(); } return parsedConfigs; } private static bool isWritableConfig(OwnConfigEntryBase config) { ConfigSync configSync = configSyncs.FirstOrDefault([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (ConfigSync cs) => cs.allConfigs.Contains(config)); if (configSync == null) { return true; } return configSync.IsSourceOfTruth || !config.SynchronizedConfig || config.LocalBaseValue == null || (!configSync.IsLocked && (config != configSync.lockedConfig || lockExempt)); } private void serverLockedSettingChanged() { foreach (OwnConfigEntryBase allConfig in allConfigs) { configAttribute<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(allConfig.BaseConfig).ReadOnly = !isWritableConfig(allConfig); } } private void resetConfigsFromServer() { ConfigFile val = null; bool saveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (OwnConfigEntryBase item in allConfigs.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase config) => config.LocalBaseValue != null)) { if (val == null) { val = item.BaseConfig.ConfigFile; saveOnConfigSet = val.SaveOnConfigSet; val.SaveOnConfigSet = false; } item.BaseConfig.BoxedValue = item.LocalBaseValue; item.LocalBaseValue = null; } if (val != null) { val.SaveOnConfigSet = saveOnConfigSet; } foreach (CustomSyncedValueBase item2 in allCustomValues.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase config) => config.LocalBaseValue != null)) { item2.BoxedValue = item2.LocalBaseValue; item2.LocalBaseValue = null; } lockedConfigChanged -= serverLockedSettingChanged; serverLockedSettingChanged(); } private IEnumerator<bool> distributeConfigToPeers(ZNetPeer peer, ZPackage package) { ZRoutedRpc rpc = ZRoutedRpc.instance; if (rpc == null) { yield break; } byte[] data = package.GetArray(); if (data != null && data.LongLength > 250000) { int fragments = (int)(1 + (data.LongLength - 1) / 250000); long packageIdentifier = ++packageCounter; int fragment = 0; while (fragment < fragments) { foreach (bool item in waitForQueue()) { yield return item; } if (peer.m_socket.IsConnected()) { ZPackage fragmentedPackage = new ZPackage(); fragmentedPackage.Write((byte)2); fragmentedPackage.Write(packageIdentifier); fragmentedPackage.Write(fragment); fragmentedPackage.Write(fragments); fragmentedPackage.Write(data.Skip(250000 * fragment).Take(250000).ToArray()); SendPackage(fragmentedPackage); if (fragment != fragments - 1) { yield return true; } int num = fragment + 1; fragment = num; continue; } break; } yield break; } foreach (bool item2 in waitForQueue()) { yield return item2; } SendPackage(package); void SendPackage(ZPackage pkg) { string text = Name + " ConfigSync"; if (isServer) { peer.m_rpc.Invoke(text, new object[1] { pkg }); } else { rpc.InvokeRoutedRPC(peer.m_server ? 0 : peer.m_uid, text, new object[1] { pkg }); } } IEnumerable<bool> waitForQueue() { float timeout = Time.time + 30f; while (peer.m_socket.GetSendQueueSize() > 20000) { if (Time.time > timeout) { Debug.Log((object)$"Disconnecting {peer.m_uid} after 30 seconds config sending timeout"); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { (object)(ConnectionStatus)5 }); ZNet.instance.Disconnect(peer); break; } yield return false; } } } private IEnumerator sendZPackage(long target, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { return Enumerable.Empty<object>().GetEnumerator(); } List<ZNetPeer> list = (List<ZNetPeer>)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRoutedRpc), "m_peers").GetValue(ZRoutedRpc.instance); if (target != ZRoutedRpc.Everybody) { list = list.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (ZNetPeer p) => p.m_uid == target).ToList(); } return sendZPackage(list, package); } private IEnumerator sendZPackage(List<ZNetPeer> peers, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { yield break; } byte[] rawData = package.GetArray(); if (rawData != null && rawData.LongLength > 10000) { ZPackage compressedPackage = new ZPackage(); compressedPackage.Write((byte)4); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(output, CompressionLevel.Optimal)) { deflateStream.Write(rawData, 0, rawData.Length); } compressedPackage.Write(output.ToArray()); package = compressedPackage; } List<IEnumerator<bool>> writers = (from peer in peers where peer.IsReady() select peer into p select distributeConfigToPeers(p, package)).ToList(); writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); while (writers.Count > 0) { yield return null; writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); } } private void Broadcast(long target, params ConfigEntryBase[] configs) { if (!IsLocked || isServer) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(configs); ZNet instance = ZNet.instance; if (instance != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(target, package)); } } } private void Broadcast(long target, params CustomSyncedValueBase[] customValues) { if (!IsLocked || isServer) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(null, customValues); ZNet instance = ZNet.instance; if (instance != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(target, package)); } } } [return: <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private static OwnConfigEntryBase configData(ConfigEntryBase config) { return config.Description.Tags?.OfType<OwnConfigEntryBase>().SingleOrDefault(); } [return: <b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public static SyncedConfigEntry<T> ConfigData<[<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> config) { return ((ConfigEntryBase)config).Description.Tags?.OfType<SyncedConfigEntry<T>>().SingleOrDefault(); } private static T configAttribute<[<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntryBase config) { return config.Description.Tags.OfType<T>().First(); } private static Type configType(ConfigEntryBase config) { return configType(config.SettingType); } private static Type configType(Type type) { return type.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type) : type; } private static ZPackage ConfigsToPackage([<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<ConfigEntryBase> configs = null, [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<CustomSyncedValueBase> customValues = null, [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<PackageEntry> packageEntries = null, bool partial = true) { //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Expected O, but got Unknown List<ConfigEntryBase> list = configs?.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (ConfigEntryBase config) => configData(config).SynchronizedConfig).ToList() ?? new List<ConfigEntryBase>(); List<CustomSyncedValueBase> list2 = customValues?.ToList() ?? new List<CustomSyncedValueBase>(); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write((byte)(partial ? 1 : 0)); val.Write(list.Count + list2.Count + (packageEntries?.Count() ?? 0)); foreach (PackageEntry item in packageEntries ?? Array.Empty<PackageEntry>()) { AddEntryToPackage(val, item); } foreach (CustomSyncedValueBase item2 in list2) { AddEntryToPackage(val, new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = item2.Identifier, type = item2.Type, value = item2.BoxedValue }); } foreach (ConfigEntryBase item3 in list) { AddEntryToPackage(val, new PackageEntry { section = item3.Definition.Section, key = item3.Definition.Key, type = configType(item3), value = item3.BoxedValue }); } return val; } private static void AddEntryToPackage(ZPackage package, PackageEntry entry) { package.Write(entry.section); package.Write(entry.key); package.Write((entry.value == null) ? "" : GetZPackageTypeString(entry.type)); AddValueToZPackage(package, entry.value); } private static string GetZPackageTypeString(Type type) { return type.AssemblyQualifiedName; } private static void AddValueToZPackage(ZPackage package, [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] object value) { Type type = value?.GetType(); if (value is Enum) { value = ((IConvertible)value).ToType(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(value.GetType()), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { if (value is ICollection collection) { package.Write(collection.Count); { foreach (object item in collection) { AddValueToZPackage(package, item); } return; } } if ((object)type != null && type.IsValueType && !type.IsPrimitive) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); package.Write(fields.Length); FieldInfo[] array = fields; foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array) { package.Write(GetZPackageTypeString(fieldInfo.FieldType)); AddValueToZPackage(package, fieldInfo.GetValue(value)); } return; } } ZRpc.Serialize(new object[1] { value }, ref package); } private static object ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(ZPackage package, Type type) { if ((object)type != null && type.IsValueType && !type.IsPrimitive && !type.IsEnum) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); int num = package.ReadInt(); if (num != fields.Length) { throw new InvalidDeserializationTypeException { received = $"(field count: {num})", expected = $"(field count: {fields.Length})" }; } object uninitializedObject = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type); FieldInfo[] array = fields; foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array) { string text = package.ReadString(); if (text != GetZPackageTypeString(fieldInfo.FieldType)) { throw new InvalidDeserializationTypeException { received = text, expected = GetZPackageTypeString(fieldInfo.FieldType), field = fieldInfo.Name }; } fieldInfo.SetValue(uninitializedObject, ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, fieldInfo.FieldType)); } return uninitializedObject; } if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary<, >)) { int num2 = package.ReadInt(); IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(type); Type type2 = typeof(KeyValuePair<, >).MakeGenericType(type.GenericTypeArguments); FieldInfo field = type2.GetField("key", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); FieldInfo field2 = type2.GetField("value", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { object obj = ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type2); dictionary.Add(field.GetValue(obj), field2.GetValue(obj)); } return dictionary; } if (type != typeof(List<string>) && type.IsGenericType) { Type type3 = typeof(ICollection<>).MakeGenericType(type.GenericTypeArguments[0]); if ((object)type3 != null && type3.IsAssignableFrom(type)) { int num3 = package.ReadInt(); object obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(type); MethodInfo method = type3.GetMethod("Add"); for (int k = 0; k < num3; k++) { method.Invoke(obj2, new object[1] { ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type.GenericTypeArguments[0]) }); } return obj2; } } ParameterInfo parameterInfo = (ParameterInfo)FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(ParameterInfo)); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ParameterInfo), "ClassImpl").SetValue(parameterInfo, type); List<object> source = new List<object>(); ZRpc.Deserialize(new ParameterInfo[2] { null, parameterInfo }, package, ref source); return source.First(); } } [PublicAPI] [HarmonyPatch] [<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(1)] [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(0)] internal class VersionCheck { private static readonly HashSet<VersionCheck> versionChecks; private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> notProcessedNames; public string Name; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private string displayName; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private string currentVersion; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private string minimumRequiredVersion; public bool ModRequired = true; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private string ReceivedCurrentVersion; [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private string ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion; private readonly List<ZRpc> ValidatedClients = new List<ZRpc>(); [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] private ConfigSync ConfigSync; public string DisplayName { get { return displayName ?? Name; } set { displayName = value; } } public string CurrentVersion { get { return currentVersion ?? "0.0.0"; } set { currentVersion = value; } } public string MinimumRequiredVersion { get { return minimumRequiredVersion ?? (ModRequired ? CurrentVersion : "0.0.0"); } set { minimumRequiredVersion = value; } } private static void PatchServerSync() { //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0064: Expected O, but got Unknown Patches patchInfo = PatchProcessor.GetPatchInfo((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)); if (patchInfo != null && patchInfo.Postfixes.Count([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (Patch p) => p.PatchMethod.DeclaringType == typeof(ConfigSync.RegisterRPCPatch)) > 0) { return; } Harmony val = new Harmony("org.bepinex.helpers.ServerSync"); foreach (Type item in from t in typeof(ConfigSync).GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.NonPublic).Concat(new Type[1] { typeof(VersionCheck) }) where t.IsClass select t) { val.PatchAll(item); } } static VersionCheck() { versionChecks = new HashSet<VersionCheck>(); notProcessedNames = new Dictionary<string, string>(); typeof(ThreadingHelper).GetMethod("StartSyncInvoke").Invoke(ThreadingHelper.Instance, new object[1] { new Action(PatchServerSync) }); } public VersionCheck(string name) { Name = name; ModRequired = true; versionChecks.Add(this); } public VersionCheck(ConfigSync configSync) { ConfigSync = configSync; Name = ConfigSync.Name; versionChecks.Add(this); } public void Initialize() { ReceivedCurrentVersion = null; ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion = null; if (ConfigSync != null) { Name = ConfigSync.Name; DisplayName = ConfigSync.DisplayName; CurrentVersion = ConfigSync.CurrentVersion; MinimumRequiredVersion = ConfigSync.MinimumRequiredVersion; ModRequired = ConfigSync.ModRequired; } } private bool IsVersionOk() { if (ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion == null || ReceivedCurrentVersion == null) { return !ModRequired; } bool flag = new Version(CurrentVersion) >= new Version(ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion); bool flag2 = new Version(ReceivedCurrentVersion) >= new Version(MinimumRequiredVersion); return flag && flag2; } private string ErrorClient() { if (ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion == null) { return DisplayName + " is not installed on the server."; } return (new Version(CurrentVersion) >= new Version(ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion)) ? (DisplayName + " may not be higher than version " + ReceivedCurrentVersion + ". You have version " + CurrentVersion + ".") : (DisplayName + " needs to be at least version " + ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion + ". You have version " + CurrentVersion + "."); } private string ErrorServer(ZRpc rpc) { return "Disconnect: The client (" + rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName() + ") doesn't have the correct " + DisplayName + " version " + MinimumRequiredVersion; } private string Error([<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(2)] ZRpc rpc = null) { return (rpc == null) ? ErrorClient() : ErrorServer(rpc); } private static VersionCheck[] GetFailedClient() { return versionChecks.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (VersionCheck check) => !check.IsVersionOk()).ToArray(); } private static VersionCheck[] GetFailedServer(ZRpc rpc) { return versionChecks.Where([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (VersionCheck check) => check.ModRequired && !check.ValidatedClients.Contains(rpc)).ToArray(); } private static void Logout() { Game.instance.Logout(true, true); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_connectionStatus").SetValue(null, (object)(ConnectionStatus)3); } private static void DisconnectClient(ZRpc rpc) { rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { 3 }); } private static void CheckVersion(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg) { CheckVersion(rpc, pkg, null); } private static void CheckVersion(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg, [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] Action<ZRpc, ZPackage> original) { string text = pkg.ReadString(); string text2 = pkg.ReadString(); string text3 = pkg.ReadString(); bool flag = false; foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in versionChecks) { if (!(text != versionCheck.Name)) { Debug.Log((object)("Received " + versionCheck.DisplayName + " version " + text3 + " and minimum version " + text2 + " from the " + (ZNet.instance.IsServer() ? "client" : "server") + ".")); versionCheck.ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion = text2; versionCheck.ReceivedCurrentVersion = text3; if (ZNet.instance.IsServer() && versionCheck.IsVersionOk()) { versionCheck.ValidatedClients.Add(rpc); } flag = true; } } if (flag) { return; } pkg.SetPos(0); if (original != null) { original(rpc, pkg); if (pkg.GetPos() == 0) { notProcessedNames.Add(text, text3); } } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] private static bool RPC_PeerInfo(ZRpc rpc, ZNet __instance) { VersionCheck[] array = (__instance.IsServer() ? GetFailedServer(rpc) : GetFailedClient()); if (array.Length == 0) { return true; } VersionCheck[] array2 = array; foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in array2) { Debug.LogWarning((object)versionCheck.Error(rpc)); } if (__instance.IsServer()) { DisconnectClient(rpc); } else { Logout(); } return false; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void RegisterAndCheckVersion(ZNetPeer peer, ZNet __instance) { //IL_018e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0195: Expected O, but got Unknown notProcessedNames.Clear(); IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)typeof(ZRpc).GetField("m_functions", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(peer.m_rpc); if (dictionary.Contains(StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ServerSync VersionCheck"))) { object obj = dictionary[StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ServerSync VersionCheck")]; Action<ZRpc, ZPackage> action = (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)obj.GetType().GetField("m_action", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(obj); peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>("ServerSync VersionCheck", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (ZRpc rpc, [<b415cc56-3c29-4963-b02f-241f0444750c>Nullable(1)] ZPackage pkg) => { CheckVersion(rpc, pkg, action); })); } else { peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>("ServerSync VersionCheck", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)CheckVersion); } foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in versionChecks) { versionCheck.Initialize(); if (versionCheck.ModRequired || __instance.IsServer()) { Debug.Log((object)("Sending " + versionCheck.DisplayName + " version " + versionCheck.CurrentVersion + " and minimum version " + versionCheck.MinimumRequiredVersion + " to the " + (__instance.IsServer() ? "client" : "server") + ".")); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write(versionCheck.Name); val.Write(versionCheck.MinimumRequiredVersion); val.Write(versionCheck.CurrentVersion); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("ServerSync VersionCheck", new object[1] { val }); } } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Disconnect")] private static void RemoveDisconnected(ZNetPeer peer, ZNet __instance) { if (!__instance.IsServer()) { return; } foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in versionChecks) { versionCheck.ValidatedClients.Remove(peer.m_rpc); } } [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(FejdStartup), "ShowConnectError")] private static void ShowConnectionError(FejdStartup __instance) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0186: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0199: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_020a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0219: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0229: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!__instance.m_connectionFailedPanel.activeSelf || (int)ZNet.GetConnectionStatus() != 3) { return; } bool flag = false; VersionCheck[] failedClient = GetFailedClient(); if (failedClient.Length != 0) { string text = string.Join("\n", failedClient.Select([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (VersionCheck check) => check.Error())); TMP_Text connectionFailedError = __instance.m_connectionFailedError; connectionFailedError.text = connectionFailedError.text + "\n" + text; flag = true; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in notProcessedNames.OrderBy([<c5dd4b58-d9f1-41e5-830b-f66d3f819c75>NullableContext(0)] (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv) => kv.Key)) { if (!__instance.m_connectionFailedError.text.Contains(item.Key)) { TMP_Text connectionFailedError2 = __instance.m_connectionFailedError; connectionFailedError2.text = connectionFailedError2.text + "\nServer expects you to have " + item.Key + " (Version: " + item.Value + ") installed."; flag = true; } } if (flag) { RectTransform component = ((Component)__instance.m_connectionFailedPanel.transform.Find("Image")).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); Vector2 sizeDelta = component.sizeDelta; sizeDelta.x = 675f; component.sizeDelta = sizeDelta; __instance.m_connectionFailedError.ForceMeshUpdate(false, false); float num = __instance.m_connectionFailedError.renderedHeight + 105f; RectTransform component2 = ((Component)((Component)component).transform.Find("ButtonOk")).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(component2.anchoredPosition.x, component2.anchoredPosition.y - (num - component.sizeDelta.y) / 2f); sizeDelta = component.sizeDelta; sizeDelta.y = num; component.sizeDelta = sizeDelta; } } } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [<c40fe643-ca43-4651-a9fa-7f2cb9cc5b69>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <c40fe643-ca43-4651-a9fa-7f2cb9cc5b69>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [<c40fe643-ca43-4651-a9fa-7f2cb9cc5b69>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<c40fe643-ca43-4651-a9fa-7f2cb9cc5b69>Embedded] internal sealed class <ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace ItemManager { [PublicAPI] internal enum CraftingTable { Disabled, Inventory, [InternalName("piece_workbench")] Workbench, [InternalName("piece_cauldron")] Cauldron, [InternalName("piece_MeadCauldron")] MeadCauldron, [InternalName("forge")] Forge, [InternalName("piece_artisanstation")] ArtisanTable, [InternalName("piece_stonecutter")] StoneCutter, [InternalName("piece_magetable")] MageTable, [InternalName("piece_preptable")] PrepTable, [InternalName("blackforge")] BlackForge, Custom } [PublicAPI] internal enum ConversionPiece { Disabled, [InternalName("smelter")] Smelter, [InternalName("charcoal_kiln")] CharcoalKiln, [InternalName("blastfurnace")] BlastFurnace, [InternalName("windmill")] Windmill, [InternalName("piece_spinningwheel")] SpinningWheel, [InternalName("eitrrefinery")] EitrRefinery, Custom } [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(1)] internal class InternalName : Attribute { public readonly string internalName; public InternalName(string internalName) { this.internalName = internalName; } } [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(1)] [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] internal class RequiredResourceList { public readonly List<Requirement> Requirements = new List<Requirement>(); public bool Free; public void Add(string itemName, int amount, int quality = 0) { Requirements.Add(new Requirement { itemName = itemName, amount = amount, quality = quality }); } public void Add(string itemName, ConfigEntry<int> amountConfig, int quality = 0) { Requirements.Add(new Requirement { itemName = itemName, amountConfig = amountConfig, quality = quality }); } } [PublicAPI] [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(1)] internal class CraftingStationList { public readonly List<CraftingStationConfig> Stations = new List<CraftingStationConfig>(); public void Add(CraftingTable table, int level) { Stations.Add(new CraftingStationConfig { Table = table, level = level }); } public void Add(string customTable, int level) { Stations.Add(new CraftingStationConfig { Table = CraftingTable.Custom, level = level, custom = customTable }); } } [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(1)] internal class ItemRecipe { public readonly RequiredResourceList RequiredItems = new RequiredResourceList(); public readonly RequiredResourceList RequiredUpgradeItems = new RequiredResourceList(); public readonly CraftingStationList Crafting = new CraftingStationList(); public int CraftAmount = 1; public bool RequireOnlyOneIngredient; public float QualityResultAmountMultiplier = 1f; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntryBase RecipeIsActive; } [PublicAPI] internal class Trade { public Trader Trader; public uint Price; public uint Stack = 1u; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] public string RequiredGlobalKey; } [PublicAPI] [Flags] internal enum Trader { None = 0, Haldor = 1, Hildir = 2 } internal struct Requirement { [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(1)] public string itemName; public int amount; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntry<int> amountConfig; [Description("Set to a non-zero value to apply the requirement only for a specific quality")] public int quality; } internal struct CraftingStationConfig { public CraftingTable Table; public int level; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] public string custom; } [Flags] internal enum Configurability { Disabled = 0, Recipe = 1, Stats = 2, Drop = 4, Trader = 8, Full = 0xF } [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] internal class DropTargets { public readonly List<DropTarget> Drops = new List<DropTarget>(); public void Add(string creatureName, float chance, int min = 1, int? max = null, bool levelMultiplier = true) { Drops.Add(new DropTarget { creature = creatureName, chance = chance, min = min, max = max.GetValueOrDefault(min), levelMultiplier = levelMultiplier }); } } internal struct DropTarget { [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(1)] public string creature; public int min; public int max; public float chance; public bool levelMultiplier; } internal enum Toggle { On = 1, Off = 0 } [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] internal class Item { [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] private class ItemConfig { [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public ConfigEntry<string> craft; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public ConfigEntry<string> upgrade; public ConfigEntry<CraftingTable> table; public ConfigEntry<int> tableLevel; public ConfigEntry<string> customTable; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntry<int> maximumTableLevel; public ConfigEntry<Toggle> requireOneIngredient; public ConfigEntry<float> qualityResultAmountMultiplier; } [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] private class TraderConfig { public ConfigEntry<Trader> trader; public ConfigEntry<uint> price; public ConfigEntry<uint> stack; public ConfigEntry<string> requiredGlobalKey; } [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] private class RequirementQuality { public int quality; } [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(2)] [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] private class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public int? Order; [UsedImplicitly] public bool? Browsable; [UsedImplicitly] public string Category; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] [UsedImplicitly] public Action<ConfigEntryBase> CustomDrawer; public Func<bool> browsability; } [PublicAPI] [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] public enum DamageModifier { Normal, Resistant, Weak, Immune, Ignore, VeryResistant, VeryWeak, None } [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] private delegate void setDmgFunc(ref DamageTypes dmg, float value); [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] private class SerializedRequirements { public readonly List<Requirement> Reqs; public SerializedRequirements(List<Requirement> reqs) { Reqs = reqs; } public SerializedRequirements(string reqs) : this(reqs.Split(new char[1] { ',' }).Select([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (string r) => { string[] array = r.Split(new char[1] { ':' }); Requirement result = default(Requirement); result.itemName = array[0]; result.amount = ((array.Length <= 1 || !int.TryParse(array[1], out var result2)) ? 1 : result2); result.quality = ((array.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(array[2], out var result3)) ? result3 : 0); return result; }).ToList()) { } public override string ToString() { return string.Join(",", Reqs.Select([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => $"{r.itemName}:{r.amount}" + ((r.quality > 0) ? $":{r.quality}" : ""))); } [return: <62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] public static ItemDrop fetchByName(ObjectDB objectDB, string name) { GameObject itemPrefab = objectDB.GetItemPrefab(name); ItemDrop obj = ((itemPrefab != null) ? itemPrefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>() : null); if ((Object)(object)obj == (Object)null) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("The required item '" + name + "' does not exist.")); } return obj; } public static Requirement[] toPieceReqs(ObjectDB objectDB, SerializedRequirements craft, SerializedRequirements upgrade) { //IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0178: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0185: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0194: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_011c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0125: Expected O, but got Unknown Dictionary<string, Requirement> dictionary = craft.Reqs.Where((Requirement r) => r.itemName != "").ToDictionary((Func<Requirement, string>)([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => r.itemName), (Func<Requirement, Requirement>)([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003e: Expected O, but got Unknown ItemDrop val6 = ResItem(r); return (val6 != null) ? new Requirement { m_amount = (r.amountConfig?.Value ?? r.amount), m_resItem = val6, m_amountPerLevel = 0 } : ((Requirement)null); })); List<Requirement> list = dictionary.Values.Where([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement v) => v != null).ToList(); foreach (Requirement item in upgrade.Reqs.Where((Requirement r) => r.itemName != "")) { if (item.quality > 0) { ItemDrop val = ResItem(item); if (val != null) { Requirement val2 = new Requirement { m_resItem = val, m_amountPerLevel = (item.amountConfig?.Value ?? item.amount), m_amount = 0 }; list.Add(val2); requirementQuality.Add(val2, new RequirementQuality { quality = item.quality }); } continue; } if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(item.itemName, out var value) || value == null) { ItemDrop val3 = ResItem(item); if (val3 != null) { string itemName = item.itemName; Requirement val4 = new Requirement { m_resItem = val3, m_amount = 0 }; Requirement val5 = val4; dictionary[itemName] = val4; value = val5; list.Add(value); } } if (value != null) { value.m_amountPerLevel = item.amountConfig?.Value ?? item.amount; } } return list.ToArray(); [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(2)] ItemDrop ResItem(Requirement r) { return fetchByName(objectDB, r.itemName); } } } [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(0)] private class SerializedDrop { public readonly List<DropTarget> Drops; public SerializedDrop(List<DropTarget> drops) { Drops = drops; } public SerializedDrop(string drops) { Drops = ((drops == "") ? ((IEnumerable<string>)Array.Empty<string>()) : ((IEnumerable<string>)drops.Split(new char[1] { ',' }))).Select([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (string r) => { string[] array = r.Split(new char[1] { ':' }); if (array.Length <= 2 || !int.TryParse(array[2], out var result)) { result = 1; } if (array.Length <= 3 || !int.TryParse(array[3], out var result2)) { result2 = result; } bool levelMultiplier = array.Length <= 4 || array[4] != "0"; DropTarget result3 = default(DropTarget); result3.creature = array[0]; result3.chance = ((array.Length > 1 && float.TryParse(array[1], out var result4)) ? result4 : 1f); result3.min = result; result3.max = result2; result3.levelMultiplier = levelMultiplier; return result3; }).ToList(); } public override string ToString() { return string.Join(",", Drops.Select([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (DropTarget r) => $"{r.creature}:{r.chance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}:{r.min}:" + ((r.min == r.max) ? "" : $"{r.max}") + (r.levelMultiplier ? "" : ":0"))); } [return: <62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private static Character fetchByName(ZNetScene netScene, string name) { GameObject prefab = netScene.GetPrefab(name); Character obj = ((prefab != null) ? prefab.GetComponent<Character>() : null); if ((Object)(object)obj == (Object)null) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("The drop target character '" + name + "' does not exist.")); } return obj; } public Dictionary<Character, Drop> toCharacterDrops(ZNetScene netScene, GameObject item) { //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006f: Expected O, but got Unknown Dictionary<Character, Drop> dictionary = new Dictionary<Character, Drop>(); foreach (DropTarget drop in Drops) { Character val = fetchByName(netScene, drop.creature); if (val != null) { dictionary[val] = new Drop { m_prefab = item, m_amountMin = drop.min, m_amountMax = drop.max, m_chance = drop.chance, m_levelMultiplier = drop.levelMultiplier }; } } return dictionary; } } private static readonly List<Item> registeredItems = new List<Item>(); private static readonly Dictionary<ItemDrop, Item> itemDropMap = new Dictionary<ItemDrop, Item>(); private static Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, List<Recipe>>> activeRecipes = new Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, List<Recipe>>>(); [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] private static Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase> hiddenCraftRecipes = new Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase>(); [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] private static Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase> hiddenUpgradeRecipes = new Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase>(); private static Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, ItemConfig>> itemCraftConfigs = new Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, ItemConfig>>(); private static Dictionary<Item, ConfigEntry<string>> itemDropConfigs = new Dictionary<Item, ConfigEntry<string>>(); private Dictionary<CharacterDrop, Drop> characterDrops = new Dictionary<CharacterDrop, Drop>(); private readonly Dictionary<ConfigEntryBase, Action> statsConfigs = new Dictionary<ConfigEntryBase, Action>(); private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Requirement, RequirementQuality> requirementQuality = new ConditionalWeakTable<Requirement, RequirementQuality>(); public static Configurability DefaultConfigurability = Configurability.Full; public Configurability? Configurable; private Configurability configurationVisible = Configurability.Full; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private TraderConfig traderConfig; public readonly GameObject Prefab; [Description("Specifies the maximum required crafting station level to upgrade and repair the item.\nDefault is calculated from crafting station level and maximum quality.")] public int MaximumRequiredStationLevel = int.MaxValue; [Description("Assigns the item as a drop item to a creature.\nUses a creature name, a drop chance and a minimum and maximum amount.")] public readonly DropTargets DropsFrom = new DropTargets(); [Description("Configures whether the item can be bought at the trader.\nDon't forget to set cost to something above 0 or the item will be sold for free.")] public readonly Trade Trade = new Trade(); internal List<Conversion> Conversions = new List<Conversion>(); internal List<ItemConversion> conversions = new List<ItemConversion>(); public Dictionary<string, ItemRecipe> Recipes = new Dictionary<string, ItemRecipe>(); [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private LocalizeKey _name; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private LocalizeKey _description; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private static object configManager; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private static Localization _english; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private static BaseUnityPlugin _plugin; private static bool hasConfigSync = true; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private static object _configSync; private Configurability configurability => Configurable ?? DefaultConfigurability; [Description("Specifies the resources needed to craft the item.\nUse .Add to add resources with their internal ID and an amount.\nUse one .Add for each resource type the item should need.")] public RequiredResourceList RequiredItems => this[""].RequiredItems; [Description("Specifies the resources needed to upgrade the item.\nUse .Add to add resources with their internal ID and an amount. This amount will be multipled by the item quality level.\nUse one .Add for each resource type the upgrade should need.")] public RequiredResourceList RequiredUpgradeItems => this[""].RequiredUpgradeItems; [Description("Specifies the crafting station needed to craft the item.\nUse .Add to add a crafting station, using the CraftingTable enum and a minimum level for the crafting station.\nUse one .Add for each crafting station.")] public CraftingStationList Crafting => this[""].Crafting; [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] [Description("Specifies a config entry which toggles whether a recipe is active.")] public ConfigEntryBase RecipeIsActive { [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(2)] get { return this[""].RecipeIsActive; } [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(2)] set { this[""].RecipeIsActive = value; } } [Description("Specifies the number of items that should be given to the player with a single craft of the item.\nDefaults to 1.")] public int CraftAmount { get { return this[""].CraftAmount; } set { this[""].CraftAmount = value; } } public bool RequireOnlyOneIngredient { get { return this[""].RequireOnlyOneIngredient; } set { this[""].RequireOnlyOneIngredient = value; } } public float QualityResultAmountMultiplier { get { return this[""].QualityResultAmountMultiplier; } set { this[""].QualityResultAmountMultiplier = value; } } public ItemRecipe this[string name] { get { if (Recipes.TryGetValue(name, out var value)) { return value; } return Recipes[name] = new ItemRecipe(); } } public LocalizeKey Name { get { LocalizeKey name = _name; if (name != null) { return name; } SharedData shared = Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared; if (shared.m_name.StartsWith("$")) { _name = new LocalizeKey(shared.m_name); } else { string text = "$item_" + ((Object)Prefab).name.Replace(" ", "_"); _name = new LocalizeKey(text).English(shared.m_name); shared.m_name = text; } return _name; } } public LocalizeKey Description { get { LocalizeKey description = _description; if (description != null) { return description; } SharedData shared = Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared; if (shared.m_description.StartsWith("$")) { _description = new LocalizeKey(shared.m_description); } else { string text = "$itemdesc_" + ((Object)Prefab).name.Replace(" ", "_"); _description = new LocalizeKey(text).English(shared.m_description); shared.m_description = text; } return _description; } } private static Localization english => _english ?? (_english = LocalizationCache.ForLanguage("English")); private static BaseUnityPlugin plugin { get { //IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a5: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_plugin == null) { IEnumerable<TypeInfo> source; try { source = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().DefinedTypes.ToList(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { source = from t in ex.Types where t != null select t.GetTypeInfo(); } _plugin = (BaseUnityPlugin)Chainloader.ManagerObject.GetComponent((Type)source.First([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (TypeInfo t) => t.IsClass && typeof(BaseUnityPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t))); } return _plugin; } } [<62e94e28-88dd-447c-b069-d9b0c8368877>Nullable(2)] private static object configSync { [<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(2)] get { if (_configSync == null && hasConfigSync) { Type type = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("ServerSync.ConfigSync"); if ((object)type != null) { _configSync = Activator.CreateInstance(type, plugin.Info.Metadata.GUID + " ItemManager"); type.GetField("CurrentVersion").SetValue(_configSync, plugin.Info.Metadata.Version.ToString()); type.GetProperty("IsLocked").SetValue(_configSync, true); } else { hasConfigSync = false; } } return _configSync; } } public Item(string assetBundleFileName, string prefabName, string folderName = "assets") : this(PrefabManager.RegisterAssetBundle(assetBundleFileName, folderName), prefabName) { } public Item(AssetBundle bundle, string prefabName) : this(PrefabManager.RegisterPrefab(bundle, prefabName, addToObjectDb: true), skipRegistering: true) { } public Item(GameObject prefab, bool skipRegistering = false) { if (!skipRegistering) { PrefabManager.RegisterPrefab(prefab, addToObjectDb: true); } Prefab = prefab; registeredItems.Add(this); itemDropMap[Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>()] = this; Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_dropPrefab = Prefab; } public void ToggleConfigurationVisibility(Configurability visible) { configurationVisible = visible; if (itemDropConfigs.TryGetValue(this, out var value)) { Toggle((ConfigEntryBase)(object)value, Configurability.Drop); } if (itemCraftConfigs.TryGetValue(this, out var value2)) { foreach (ItemConfig value4 in value2.Values) { ToggleObj(value4, Configurability.Recipe); } } foreach (Conversion conversion in Conversions) { if (conversion.config != null) { ToggleObj(conversion.config, Configurability.Recipe); } } foreach (KeyValuePair<ConfigEntryBase, Action> statsConfig in statsConfigs) { Toggle(statsConfig.Key, Configurability.Stats); if ((visible & Configurability.Stats) != 0) { statsConfig.Value(); } } reloadConfigDisplay(); void Toggle(ConfigEntryBase cfg, Configurability check) { object[] tags = cfg.Description.Tags; for (int j = 0; j < tags.Length; j++) { if (tags[j] is ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes) { configurationManagerAttributes.Browsable = (visible & check) != 0 && (configurationManagerAttributes.browsability == null || configurationManagerAttributes.browsability()); } } } void ToggleObj(object obj, Configurability check) { FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { object? value3 = fields[i].GetValue(obj); ConfigEntryBase val = (ConfigEntryBase)((value3 is ConfigEntryBase) ? value3 : null); if (val != null) { Toggle(val, check); } } } } internal static void reloadConfigDisplay() { object obj = configManager?.GetType().GetProperty("DisplayingWindow").GetValue(configManager); if (obj is bool && (bool)obj) { configManager.GetType().GetMethod("BuildSettingList").Invoke(configManager, Array.Empty<object>()); } } private void UpdateItemTableConfig(string recipeKey, CraftingTable table, string customTableValue) { if (activeRecipes.ContainsKey(this) && activeRecipes[this].TryGetValue(recipeKey, out var value)) { value.First().m_enabled = table != CraftingTable.Disabled; if ((uint)table <= 1u) { value.First().m_craftingStation = null; } else if (table == CraftingTable.Custom) { Recipe obj = value.First(); GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(customTableValue); obj.m_craftingStation = ((prefab != null) ? prefab.GetComponent<CraftingStation>() : null); } else { value.First().m_craftingStation = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(getInternalName(table)).GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } } } private void UpdateCraftConfig(string recipeKey, SerializedRequirements craftRequirements, SerializedRequirements upgradeRequirements) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance) || !activeRecipes.ContainsKey(this) || !activeRecipes[this].TryGetValue(recipeKey, out var value)) { return; } foreach (Recipe item in value) { item.m_resources = SerializedRequirements.toPieceReqs(ObjectDB.instance, craftRequirements, upgradeRequirements); } } internal static void Patch_FejdStartup() { //IL_0e8a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0e8f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_2155: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_215f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0f53: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0f56: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0fac: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0b79: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0b83: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_030b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0315: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_10e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10e5: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_10e7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10eb: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0c9c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0ca6: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0d47: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0d51: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_10ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10f1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_03fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0408: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0dfb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0e05: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_12ec: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12f1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_12f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12f9: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0539: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0543: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_12fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12ff: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_13d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13de: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_13e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13e4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_06f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_06fa: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0651: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_065b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_1453: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1456: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1458: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_07fa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0804: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_145a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_145e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1460: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1462: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1466: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_15a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_15a6: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_17a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_17aa: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1873: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1878: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_187a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_187e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1880: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_18ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18f4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1519: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_151e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18fa: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_18fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1900: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1d6d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1d70: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 Type type = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (Assembly a) => a.GetName().Name == "ConfigurationManager")?.GetType("ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationManager"); if (DefaultConfigurability != 0) { bool saveOnConfigSet = plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet; plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (Item item4 in registeredItems.Where([<ea5a6354-72f7-4ec2-b57f-5f8e08f9d568>NullableContext(0)] (Item i) => i.configurability != Configurability.Disabled)) { Item item3 = item4; string name2 = item3.Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared.m_name; string englishName = new Regex("[=\\n\\t\\\\\"\\'\\[\\]]*").Replace(english.Localize(name2), "").Trim(); string localizedName = Localization.instance.Localize(name2).Trim(); int order = 0; if ((item3.configurability & Configurability.Recipe) != 0) { itemCraftConfigs[item3] = new Dictionary<string, ItemConfig>(); foreach (string item5 in item3.Recipes.Keys.DefaultIfEmpty("")) { string configKey = item5; string text = ((configKey == "") ? "" : (" (" + configKey + ")")); if (!item3.Recipes.ContainsKey(configKey) || item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.Count <= 0) { continue; } ItemConfig itemConfig2 = (itemCraftConfigs[item3][configKey] = new ItemConfig()); ItemConfig cfg = itemConfig2; List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes> hideWhenNoneAttributes = new List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(); cfg.table = config(englishName, "Crafting Station" + text, item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.First().Table, new ConfigDescription("Crafting station where " + englishName + " is available.", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), Browsable = ((item3.configurationVisible & Configurability.Recipe) != 0), Category = localizedName } })); ConfigurationManagerAttributes customTableAttributes = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), browsability = CustomTableBrowsability, Browsable = (CustomTableBrowsability() && (item3.configurationVisible & Configurability.Recipe) != 0), Category = localizedName }; cfg.customTable = config(englishName, "Custom Crafting Station" + text, item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.First().custom ?? "", new ConfigDescription("", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { customTableAttributes })); cfg.table.SettingChanged += TableConfigChanged; cfg.customTable.SettingChanged += TableConfigChanged; ConfigurationManag
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using HarmonyLib; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using PieceManager; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.UI; [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: Guid("F9B815D6-6EF4-44DB-9A0F-436849B24670")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2021")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("OdinsPictureFrame")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("OdinsPictureFrame")] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<628ea4d3-86e8-4500-b16e-89fbf7745364>Embedded] internal sealed class <628ea4d3-86e8-4500-b16e-89fbf7745364>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<628ea4d3-86e8-4500-b16e-89fbf7745364>Embedded] internal sealed class <e1550416-9b53-4a28-861b-fc82e0e1d868>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <e1550416-9b53-4a28-861b-fc82e0e1d868>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <e1550416-9b53-4a28-861b-fc82e0e1d868>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<628ea4d3-86e8-4500-b16e-89fbf7745364>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <16555245-5849-4c18-8480-4d8cadac04e7>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <16555245-5849-4c18-8480-4d8cadac04e7>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace OdinsPictureFrame { [BepInPlugin("org.bepinex.plugins.odinspictureframe", "OdinsPictureFrame", "1.0.1")] [<e1550416-9b53-4a28-861b-fc82e0e1d868>Nullable(0)] [<16555245-5849-4c18-8480-4d8cadac04e7>NullableContext(1)] public class OdinsPictureFrame : BaseUnityPlugin { private const string ModName = "OdinsPictureFrame"; private const string ModVersion = "1.0.1"; private const string ModGUID = "org.bepinex.plugins.odinspictureframe"; private void Awake() { //IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Expected O, but got Unknown AssetBundle val = PiecePrefabManager.RegisterAssetBundle("pictureframe"); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { Debug.LogError((object)"[OdinsPictureFrame] Asset bundle not found! Check the path."); return; } BuildPiece buildPiece = new BuildPiece(val, "Odins_Picture_Frame"); buildPiece.Name.English("Odins Picture Frame"); buildPiece.Description.English("A customizable billboard."); buildPiece.RequiredItems.Add("SwordCheat", 1, recover: true); SetupOdinsPictureFrame(buildPiece.Prefab); Debug.Log((object)"[OdinsPictureFrame] Prefab and asset bundle registered successfully."); Harmony val2 = new Harmony("org.bepinex.plugins.odinspictureframe"); val2.PatchAll(); } private void SetupOdinsPictureFrame(GameObject odinsPictureFrame) { //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0034: Expected O, but got Unknown Sign val = odinsPictureFrame.AddComponent<Sign>(); val.m_name = "Picture Frame"; val.m_defaultText = "Enter Picture URL"; val.m_characterLimit = 150; GameObject val2 = new GameObject("_Collider"); val2.transform.SetParent(odinsPictureFrame.transform, false); CanvasRenderer val3 = val2.AddComponent<CanvasRenderer>(); TextMeshProUGUI val4 = val2.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); ((TMP_Text)val4).text = ""; ((TMP_Text)val4).fontSize = 36f; ((TMP_Text)val4).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514; ((TMP_Text)val4).font = Resources.Load<TMP_FontAsset>("Valheim-Norse"); val.m_textWidget = val4; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Sign), "Awake")] [<16555245-5849-4c18-8480-4d8cadac04e7>NullableContext(1)] [<e1550416-9b53-4a28-861b-fc82e0e1d868>Nullable(0)] public class SignAwakePatch { private static void Postfix(Sign __instance) { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(RefreshImageAfterAwake(__instance)); } private static IEnumerator RefreshImageAfterAwake(Sign instance) { while ((Object)(object)instance.m_nview == (Object)null || !instance.m_nview.IsValid()) { yield return null; } ZDO zdo = instance.m_nview.GetZDO(); string url = zdo.GetString("custom_image_url", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { Debug.Log((object)("[SignAwakePatch] Reapplying image for URL: " + url)); SignPatch.ApplyImageIfNeeded(instance, url); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Sign), "SetText")] [<16555245-5849-4c18-8480-4d8cadac04e7>NullableContext(1)] [<e1550416-9b53-4a28-861b-fc82e0e1d868>Nullable(0)] public class SignPatch { private static void Postfix(Sign __instance, string text) { if (IsValidUrl(text)) { ZDO zDO = __instance.m_nview.GetZDO(); zDO.Set("custom_image_url", text); zDO.Set("custom_image_applied", false); ApplyImageIfNeeded(__instance, text); } } private static bool IsValidUrl(string url) { return Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.Absolute); } internal static void ApplyImageIfNeeded(Sign instance, string url) { Transform val = ((Component)instance).transform.Find("_Canvas"); if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null) { Renderer component = ((Component)val).GetComponent<Renderer>(); if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(ApplyImageFromUrl(url, component, instance)); } } } private static IEnumerator ApplyImageFromUrl(string url, Renderer canvasRenderer, Sign instance) { UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url); yield return request.SendWebRequest(); if ((int)request.result != 1) { Debug.LogError((object)("[SignPatch] Failed to download image from URL: " + url)); yield break; } Texture2D downloadedTexture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(request); canvasRenderer.material.mainTexture = (Texture)(object)downloadedTexture; instance.m_nview.GetZDO().Set("custom_image_applied", true); } } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<134c394d-7ba1-442b-92cc-f42ea6e84fa0>Embedded] internal sealed class <134c394d-7ba1-442b-92cc-f42ea6e84fa0>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<134c394d-7ba1-442b-92cc-f42ea6e84fa0>Embedded] internal sealed class <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [<134c394d-7ba1-442b-92cc-f42ea6e84fa0>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [<134c394d-7ba1-442b-92cc-f42ea6e84fa0>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace ServerSync { [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] internal abstract class OwnConfigEntryBase { [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public object LocalBaseValue; public bool SynchronizedConfig = true; public abstract ConfigEntryBase BaseConfig { get; } } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] internal class SyncedConfigEntry<[<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] T> : OwnConfigEntryBase { public readonly ConfigEntry<T> SourceConfig; public override ConfigEntryBase BaseConfig => (ConfigEntryBase)(object)SourceConfig; public T Value { get { return SourceConfig.Value; } set { SourceConfig.Value = value; } } public SyncedConfigEntry(ConfigEntry<T> sourceConfig) { SourceConfig = sourceConfig; } public void AssignLocalValue(T value) { if (LocalBaseValue == null) { Value = value; } else { LocalBaseValue = value; } } } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(2)] [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] internal abstract class CustomSyncedValueBase { public object LocalBaseValue; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(1)] public readonly string Identifier; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(1)] public readonly Type Type; private object boxedValue; protected bool localIsOwner; public readonly int Priority; public object BoxedValue { get { return boxedValue; } set { boxedValue = value; this.ValueChanged?.Invoke(); } } public event Action ValueChanged; [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] protected CustomSyncedValueBase(ConfigSync configSync, string identifier, Type type, int priority) { Priority = priority; Identifier = identifier; Type = type; configSync.AddCustomValue(this); localIsOwner = configSync.IsSourceOfTruth; configSync.SourceOfTruthChanged += delegate(bool truth) { localIsOwner = truth; }; } } [PublicAPI] [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] internal sealed class CustomSyncedValue<[<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] T> : CustomSyncedValueBase { public T Value { get { return (T)base.BoxedValue; } set { base.BoxedValue = value; } } public CustomSyncedValue(ConfigSync configSync, string identifier, T value = default(T), int priority = 0) : base(configSync, identifier, typeof(T), priority) { Value = value; } public void AssignLocalValue(T value) { if (localIsOwner) { Value = value; } else { LocalBaseValue = value; } } } internal class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public bool? ReadOnly = false; } [PublicAPI] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] internal class ConfigSync { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZRpc), "HandlePackage")] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] private static class SnatchCurrentlyHandlingRPC { [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public static ZRpc currentRpc; [HarmonyPrefix] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] private static void Prefix(ZRpc __instance) { currentRpc = __instance; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Awake")] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] internal static class RegisterRPCPatch { [HarmonyPostfix] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance) { isServer = __instance.IsServer(); foreach (ConfigSync configSync2 in configSyncs) { ZRoutedRpc.instance.Register<ZPackage>(configSync2.Name + " ConfigSync", (Action<long, ZPackage>)configSync2.RPC_FromOtherClientConfigSync); if (isServer) { configSync2.InitialSyncDone = true; Debug.Log((object)("Registered '" + configSync2.Name + " ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections")); } } if (isServer) { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(WatchAdminListChanges()); } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] static void SendAdmin(List<ZNetPeer> peers, bool isAdmin) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(null, null, new PackageEntry[1] { new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "lockexempt", type = typeof(bool), value = isAdmin } }); ConfigSync configSync = configSyncs.First(); if (configSync != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)ZNet.instance).StartCoroutine(configSync.sendZPackage(peers, package)); } } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] static IEnumerator WatchAdminListChanges() { MethodInfo listContainsId = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList adminList = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); List<string> CurrentList = new List<string>(adminList.GetList()); while (true) { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(30f); if (!adminList.GetList().SequenceEqual(CurrentList)) { CurrentList = new List<string>(adminList.GetList()); List<ZNetPeer> adminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Where(delegate(ZNetPeer p) { string hostName = p.m_rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName(); return ((object)listContainsId == null) ? adminList.Contains(hostName) : ((bool)listContainsId.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { adminList, hostName })); }).ToList(); List<ZNetPeer> nonAdminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Except(adminPeer).ToList(); SendAdmin(nonAdminPeer, isAdmin: false); SendAdmin(adminPeer, isAdmin: true); } } } } } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] private static class RegisterClientRPCPatch { [HarmonyPostfix] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance, ZNetPeer peer) { if (__instance.IsServer()) { return; } foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>(configSync.Name + " ConfigSync", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)configSync.RPC_FromServerConfigSync); } } } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] private class ParsedConfigs { [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] public readonly Dictionary<OwnConfigEntryBase, object> configValues = new Dictionary<OwnConfigEntryBase, object>(); [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] public readonly Dictionary<CustomSyncedValueBase, object> customValues = new Dictionary<CustomSyncedValueBase, object>(); } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Shutdown")] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] private class ResetConfigsOnShutdown { [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix() { ProcessingServerUpdate = true; foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { configSync.resetConfigsFromServer(); configSync.IsSourceOfTruth = true; configSync.InitialSyncDone = false; } ProcessingServerUpdate = false; } } [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] private class SendConfigsAfterLogin { [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] private class BufferingSocket : ISocket { public volatile bool finished = false; public volatile int versionMatchQueued = -1; public readonly List<ZPackage> Package = new List<ZPackage>(); public readonly ISocket Original; public BufferingSocket(ISocket original) { Original = original; } public bool IsConnected() { return Original.IsConnected(); } public ZPackage Recv() { return Original.Recv(); } public int GetSendQueueSize() { return Original.GetSendQueueSize(); } public int GetCurrentSendRate() { return Original.GetCurrentSendRate(); } public bool IsHost() { return Original.IsHost(); } public void Dispose() { Original.Dispose(); } public bool GotNewData() { return Original.GotNewData(); } public void Close() { Original.Close(); } public string GetEndPointString() { return Original.GetEndPointString(); } public void GetAndResetStats(out int totalSent, out int totalRecv) { Original.GetAndResetStats(ref totalSent, ref totalRecv); } public void GetConnectionQuality(out float localQuality, out float remoteQuality, out int ping, out float outByteSec, out float inByteSec) { Original.GetConnectionQuality(ref localQuality, ref remoteQuality, ref ping, ref outByteSec, ref inByteSec); } public ISocket Accept() { return Original.Accept(); } public int GetHostPort() { return Original.GetHostPort(); } public bool Flush() { return Original.Flush(); } public string GetHostName() { return Original.GetHostName(); } public void VersionMatch() { if (finished) { Original.VersionMatch(); } else { versionMatchQueued = Package.Count; } } public void Send(ZPackage pkg) { //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005d: Expected O, but got Unknown int pos = pkg.GetPos(); pkg.SetPos(0); int num = pkg.ReadInt(); if ((num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("PeerInfo") || num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("RoutedRPC") || num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ZDOData")) && !finished) { ZPackage val = new ZPackage(pkg.GetArray()); val.SetPos(pos); Package.Add(val); } else { pkg.SetPos(pos); Original.Send(pkg); } } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPriority(800)] private static void Prefix([<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] ref Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket> __state, ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc) { //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if (__instance.IsServer()) { BufferingSocket value = new BufferingSocket(rpc.GetSocket()); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRpc), "m_socket").SetValue(rpc, value); object? obj = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); ZNetPeer val = (ZNetPeer)((obj is ZNetPeer) ? obj : null); if (val != null && (int)ZNet.m_onlineBackend > 0) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNetPeer), "m_socket").SetValue(val, value); } if (__state == null) { __state = new Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket>(); } __state[Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()] = value; } } [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix(Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket> __state, ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc) { ZNetPeer peer; if (__instance.IsServer()) { object obj = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); peer = (ZNetPeer)((obj is ZNetPeer) ? obj : null); if (peer == null) { SendBufferedData(); } else { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(sendAsync()); } } void SendBufferedData() { if (rpc.GetSocket() is BufferingSocket bufferingSocket) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRpc), "m_socket").SetValue(rpc, bufferingSocket.Original); object? obj2 = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); ZNetPeer val = (ZNetPeer)((obj2 is ZNetPeer) ? obj2 : null); if (val != null) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNetPeer), "m_socket").SetValue(val, bufferingSocket.Original); } } BufferingSocket bufferingSocket2 = __state[Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()]; bufferingSocket2.finished = true; for (int i = 0; i < bufferingSocket2.Package.Count; i++) { if (i == bufferingSocket2.versionMatchQueued) { bufferingSocket2.Original.VersionMatch(); } bufferingSocket2.Original.Send(bufferingSocket2.Package[i]); } if (bufferingSocket2.Package.Count == bufferingSocket2.versionMatchQueued) { bufferingSocket2.Original.VersionMatch(); } } IEnumerator sendAsync() { foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { List<PackageEntry> entries = new List<PackageEntry>(); if (configSync.CurrentVersion != null) { entries.Add(new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "serverversion", type = typeof(string), value = configSync.CurrentVersion }); } MethodInfo listContainsId = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList adminList = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); entries.Add(new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "lockexempt", type = typeof(bool), value = (((object)listContainsId == null) ? ((object)adminList.Contains(rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName())) : listContainsId.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { adminList, rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName() })) }); ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(configSync.allConfigs.Select([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.BaseConfig), configSync.allCustomValues, entries, partial: false); yield return ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(configSync.sendZPackage(new List<ZNetPeer> { peer }, package)); } SendBufferedData(); } } } [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] private class PackageEntry { public string section = null; public string key = null; public Type type = null; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public object value; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConfigEntryBase), "GetSerializedValue")] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] private static class PreventSavingServerInfo { [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool Prefix(ConfigEntryBase __instance, ref string __result) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData(__instance); if (ownConfigEntryBase == null || isWritableConfig(ownConfigEntryBase)) { return true; } __result = TomlTypeConverter.ConvertToString(ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue, __instance.SettingType); return false; } } [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConfigEntryBase), "SetSerializedValue")] private static class PreventConfigRereadChangingValues { [HarmonyPrefix] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] private static bool Prefix(ConfigEntryBase __instance, string value) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData(__instance); if (ownConfigEntryBase == null || ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue == null) { return true; } try { ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue = TomlTypeConverter.ConvertToValue(value, __instance.SettingType); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning((object)$"Config value of setting \"{__instance.Definition}\" could not be parsed and will be ignored. Reason: {ex.Message}; Value: {value}"); } return false; } } [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] private class InvalidDeserializationTypeException : Exception { public string expected = null; public string received = null; public string field = ""; } public static bool ProcessingServerUpdate; public readonly string Name; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public string DisplayName; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public string CurrentVersion; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public string MinimumRequiredVersion; public bool ModRequired = false; private bool? forceConfigLocking; private bool isSourceOfTruth = true; private static readonly HashSet<ConfigSync> configSyncs; private readonly HashSet<OwnConfigEntryBase> allConfigs = new HashSet<OwnConfigEntryBase>(); private HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase> allCustomValues = new HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase>(); private static bool isServer; private static bool lockExempt; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private OwnConfigEntryBase lockedConfig = null; private const byte PARTIAL_CONFIGS = 1; private const byte FRAGMENTED_CONFIG = 2; private const byte COMPRESSED_CONFIG = 4; private readonly Dictionary<string, SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>> configValueCache = new Dictionary<string, SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>>(); [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 0, 1 })] private readonly List<KeyValuePair<long, string>> cacheExpirations = new List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>(); private static long packageCounter; public bool IsLocked { get { bool? flag = forceConfigLocking; bool num; if (!flag.HasValue) { if (lockedConfig == null) { goto IL_0052; } num = ((IConvertible)lockedConfig.BaseConfig.BoxedValue).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0; } else { num = flag.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (!num) { goto IL_0052; } int result = ((!lockExempt) ? 1 : 0); goto IL_0053; IL_0053: return (byte)result != 0; IL_0052: result = 0; goto IL_0053; } set { forceConfigLocking = value; } } public bool IsAdmin => lockExempt || isSourceOfTruth; public bool IsSourceOfTruth { get { return isSourceOfTruth; } private set { if (value != isSourceOfTruth) { isSourceOfTruth = value; this.SourceOfTruthChanged?.Invoke(value); } } } public bool InitialSyncDone { get; private set; } = false; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] [method: <843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(2)] [field: <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] public event Action<bool> SourceOfTruthChanged; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] [method: <843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(2)] [field: <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private event Action lockedConfigChanged; static ConfigSync() { ProcessingServerUpdate = false; configSyncs = new HashSet<ConfigSync>(); lockExempt = false; packageCounter = 0L; RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(typeof(VersionCheck).TypeHandle); } public ConfigSync(string name) { Name = name; configSyncs.Add(this); new VersionCheck(this); } public SyncedConfigEntry<T> AddConfigEntry<[<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData((ConfigEntryBase)(object)configEntry); SyncedConfigEntry<T> syncedEntry = ownConfigEntryBase as SyncedConfigEntry<T>; if (syncedEntry == null) { syncedEntry = new SyncedConfigEntry<T>(configEntry); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ConfigDescription), "<Tags>k__BackingField").SetValue(((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes() }.Concat(((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description.Tags ?? Array.Empty<object>()).Concat(new SyncedConfigEntry<T>[1] { syncedEntry }).ToArray()); configEntry.SettingChanged += [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (!ProcessingServerUpdate && syncedEntry.SynchronizedConfig) { Broadcast(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, (ConfigEntryBase)configEntry); } }; allConfigs.Add(syncedEntry); } return syncedEntry; } public SyncedConfigEntry<T> AddLockingConfigEntry<[<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> lockingConfig) where T : IConvertible { if (lockedConfig != null) { throw new Exception("Cannot initialize locking ConfigEntry twice"); } lockedConfig = AddConfigEntry<T>(lockingConfig); lockingConfig.SettingChanged += [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { this.lockedConfigChanged?.Invoke(); }; return (SyncedConfigEntry<T>)lockedConfig; } internal void AddCustomValue(CustomSyncedValueBase customValue) { if (allCustomValues.Select([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase v) => v.Identifier).Concat(new string[1] { "serverversion" }).Contains(customValue.Identifier)) { throw new Exception("Cannot have multiple settings with the same name or with a reserved name (serverversion)"); } allCustomValues.Add(customValue); allCustomValues = new HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase>(allCustomValues.OrderByDescending([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase v) => v.Priority)); customValue.ValueChanged += delegate { if (!ProcessingServerUpdate) { Broadcast(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, customValue); } }; } private void RPC_FromServerConfigSync(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage package) { lockedConfigChanged += serverLockedSettingChanged; IsSourceOfTruth = false; if (HandleConfigSyncRPC(0L, package, clientUpdate: false)) { InitialSyncDone = true; } } private void RPC_FromOtherClientConfigSync(long sender, ZPackage package) { HandleConfigSyncRPC(sender, package, clientUpdate: true); } private bool HandleConfigSyncRPC(long sender, ZPackage package, bool clientUpdate) { //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0250: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0257: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f1: Expected O, but got Unknown try { if (isServer && IsLocked) { ZRpc currentRpc = SnatchCurrentlyHandlingRPC.currentRpc; object obj; if (currentRpc == null) { obj = null; } else { ISocket socket = currentRpc.GetSocket(); obj = ((socket != null) ? socket.GetHostName() : null); } string text = (string)obj; if (text != null) { MethodInfo methodInfo = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList val = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); if (!(((object)methodInfo == null) ? val.Contains(text) : ((bool)methodInfo.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { val, text })))) { return false; } } } cacheExpirations.RemoveAll(([<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 0, 1 })] KeyValuePair<long, string> kv) => { if (kv.Key < DateTimeOffset.Now.Ticks) { configValueCache.Remove(kv.Value); return true; } return false; }); byte b = package.ReadByte(); if ((b & 2u) != 0) { long num = package.ReadLong(); string text2 = sender.ToString() + num; if (!configValueCache.TryGetValue(text2, out var value)) { value = new SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>(); configValueCache[text2] = value; cacheExpirations.Add(new KeyValuePair<long, string>(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(60.0).Ticks, text2)); } int key = package.ReadInt(); int num2 = package.ReadInt(); value.Add(key, package.ReadByteArray()); if (value.Count < num2) { return false; } configValueCache.Remove(text2); package = new ZPackage(value.Values.SelectMany([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (byte[] a) => a).ToArray()); b = package.ReadByte(); } ProcessingServerUpdate = true; if ((b & 4u) != 0) { byte[] buffer = package.ReadByteArray(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { deflateStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); } package = new ZPackage(memoryStream.ToArray()); b = package.ReadByte(); } if ((b & 1) == 0) { resetConfigsFromServer(); } ParsedConfigs parsedConfigs = ReadConfigsFromPackage(package); ConfigFile val2 = null; bool saveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<OwnConfigEntryBase, object> configValue in parsedConfigs.configValues) { if (!isServer && configValue.Key.LocalBaseValue == null) { configValue.Key.LocalBaseValue = configValue.Key.BaseConfig.BoxedValue; } if (val2 == null) { val2 = configValue.Key.BaseConfig.ConfigFile; saveOnConfigSet = val2.SaveOnConfigSet; val2.SaveOnConfigSet = false; } configValue.Key.BaseConfig.BoxedValue = configValue.Value; } if (val2 != null) { val2.SaveOnConfigSet = saveOnConfigSet; } foreach (KeyValuePair<CustomSyncedValueBase, object> customValue in parsedConfigs.customValues) { if (!isServer) { CustomSyncedValueBase key2 = customValue.Key; if (key2.LocalBaseValue == null) { key2.LocalBaseValue = customValue.Key.BoxedValue; } } customValue.Key.BoxedValue = customValue.Value; } Debug.Log((object)string.Format("Received {0} configs and {1} custom values from {2} for mod {3}", parsedConfigs.configValues.Count, parsedConfigs.customValues.Count, (isServer || clientUpdate) ? $"client {sender}" : "the server", DisplayName ?? Name)); if (!isServer) { serverLockedSettingChanged(); } return true; } finally { ProcessingServerUpdate = false; } } private ParsedConfigs ReadConfigsFromPackage(ZPackage package) { ParsedConfigs parsedConfigs = new ParsedConfigs(); Dictionary<string, OwnConfigEntryBase> dictionary = allConfigs.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.SynchronizedConfig).ToDictionary([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.BaseConfig.Definition.Section + "_" + c.BaseConfig.Definition.Key, [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c); Dictionary<string, CustomSyncedValueBase> dictionary2 = allCustomValues.ToDictionary([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase c) => c.Identifier, [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase c) => c); int num = package.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { string text = package.ReadString(); string text2 = package.ReadString(); string text3 = package.ReadString(); Type type = Type.GetType(text3); if (text3 == "" || type != null) { object obj; try { obj = ((text3 == "") ? null : ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type)); } catch (InvalidDeserializationTypeException ex) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected struct internal type " + ex.received + " for field " + ex.field + " struct " + text3 + " for " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + ex.expected)); continue; } OwnConfigEntryBase value2; if (text == "Internal") { CustomSyncedValueBase value; if (text2 == "serverversion") { if (obj?.ToString() != CurrentVersion) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Received server version is not equal: server version = " + (obj?.ToString() ?? "null") + "; local version = " + (CurrentVersion ?? "unknown"))); } } else if (text2 == "lockexempt") { if (obj is bool flag) { lockExempt = flag; } } else if (dictionary2.TryGetValue(text2, out value)) { if ((text3 == "" && (!value.Type.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(value.Type) != null)) || GetZPackageTypeString(value.Type) == text3) { parsedConfigs.customValues[value] = obj; continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected type " + text3 + " for internal value " + text2 + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + value.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } } else if (dictionary.TryGetValue(text + "_" + text2, out value2)) { Type type2 = configType(value2.BaseConfig); if ((text3 == "" && (!type2.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type2) != null)) || GetZPackageTypeString(type2) == text3) { parsedConfigs.configValues[value2] = obj; continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected type " + text3 + " for " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + type2.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } else { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Received unknown config entry " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ". This may happen if client and server versions of the mod do not match.")); } continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got invalid type " + text3 + ", abort reading of received configs")); return new ParsedConfigs(); } return parsedConfigs; } private static bool isWritableConfig(OwnConfigEntryBase config) { ConfigSync configSync = configSyncs.FirstOrDefault([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (ConfigSync cs) => cs.allConfigs.Contains(config)); if (configSync == null) { return true; } return configSync.IsSourceOfTruth || !config.SynchronizedConfig || config.LocalBaseValue == null || (!configSync.IsLocked && (config != configSync.lockedConfig || lockExempt)); } private void serverLockedSettingChanged() { foreach (OwnConfigEntryBase allConfig in allConfigs) { configAttribute<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(allConfig.BaseConfig).ReadOnly = !isWritableConfig(allConfig); } } private void resetConfigsFromServer() { ConfigFile val = null; bool saveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (OwnConfigEntryBase item in allConfigs.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase config) => config.LocalBaseValue != null)) { if (val == null) { val = item.BaseConfig.ConfigFile; saveOnConfigSet = val.SaveOnConfigSet; val.SaveOnConfigSet = false; } item.BaseConfig.BoxedValue = item.LocalBaseValue; item.LocalBaseValue = null; } if (val != null) { val.SaveOnConfigSet = saveOnConfigSet; } foreach (CustomSyncedValueBase item2 in allCustomValues.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase config) => config.LocalBaseValue != null)) { item2.BoxedValue = item2.LocalBaseValue; item2.LocalBaseValue = null; } lockedConfigChanged -= serverLockedSettingChanged; serverLockedSettingChanged(); } private IEnumerator<bool> distributeConfigToPeers(ZNetPeer peer, ZPackage package) { ZRoutedRpc rpc = ZRoutedRpc.instance; if (rpc == null) { yield break; } byte[] data = package.GetArray(); if (data != null && data.LongLength > 250000) { int fragments = (int)(1 + (data.LongLength - 1) / 250000); long packageIdentifier = ++packageCounter; int fragment = 0; while (fragment < fragments) { foreach (bool item in waitForQueue()) { yield return item; } if (peer.m_socket.IsConnected()) { ZPackage fragmentedPackage = new ZPackage(); fragmentedPackage.Write((byte)2); fragmentedPackage.Write(packageIdentifier); fragmentedPackage.Write(fragment); fragmentedPackage.Write(fragments); fragmentedPackage.Write(data.Skip(250000 * fragment).Take(250000).ToArray()); SendPackage(fragmentedPackage); if (fragment != fragments - 1) { yield return true; } int num = fragment + 1; fragment = num; continue; } break; } yield break; } foreach (bool item2 in waitForQueue()) { yield return item2; } SendPackage(package); void SendPackage(ZPackage pkg) { string text = Name + " ConfigSync"; if (isServer) { peer.m_rpc.Invoke(text, new object[1] { pkg }); } else { rpc.InvokeRoutedRPC(peer.m_server ? 0 : peer.m_uid, text, new object[1] { pkg }); } } IEnumerable<bool> waitForQueue() { float timeout = Time.time + 30f; while (peer.m_socket.GetSendQueueSize() > 20000) { if (Time.time > timeout) { Debug.Log((object)$"Disconnecting {peer.m_uid} after 30 seconds config sending timeout"); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { (object)(ConnectionStatus)5 }); ZNet.instance.Disconnect(peer); break; } yield return false; } } } private IEnumerator sendZPackage(long target, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { return Enumerable.Empty<object>().GetEnumerator(); } List<ZNetPeer> list = (List<ZNetPeer>)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRoutedRpc), "m_peers").GetValue(ZRoutedRpc.instance); if (target != ZRoutedRpc.Everybody) { list = list.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (ZNetPeer p) => p.m_uid == target).ToList(); } return sendZPackage(list, package); } private IEnumerator sendZPackage(List<ZNetPeer> peers, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { yield break; } byte[] rawData = package.GetArray(); if (rawData != null && rawData.LongLength > 10000) { ZPackage compressedPackage = new ZPackage(); compressedPackage.Write((byte)4); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(output, CompressionLevel.Optimal)) { deflateStream.Write(rawData, 0, rawData.Length); } compressedPackage.Write(output.ToArray()); package = compressedPackage; } List<IEnumerator<bool>> writers = (from peer in peers where peer.IsReady() select peer into p select distributeConfigToPeers(p, package)).ToList(); writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); while (writers.Count > 0) { yield return null; writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); } } private void Broadcast(long target, params ConfigEntryBase[] configs) { if (!IsLocked || isServer) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(configs); ZNet instance = ZNet.instance; if (instance != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(target, package)); } } } private void Broadcast(long target, params CustomSyncedValueBase[] customValues) { if (!IsLocked || isServer) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(null, customValues); ZNet instance = ZNet.instance; if (instance != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(target, package)); } } } [return: <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private static OwnConfigEntryBase configData(ConfigEntryBase config) { return config.Description.Tags?.OfType<OwnConfigEntryBase>().SingleOrDefault(); } [return: <ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public static SyncedConfigEntry<T> ConfigData<[<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> config) { return ((ConfigEntryBase)config).Description.Tags?.OfType<SyncedConfigEntry<T>>().SingleOrDefault(); } private static T configAttribute<[<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntryBase config) { return config.Description.Tags.OfType<T>().First(); } private static Type configType(ConfigEntryBase config) { return configType(config.SettingType); } private static Type configType(Type type) { return type.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type) : type; } private static ZPackage ConfigsToPackage([<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<ConfigEntryBase> configs = null, [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<CustomSyncedValueBase> customValues = null, [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<PackageEntry> packageEntries = null, bool partial = true) { //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Expected O, but got Unknown List<ConfigEntryBase> list = configs?.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (ConfigEntryBase config) => configData(config).SynchronizedConfig).ToList() ?? new List<ConfigEntryBase>(); List<CustomSyncedValueBase> list2 = customValues?.ToList() ?? new List<CustomSyncedValueBase>(); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write((byte)(partial ? 1 : 0)); val.Write(list.Count + list2.Count + (packageEntries?.Count() ?? 0)); foreach (PackageEntry item in packageEntries ?? Array.Empty<PackageEntry>()) { AddEntryToPackage(val, item); } foreach (CustomSyncedValueBase item2 in list2) { AddEntryToPackage(val, new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = item2.Identifier, type = item2.Type, value = item2.BoxedValue }); } foreach (ConfigEntryBase item3 in list) { AddEntryToPackage(val, new PackageEntry { section = item3.Definition.Section, key = item3.Definition.Key, type = configType(item3), value = item3.BoxedValue }); } return val; } private static void AddEntryToPackage(ZPackage package, PackageEntry entry) { package.Write(entry.section); package.Write(entry.key); package.Write((entry.value == null) ? "" : GetZPackageTypeString(entry.type)); AddValueToZPackage(package, entry.value); } private static string GetZPackageTypeString(Type type) { return type.AssemblyQualifiedName; } private static void AddValueToZPackage(ZPackage package, [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] object value) { Type type = value?.GetType(); if (value is Enum) { value = ((IConvertible)value).ToType(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(value.GetType()), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { if (value is ICollection collection) { package.Write(collection.Count); { foreach (object item in collection) { AddValueToZPackage(package, item); } return; } } if ((object)type != null && type.IsValueType && !type.IsPrimitive) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); package.Write(fields.Length); FieldInfo[] array = fields; foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array) { package.Write(GetZPackageTypeString(fieldInfo.FieldType)); AddValueToZPackage(package, fieldInfo.GetValue(value)); } return; } } ZRpc.Serialize(new object[1] { value }, ref package); } private static object ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(ZPackage package, Type type) { if ((object)type != null && type.IsValueType && !type.IsPrimitive && !type.IsEnum) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); int num = package.ReadInt(); if (num != fields.Length) { throw new InvalidDeserializationTypeException { received = $"(field count: {num})", expected = $"(field count: {fields.Length})" }; } object uninitializedObject = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type); FieldInfo[] array = fields; foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array) { string text = package.ReadString(); if (text != GetZPackageTypeString(fieldInfo.FieldType)) { throw new InvalidDeserializationTypeException { received = text, expected = GetZPackageTypeString(fieldInfo.FieldType), field = fieldInfo.Name }; } fieldInfo.SetValue(uninitializedObject, ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, fieldInfo.FieldType)); } return uninitializedObject; } if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary<, >)) { int num2 = package.ReadInt(); IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(type); Type type2 = typeof(KeyValuePair<, >).MakeGenericType(type.GenericTypeArguments); FieldInfo field = type2.GetField("key", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); FieldInfo field2 = type2.GetField("value", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { object obj = ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type2); dictionary.Add(field.GetValue(obj), field2.GetValue(obj)); } return dictionary; } if (type != typeof(List<string>) && type.IsGenericType) { Type type3 = typeof(ICollection<>).MakeGenericType(type.GenericTypeArguments[0]); if ((object)type3 != null && type3.IsAssignableFrom(type)) { int num3 = package.ReadInt(); object obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(type); MethodInfo method = type3.GetMethod("Add"); for (int k = 0; k < num3; k++) { method.Invoke(obj2, new object[1] { ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type.GenericTypeArguments[0]) }); } return obj2; } } ParameterInfo parameterInfo = (ParameterInfo)FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(ParameterInfo)); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ParameterInfo), "ClassImpl").SetValue(parameterInfo, type); List<object> source = new List<object>(); ZRpc.Deserialize(new ParameterInfo[2] { null, parameterInfo }, package, ref source); return source.First(); } } [PublicAPI] [HarmonyPatch] [<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(1)] [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(0)] internal class VersionCheck { private static readonly HashSet<VersionCheck> versionChecks; private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> notProcessedNames; public string Name; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private string displayName; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private string currentVersion; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private string minimumRequiredVersion; public bool ModRequired = true; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private string ReceivedCurrentVersion; [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private string ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion; private readonly List<ZRpc> ValidatedClients = new List<ZRpc>(); [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] private ConfigSync ConfigSync; public string DisplayName { get { return displayName ?? Name; } set { displayName = value; } } public string CurrentVersion { get { return currentVersion ?? "0.0.0"; } set { currentVersion = value; } } public string MinimumRequiredVersion { get { return minimumRequiredVersion ?? (ModRequired ? CurrentVersion : "0.0.0"); } set { minimumRequiredVersion = value; } } private static void PatchServerSync() { //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0064: Expected O, but got Unknown Patches patchInfo = PatchProcessor.GetPatchInfo((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)); if (patchInfo != null && patchInfo.Postfixes.Count([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (Patch p) => p.PatchMethod.DeclaringType == typeof(ConfigSync.RegisterRPCPatch)) > 0) { return; } Harmony val = new Harmony("org.bepinex.helpers.ServerSync"); foreach (Type item in from t in typeof(ConfigSync).GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.NonPublic).Concat(new Type[1] { typeof(VersionCheck) }) where t.IsClass select t) { val.PatchAll(item); } } static VersionCheck() { versionChecks = new HashSet<VersionCheck>(); notProcessedNames = new Dictionary<string, string>(); typeof(ThreadingHelper).GetMethod("StartSyncInvoke").Invoke(ThreadingHelper.Instance, new object[1] { new Action(PatchServerSync) }); } public VersionCheck(string name) { Name = name; ModRequired = true; versionChecks.Add(this); } public VersionCheck(ConfigSync configSync) { ConfigSync = configSync; Name = ConfigSync.Name; versionChecks.Add(this); } public void Initialize() { ReceivedCurrentVersion = null; ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion = null; if (ConfigSync != null) { Name = ConfigSync.Name; DisplayName = ConfigSync.DisplayName; CurrentVersion = ConfigSync.CurrentVersion; MinimumRequiredVersion = ConfigSync.MinimumRequiredVersion; ModRequired = ConfigSync.ModRequired; } } private bool IsVersionOk() { if (ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion == null || ReceivedCurrentVersion == null) { return !ModRequired; } bool flag = new Version(CurrentVersion) >= new Version(ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion); bool flag2 = new Version(ReceivedCurrentVersion) >= new Version(MinimumRequiredVersion); return flag && flag2; } private string ErrorClient() { if (ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion == null) { return DisplayName + " is not installed on the server."; } return (new Version(CurrentVersion) >= new Version(ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion)) ? (DisplayName + " may not be higher than version " + ReceivedCurrentVersion + ". You have version " + CurrentVersion + ".") : (DisplayName + " needs to be at least version " + ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion + ". You have version " + CurrentVersion + "."); } private string ErrorServer(ZRpc rpc) { return "Disconnect: The client (" + rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName() + ") doesn't have the correct " + DisplayName + " version " + MinimumRequiredVersion; } private string Error([<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(2)] ZRpc rpc = null) { return (rpc == null) ? ErrorClient() : ErrorServer(rpc); } private static VersionCheck[] GetFailedClient() { return versionChecks.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (VersionCheck check) => !check.IsVersionOk()).ToArray(); } private static VersionCheck[] GetFailedServer(ZRpc rpc) { return versionChecks.Where([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (VersionCheck check) => check.ModRequired && !check.ValidatedClients.Contains(rpc)).ToArray(); } private static void Logout() { Game.instance.Logout(true, true); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_connectionStatus").SetValue(null, (object)(ConnectionStatus)3); } private static void DisconnectClient(ZRpc rpc) { rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { 3 }); } private static void CheckVersion(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg) { CheckVersion(rpc, pkg, null); } private static void CheckVersion(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg, [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] Action<ZRpc, ZPackage> original) { string text = pkg.ReadString(); string text2 = pkg.ReadString(); string text3 = pkg.ReadString(); bool flag = false; foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in versionChecks) { if (!(text != versionCheck.Name)) { Debug.Log((object)("Received " + versionCheck.DisplayName + " version " + text3 + " and minimum version " + text2 + " from the " + (ZNet.instance.IsServer() ? "client" : "server") + ".")); versionCheck.ReceivedMinimumRequiredVersion = text2; versionCheck.ReceivedCurrentVersion = text3; if (ZNet.instance.IsServer() && versionCheck.IsVersionOk()) { versionCheck.ValidatedClients.Add(rpc); } flag = true; } } if (flag) { return; } pkg.SetPos(0); if (original != null) { original(rpc, pkg); if (pkg.GetPos() == 0) { notProcessedNames.Add(text, text3); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool RPC_PeerInfo(ZRpc rpc, ZNet __instance) { VersionCheck[] array = (__instance.IsServer() ? GetFailedServer(rpc) : GetFailedClient()); if (array.Length == 0) { return true; } VersionCheck[] array2 = array; foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in array2) { Debug.LogWarning((object)versionCheck.Error(rpc)); } if (__instance.IsServer()) { DisconnectClient(rpc); } else { Logout(); } return false; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void RegisterAndCheckVersion(ZNetPeer peer, ZNet __instance) { //IL_018e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0195: Expected O, but got Unknown notProcessedNames.Clear(); IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)typeof(ZRpc).GetField("m_functions", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(peer.m_rpc); if (dictionary.Contains(StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ServerSync VersionCheck"))) { object obj = dictionary[StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ServerSync VersionCheck")]; Action<ZRpc, ZPackage> action = (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)obj.GetType().GetField("m_action", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(obj); peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>("ServerSync VersionCheck", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (ZRpc rpc, [<ea686e0a-0d90-4736-b784-d294bfa264ea>Nullable(1)] ZPackage pkg) => { CheckVersion(rpc, pkg, action); })); } else { peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>("ServerSync VersionCheck", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)CheckVersion); } foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in versionChecks) { versionCheck.Initialize(); if (versionCheck.ModRequired || __instance.IsServer()) { Debug.Log((object)("Sending " + versionCheck.DisplayName + " version " + versionCheck.CurrentVersion + " and minimum version " + versionCheck.MinimumRequiredVersion + " to the " + (__instance.IsServer() ? "client" : "server") + ".")); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write(versionCheck.Name); val.Write(versionCheck.MinimumRequiredVersion); val.Write(versionCheck.CurrentVersion); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("ServerSync VersionCheck", new object[1] { val }); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Disconnect")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void RemoveDisconnected(ZNetPeer peer, ZNet __instance) { if (!__instance.IsServer()) { return; } foreach (VersionCheck versionCheck in versionChecks) { versionCheck.ValidatedClients.Remove(peer.m_rpc); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(FejdStartup), "ShowConnectError")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void ShowConnectionError(FejdStartup __instance) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0186: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0199: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_020a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0219: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0229: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!__instance.m_connectionFailedPanel.activeSelf || (int)ZNet.GetConnectionStatus() != 3) { return; } bool flag = false; VersionCheck[] failedClient = GetFailedClient(); if (failedClient.Length != 0) { string text = string.Join("\n", failedClient.Select([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (VersionCheck check) => check.Error())); TMP_Text connectionFailedError = __instance.m_connectionFailedError; connectionFailedError.text = connectionFailedError.text + "\n" + text; flag = true; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in notProcessedNames.OrderBy([<843ee09c-6217-45e5-84a7-906071f6970c>NullableContext(0)] (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv) => kv.Key)) { if (!__instance.m_connectionFailedError.text.Contains(item.Key)) { TMP_Text connectionFailedError2 = __instance.m_connectionFailedError; connectionFailedError2.text = connectionFailedError2.text + "\nServer expects you to have " + item.Key + " (Version: " + item.Value + ") installed."; flag = true; } } if (flag) { RectTransform component = ((Component)__instance.m_connectionFailedPanel.transform.Find("Image")).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); Vector2 sizeDelta = component.sizeDelta; sizeDelta.x = 675f; component.sizeDelta = sizeDelta; __instance.m_connectionFailedError.ForceMeshUpdate(false, false); float num = __instance.m_connectionFailedError.renderedHeight + 105f; RectTransform component2 = ((Component)((Component)component).transform.Find("ButtonOk")).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(component2.anchoredPosition.x, component2.anchoredPosition.y - (num - component.sizeDelta.y) / 2f); sizeDelta = component.sizeDelta; sizeDelta.y = num; component.sizeDelta = sizeDelta; } } } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<8340eb01-a943-4398-94dd-a9cfe0f11627>Embedded] internal sealed class <8340eb01-a943-4398-94dd-a9cfe0f11627>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [<8340eb01-a943-4398-94dd-a9cfe0f11627>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<8340eb01-a943-4398-94dd-a9cfe0f11627>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace ItemManager { [PublicAPI] internal enum CraftingTable { Disabled, Inventory, [InternalName("piece_workbench")] Workbench, [InternalName("piece_cauldron")] Cauldron, [InternalName("piece_MeadCauldron")] MeadCauldron, [InternalName("forge")] Forge, [InternalName("piece_artisanstation")] ArtisanTable, [InternalName("piece_stonecutter")] StoneCutter, [InternalName("piece_magetable")] MageTable, [InternalName("piece_preptable")] PrepTable, [InternalName("blackforge")] BlackForge, Custom } [PublicAPI] internal enum ConversionPiece { Disabled, [InternalName("smelter")] Smelter, [InternalName("charcoal_kiln")] CharcoalKiln, [InternalName("blastfurnace")] BlastFurnace, [InternalName("windmill")] Windmill, [InternalName("piece_spinningwheel")] SpinningWheel, [InternalName("eitrrefinery")] EitrRefinery, Custom } [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(1)] internal class InternalName : Attribute { public readonly string internalName; public InternalName(string internalName) { this.internalName = internalName; } } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(1)] [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] internal class RequiredResourceList { public readonly List<Requirement> Requirements = new List<Requirement>(); public bool Free; public void Add(string itemName, int amount, int quality = 0) { Requirements.Add(new Requirement { itemName = itemName, amount = amount, quality = quality }); } public void Add(string itemName, ConfigEntry<int> amountConfig, int quality = 0) { Requirements.Add(new Requirement { itemName = itemName, amountConfig = amountConfig, quality = quality }); } } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] internal class CraftingStationList { public readonly List<CraftingStationConfig> Stations = new List<CraftingStationConfig>(); public void Add(CraftingTable table, int level) { Stations.Add(new CraftingStationConfig { Table = table, level = level }); } public void Add(string customTable, int level) { Stations.Add(new CraftingStationConfig { Table = CraftingTable.Custom, level = level, custom = customTable }); } } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(1)] [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] [PublicAPI] internal class ItemRecipe { public readonly RequiredResourceList RequiredItems = new RequiredResourceList(); public readonly RequiredResourceList RequiredUpgradeItems = new RequiredResourceList(); public readonly CraftingStationList Crafting = new CraftingStationList(); public int CraftAmount = 1; public bool RequireOnlyOneIngredient; public float QualityResultAmountMultiplier = 1f; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntryBase RecipeIsActive; } [PublicAPI] internal class Trade { public Trader Trader; public uint Price; public uint Stack = 1u; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public string RequiredGlobalKey; } [PublicAPI] [Flags] internal enum Trader { None = 0, Haldor = 1, Hildir = 2 } internal struct Requirement { [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(1)] public string itemName; public int amount; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntry<int> amountConfig; [Description("Set to a non-zero value to apply the requirement only for a specific quality")] public int quality; } internal struct CraftingStationConfig { public CraftingTable Table; public int level; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public string custom; } [Flags] internal enum Configurability { Disabled = 0, Recipe = 1, Stats = 2, Drop = 4, Trader = 8, Full = 0xF } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] internal class DropTargets { public readonly List<DropTarget> Drops = new List<DropTarget>(); public void Add(string creatureName, float chance, int min = 1, int? max = null, bool levelMultiplier = true) { Drops.Add(new DropTarget { creature = creatureName, chance = chance, min = min, max = max.GetValueOrDefault(min), levelMultiplier = levelMultiplier }); } } internal struct DropTarget { [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(1)] public string creature; public int min; public int max; public float chance; public bool levelMultiplier; } internal enum Toggle { On = 1, Off = 0 } [PublicAPI] [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(1)] [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] internal class Item { [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] private class ItemConfig { [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public ConfigEntry<string> craft; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public ConfigEntry<string> upgrade; public ConfigEntry<CraftingTable> table; public ConfigEntry<int> tableLevel; public ConfigEntry<string> customTable; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntry<int> maximumTableLevel; public ConfigEntry<Toggle> requireOneIngredient; public ConfigEntry<float> qualityResultAmountMultiplier; } [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] private class TraderConfig { public ConfigEntry<Trader> trader; public ConfigEntry<uint> price; public ConfigEntry<uint> stack; public ConfigEntry<string> requiredGlobalKey; } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] private class RequirementQuality { public int quality; } [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(2)] private class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public int? Order; [UsedImplicitly] public bool? Browsable; [UsedImplicitly] public string Category; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] [UsedImplicitly] public Action<ConfigEntryBase> CustomDrawer; public Func<bool> browsability; } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] [PublicAPI] public enum DamageModifier { Normal, Resistant, Weak, Immune, Ignore, VeryResistant, VeryWeak, None } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] private delegate void setDmgFunc(ref DamageTypes dmg, float value); [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] private class SerializedRequirements { public readonly List<Requirement> Reqs; public SerializedRequirements(List<Requirement> reqs) { Reqs = reqs; } public SerializedRequirements(string reqs) : this(reqs.Split(new char[1] { ',' }).Select([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (string r) => { string[] array = r.Split(new char[1] { ':' }); Requirement result = default(Requirement); result.itemName = array[0]; result.amount = ((array.Length <= 1 || !int.TryParse(array[1], out var result2)) ? 1 : result2); result.quality = ((array.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(array[2], out var result3)) ? result3 : 0); return result; }).ToList()) { } public override string ToString() { return string.Join(",", Reqs.Select([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => $"{r.itemName}:{r.amount}" + ((r.quality > 0) ? $":{r.quality}" : ""))); } [return: <f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public static ItemDrop fetchByName(ObjectDB objectDB, string name) { GameObject itemPrefab = objectDB.GetItemPrefab(name); ItemDrop obj = ((itemPrefab != null) ? itemPrefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>() : null); if ((Object)(object)obj == (Object)null) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("The required item '" + name + "' does not exist.")); } return obj; } public static Requirement[] toPieceReqs(ObjectDB objectDB, SerializedRequirements craft, SerializedRequirements upgrade) { //IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0178: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0185: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0194: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_011c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0125: Expected O, but got Unknown Dictionary<string, Requirement> dictionary = craft.Reqs.Where((Requirement r) => r.itemName != "").ToDictionary((Func<Requirement, string>)([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => r.itemName), (Func<Requirement, Requirement>)([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement r) => { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003e: Expected O, but got Unknown ItemDrop val6 = ResItem(r); return (val6 != null) ? new Requirement { m_amount = (r.amountConfig?.Value ?? r.amount), m_resItem = val6, m_amountPerLevel = 0 } : ((Requirement)null); })); List<Requirement> list = dictionary.Values.Where([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (Requirement v) => v != null).ToList(); foreach (Requirement item in upgrade.Reqs.Where((Requirement r) => r.itemName != "")) { if (item.quality > 0) { ItemDrop val = ResItem(item); if (val != null) { Requirement val2 = new Requirement { m_resItem = val, m_amountPerLevel = (item.amountConfig?.Value ?? item.amount), m_amount = 0 }; list.Add(val2); requirementQuality.Add(val2, new RequirementQuality { quality = item.quality }); } continue; } if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(item.itemName, out var value) || value == null) { ItemDrop val3 = ResItem(item); if (val3 != null) { string itemName = item.itemName; Requirement val4 = new Requirement { m_resItem = val3, m_amount = 0 }; Requirement val5 = val4; dictionary[itemName] = val4; value = val5; list.Add(value); } } if (value != null) { value.m_amountPerLevel = item.amountConfig?.Value ?? item.amount; } } return list.ToArray(); [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(2)] ItemDrop ResItem(Requirement r) { return fetchByName(objectDB, r.itemName); } } } [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(0)] private class SerializedDrop { public readonly List<DropTarget> Drops; public SerializedDrop(List<DropTarget> drops) { Drops = drops; } public SerializedDrop(string drops) { Drops = ((drops == "") ? ((IEnumerable<string>)Array.Empty<string>()) : ((IEnumerable<string>)drops.Split(new char[1] { ',' }))).Select([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (string r) => { string[] array = r.Split(new char[1] { ':' }); if (array.Length <= 2 || !int.TryParse(array[2], out var result)) { result = 1; } if (array.Length <= 3 || !int.TryParse(array[3], out var result2)) { result2 = result; } bool levelMultiplier = array.Length <= 4 || array[4] != "0"; DropTarget result3 = default(DropTarget); result3.creature = array[0]; result3.chance = ((array.Length > 1 && float.TryParse(array[1], out var result4)) ? result4 : 1f); result3.min = result; result3.max = result2; result3.levelMultiplier = levelMultiplier; return result3; }).ToList(); } public override string ToString() { return string.Join(",", Drops.Select([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (DropTarget r) => $"{r.creature}:{r.chance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}:{r.min}:" + ((r.min == r.max) ? "" : $"{r.max}") + (r.levelMultiplier ? "" : ":0"))); } [return: <f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private static Character fetchByName(ZNetScene netScene, string name) { GameObject prefab = netScene.GetPrefab(name); Character obj = ((prefab != null) ? prefab.GetComponent<Character>() : null); if ((Object)(object)obj == (Object)null) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("The drop target character '" + name + "' does not exist.")); } return obj; } public Dictionary<Character, Drop> toCharacterDrops(ZNetScene netScene, GameObject item) { //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006f: Expected O, but got Unknown Dictionary<Character, Drop> dictionary = new Dictionary<Character, Drop>(); foreach (DropTarget drop in Drops) { Character val = fetchByName(netScene, drop.creature); if (val != null) { dictionary[val] = new Drop { m_prefab = item, m_amountMin = drop.min, m_amountMax = drop.max, m_chance = drop.chance, m_levelMultiplier = drop.levelMultiplier }; } } return dictionary; } } private static readonly List<Item> registeredItems = new List<Item>(); private static readonly Dictionary<ItemDrop, Item> itemDropMap = new Dictionary<ItemDrop, Item>(); private static Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, List<Recipe>>> activeRecipes = new Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, List<Recipe>>>(); [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] private static Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase> hiddenCraftRecipes = new Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase>(); [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] private static Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase> hiddenUpgradeRecipes = new Dictionary<Recipe, ConfigEntryBase>(); private static Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, ItemConfig>> itemCraftConfigs = new Dictionary<Item, Dictionary<string, ItemConfig>>(); private static Dictionary<Item, ConfigEntry<string>> itemDropConfigs = new Dictionary<Item, ConfigEntry<string>>(); private Dictionary<CharacterDrop, Drop> characterDrops = new Dictionary<CharacterDrop, Drop>(); private readonly Dictionary<ConfigEntryBase, Action> statsConfigs = new Dictionary<ConfigEntryBase, Action>(); private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Requirement, RequirementQuality> requirementQuality = new ConditionalWeakTable<Requirement, RequirementQuality>(); public static Configurability DefaultConfigurability = Configurability.Full; public Configurability? Configurable; private Configurability configurationVisible = Configurability.Full; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private TraderConfig traderConfig; public readonly GameObject Prefab; [Description("Specifies the maximum required crafting station level to upgrade and repair the item.\nDefault is calculated from crafting station level and maximum quality.")] public int MaximumRequiredStationLevel = int.MaxValue; [Description("Assigns the item as a drop item to a creature.\nUses a creature name, a drop chance and a minimum and maximum amount.")] public readonly DropTargets DropsFrom = new DropTargets(); [Description("Configures whether the item can be bought at the trader.\nDon't forget to set cost to something above 0 or the item will be sold for free.")] public readonly Trade Trade = new Trade(); internal List<Conversion> Conversions = new List<Conversion>(); internal List<ItemConversion> conversions = new List<ItemConversion>(); public Dictionary<string, ItemRecipe> Recipes = new Dictionary<string, ItemRecipe>(); [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private LocalizeKey _name; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private LocalizeKey _description; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private static object configManager; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private static Localization _english; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private static BaseUnityPlugin _plugin; private static bool hasConfigSync = true; [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private static object _configSync; private Configurability configurability => Configurable ?? DefaultConfigurability; [Description("Specifies the resources needed to craft the item.\nUse .Add to add resources with their internal ID and an amount.\nUse one .Add for each resource type the item should need.")] public RequiredResourceList RequiredItems => this[""].RequiredItems; [Description("Specifies the resources needed to upgrade the item.\nUse .Add to add resources with their internal ID and an amount. This amount will be multipled by the item quality level.\nUse one .Add for each resource type the upgrade should need.")] public RequiredResourceList RequiredUpgradeItems => this[""].RequiredUpgradeItems; [Description("Specifies the crafting station needed to craft the item.\nUse .Add to add a crafting station, using the CraftingTable enum and a minimum level for the crafting station.\nUse one .Add for each crafting station.")] public CraftingStationList Crafting => this[""].Crafting; [Description("Specifies a config entry which toggles whether a recipe is active.")] [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] public ConfigEntryBase RecipeIsActive { [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(2)] get { return this[""].RecipeIsActive; } [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(2)] set { this[""].RecipeIsActive = value; } } [Description("Specifies the number of items that should be given to the player with a single craft of the item.\nDefaults to 1.")] public int CraftAmount { get { return this[""].CraftAmount; } set { this[""].CraftAmount = value; } } public bool RequireOnlyOneIngredient { get { return this[""].RequireOnlyOneIngredient; } set { this[""].RequireOnlyOneIngredient = value; } } public float QualityResultAmountMultiplier { get { return this[""].QualityResultAmountMultiplier; } set { this[""].QualityResultAmountMultiplier = value; } } public ItemRecipe this[string name] { get { if (Recipes.TryGetValue(name, out var value)) { return value; } return Recipes[name] = new ItemRecipe(); } } public LocalizeKey Name { get { LocalizeKey name = _name; if (name != null) { return name; } SharedData shared = Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared; if (shared.m_name.StartsWith("$")) { _name = new LocalizeKey(shared.m_name); } else { string text = "$item_" + ((Object)Prefab).name.Replace(" ", "_"); _name = new LocalizeKey(text).English(shared.m_name); shared.m_name = text; } return _name; } } public LocalizeKey Description { get { LocalizeKey description = _description; if (description != null) { return description; } SharedData shared = Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared; if (shared.m_description.StartsWith("$")) { _description = new LocalizeKey(shared.m_description); } else { string text = "$itemdesc_" + ((Object)Prefab).name.Replace(" ", "_"); _description = new LocalizeKey(text).English(shared.m_description); shared.m_description = text; } return _description; } } private static Localization english => _english ?? (_english = LocalizationCache.ForLanguage("English")); private static BaseUnityPlugin plugin { get { //IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a5: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_plugin == null) { IEnumerable<TypeInfo> source; try { source = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().DefinedTypes.ToList(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { source = from t in ex.Types where t != null select t.GetTypeInfo(); } _plugin = (BaseUnityPlugin)Chainloader.ManagerObject.GetComponent((Type)source.First([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (TypeInfo t) => t.IsClass && typeof(BaseUnityPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t))); } return _plugin; } } [<f21da614-bc2c-4d78-8901-0732000e081e>Nullable(2)] private static object configSync { [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(2)] get { if (_configSync == null && hasConfigSync) { Type type = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("ServerSync.ConfigSync"); if ((object)type != null) { _configSync = Activator.CreateInstance(type, plugin.Info.Metadata.GUID + " ItemManager"); type.GetField("CurrentVersion").SetValue(_configSync, plugin.Info.Metadata.Version.ToString()); type.GetProperty("IsLocked").SetValue(_configSync, true); } else { hasConfigSync = false; } } return _configSync; } } public Item(string assetBundleFileName, string prefabName, string folderName = "assets") : this(PrefabManager.RegisterAssetBundle(assetBundleFileName, folderName), prefabName) { } public Item(AssetBundle bundle, string prefabName) : this(PrefabManager.RegisterPrefab(bundle, prefabName, addToObjectDb: true), skipRegistering: true) { } public Item(GameObject prefab, bool skipRegistering = false) { if (!skipRegistering) { PrefabManager.RegisterPrefab(prefab, addToObjectDb: true); } Prefab = prefab; registeredItems.Add(this); itemDropMap[Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>()] = this; Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_dropPrefab = Prefab; } public void ToggleConfigurationVisibility(Configurability visible) { configurationVisible = visible; if (itemDropConfigs.TryGetValue(this, out var value)) { Toggle((ConfigEntryBase)(object)value, Configurability.Drop); } if (itemCraftConfigs.TryGetValue(this, out var value2)) { foreach (ItemConfig value4 in value2.Values) { ToggleObj(value4, Configurability.Recipe); } } foreach (Conversion conversion in Conversions) { if (conversion.config != null) { ToggleObj(conversion.config, Configurability.Recipe); } } foreach (KeyValuePair<ConfigEntryBase, Action> statsConfig in statsConfigs) { Toggle(statsConfig.Key, Configurability.Stats); if ((visible & Configurability.Stats) != 0) { statsConfig.Value(); } } reloadConfigDisplay(); void Toggle(ConfigEntryBase cfg, Configurability check) { object[] tags = cfg.Description.Tags; for (int j = 0; j < tags.Length; j++) { if (tags[j] is ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes) { configurationManagerAttributes.Browsable = (visible & check) != 0 && (configurationManagerAttributes.browsability == null || configurationManagerAttributes.browsability()); } } } void ToggleObj(object obj, Configurability check) { FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { object? value3 = fields[i].GetValue(obj); ConfigEntryBase val = (ConfigEntryBase)((value3 is ConfigEntryBase) ? value3 : null); if (val != null) { Toggle(val, check); } } } } internal static void reloadConfigDisplay() { object obj = configManager?.GetType().GetProperty("DisplayingWindow").GetValue(configManager); if (obj is bool && (bool)obj) { configManager.GetType().GetMethod("BuildSettingList").Invoke(configManager, Array.Empty<object>()); } } private void UpdateItemTableConfig(string recipeKey, CraftingTable table, string customTableValue) { if (activeRecipes.ContainsKey(this) && activeRecipes[this].TryGetValue(recipeKey, out var value)) { value.First().m_enabled = table != CraftingTable.Disabled; if ((uint)table <= 1u) { value.First().m_craftingStation = null; } else if (table == CraftingTable.Custom) { Recipe obj = value.First(); GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(customTableValue); obj.m_craftingStation = ((prefab != null) ? prefab.GetComponent<CraftingStation>() : null); } else { value.First().m_craftingStation = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(getInternalName(table)).GetComponent<CraftingStation>(); } } } private void UpdateCraftConfig(string recipeKey, SerializedRequirements craftRequirements, SerializedRequirements upgradeRequirements) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ObjectDB.instance) || !activeRecipes.ContainsKey(this) || !activeRecipes[this].TryGetValue(recipeKey, out var value)) { return; } foreach (Recipe item in value) { item.m_resources = SerializedRequirements.toPieceReqs(ObjectDB.instance, craftRequirements, upgradeRequirements); } } internal static void Patch_FejdStartup() { //IL_0e8a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0e8f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_2155: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_215f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0f53: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0f56: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0fac: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0b79: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0b83: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_030b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0315: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_10e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10e5: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_10e7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10eb: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0c9c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0ca6: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0d47: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0d51: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_10ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_10f1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_03fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0408: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0dfb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0e05: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_12ec: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12f1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_12f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12f9: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0539: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0543: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_12fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_12ff: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_13d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13de: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_13e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_13e4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_06f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_06fa: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0651: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_065b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_1453: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1456: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1458: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_07fa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0804: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_145a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_145e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1460: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1462: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1466: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_15a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_15a6: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_17a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_17aa: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1873: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1878: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_187a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_187e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1880: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_18ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18f4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1519: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_151e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_18fa: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_18fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1900: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_1d6d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_1d70: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 Type type = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (Assembly a) => a.GetName().Name == "ConfigurationManager")?.GetType("ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationManager"); if (DefaultConfigurability != 0) { bool saveOnConfigSet = plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet; plugin.Config.SaveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (Item item4 in registeredItems.Where([<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (Item i) => i.configurability != Configurability.Disabled)) { Item item3 = item4; string name2 = item3.Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared.m_name; string englishName = new Regex("[=\\n\\t\\\\\"\\'\\[\\]]*").Replace(english.Localize(name2), "").Trim(); string localizedName = Localization.instance.Localize(name2).Trim(); int order = 0; if ((item3.configurability & Configurability.Recipe) != 0) { itemCraftConfigs[item3] = new Dictionary<string, ItemConfig>(); foreach (string item5 in item3.Recipes.Keys.DefaultIfEmpty("")) { string configKey = item5; string text = ((configKey == "") ? "" : (" (" + configKey + ")")); if (!item3.Recipes.ContainsKey(configKey) || item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.Count <= 0) { continue; } ItemConfig itemConfig2 = (itemCraftConfigs[item3][configKey] = new ItemConfig()); ItemConfig cfg = itemConfig2; List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes> hideWhenNoneAttributes = new List<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(); cfg.table = config(englishName, "Crafting Station" + text, item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.First().Table, new ConfigDescription("Crafting station where " + englishName + " is available.", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), Browsable = ((item3.configurationVisible & Configurability.Recipe) != 0), Category = localizedName } })); ConfigurationManagerAttributes customTableAttributes = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), browsability = CustomTableBrowsability, Browsable = (CustomTableBrowsability() && (item3.configurationVisible & Configurability.Recipe) != 0), Category = localizedName }; cfg.customTable = config(englishName, "Custom Crafting Station" + text, item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.First().custom ?? "", new ConfigDescription("", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { customTableAttributes })); cfg.table.SettingChanged += TableConfigChanged; cfg.customTable.SettingChanged += TableConfigChanged; ConfigurationManagerAttributes configurationManagerAttributes = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = (order -= 1), browsability = TableLevelBrowsability, Browsable = (TableLevelBrowsability() && (item3.configurationVisible & Configurability.Recipe) != 0), Category = localizedName }; hideWhenNoneAttributes.Add(configurationManagerAttributes); cfg.tableLevel = config(englishName, "Crafting Station Level" + text, item3.Recipes[configKey].Crafting.Stations.First().level, new ConfigDescription("Required crafting station level to craft " + englishName + ".", (AcceptableValueBase)null, new object[1] { configurationManagerAttributes })); cfg.tableLevel.SettingChanged += [<2c6dab44-8e8c-455c-9446-7689c0990dc8>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (activeRecipes.ContainsKey(item3) && activeRecipes[item3].TryGetValue(configKey, out var value6)) { value6.First().m_minStationLevel = cfg.tableLevel.Value; } }; if (item3.Prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>().m_itemData.m_shared.m_maxQuality > 1) { cfg.maximumTableLevel = config(englishName, "Maximum Crafting Station Level" + text, (item3.MaximumRequi
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AngleSharp.Text; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Configuration; using HarmonyLib; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Jotunn; using Jotunn.Configs; using Jotunn.Entities; using Jotunn.Managers; using Jotunn.Utils; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using OdinOnDemand.Components; using OdinOnDemand.Dynamic; using OdinOnDemand.Interfaces; using OdinOnDemand.MPlayer; using OdinOnDemand.Utils; using OdinOnDemand.Utils.Config; using OdinOnDemand.Utils.Net; using OdinOnDemand.Utils.Net.Explode; using OdinOnDemand.Utils.UI; using SoundCloudExplode; using SoundCloudExplode.Tracks; using Steamworks; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Video; using YoutubeDLSharp; using YoutubeDLSharp.Options; using YoutubeExplode; using YoutubeExplode.Common; using YoutubeExplode.Playlists; using YoutubeExplode.Videos; using YoutubeExplode.Videos.Streams; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("OdinOnDemand")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("ValMedia")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.8")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace OdinOnDemand { [BepInPlugin("com.valmedia.odinondemand", "OdinOnDemand", "1.0.8")] [BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] [NetworkCompatibility(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class OdinOnDemandPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin { public const string PluginGUID = "com.valmedia.odinondemand"; public const string PluginName = "OdinOnDemand"; public const string PluginVersion = "1.0.8"; private static readonly CustomLocalization Localization = LocalizationManager.Instance.GetLocalization(); public static readonly RpcHandler RPCHandlers = new RpcHandler(); public static Material MainScreenMat; public static Dictionary<string, Sprite> UISprites; private AssetBundle _valMediaAssets; private static Harmony _harmony; private static string _pieceRecipeFile; private static string _itemRecipeFile; private static readonly string OdinConfigFolder = Paths.ConfigPath + "/OdinOnDemand/"; public static ConfigFile OdinConfig { get; private set; } = new ConfigFile(OdinConfigFolder + "config.cfg", true); public StationManager StationManager { get; private set; } private void Awake() { //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bc: Expected O, but got Unknown OODConfig.Bind(OdinConfig); _pieceRecipeFile = OdinConfigFolder + "/recipes.json"; _itemRecipeFile = OdinConfigFolder + "/recipes_item.json"; OODConfig.SyncManager(); RPCHandlers.Create(); GameObject val = new GameObject("OODStationMan"); StationManager = val.AddComponent<StationManager>(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)val); AddLocalizations(); LoadAssets(); PrefabManager.OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable += AddCartVariant; ConfigFile val2 = new ConfigFile(Path.Combine(OdinConfigFolder, "com.ood.valmedia.keyconfig.cfg"), true); SynchronizationManager.Instance.RegisterCustomConfig(val2); KeyConfig.SetupKeyConfig(val2); _harmony = new Harmony("Harmony.ValMedia.OOD"); _harmony.PatchAll(); Logger.LogDebug((object)"** OdinOnDemand Initialized **"); } private static void AddCartVariant() { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0074: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c7: Expected O, but got Unknown PieceConfig val = new PieceConfig(); val.Name = "Bard's Wagon"; val.Description = "A mobile media player on wheels, controlled by a remote."; val.PieceTable = "Hammer"; val.Category = "OOD"; val.AddRequirement(new RequirementConfig("Wood", 26, 0, false)); val.AddRequirement(new RequirementConfig("Bronze", 2, 0, false)); val.AddRequirement(new RequirementConfig("BronzeNails", 14, 0, false)); AssetBundle val2 = AssetUtils.LoadAssetBundleFromResources("videoplayers", typeof(OdinOnDemandPlugin).Assembly); GameObject val3 = val2.LoadAsset<GameObject>("assets/cartplayer_attach.prefab"); val.Icon = val2.LoadAsset<Sprite>("assets/MOD ICONS/cartplayericon.png"); if (PieceManager.Instance.AddPiece(new CustomPiece("cartplayer", "Cart", val))) { GameObject prefab = PrefabManager.Instance.GetPrefab("cartplayer"); Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val3, prefab.transform, true); ((Component)prefab.transform.Find("cartplayer_attach(Clone)")).gameObject.AddComponent<CartPlayerComponent>(); } val2.Unload(false); PrefabManager.OnVanillaPrefabsAvailable -= AddCartVariant; } private void LoadAssets() { _valMediaAssets = AssetUtils.LoadAssetBundleFromResources("videoplayers", typeof(OdinOnDemandPlugin).Assembly); Logger.LogDebug((object)"Loading OdinOnDemand Assets"); AddRecipes(); MainScreenMat = _valMediaAssets.LoadAsset<Material>("assets/MOD MATS/screenmaterial.mat"); UISprites = new Dictionary<string, Sprite>(); string[] allAssetNames = _valMediaAssets.GetAllAssetNames(); foreach (string text in allAssetNames) { if (text.Contains("modui")) { Sprite val = _valMediaAssets.LoadAsset<Sprite>(text); UISprites.Add(((Object)val).name, val); } } _valMediaAssets.Unload(false); } private void AddRecipes() { if (!File.Exists(_pieceRecipeFile)) { WriteDefaultPieceConfig("default.json"); Logger.LogDebug((object)("Did not find recipe json, loading and writing default recipes to: " + _pieceRecipeFile)); } if (!File.Exists(_itemRecipeFile)) { WriteDefaultItemConfig("default_items.json"); Logger.LogDebug((object)("Did not find item recipe json, loading and writing default recipes to: " + _itemRecipeFile)); } string text = File.ReadAllText(_pieceRecipeFile); if (!IsValidJson(text)) { WriteDefaultPieceConfig("default.json"); Logger.LogWarning((object)"JSON in is invalid. Setting to default recipes. If you wish to edit recipes please use a JSON validator or delete your recipe file and restart the game for a new default file."); } string text2 = File.ReadAllText(_itemRecipeFile); if (!IsValidJson(text2)) { WriteDefaultItemConfig("default_items.json"); Logger.LogWarning((object)"JSON in com.ood.valmedia.recipes_item.json is invalid. Setting to default recipes. If you wish to edit recipes please use a JSON validator or delete your recipe file and restart the game for a new default file."); } if ((!text.Contains("receiver") || !text.Contains("theater") || !text.Contains("speaker")) && OODConfig.AutoUpdateRecipes.Value) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"Old recipe file detected. Updating to new recipes."); List<PieceConfig> oldRecipes = PieceConfig.ListFromJson(text); string newRecipes = FileFromManifest("OdinOnDemand.Assets.default.json"); UpdateRecipeFile(newRecipes, oldRecipes, _pieceRecipeFile); } else if (!OODConfig.AutoUpdateRecipes.Value) { Logger.LogWarning((object)"Auto recipe update disabled. Skipping recipe update."); } LoadPieceConfigList(PieceConfig.ListFromJson(text)); LoadItemConfigList(ItemConfig.ListFromJson(text2)); } private void UpdateRecipeFile(string newRecipes, List<PieceConfig> oldRecipes, string file) { if (newRecipes != "") { List<PieceConfig> recipesToMerge = PieceConfig.ListFromJson(newRecipes); MergeRecipes(oldRecipes, recipesToMerge); try { List<PieceConfigDTO> list = PieceConfigDTO.ToDTOList(oldRecipes); string contents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)list, (Formatting)1); File.WriteAllText(file, contents); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError((object)"Failed to write new recipes to file. Check log for details."); Logger.LogWarning((object)ex); return; } } Logger.LogError((object)"FATAL Failed to load default recipes."); } private static void MergeRecipes(List<PieceConfig> mergeRecipe, List<PieceConfig> recipesToMerge) { foreach (PieceConfig newRecipe in recipesToMerge) { if (!mergeRecipe.Any((PieceConfig r) => r.Name == newRecipe.Name)) { mergeRecipe.Add(newRecipe); } } } private void WriteDefaultPieceConfig(string fileName) { try { string pieceRecipeFile = _pieceRecipeFile; string value = FileFromManifest("OdinOnDemand.Assets." + fileName); StreamWriter streamWriter = File.CreateText(pieceRecipeFile); streamWriter.Write(value); streamWriter.Close(); streamWriter.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError((object)"Exception when handling default recipe file. Check log for details."); Logger.LogWarning((object)ex); } } private void WriteDefaultItemConfig(string fileName) { try { string itemRecipeFile = _itemRecipeFile; string value = FileFromManifest("OdinOnDemand.Assets." + fileName); StreamWriter streamWriter = File.CreateText(itemRecipeFile); streamWriter.Write(value); streamWriter.Close(); streamWriter.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError((object)"Exception when handling default recipe file. Check log for details."); Logger.LogWarning((object)ex); } } private static string FileFromManifest(string file) { string result = ""; using Stream stream = typeof(OdinOnDemandPlugin).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(file); if (stream != null) { using StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream); result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } return result; } private void LoadPieceConfigList(List<PieceConfig> pieceConfigs) { pieceConfigs.ForEach(delegate(PieceConfig c) { //IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown string text = LocalizationManager.Instance.TryTranslate(c.Name).ToLower().Replace(" ", "") .Replace("'", ""); Texture2D val = _valMediaAssets.LoadAsset<Texture2D>("assets/MOD ICONS/" + text + "icon.png"); Sprite icon = Sprite.Create(val, new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)((Texture)val).width, (float)((Texture)val).height),; c.Icon = icon; PieceManager.Instance.AddPiece(new CustomPiece(_valMediaAssets, text, false, c)); }); } private void LoadItemConfigList(List<ItemConfig> itemConfigs) { itemConfigs.ForEach(delegate(ItemConfig c) { //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0064: Expected O, but got Unknown string text = LocalizationManager.Instance.TryTranslate(c.Name).ToLower().Replace(" ", "") .Replace("'", ""); ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogDebug((object)("Adding item: " + text)); ItemManager.Instance.AddItem(new CustomItem(_valMediaAssets, text, false, c)); }); } private void AddLocalizations() { CustomLocalization localization = Localization; string text = "English"; localization.AddTranslation(ref text, new Dictionary<string, string> { { "piece_flatscreen", "Flatscreen" }, { "piece_tabletv", "Table TV" }, { "piece_boombox", "Boombox" }, { "piece_oldtv", "Old TV" }, { "piece_laptop", "Laptop" }, { "piece_monitor", "Monitor" }, { "piece_gramophone", "Gramophone" }, { "piece_theaterscreen", "Theater Screen" }, { "piece_receiver", "Receiver" }, { "piece_studiospeaker", "Studio Speaker" }, { "piece_radio", "Radio" }, { "piece_standingspeaker", "Standing Speaker" }, { "item_remote", "Remote Control" }, { "item_skaldsgirdle", "Skald's Girdle" }, { "remote_usehint", "Use Screen" }, { "remote_linkhint", "Link/Unlink" }, { "skaldsgirdle_hint", "Consult Skald" }, { "remote_changelinkmodehint", "Change Link Mode" }, { "item_remote_description", "Allows you to use media-players from a distance." }, { "item_skaldsgirdle_description", "Allows you to commune with Skald while traveling." } }); } private static bool IsValidJson(string strInput) { //IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strInput)) { return false; } strInput = strInput.Trim(); if ((strInput.StartsWith("{") && strInput.EndsWith("}")) || (strInput.StartsWith("[") && strInput.EndsWith("]"))) { try { JToken val = JToken.Parse(strInput); return true; } catch (JsonReaderException val2) { JsonReaderException val3 = val2; Logger.LogWarning((object)((Exception)(object)val3).Message); return false; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogWarning((object)ex.ToString()); return false; } } return false; } } } namespace OdinOnDemand.MPlayer { public abstract class BasePlayer : MonoBehaviour, IPlayer { internal HashSet<SpeakerComponent> mSpeakers = new HashSet<SpeakerComponent>(); private Transform centerAudioSphere; protected SphereCollider triggerCollider; public VideoPlayer mScreen { get; set; } public AudioSource mAudio { get; set; } public Piece mPiece { get; internal set; } public Animator Animator { get; set; } protected GameObject ScreenPlaneObj { get; set; } protected internal GameObject ScreenUICanvasObj { get; set; } protected GameObject RadioPanelObj { get; set; } protected Coroutine DynamicStationCoroutine { get; set; } protected internal GameObject LoadingCircleObj { get; set; } protected Material TargetTexMat { get; set; } public string mName { get; set; } public string MediaPlayerID { get; set; } public string UnparsedURL { get; set; } public Uri DownloadURL { get; set; } public Uri YoutubeSoundDirectUri { get; set; } public Uri YoutubeVideoDirectUri { get; set; } public int PlaylistPosition { get; set; } public string PlaylistString { get; set; } public List<VideoInfo> CurrentPlaylist { get; set; } public List<VideoInfo> PreShufflePlaylist { get; set; } public string PlaylistURL { get; set; } public PlayerSettings PlayerSettings { get; set; } public UIController UIController { get; set; } protected static AudioFader AudioFaderComp { get; set; } protected ParticleSystem WaveParticleSystem { get; set; } public URLGrab URLGrab { get; set; } public DLSharp Ytdl { get; set; } public RpcHandler RPC { get; set; } public ZNetView ZNetView { get; set; } private string YoutubeURLNode { get; set; } public void Awake() { //IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0205: Expected O, but got Unknown ComponentLists.MediaComponentLists[((object)this).GetType()].Add(this); UIController = new UIController(this); PlayerSettings = new PlayerSettings(); ZNetView = ((Component)this).GetComponent<ZNetView>(); UIController.Initialize(); RPC = OdinOnDemandPlugin.RPCHandlers; URLGrab = new URLGrab(); ZNetView = ((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponentInParent<ZNetView>(); mScreen = ((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<VideoPlayer>(); mScreen.prepareCompleted += new EventHandler(ScreenPrepareCompleted); mScreen.loopPointReached += new EventHandler(EndReached); SetupAudio(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).InvokeRepeating("UpdateLoadingIndicator", 0.5f, 0.5f); ((MonoBehaviour)this).InvokeRepeating("UpdateChecks", 1f, 1f); ((MonoBehaviour)this).InvokeRepeating("SyncTime", OODConfig.SyncTime.Value + 30f, OODConfig.SyncTime.Value); Ytdl = ((Component)this).gameObject.AddComponent<DLSharp>(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(Ytdl.Setup()); ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance) && zDO != null) { if (!zDO.GetString("MediaPlayerID", "").Equals("")) { RequestOwnership(zDO); string text = GenerateUniqueID(); zDO.Set("MediaPlayerID", text); SendUpdateZDO_RPC(); } MediaPlayerID = zDO.GetString("MediaPlayerID", ""); } if (OODConfig.AudioFadeType.Value != OODConfig.FadeType.None && (Object)(object)AudioFader.Instance == (Object)null && (Object)(object)GameObject.Find("OODAudioFader") == (Object)null) { GameObject val = new GameObject("OODAudioFader"); AudioFaderComp = val.AddComponent<AudioFader>(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)val); } } public void OnDestroy() { ComponentLists.RemoveComponent(((object)this).GetType(), this); } private void EndReached(VideoPlayer source) { if (PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist) { if (PlaylistPosition < CurrentPlaylist.Count() - 1) { PlaylistPosition++; SetURL(CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(PlaylistPosition).Url); } else if (PlayerSettings.IsLooping) { PlaylistPosition = 0; SetURL(CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(PlaylistPosition).Url); } } if (PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.Radio && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator) && (!mScreen.isLooping || !mAudio.loop) && !PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, false); } bool isPlaying = mScreen.isPlaying; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = isPlaying; } private void ScreenPrepareCompleted(VideoPlayer source) { if (PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.CinemaScreen && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenPlaneObj)) { ScreenPlaneObj.SetActive(true); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem) && OODConfig.MobilePlayerVisuals.Value) { WaveParticleSystem.Play(); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj)) { UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingCircleObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(false); LoadingCircleObj.SetActive(false); } float timeZDO = GetTimeZDO(); UpdatePlayerTime(timeZDO); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(0.5f, SendRequestTimeSync_RPC)); if (!PlayerSettings.IsPaused) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, true); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem) && OODConfig.MobilePlayerVisuals.Value) { WaveParticleSystem.Play(); } PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; source.Play(); mAudio.Play(); } else { PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = true; source.Pause(); mAudio.Pause(); } } private void UpdateChecks() { float num = default(float); mAudio.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.GetFloat("MasterVolume", ref num); if (PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.CinemaScreen) { if (num != OODConfig.MasterVolumeScreen.Value) { mAudio.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.SetFloat("MasterVolume", OODConfig.MasterVolumeScreen.Value); } } else if (PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.BeltPlayer || PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.CartPlayer) { if (num != OODConfig.MasterVolumeTransport.Value) { mAudio.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.SetFloat("MasterVolume", OODConfig.MasterVolumeTransport.Value); } } else if (num != OODConfig.MasterVolumeMusicplayer.Value) { mAudio.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.SetFloat("MasterVolume", OODConfig.MasterVolumeMusicplayer.Value); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.URLPanelObj)) { if (PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist) { UIController.UpdatePlaylistUI(); UIController.PlaylistTrackText.text = PlaylistString; } else { UIController.UpdatePlaylistUI(); } } if (!mAudio.isPlaying && mAudio.time == 0f && !mAudio.loop && (Object)(object)Animator != (Object)null) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, false); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)triggerCollider) && triggerCollider.radius != mAudio.maxDistance) { triggerCollider.radius = mAudio.maxDistance; } } public void SetURL(string url) { //IL_0158: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Encoding uTF = Encoding.UTF8; byte[] bytes = uTF.GetBytes(url); url = uTF.GetString(bytes); UnparsedURL = url; mAudio.clip = null; if (UnparsedURL == "") { Stop(isRPC: true); } else { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((IPlayer)this).mScreen) && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)mAudio)) { return; } if (url.Contains("") || url.Contains("") || url.Contains("") || url.Contains("")) { UIController.UpdatePlaylistInfo(); if (url.Contains("?list=") || url.Contains("&list=")) { SetPlaylist(UnparsedURL); return; } } mScreen.time = 0.0; mAudio.time = 0f; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.SetVideoUrl, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, UnparsedURL, CinemaPackage.PlayerStatus.Playing); SaveZDO(); } } private void SetPlaylist(string url) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(URLGrab.GetYouTubePlaylistCoroutine(url, delegate(List<VideoInfo> videoInfos) { if (videoInfos != null) { CurrentPlaylist = videoInfos; PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist = true; PlaylistPosition = 0; if (OODConfig.DebugEnabled.Value) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"Playlist info"); Logger.LogDebug((object)("Count: " + CurrentPlaylist.Count)); Logger.LogDebug((object)CurrentPlaylist.ToString()); Logger.LogDebug((object)("Playing first url of " + CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(PlaylistPosition).Url)); } PlaylistURL = url; SetURL(CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(PlaylistPosition).Url); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.URLPanelObj)) { UIController.UpdatePlaylistUI(); UIController.ToggleShuffleObj.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "N"; UIController.ToggleShuffleObj.SetActive(true); UIController.ToggleShuffleTextObj.SetActive(true); } } else { Logger.LogError((object)"Failed to load playlist"); } })); } public void Play(bool isRPC = false) { //IL_00af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic) { if (PlayerSettings.DynamicStation != null) { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestStation, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title); } return; } if (!isRPC) { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.Play, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, GetTime()); PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; SaveZDO(); return; } if (PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.CinemaScreen) { ScreenPlaneObj.SetActive(true); } if (PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Youtube || PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.RelativeVideo || PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Video) { mScreen.Play(); PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = mScreen.isPlaying; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = mScreen.isPaused; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, true); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem) && OODConfig.MobilePlayerVisuals.Value && (mScreen.isPlaying || mScreen.isPrepared || mAudio.isPlaying)) { WaveParticleSystem.Play(); } } else if (PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, true); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem) && OODConfig.MobilePlayerVisuals.Value) { WaveParticleSystem.Play(); } if (PlayerSettings.IsPaused && (Object)(object)mAudio.clip != (Object)null) { mAudio.UnPause(); } else { mAudio.Play(); } bool isPlaying = mAudio.isPlaying; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = !isPlaying; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = isPlaying; } } public void PlayStation(string stationName) { //IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) DynamicStation station = StationManager.Instance.GetStation(stationName); PlayerSettings.DynamicStation = station; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; PlayerSettings.CurrentMode = PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic; UnparsedURL = PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title; RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestStation, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, stationName); SaveZDO(); } public void RPC_PlayStation(string dataURL, string trackTitle, float time) { DynamicStation station = StationManager.Instance.GetStation(dataURL); Track track = station?.Tracks.FirstOrDefault((Track x) => x.Title == trackTitle); if (track != null) { station.CurrentTrackIndex = station.Tracks.IndexOf(track); station.Tracks[station.CurrentTrackIndex].CurrentTime = time; PlayerSettings.CurrentMode = PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic; PlayerSettings.DynamicStation = station; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; InitiateDynamicStationPlayback(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(2f, SendRequestTimeSync_RPC)); } } private void InitiateDynamicStationPlayback() { PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio; Track track = PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Tracks[PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.CurrentTrackIndex]; mAudio.clip = track.AudioClip; mAudio.time = track.CurrentTime; foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, IList> mediaComponentList in ComponentLists.MediaComponentLists) { foreach (BasePlayer item in mediaComponentList.Value) { if (!((Object)(object)item == (Object)(object)this) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)item) && item.PlayerSettings.DynamicStation != null && item.PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic && item.PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title == PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title && item.PlayerSettings.IsPlaying && !item.PlayerSettings.IsPaused) { item.mAudio.clip = track.AudioClip; item.mAudio.time = track.CurrentTime; } } } mAudio.Play(); PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist = false; PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio; PlayerSettings.CurrentMode = PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic; UnparsedURL = PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title; float time = track.AudioClip.length - mAudio.time; if (DynamicStationCoroutine != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StopCoroutine(DynamicStationCoroutine); } DynamicStationCoroutine = ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(AudioEndEvent(time, PlayNextDynamicStationTrack)); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem)) { WaveParticleSystem.Play(); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, true); } UpdateRadioPanel(); } private void PlayNextDynamicStationTrack() { if (PlayerSettings.DynamicStation != null) { mAudio.Stop(); mAudio.clip = null; mAudio.time = 0f; ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(0.35f, delegate { //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestStation, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(2f, SendRequestTimeSync_RPC)); })); } } private IEnumerator AudioEndEvent(float time, Action method) { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(time); method?.Invoke(); } public void UpdateRadioPanel() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)RadioPanelObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail) && mAudio.isPlaying) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(true); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenPlaneObj)) { ScreenPlaneObj.SetActive(true); } ClearRenderTexture(mScreen.targetTexture); if (PlayerSettings.DynamicStation != null && PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic) { RadioPanelObj.SetActive(true); UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail.sprite = (((Object)(object)PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Thumbnail != (Object)null) ? PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Thumbnail : null); } else if (mAudio.isPlaying && PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio) { RadioPanelObj.SetActive(true); UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail.sprite = (((Object)(object)PlayerSettings.Thumbnail != (Object)null) ? PlayerSettings.Thumbnail : null); } else if (PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType != PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio) { RadioPanelObj.SetActive(false); } } } public void Pause(bool isRPC = false) { //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!isRPC) { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.Pause, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, GetTime()); PlayerSettings.IsPaused = true; SaveZDO(); return; } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, false); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem)) { WaveParticleSystem.Stop(); } mScreen.Pause(); mAudio.Pause(); PlayerSettings.IsPaused = true; } private void SetupAudio() { centerAudioSphere = ((Component)this).transform.Find("audio/centerSphere"); mAudio = ((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<AudioSource>(); mAudio.maxDistance = OODConfig.DefaultDistance.Value; PlayerSettings.Volume = OODConfig.DefaultAudioSourceVolume.Value; mAudio.spatialBlend = 1f; mAudio.spatialize = true; mAudio.spatializePostEffects = true; mAudio.volume = PlayerSettings.Volume; } protected void SetupRadioPanel() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)RadioPanelObj)) { UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail = ((Component)RadioPanelObj.transform.Find("thumbnail")).GetComponent<Image>(); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj)) { Transform val = ScreenUICanvasObj.transform.Find("mainCanvas/radioPanel/waveformPanel"); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val)) { AudioWaveformVisualizer audioWaveformVisualizer = ((Component)val).gameObject.AddComponent<AudioWaveformVisualizer>(); audioWaveformVisualizer.Setup(mAudio); } } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail)) { if (PlayerSettings.DynamicStation != null && PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic) { UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail.sprite = PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Thumbnail; } if ((Object)(object)PlayerSettings.Thumbnail != (Object)null) { UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail.sprite = PlayerSettings.Thumbnail; } else { UIController.RadioPanelThumbnail.sprite = null; } } } protected void UpdateLoadingIndicator() { if (URLGrab.LoadingBool && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnparsedURL)) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingCircleObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)RadioPanelObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(true); RadioPanelObj.SetActive(false); LoadingCircleObj.SetActive(true); } UIController?.SetLoadingIndicatorActive(active: true); int num = PlayerSettings.LoadingCount % 4; if (UIController != null && (Object)(object)UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj != (Object)null) { UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = UIController.LoadingMessages[num]; } PlayerSettings.LoadingCount++; } else if (!URLGrab.LoadingBool && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj) && UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.activeSelf) { UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorActive(active: false); } } public void Stop(bool isRPC = false) { //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!isRPC) { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.Stop, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, GetTime()); return; } if (DynamicStationCoroutine != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StopCoroutine(DynamicStationCoroutine); } PlayerSettings.DynamicStation = null; mScreen.Stop(); mAudio.Stop(); mScreen.url = ""; mAudio.clip = null; mScreen.time = 0.0; mAudio.time = 0f; if (PlayerSettings.PlayerType == CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers.CinemaScreen) { ScreenPlaneObj.SetActive(false); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingCircleObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(false); LoadingCircleObj.SetActive(false); } } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, false); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem)) { WaveParticleSystem.Stop(); } PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist = false; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = false; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; CurrentPlaylist = null; URLGrab.Reset(); ClearRenderTexture(mScreen.targetTexture); UnparsedURL = null; DownloadURL = null; YoutubeURLNode = null; YoutubeSoundDirectUri = null; YoutubeVideoDirectUri = null; PlaylistURL = null; PlaylistString = null; PlaylistPosition = 0; UIController.SetInputFieldText(""); UIController.UpdatePlaylistUI(); SaveZDO(); SendUpdateZDO_RPC(); } protected IEnumerator AudioWebRequest(Uri url) { DownloadHandlerAudioClip dh = new DownloadHandlerAudioClip(url, (AudioType)13) { compressed = false }; UnityWebRequest wr = new UnityWebRequest(url, "GET", (DownloadHandler)(object)dh, (UploadHandler)null); try { yield return wr.SendWebRequest(); if ((int)wr.result == 3 || (int)wr.result == 2) { Logger.LogError((object)wr.error); yield break; } mAudio.clip = dh.audioClip; mScreen.url = ""; mScreen.Stop(); mAudio.Play(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(0.5f, SendRequestTimeSync_RPC)); PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio; PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = true; PlayerSettings.IsPaused = false; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Animator)) { Animator.SetBool(PlayerSettings.Playing, true); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)WaveParticleSystem) && OODConfig.MobilePlayerVisuals.Value) { WaveParticleSystem.Play(); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(true); } UpdateRadioPanel(); UIController.ResetLoadingIndicator(); } finally { ((IDisposable)wr)?.Dispose(); } } private IEnumerator CreateThumbnailFromURL(Uri url) { DownloadHandlerTexture dh = new DownloadHandlerTexture(true); UnityWebRequest wr = new UnityWebRequest(url, "GET", (DownloadHandler)(object)dh, (UploadHandler)null); try { yield return wr.SendWebRequest(); if ((int)wr.result == 3 || (int)wr.result == 2) { Logger.LogError((object)("Error downloading image: " + wr.error)); yield break; } Texture2D texture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(wr); Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)((Texture)texture).width, (float)((Texture)texture).height); Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, rect, pivot); PlayerSettings.Thumbnail = sprite; } finally { ((IDisposable)wr)?.Dispose(); } } public void PlaySoundcloud(string sentUrl, bool isRPC) { Uri url = URLGrab.CleanUrl(sentUrl); UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Processing"); UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorActive(active: true); if (sentUrl != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(URLGrab.GetSoundcloudExplodeCoroutine(url, delegate(Uri resultUrl, Uri artworkUri) { if (resultUrl != null) { if (artworkUri != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(CreateThumbnailFromURL(artworkUri)); } else { PlayerSettings.Thumbnail = null; } ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(AudioWebRequest(resultUrl)); } else { UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Null, check logs"); Logger.LogWarning((object)"Failed to load Soundcloud"); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(ResetLoadingIndicatorAfterDelay()); } })); } else { string message = "Soundcloud Null"; Logger.LogInfo((object)"Soundcloud Null, check for exceptions"); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(UIController.UnavailableIndicator(message)); } } public void PlayYoutube(string url) { if (URLGrab.LoadingBool) { return; } if (OODConfig.IsYtEnabled.Value) { if (PlayerSettings.IsLooping) { mScreen.isLooping = true; mAudio.loop = true; } if (OODConfig.YoutubeAPI.Value == OODConfig.YouTubeAPI.YouTubeExplode) { StartYoutubeProcessing(url); return; } YoutubeURLNode = url; ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(YoutubeNodeQuery()); } else { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(UIController.UnavailableIndicator("YouTube disabled")); } } public void RPC_SetURL(string url, bool isPaused = false, float time = 0f) { if (url == null) { return; } Encoding uTF = Encoding.UTF8; byte[] bytes = uTF.GetBytes(url); url = uTF.GetString(bytes); PlayerSettings.IsPaused = isPaused; ClearRenderTexture(mScreen.targetTexture); if (URLGrab.IsAudioFile(url)) { string relativeURL = URLGrab.GetRelativeURL(url); if (relativeURL != "") { url = relativeURL; PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.RelativeAudio; } else { PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio; } DownloadURL = URLGrab.CleanUrl(url); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(AudioWebRequest(DownloadURL)); } else if (url.Contains("")) { PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Soundcloud; PlaySoundcloud(url, isRPC: true); } else { if (!url.Contains("\\") && !url.Contains(".") && !url.Contains("/")) { return; } string relativeURL2 = URLGrab.GetRelativeURL(url); if (relativeURL2 != "") { mScreen.url = relativeURL2; PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.RelativeVideo; if (OODConfig.DebugEnabled.Value) { Logger.LogDebug((object)("Playing: " + relativeURL2)); } BeginLoadingPrepare(); } if ((url.StartsWith("http://") || url.StartsWith("https://")) && !Path.HasExtension(url) && OODConfig.IsYtEnabled.Value) { if (PlayerSettings.IsLooping && (!mScreen.isLooping || !mAudio.loop)) { mScreen.isLooping = true; mAudio.loop = true; } PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Youtube; PlayYoutube(url); } else { PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType = PlayerSettings.LinkType.Video; mScreen.url = url; BeginLoadingPrepare(); if (OODConfig.DebugEnabled.Value) { Logger.LogDebug((object)("Playing: " + url)); } } } } private void BeginLoadingPrepare() { mScreen.Prepare(); ClearRenderTexture(mScreen.targetTexture); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingCircleObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(true); LoadingCircleObj.SetActive(true); } } public void StartYoutubeProcessing(string url) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj)) { UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Processing"); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(true); } ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(Ytdl.GetVideoUrlWithRetry(url, delegate(string resultUrl) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultUrl)) { Logger.LogDebug((object)("Result URL: " + resultUrl)); mScreen.url = resultUrl; BeginLoadingPrepare(); } else { Logger.LogError((object)"Failed to get video URL"); UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Failed to load video"); Logger.LogWarning((object)"Failed to load video"); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(ResetLoadingIndicatorAfterDelay()); } })); } private IEnumerator ResetLoadingIndicatorAfterDelay() { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(1.75f); UIController.ResetLoadingIndicator(); } private IEnumerator YoutubeNodeQuery(bool isRPC = false) { if (YoutubeURLNode == null) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"nodejs: error in yt query, youtube url null. are you sure you want use nodejs?"); yield break; } string url = Uri.EscapeDataString(YoutubeURLNode); string nodeUrl = OODConfig.NodeUrl.Value; string authCode = OODConfig.YtAuthCode.Value; UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(nodeUrl + url + "/" + authCode); www.timeout = 30; UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Processing"); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(true); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); if ((int)www.result != 1) { Debug.Log((object)www.error); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = www.error; yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } else if (www.downloadHandler.text.Contains("AUTH DENIED")) { UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Invalid Auth"); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } else if (www.downloadHandler.text.Contains("\\")) { string[] lines = www.downloadHandler.text.Split(new string[4] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i].Replace("\"", ""); } if (Uri.TryCreate(lines[0], UriKind.Absolute, out Uri cleanVideoUri2)) { YoutubeVideoDirectUri = cleanVideoUri2; } else { Logger.LogError((object)("Invalid URI: " + lines[0])); UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Invalid URI"); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } if (Uri.TryCreate(lines[1], UriKind.Absolute, out Uri cleanSoundUri)) { YoutubeSoundDirectUri = cleanSoundUri; } else { Logger.LogError((object)("Invalid URI: " + lines[1])); UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Invalid URI"); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(CreateYoutubeAudioAndPlay()); } else { string cleanUrl = www.downloadHandler.text.Replace("\"", ""); if (Uri.TryCreate(cleanUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri cleanVideoUri)) { YoutubeVideoDirectUri = cleanVideoUri; } else { Logger.LogError((object)("Invalid URI: " + cleanUrl)); UIController.SetLoadingIndicatorText("Invalid URI"); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } mScreen.url = YoutubeVideoDirectUri.AbsoluteUri; mScreen.Prepare(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingCircleObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(true); LoadingCircleObj.SetActive(true); } UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } } private IEnumerator CreateYoutubeAudioAndPlay() { if (YoutubeSoundDirectUri == null) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"sound url is null, waiting"); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(1f); } if (YoutubeSoundDirectUri == null) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"sound url is null still, exiting"); yield break; } DownloadHandlerAudioClip dh = new DownloadHandlerAudioClip(YoutubeSoundDirectUri, (AudioType)0) { compressed = true }; UnityWebRequest wr = new UnityWebRequest(YoutubeSoundDirectUri, "GET", (DownloadHandler)(object)dh, (UploadHandler)null); try { yield return wr.SendWebRequest(); if ((int)wr.result == 3 || (int)wr.result == 2) { Logger.LogWarning((object)wr.error); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); yield break; } mAudio.clip = dh.audioClip; if (YoutubeVideoDirectUri != null) { mScreen.url = YoutubeVideoDirectUri.AbsoluteUri; mScreen.Prepare(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ScreenUICanvasObj) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingCircleObj)) { ScreenUICanvasObj.SetActive(true); LoadingCircleObj.SetActive(true); } UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } else { Logger.LogDebug((object)"nodejs: yt url is null. are you sure want to use nodejs?"); UIController.LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } } finally { ((IDisposable)wr)?.Dispose(); } } public void UpdatePlayerTime(float time) { if (Math.Abs(mScreen.time - (double)time) > 0.05) { mScreen.time = time; } if ((double)Math.Abs(mAudio.time - time) > 0.05) { mAudio.time = time; } } public void SetLock(bool locked) { PlayerSettings.IsLocked = locked; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)UIController.URLPanelObj)) { if (PlayerSettings.IsLocked) { UIController.LockedIconObj.SetActive(true); UIController.UnlockedIconObj.SetActive(false); } else { UIController.LockedIconObj.SetActive(false); UIController.UnlockedIconObj.SetActive(true); } } } public void SetDynamicStation(DynamicStation station) { PlayerSettings.DynamicStation = station; } public virtual void SaveZDO(bool saveTime = true) { ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO != null && !((Object)(object)mAudio == (Object)null)) { RequestOwnership(zDO); zDO.Set("distance", mAudio.maxDistance); zDO.Set("adminOnly", PlayerSettings.AdminOnly); zDO.Set("isLooping", PlayerSettings.IsLooping); zDO.Set("isLocked", PlayerSettings.IsLocked); zDO.Set("isPlaying", PlayerSettings.IsPlaying); zDO.Set("isPaused", PlayerSettings.IsPaused); zDO.Set("currentMode", (int)PlayerSettings.CurrentMode); zDO.Set("url", UnparsedURL ?? ""); if (saveTime) { SaveTimeZDO(); } zDO.Set("speakers", SpeakerHelper.CompressSpeakerList(mSpeakers)); zDO.Set("speakerCount", mSpeakers.Count); } } public void SaveTimeZDO() { ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO != null) { if (mScreen.isPlaying) { zDO.Set("time", (float)mScreen.time); } if (mAudio.isPlaying) { zDO.Set("time", mAudio.time); } } } public virtual void LoadZDO() { ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO == null) { return; } PlayerSettings.AdminOnly = zDO.GetBool("adminOnly", false); float @float = zDO.GetFloat("distance", 0f); if (@float != 0f) { mAudio.maxDistance = @float; } PlayerSettings.IsLocked = zDO.GetBool("isLocked", false); UnparsedURL = zDO.GetString("url", ""); PlayerSettings.IsLooping = zDO.GetBool("isLooping", false); mAudio.loop = PlayerSettings.IsLooping; mScreen.isLooping = PlayerSettings.IsLooping; mSpeakers = SpeakerHelper.DecompressSpeakerList(zDO.GetByteArray("speakers", (byte[])null)); UpdateSpeakerCenter(); PlayerSettings.IsPlaying = zDO.GetBool("isPlaying", false); PlayerSettings.IsPaused = zDO.GetBool("isPaused", false); PlayerSettings.CurrentMode = (PlayerSettings.PlayerMode)zDO.GetInt("currentMode", 0); if (PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic) { PlayerSettings.DynamicStation = StationManager.Instance.GetStation(UnparsedURL); if (PlayerSettings.DynamicStation != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(1f, delegate { //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestStation, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title); })); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(2f, SendRequestTimeSync_RPC)); } } else { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(3f, delegate { RPC_SetURL(UnparsedURL, PlayerSettings.IsPaused); })); } } public virtual void UpdateZDO() { ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO == null) { return; } PlayerSettings.AdminOnly = zDO.GetBool("adminOnly", false); float @float = zDO.GetFloat("distance", 0f); if (@float != 0f) { mAudio.maxDistance = @float; } PlayerSettings.IsLocked = zDO.GetBool("isLocked", false); PlayerSettings.IsLooping = zDO.GetBool("isLooping", false); mAudio.loop = PlayerSettings.IsLooping; mScreen.isLooping = PlayerSettings.IsLooping; PlayerSettings.CurrentMode = (PlayerSettings.PlayerMode)zDO.GetInt("currentMode", 0); if (zDO.GetString("url", "") != UnparsedURL) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnparsedURL)) { if (PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(1f, delegate { //IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) PlayerSettings.DynamicStation = StationManager.Instance.GetStation(UnparsedURL); if (PlayerSettings.DynamicStation?.Title != null) { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestStation, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, PlayerSettings.DynamicStation.Title); } })); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(DelayedExecution(2f, SendRequestTimeSync_RPC)); } else { RPC_SetURL(UnparsedURL); } } else { Stop(isRPC: true); } } if (zDO.GetInt("speakerCount", 0) != mSpeakers.Count) { mSpeakers = SpeakerHelper.DecompressSpeakerList(zDO.GetByteArray("speakers", (byte[])null)); UpdateSpeakerCenter(); } mSpeakers = SpeakerHelper.DecompressSpeakerList(zDO.GetByteArray("speakers", (byte[])null)); UpdateSpeakerCenter(); if (zDO.GetBool("isPaused", false) != PlayerSettings.IsPaused) { Pause(isRPC: true); } } public async void RPC_UpdateZDO() { await Task.Delay(350); UpdateZDO(); } private IEnumerator DelayedExecution(float delay, Action action) { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(delay); action(); } internal void SendUpdateZDO_RPC() { //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.UpdateZDO, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, GetTime()); } private void SyncTime() { if (mScreen.isPlaying || mAudio.isPlaying) { BroadcastTime(); } } internal void SendRequestTimeSync_RPC() { //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO != null && (!zDO.IsOwner() || PlayerSettings.CurrentMode == PlayerSettings.PlayerMode.Dynamic)) { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestTime, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, 0f, UnparsedURL); } } public void BroadcastTime() { //IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO != null && zDO.IsOwner()) { SaveTimeZDO(); RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.SyncTime, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position, GetTime()); } } private string GenerateUniqueID() { //IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) string[] obj = new string[5] { Path.GetRandomFileName().Replace(".", ""), "-", DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), "-", null }; ZDOID zDOID = ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).GetZDOID(); obj[4] = ((ZDOID)(ref zDOID)).UserID.ToString(); return string.Concat(obj); } public Coroutine StartPlayerCoroutine(IEnumerator routine) { return ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(routine); } public void StopPlayerCoroutine(Coroutine routine) { ((MonoBehaviour)this).StopCoroutine(routine); } public void ClaimOwnership(ZDO zdo) { if (zdo != null && !zdo.IsOwner()) { zdo.SetOwner(ZDOMan.GetSessionID()); } } public void SetOwnership(long peer) { ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO != null && zDO.IsOwner()) { BroadcastTime(); zDO.SetOwner(peer); } } public void RequestOwnership(ZDO zdo) { //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (zdo == null || zdo.IsOwner()) { return; } Player val = ((IEnumerable<Player>)Player.s_players).FirstOrDefault((Func<Player, bool>)delegate(Player p) { //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) int result; if ((Object)(object)p != (Object)null && (Object)(object)((Character)p).m_nview != (Object)null && ((Character)p).m_nview.IsValid()) { ZDOID zDOID = ((Character)p).GetZDOID(); result = ((((ZDOID)(ref zDOID)).UserID == zdo.GetOwner()) ? 1 : 0); } else { result = 0; } return (byte)result != 0; }); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { ClaimOwnership(zdo); } else { RPC.SendData(0L, CinemaPackage.RPCDataType.RequestOwnership, PlayerSettings.PlayerType, MediaPlayerID, ((Component)this).gameObject.transform.position); } } public bool AddSpeaker(SpeakerComponent sp) { if (mSpeakers.Add(sp)) { SaveZDO(); UpdateSpeakerCenter(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(ShowCenterSphere()); SendUpdateZDO_RPC(); return true; } return false; } public void RemoveSpeaker(SpeakerComponent sp) { if (mSpeakers.Remove(sp)) { SaveZDO(); UpdateSpeakerCenter(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(ShowCenterSphere()); SendUpdateZDO_RPC(); } } private void UpdateSpeakerCenter() { //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (mSpeakers.Count == 0) { ((Component)mAudio).transform.position = ((Component)this).transform.position; return; } Vector3 position = SpeakerHelper.CalculateAudioCenter(mSpeakers.ToList()); ((Component)mAudio).transform.position = position; } public void UnlinkAllSpeakers() { mSpeakers.Clear(); UIController.UpdateSpeakerCount(); UpdateSpeakerCenter(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(ShowCenterSphere()); SaveZDO(); SendUpdateZDO_RPC(); } private IEnumerator ShowCenterSphere() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)centerAudioSphere)) { ((Component)centerAudioSphere).gameObject.SetActive(true); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(1f); ((Component)centerAudioSphere).gameObject.SetActive(false); } } private float GetTime() { if (PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Youtube || PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.RelativeVideo || PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Video) { return (float)mScreen.time; } if (PlayerSettings.PlayerLinkType == PlayerSettings.LinkType.Audio) { return mAudio.time; } return 0f; } private float GetTimeZDO() { ZDO zDO = ZNetView.GetZDO(); if (zDO != null) { return zDO.GetFloat("time", 0f); } return 0f; } private void ClearRenderTexture(RenderTexture renderTexture) { //IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0009: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Texture2D val = new Texture2D(1, 1); val.SetPixel(0, 0,; val.Apply(); RenderTexture active =; = renderTexture; Graphics.Blit((Texture)(object)val, renderTexture); = active; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)val); } GameObject IPlayer.get_gameObject() { return ((Component)this).gameObject; } } public class PlayerSettings { public enum LinkType { Youtube, Soundcloud, Video, Audio, RelativeAudio, RelativeVideo } public enum PlayerMode { URL, Dynamic } public static readonly int Playing = Animator.StringToHash("Playing"); public static readonly int MainTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainTex"); public static readonly int EmissiveColorMap = Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveColorMap"); internal LinkType PlayerLinkType; public PlayerMode CurrentMode = PlayerMode.URL; public List<AudioClip> CurrentDynamicList = new List<AudioClip>(); public bool IsPaused { get; set; } public bool IsPlaying { get; set; } public int LoadingCount { get; set; } public bool IsGuiActive { get; set; } public bool AdminOnly { get; set; } public bool IsLocked { get; set; } = true; public bool IsLooping { get; set; } public bool IsPlayingPlaylist { get; set; } public bool IsSettingsGuiActive { get; set; } public bool IsShuffling { get; set; } public float MuteVol { get; set; } = 0.5f; public float VerticalDistanceDropoff { get; set; } = 0f; public float DropoffPower { get; set; } = 1.5f; public float Volume { get; set; } = 0.5f; public bool IsLinkedToParent { get; set; } = false; public CinemaPackage.MediaPlayers PlayerType { get; set; } public DynamicStation DynamicStation { get; set; } public Sprite Thumbnail { get; set; } } } namespace OdinOnDemand.Patches { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Trader), "GetAvailableItems")] public class HaldorCustomPatch { private static void Postfix(ref List<TradeItem> __result) { //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0060: Expected O, but got Unknown List<TradeItem> list = new List<TradeItem>(); if (OODConfig.SkaldsGirdleEnabled.Value) { GameObject prefab = PrefabManager.Instance.GetPrefab("skaldsgirdle"); if ((Object)(object)prefab != (Object)null) { list.Add(new TradeItem { m_prefab = prefab.GetComponent<ItemDrop>(), m_stack = 1, m_price = OODConfig.SkaldsGirdleCost.Value }); } } __result = __result.Concat(list).ToList(); } } public class PlacePiecePatch { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "PlacePiece", new Type[] { typeof(Piece), typeof(Vector3), typeof(Quaternion), typeof(bool) })] private static class PlacePiece_Patch { private static bool Prefix(Piece piece, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, bool doAttack = true) { //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (StringExtensions.Contains(Pieces, ((Object)((Component)piece).gameObject).name, StringComparison.Ordinal) && OODConfig.VipMode.Value) { CSteamID steamID = SteamUser.GetSteamID(); RankSystem.PlayerRank rank = RankSystem.GetRank(((object)(CSteamID)(ref steamID)).ToString()); if (rank != RankSystem.PlayerRank.Admin && rank != RankSystem.PlayerRank.Vip) { RankSystem.DisplayBlockMenu(); return false; } } return true; } } private static readonly string[] Pieces = new string[9] { "flatscreen", "theaterscreen", "tabletv", "monitor", "oldtv", "laptop", "radio", "boombox", "gramophone" }; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "RemovePiece")] public class RemovePiecePatch { private static readonly string[] Pieces = new string[9] { "flatscreen", "theaterscreen", "tabletv", "monitor", "oldtv", "laptop", "radio", "boombox", "gramophone" }; [HarmonyPrefix] public static bool PrefixRemovePiece(ref Player __instance) { //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00eb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!OODConfig.VipMode.Value) { return true; } RaycastHit val = default(RaycastHit); if (!Physics.Raycast(((Component)GameCamera.instance).transform.position, ((Component)GameCamera.instance).transform.forward, ref val, 50f, __instance.m_removeRayMask) || (double)Vector3.Distance(((RaycastHit)(ref val)).point, ((Character)__instance).m_eye.position) >= (double)__instance.m_maxPlaceDistance) { return false; } Piece componentInParent = ((Component)((RaycastHit)(ref val)).collider).GetComponentInParent<Piece>(); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)componentInParent) || !componentInParent.m_canBeRemoved) { return false; } if (StringExtensions.Contains(Pieces, ((Object)((Component)componentInParent).gameObject).name.Replace("(Clone)", ""), StringComparison.Ordinal) && OODConfig.VipMode.Value) { CSteamID steamID = SteamUser.GetSteamID(); RankSystem.PlayerRank rank = RankSystem.GetRank(((object)(CSteamID)(ref steamID)).ToString()); if (rank != RankSystem.PlayerRank.Admin && rank != RankSystem.PlayerRank.Vip) { RankSystem.DisplayBlockMenu(); return false; } } return true; } } } namespace OdinOnDemand.Utils { public class AudioFader : MonoBehaviour { private static MusicMan _musicMan; public static AudioFader Instance { get; set; } private void Awake() { if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null) { Instance = this; } else { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)this).gameObject); } } public AudioFader() { _musicMan = MusicMan.m_instance; } public void Update() { if (OODConfig.AudioFadeType.Value == OODConfig.FadeType.Fade) { FadeGameMusic(); } } public void FadeGameMusic() { var (num, basePlayer) = GetDistanceFromMediaplayers(); if ((Object)(object)basePlayer == (Object)null) { _musicMan.m_musicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MusicVolume", 1f); return; } float num2 = basePlayer.mAudio.maxDistance / 1.35f; if (num > num2) { _musicMan.m_musicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MusicVolume", 1f); return; } float num3 = Mathf.Clamp01(num / num2); float num4 = 20f * Mathf.Log10(_musicMan.m_musicSource.volume); float num5 = Mathf.Lerp(OODConfig.LowestVolumeDB.Value, num4, num3); _musicMan.m_musicSource.volume = Mathf.Pow(10f, num5 / 20f); } private static (float, BasePlayer) GetDistanceFromMediaplayers() { //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer)) { return (float.MaxValue, null); } Vector3 position = ((Component)Player.m_localPlayer).transform.position; float num = float.MaxValue; BasePlayer item = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, IList> mediaComponentList in ComponentLists.MediaComponentLists) { foreach (BasePlayer item2 in mediaComponentList.Value) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)item2) && (item2.mAudio.isPlaying || item2.mAudio.time != 0f || item2.mAudio.loop) && !item2.PlayerSettings.IsPaused && item2.PlayerSettings.IsPlaying) { Vector3 position2 = ((Component)item2).transform.position; float num2 = Vector3.Distance(position, position2); if (num2 < num) { num = num2; item = item2; } } } } return (num, item); } } public class RankSystem : MonoBehaviour { public enum PlayerRank { Player, Vip, Admin } private class CoroutineManager : MonoBehaviour { } private static GameObject _blockedText; private static CoroutineManager _coroutineManager; private static Coroutine _blockMenuCoroutine; public static PlayerRank GetRank(string steam) { if (ZNet.instance.ListContainsId(ZNet.instance.m_adminList, steam)) { return PlayerRank.Admin; } if (OODConfig.VipList.Value.Contains(steam)) { return PlayerRank.Vip; } return PlayerRank.Player; } private static void CreateBlockMenu() { //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_blockedText)) { if (GUIManager.Instance == null) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"GUIManager instance is null"); return; } if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)GUIManager.CustomGUIFront)) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"GUIManager CustomGUI is null"); return; } _blockedText = GUIManager.Instance.CreateText(OODConfig.VipMessage.Value, GUIManager.CustomGUIFront.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0f, -150f), GUIManager.Instance.AveriaSerifBold, 22, GUIManager.Instance.ValheimOrange, true,, 450f, 40f, false); _blockedText.SetActive(false); } } public static void DisplayBlockMenu() { //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown if ((Object)(object)_coroutineManager == (Object)null) { GameObject val = new GameObject("CoroutineManager"); _coroutineManager = val.AddComponent<CoroutineManager>(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)val); } if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_blockedText)) { CreateBlockMenu(); } if (_blockMenuCoroutine != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)_coroutineManager).StopCoroutine(_blockMenuCoroutine); } _blockMenuCoroutine = ((MonoBehaviour)_coroutineManager).StartCoroutine(ShowBlockMenu()); } private static IEnumerator ShowBlockMenu() { if (_blockedText.activeSelf) { _blockedText.SetActive(false); yield break; } _blockedText.SetActive(true); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(3f); _blockedText.SetActive(false); } } } namespace OdinOnDemand.Utils.UI { public class AudioWaveformVisualizer : MonoBehaviour { public int barCount = 64; public int smoothing = 8; public RectTransform[] bars; public AudioSource audioSource; public Gradient colorGradient; public float spacing = 10f; public float minHeight = 0.001f; public float maxHeight = 10f; public bool enableGlowEffect = true; public bool enableOutlineEffect = true; private bool _initialUpdateDone = false; [SerializeField] private int midStartIndex = 10; [SerializeField] private int midEndIndex = 32; [SerializeField] private float midScalingFactor = OODConfig.VisualizerScaleFactorMid.Value; [SerializeField] private float highScalingFactor = OODConfig.VisualizerScaleFactorHigh.Value; [SerializeField] private float baseScalingFactor = OODConfig.VisualizerScaleFactorBase.Value; public void Setup(AudioSource audio) { audioSource = audio; CreateBars(); CreateGradient(); Update(); } private void CreateGradient() { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) colorGradient = new Gradient(); GradientColorKey[] array = (GradientColorKey[])(object)new GradientColorKey[3]; array[0].color =; array[0].time = 0f; array[1].color = Color.yellow; array[1].time = 0.25f; array[2].color = new Color(255f, 165f, 0f); array[2].time = 1f; GradientAlphaKey[] array2 = (GradientAlphaKey[])(object)new GradientAlphaKey[2]; array2[0].alpha = 1f; array2[0].time = 0f; array2[1].alpha = 1f; array2[1].time = 1f; colorGradient.SetKeys(array, array2); } private void CreateBars() { //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0118: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0147: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0156: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0189: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) bars = (RectTransform[])(object)new RectTransform[barCount]; float num = spacing * (float)(barCount - 1); Rect rect = ((Component)this).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect; float num2 = (((Rect)(ref rect)).width - num) / (float)barCount; for (int i = 0; i < barCount; i++) { GameObject val = new GameObject("Bar " + i); val.transform.SetParent(((Component)this).transform, false); RectTransform val2 = val.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); rect = ((Component)this).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect; val2.sizeDelta = new Vector2(num2, ((Rect)(ref rect)).height); val2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f); val2.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f); val2.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); float num3 = (num2 + spacing) * (float)i; rect = ((Component)this).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect; val2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(num3 - ((Rect)(ref rect)).width / 2f + num2 / 2f, 0f); Image val3 = val.AddComponent<Image>(); val3.sprite = Sprite.Create(Texture2D.whiteTexture, new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); if (enableGlowEffect) { ((Graphic)val3).material = new Material(Shader.Find("UI/Default")); ((Graphic)val3).material.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); ((Graphic)val3).material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white); } if (enableOutlineEffect) { Outline val4 = val.AddComponent<Outline>(); ((Shadow)val4).effectColor =; } bars[i] = val2; } } private void Update() { //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0110: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0145: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0171: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (_initialUpdateDone && !audioSource.isPlaying) { return; } float[] array = new float[128]; audioSource.GetSpectrumData(array, 0, (FFTWindow)0); Transform parent = ((Component)this).transform.parent; Rect rect = ((Component)parent).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect; float num = ((Rect)(ref rect)).height / parent.localScale.y; for (int i = 0; i < bars.Length; i++) { float num2 = 1f; if (i >= midStartIndex && i <= midEndIndex) { num2 = midScalingFactor; } else if (i > midEndIndex) { num2 = highScalingFactor; } if (i >= 0 && i <= 3) { num2 = 0.25f; } float num3 = array[i] * num2 * baseScalingFactor + minHeight; num3 = Mathf.Clamp(num3, minHeight, Mathf.Min(maxHeight, num)); float num4 = Mathf.Lerp(((Transform)bars[i]).localScale.y, num3, Time.deltaTime * (float)smoothing); ((Transform)bars[i]).localScale = new Vector3(1f, num4, 1f); ((Graphic)((Component)bars[i]).GetComponent<Image>()).color = colorGradient.Evaluate(array[i] * num2 * 25f); } _initialUpdateDone = true; } } public class LoadingCircle : MonoBehaviour { private RectTransform rectComponent; private readonly float rotateSpeed = 200f; private void Start() { rectComponent = ((Component)this).GetComponent<RectTransform>(); } private void Update() { if (((Behaviour)this).isActiveAndEnabled) { ((Transform)rectComponent).Rotate(0f, 0f, rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } } } public class ScrollingText : MonoBehaviour { public int maxLength = 20; public string message = ""; public float speed = 0.2f; private int index; private Text textComponent; private void Start() { textComponent = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Text>(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(ScrollText()); } private IEnumerator ScrollText() { int direction = 1; while (true) { if (message.Length <= maxLength) { textComponent.text = message; continue; } string scrollText = message.Substring(index, maxLength); textComponent.text = scrollText; yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(speed); if (index + maxLength >= message.Length) { direction = -1; } else if (index <= 0) { direction = 1; } index += direction; } } } public class UIController { private BasePlayer _basePlayer; internal GameObject LoadingIndicatorObj; internal GameObject LockedIconObj; private Slider _masterVolumeSliderComponent; private GameObject _mutedVolumeObj; private Resources _oodResources; private GameObject _playlistIndexObj; private GameObject _playlistStringObj; internal Text PlaylistTrackText; private GameObject _previousPlaylistTrackObj; internal GameObject URLPanelObj; private GameObject _dynamicPanelObj; private GameObject _dynamicScrollViewObj; private GameObject _settingsPanelObj; private RectTransform _settingsPanelRT; private GameObject _skipPlaylistTrackObj; private GameObject _toggleLoopObj; internal GameObject ToggleShuffleObj; internal GameObject ToggleShuffleTextObj; internal GameObject UnlockedIconObj; private GameObject _unmutedVolumeObj; private GameObject _urlInputFieldObj; private Slider _volumeSlider; private Slider _volumeSliderDynamic; private Toggle _adminOnlyToggle; internal Image RadioPanelThumbnail; private ToggleGroup _entryToggleGroup; private Toggle _entryToggle; public readonly string[] LoadingMessages = new string[4] { "Processing", "Processing.", "Processing..", "Processing..." }; private readonly RpcHandler _rpc = OdinOnDemandPlugin.RPCHandlers; private GameObject _toggleMuteButton; private GameObject _volumeSliderMainObj; private GameObject _volumeSliderDynamicObj; private GameObject _toogleLoopButton; private GameObject _toggleShuffle; private GameObject _toggleShuffleText; private Coroutine _debounceCoroutine; public const float DebounceTime = 0.3f; private const bool IsWaiting = false; private Text _loadingIndicatorText; private Transform _dynamicContentTransform; private GameObject _urlTabButtonObj; private GameObject _dynamicTabButtonObj; private InputField _urlInputField; private Text _speakerText; public UIController(BasePlayer basePlayer) { _basePlayer = basePlayer; } public void Initialize() { //IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _oodResources = new Resources { knob = OdinOnDemandPlugin.UISprites["handle"], background = OdinOnDemandPlugin.UISprites["background"], standard = OdinOnDemandPlugin.UISprites["fill"], checkmark = OdinOnDemandPlugin.UISprites["checkmark"] }; } public void DestroyUI() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)URLPanelObj)) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)URLPanelObj); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_dynamicPanelObj)) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)_dynamicPanelObj); } } private void ToggleMute() { bool flag = _basePlayer.mAudio.volume > 0f; _basePlayer.mAudio.volume = (flag ? 0f : _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.MuteVol); if ((Object)(object)_mutedVolumeObj != (Object)null) { _mutedVolumeObj.SetActive(flag); _unmutedVolumeObj.SetActive(!flag); } _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.Volume = _basePlayer.mAudio.volume; _volumeSlider.value = _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.Volume; _volumeSliderDynamic.value = _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.Volume; if (flag) { _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.MuteVol = _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.Volume; } } internal void UpdatePlaylistInfo() { if (_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)URLPanelObj)) { int num = _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(_basePlayer.PlaylistPosition).Title.Length; if (num > 14) { num = 14; } if (!_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsShuffling) { BasePlayer basePlayer = _basePlayer; string playlistString = (_basePlayer.PlaylistString = _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(_basePlayer.PlaylistPosition).Title); basePlayer.PlaylistString = playlistString; _basePlayer.PlaylistString = "Playing '" + _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(_basePlayer.PlaylistPosition).Title.Substring(0, num) + "...' "; _playlistIndexObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = _basePlayer.PlaylistPosition + 1 + "/" + _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.Count; PlaylistTrackText.text = _basePlayer.PlaylistString; } else { BasePlayer basePlayer2 = _basePlayer; string playlistString = (_basePlayer.PlaylistString = _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(_basePlayer.PlaylistPosition).Title); basePlayer2.PlaylistString = playlistString; _basePlayer.PlaylistString = "Playing '" + _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.ElementAt(_basePlayer.PlaylistPosition).Title.Substring(0, num) + "...' "; _playlistIndexObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = _basePlayer.PlaylistPosition + 1 + "/" + _basePlayer.CurrentPlaylist.Count + ", (shuffled)"; PlaylistTrackText.text = _basePlayer.PlaylistString; } } } public void UpdatePlaylistUI() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_playlistStringObj)) { _playlistStringObj.SetActive(_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_skipPlaylistTrackObj)) { _skipPlaylistTrackObj.SetActive(_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_previousPlaylistTrackObj)) { _previousPlaylistTrackObj.SetActive(_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ToggleShuffleObj)) { ToggleShuffleObj.SetActive(_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ToggleShuffleTextObj)) { ToggleShuffleTextObj.SetActive(_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_playlistIndexObj)) { _playlistIndexObj.SetActive(_basePlayer.PlayerSettings.IsPlayingPlaylist); } } internal IEnumerator UnavailableIndicator(string message) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)LoadingIndicatorObj)) { LoadingIndicatorObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = message; LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(true); yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f); LoadingIndicatorObj.SetActive(false); } } private void CreateMainGUI() { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)URLPanelObj)) { if (GUIManager.Instance == null) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"GUIManager instance is null"); return; } if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)GUIManager.CustomGUIFront)) { Logger.LogDebug((object)"GUIManager CustomGUI is null"); return; } CreateURLPanel(); CreateDynamicPanel(); PopulateDynamicPanel(); } } private void PopulateDynamicPanel() { //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) foreach (DynamicStation dynamicStation in StationManager.Instance.DynamicStations) { CreateDynamicAudioEntry(dynamicStation.Title, dynamicStation.Thumbnail, _dynamicContentTransform, new Vector2(0f, 0f), DynamicEntryValueChanged); } } private void DynamicEntryValueChanged(bool value) { Toggle val = _entryToggleGroup.ActiveToggles().FirstOrDefault(); if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null) { DynamicStation station = StationManager.Instance.GetStation(((Component)val).GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text); _basePlayer.SetDynamicStation(station); } } private void CreateDynamicPanel() { //IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0130: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_023b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_024a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0259: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0296: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_033e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0363: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_dynamicPanelObj)) { _dynamicPanelObj = GUIManager.Instance.CreateWoodpanel(URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), 375f, 155f, true); _dynamicPanelObj.AddComponent<CustomDragHandler>().parentObj = URLPanelObj; _dynamicPanelObj.SetActive(false); _dynamicScrollViewObj = DefaultControls.CreateScrollView(_oodResources); ScrollRect component = _dynamicScrollViewObj.GetComponent<ScrollRect>(); component.vertical = true; component.horizontal = false; _dynamicScrollViewObj.transform.SetParent(_dynamicPanelObj.transform, false); RectTransform component2 = _dynamicScrollViewObj.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); component2.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f); component2.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 40f); component2.offsetMax = new Vector2(-10f, -16f); Image component3 = _dynamicScrollViewObj.GetComponent<Image>(); ((Graphic)component3).color = new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.85f); ((Component)_dynamicScrollViewObj.transform.Find("Scrollbar Vertical")).gameObject.SetActive(false); _dynamicContentTransform = _dynamicScrollViewObj.transform.Find("Viewport/Content"); VerticalLayoutGroup val = ((Component)_dynamicContentTransform).gameObject.AddComponent<VerticalLayoutGroup>(); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).childForceExpandWidth = true; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).childForceExpandHeight = true; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).childControlWidth = true; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).childControlHeight = true; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).childScaleHeight = true; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).childScaleWidth = true; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val).spacing = 1f; _entryToggleGroup = ((Component)_dynamicContentTransform).gameObject.AddComponent<ToggleGroup>(); _entryToggleGroup.allowSwitchOff = false; _entryToggleGroup.SetAllTogglesOff(true); CreateUISpriteButton("play", _dynamicPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-150f, -57f), 34f, 34f, delegate { BasePlayer basePlayer = _basePlayer; Toggle? obj = _entryToggleGroup.ActiveToggles().FirstOrDefault(); basePlayer.PlayStation((obj != null) ? ((Component)obj).GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text : null); }); CreateUISpriteButton("stop", _dynamicPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-112f, -57f), 34f, 34f, delegate { _basePlayer.Stop(); }); CreateMuteButton(new Vector2(150f, -57f), _dynamicPanelObj.transform); _volumeSliderDynamicObj = DefaultControls.CreateSlider(_oodResources); _volumeSliderDynamicObj.transform.SetParent(_dynamicPanelObj.transform); _volumeSliderDynamicObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(100f, -57f, 0f); _volumeSliderDynamicObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 1.4f, 1.17f); Slider component4 = _volumeSliderDynamicObj.GetComponent<Slider>(); component4.value = _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.Volume; _volumeSliderDynamic = component4; ((UnityEvent<float>)(object)component4.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<float>)OnVolumeSliderChanged); } } private void CreateURLPanel() { //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00eb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_013a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0149: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0199: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0203: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0240: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_024f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_025e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_028b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_030d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0379: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0388: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0397: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0400: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_040f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0447: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0456: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0465: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_047b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0481: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_050e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_051d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_052c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0542: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0548: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_05af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_05b9: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_05d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_05df: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_061a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0624: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_063b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0645: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0665: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0674: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0683: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0699: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_069f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_06e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_06f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0704: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_071a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0720: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0775: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0784: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0793: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_07d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_07e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_07f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0835: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0844: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0853: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0895: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_08a4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_08b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0901: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0910: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_091f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_095d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_096c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_097b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_09bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_09cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_09db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) URLPanelObj = GUIManager.Instance.CreateWoodpanel(GUIManager.CustomGUIFront.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), 375f, 155f, true); URLPanelObj.SetActive(false); GameObject val = GUIManager.Instance.CreateButton("X", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(168f, 90f), 32f, 32f); _urlInputFieldObj = GUIManager.Instance.CreateInputField(URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-35f, 50f), (ContentType)0, "Enter video/song/playlist url...", 16, 250f, 30f); GameObject val2 = GUIManager.Instance.CreateButton("Set", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(130f, 50f), 64f, 32f); _urlInputField = _urlInputFieldObj.GetComponent<InputField>(); CreateUISpriteButton("play", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-150f, 10f), 34f, 34f, delegate { _basePlayer.Play(); }); CreateUISpriteButton("pause", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-112f, 10f), 34f, 34f, delegate { _basePlayer.Pause(); }); CreateUISpriteButton("stop", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-74f, 10f), 34f, 34f, delegate { _basePlayer.Stop(); }); CreateMuteButton(new Vector2(150f, 15f), URLPanelObj.transform); _volumeSliderMainObj = DefaultControls.CreateSlider(_oodResources); _volumeSliderMainObj.transform.SetParent(URLPanelObj.transform); _volumeSliderMainObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(100f, 15f, 0f); _volumeSliderMainObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 1.4f, 1.17f); Slider component = _volumeSliderMainObj.GetComponent<Slider>(); component.value = _basePlayer.PlayerSettings.Volume; _volumeSlider = component; ((UnityEvent<float>)(object)component.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<float>)OnVolumeSliderChanged); GameObject val3 = GUIManager.Instance.CreateText("Processing", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0f, -105f), GUIManager.Instance.AveriaSerifBold, 22, GUIManager.Instance.ValheimOrange, true,, 350f, 40f, false); val3.SetActive(false); _toogleLoopButton = GUIManager.Instance.CreateButton("N", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(154f, -14f), 25f, 25f); GUIManager.Instance.CreateText("Loop", URLPanelObj.transform, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(115f, -24f), GUIMa