Ruijven-Trolls_Revamped icon

Trolls Revamped

Replaces the vanilla troll with a new model.


Version Update Notes
1.0.1 - Initial Release
1.0.2 - Modified walking speed, troll sizes, and cleaned up a few animations.
1.0.3 - Reduced spawn chance for Forest Trolls. Added Troll Bones (from Therzie's Monstrum) as loot for Cave Trolls and Forest Trolls.
1.1.0 - Bog Witch Update. New Troll Model Prefab (Troll_ru). Removed Cavetroll_ru and Mountain Troll. New Troll Model has all the same abilities, attacks, and animations as original vanilla troll prefab.
2.0.1 - Removed SpawnThat requirment. Mod should replace trolls on its own now.
2.0.2 - Adjusted Troll size. Adjusted death effects.