RustyMods-MonsterDB icon


Allows users to manipulate variables of monsters and or clone them

Last updated 2 hours ago
Total downloads 8
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Categories Server-side Client-side Utility
Dependency string RustyMods-MonsterDB-0.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2105 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2105



Plugin allows users to manipulate variables of monsters in the game and clone them


monsterdb write [prefabName]                    - Writes monster data to disk
monsterdb update [prefabName]                   - Forice updates monster using registered data
monsterdb clone [prefabName] [cloneName]        - Clones prefab and registers data
monsterdb reset [prefabName]                    - Resets prefab to orignal data
monsterdb reload                                - Updates all registered data
monsterdb write_item [prefabName]               - If prefab is an item (monster attack data), writes data to disk to use as reference
monsterdb clone_item [prefabName] [cloneName]   - clones prefab and saves to items folder, copy it to your creatures item folders
monsterdb write_spawn [prefabName]              - Writes spawn data - location dependant, go to area where creature spawns

How To

In-game, use the commands to write data to disk to start manipulating monsters

Plugin will watch the files and update the monsters upon any changes

You will find list of data organized into folders

Effects        // Specific files are set in this folder for you to manipulate
Items          // Humanoid creatures only - folders are organized in this
Visual         // Manipulate the materials and scale

Effects Folder

Files generated are based on the data in the game, if you make creature tameable or talker, you will need to add the missing YML files

Tameable component looks for:
- LoveEffects.yml
- PetEffects.yml
- SoothEffects.yml
- UnsummonEffecst.yml

These files contains list of effects. You can add or remove items in this list.

How to make creature tameable

You will to add two files to make creature tameable:

- MonsterAI.yml
- Tameable.yml

Copy the data from the AnimalAI.yml file into the MonsterAI.yml, without removing the extra lines in the MonsterAI.yml file. (line 39+):

MonsterAI is AnimalAI plus extra data:

AlertRange: 6
FleeIfHurtWhenTargetCannotBeReached: true
FleeUnreachableSinceAttack: 30
FleeUnreachableSinceHurt: 20
FleeIfNotAlerted: true
FleeIfLowHealth: 0
FleeTimeSinceHurt: 0
FleeInLava: true
CirculateWhileCharging: true
CirculateWhileChargingFlying: false
EnableHuntPlayer: false
AttackPlayerObjects: true
PrivateAreaTriggerThreshold: 4
InterceptTimeMax: 1
InterceptTimeMin: 0
MaxChaseDistance: 0
MinAttackInterval: 0
CircleTargetInterval: 0
CircleTargetDuration: 5
CircleTargetDistance: 10
Sleeping: false
WakeupRange: 5
NoiseWakeup: false
MaxNoiseWakeupRange: 50
WakeupDelayMin: 0
WakeupDelayMax: 0
AvoidLand: false
- Carrot
- Turnip
- Onion
- Mushroom
- Raspberry
- Blueberries
ConsumeRange: 1
ConsumeSearchRange: 10
ConsumeSearchInterval: 10

How to make creature talk

Add NPCTalk.yml into the creature folder (only works with MonsterAI creatures - monsters that attack)

If want NPC Talk effects, you will need to add these files in the Effects folder:

- RandomTalkFX.yml
- RandomGreetFX.yml
- RandomGoodbyeFX.yml


Place png files in the CustomTextures directory

Plugin will load them during boot-up and you can use the file name in the Visual/Materials files

You will need to share your textures with your friends if you want them.


ShaderType: Standard // Shader Type - Informational only
Name: Material Name  // Name of material - Used as a key to a know which material to change // Do not change
_Color:              // Manipulate the color of the material
  r: 0.8529412       // red
  g: 0.8529412       // green
  b: 0.8529412       // blue
  a: 1               // alpha (Opacity)
_MainTex: ''         // Change the texture using the name of texture, will search in custom textures and in-game textures
_EmissionColor:      // Manipulate the emission of the material (glow)
  r: 0               // red
  g: 0               // green
  b: 0               // blue
  a: 1               // alpha

How to change attacks

Best practice is to save item data using commands, and use them as reference when manipulating ItemData.yml

Name: Dverger_melee               // ID - You can change this to use a different prefab, although items are quite specific
AnimationState: OneHanded         // State the creature holds the item
SpawnOnHit: ''                    // PrefabName
SpawnOnHitTerrain: ''             // PrefabName
AttackStatusEffect: ''            // StatusEffectName - plugin will search the ObjectDB StatusEffects library for a match
AttackStatusEffectChance: 1       // Value 0 - 1
AttackType: Horizontal            // Type
AttackAnimation: attack_poke      // This field is important and unique to the creature - it is the key to the attack animation
AttackOriginJoint: ''             // Use Visual.txt to know the names of available joints
SpawnOnTrigger: ''                // PrefabName
Projectile: ''                    // PrefabName

How to make creatures spawn

You will find a directory named SpawnData

In this folder, the plugin generates an Example.yml file.

Copy and Paste this file, rename it to something that is not Example.yml

m_name: ''                    // Name of the SpawnData - Does not do anything
m_enabled: false              // Easily enable / disable spawn file
m_devDisabled: false          // Not sure what this does
m_prefab:                     // PrefabName added here
m_biome:                      // Biome added here
m_biomeArea: Everything       // Edge, Median, Everything
m_requiredGlobalKey: ''       // Add key as conditionals
m_requiredEnvironments: []    // List of environment names
m_foldout: false              // Not sure what this does

The command 'write_spawn' attempts to find spawn data matching the creature name, and saves it into a reference folder. These 'reference' files will not modify existing spawn data if added to main folder. Rather, it will add.

These are to be used as references to develop your own spawn files.

Import / Export

monsterdb import - imports all creature data files in the Import directory
monsterdb export [prefabName] - exports to a single file creature data to share

You can use this file structure to easily share MonsterDB files with your friends or even use this file structure to create/edit creatures.

Special considerations

Only Tameable.yml, NPCTalk.yml can be added into creature folders and actually add the components.


0.0.1 - Beta Release

Contact information

For Questions or Comments, find Rusty in the Odin Plus Team Discord

Or come find me at the Modding Corner

If you enjoy this mod and want to support me: PayPal