
Updated 3 weeks ago

Console Commands

Enter these into the console (F5) after using devcommands:

Spawning Items

The following commands can be used to spawn magic items, and other materials added by Epic Loot. These commands will respect gating unless using the cheatgating command first:

  • magicitem <rarity> <itemtype> <amount> <effect count> (alias: mi): This will roll a random magic item using the specified values
    • <rarity>: (String) One of: magic, rare, epic, legendary, random. If left empty, uses random.
    • <itemtype>: (String) The internal ID of an item. May be "random". If left empty, uses random.
    • <amount>: (Int) The number of magic items to roll. If the other values are set to random, rerolls that random item each time. If left empty, uses 1.
    • <effectcount>: (Int) The number of magic effects to roll on each item. If left empty, it rolls effect count as normal.
  • magicitemwitheffect <effectID> <itemtype> (alias: mieffect): This will spawn a magic item with the specified magic effect
    • <effectID>: (String) The type of magic effect you want to guarantee
    • <itemtype>: (String) The internal ID of an item.
  • magicitemlegendary <legendaryID> <itemtype> (alias: milegend): This will Spawn a specific legendary item. Similarly works for magicitemmythic (alias: mimythic)
    • <legendaryID>: (String) The ID of the legendary you want to spawn
    • <itemtype>: (String) The internal ID of an item (optional, will use an item that meets the legendary definition's requirements)
  • magicitemset <setID> (alias: miset): Spawn all the items in a legendary or mythic item set
    • <setID>: (String) The ID of the legendary or mythic set you want to spawn
  • magicmats: This will spawn a large quantity of magic materials, useful for testing


The following are useful for debugging:

  • cheatgating: Disable gating for magic item drops
  • testtreasuremap <amount> <biome> <override amount> (alias: testtm): Spawns a treasure chest
    • <amount>: (Integer) The number of chests to try and spawn
    • <biome>: (String) The biome to spawn them in
    • <override amount>: (Integer) Force the number of chests to spawn
  • debugtreasuremap (alias: debugtm): Toggles debugging mode for treasure maps, when on prevents map pins from being saved
  • testbountynames <count>: Generates random bounty names and prints to command window
    • <count>: (Integer) The number of names to generate
  • bounties: Lists the current available bounties to the command window
  • playerbounties: Lists the current active player bounties to the command window
  • gotomerchant (alias: gotom): Teleports you to the closest Haldor (any location marked with the Vendor_BlackForest icon)
  • globalkeys: Lists current global keys without needing admin permissions
  • fixresistances: Command to upgrade old magic effects from pre-0.7.8 to the latest system
  • lucktest <loot table> <factor>: Lists information about how luck factor will change loot drops
    • <loot table>: (String) Name of the loot table, default is "Greydwarf"
    • <factor>: (Float) The luck factor, default is 0
  • lootres <loot table> <level> <item index>: Lists information about a loot item would have been resolved if rolled
    • <loot table>: (String) Name of the loot table, default is "Greydwarf"
    • <level>: (Integer) The loot level, default is 1
    • <item index>: (Integer) The index to start selection, default is 0
  • debugluck: Prints the luck factor of all players to the log file (also the command window if logs are displayed there)

Resetting (When things go wrong oops)

  • resettreasuremap (alias: resettm): Removes all active treasure chest and resets the minimap
  • resetbounties: Removes all active bounties and resets the minimap
  • resetadventure: Removes all active bounties and treasure chests, and resets the minimap
  • resetcooldowns: Resets ability cooldowns