Decompiled source of SkillControl v1.0.5
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using BepInEx.Logging; using HarmonyLib; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using ServerSync; using SkillControl.Managers; using SkillControl.Professions; using SkillControl.UI; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.UI; using YamlDotNet.Core; using YamlDotNet.Core.Events; using YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens; using YamlDotNet.Helpers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.BufferedDeserialization.TypeDiscriminators; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Converters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeDeserializers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeTypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectFactories; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphTraversalStrategies; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ObjectGraphVisitors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Schemas; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeInspectors; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeResolvers; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.Utilities; using YamlDotNet.Serialization.ValueDeserializers; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("SkillControl")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("SkillControl")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2021")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("4358610B-F3F4-4843-B7AF-98B7BC60DCDE")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.5")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("RustyMods")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [<92279cac-f02a-492f-8688-a3b9c598b742>Embedded] internal sealed class <92279cac-f02a-492f-8688-a3b9c598b742>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [<92279cac-f02a-492f-8688-a3b9c598b742>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [<92279cac-f02a-492f-8688-a3b9c598b742>Embedded] internal sealed class <bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace SkillControl { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] [BepInPlugin("RustyMods.SkillControl", "SkillControl", "1.0.5")] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] public class SkillControlPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] public enum Toggle { On = 1, Off = 0 } [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] private class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public int? Order; [UsedImplicitly] public bool? Browsable; [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] [UsedImplicitly] public string Category; [UsedImplicitly] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public Action<ConfigEntryBase> CustomDrawer; } internal const string ModName = "SkillControl"; internal const string ModVersion = "1.0.5"; internal const string Author = "RustyMods"; private const string ModGUID = "RustyMods.SkillControl"; private static string ConfigFileName = "RustyMods.SkillControl.cfg"; private static string ConfigFileFullPath; internal static string ConnectionError; private readonly Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("RustyMods.SkillControl"); public static readonly ManualLogSource SkillControlLogger; public static readonly ConfigSync ConfigSync; public static readonly AssetBundle _AssetBundle; private static ConfigEntry<Toggle> _serverConfigLocked; public static ConfigEntry<KeyCode> _UIKey; public static ConfigEntry<int> _JobLimit; public static ConfigEntry<string> _Currency; public static ConfigEntry<int> _CostToRemove; public static ConfigEntry<Toggle> _ForceJob; public static ConfigEntry<Vector2> _UIPosition; public static ConfigEntry<Toggle> _RemoveSkillExperience; public static ConfigEntry<Toggle> _OverrideDefaults; public void Awake() { Localizer.Load(); PluginPaths.CreateDirectories(); FileWaterManager.InitFileWatcher(); SpriteManager.GetIcons(); JobManager.InitJobs(); InitConfigs(); Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); _harmony.PatchAll(executingAssembly); SetupWatcher(); } private void OnDestroy() { ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Save(); } private void Update() { LoadUI.UpdateUI(); } private static AssetBundle GetAssetBundle(string fileName) { Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string name = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (string str) => str.EndsWith(fileName)); using Stream stream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name); return AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(stream); } private void SetupWatcher() { FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Paths.ConfigPath, ConfigFileName); fileSystemWatcher.Changed += ReadConfigValues; fileSystemWatcher.Created += ReadConfigValues; fileSystemWatcher.Renamed += ReadConfigValues; fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; fileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject = ThreadingHelper.SynchronizingObject; fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } private void ReadConfigValues(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { if (!File.Exists(ConfigFileFullPath)) { return; } try { SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"ReadConfigValues called"); ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Reload(); } catch { SkillControlLogger.LogError((object)("There was an issue loading your " + ConfigFileName)); SkillControlLogger.LogError((object)"Please check your config entries for spelling and format!"); } } private void InitConfigs() { //IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0076: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cb: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _serverConfigLocked = config("1 - General", "Lock Configuration", Toggle.On, "If on, the configuration is locked and can be changed by server admins only."); ConfigSync.AddLockingConfigEntry<Toggle>(_serverConfigLocked); _UIKey = config<KeyCode>("2 - Settings", "Key", (KeyCode)288, "Set key code to open job menu", synchronizedSetting: false); _JobLimit = config("2 - Settings", "Limit", 2, new ConfigDescription("Set the amount of jobs a player can have", (AcceptableValueBase)(object)new AcceptableValueRange<int>(1, 10), Array.Empty<object>())); _Currency = config("2 - Settings", "Currency", "Coins", "Set the currency used for skill controller, if invalid, defaults to coins"); _CostToRemove = config("2 - Settings", "Cost To Remove", 999, new ConfigDescription("Set the cost to remove job", (AcceptableValueBase)(object)new AcceptableValueRange<int>(0, 999), Array.Empty<object>())); _ForceJob = config("2 - Settings", "Force Employment", Toggle.Off, "If on, job menu will stay open until player chooses at least one job"); _UIPosition = config<Vector2>("2 - Settings", "Position",, "Set the position of the UI", synchronizedSetting: false); _UIPosition.SettingChanged += LoadUI.OnPositionChange; _RemoveSkillExperience = config("2 - Settings", "Lose Skills", Toggle.Off, "If on, removing jobs, also removes skill experiences"); _OverrideDefaults = config("2 - Settings", "Override Defaults", Toggle.On, "If on, plugin overrides default skill gain"); } private ConfigEntry<T> config<[<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] T>(string group, string name, T value, ConfigDescription description, bool synchronizedSetting = true) { //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Expected O, but got Unknown ConfigDescription val = new ConfigDescription(description.Description + (synchronizedSetting ? " [Synced with Server]" : " [Not Synced with Server]"), description.AcceptableValues, description.Tags); ConfigEntry<T> val2 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<T>(group, name, value, val); SyncedConfigEntry<T> syncedConfigEntry = ConfigSync.AddConfigEntry<T>(val2); syncedConfigEntry.SynchronizedConfig = synchronizedSetting; return val2; } private ConfigEntry<T> config<[<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] T>(string group, string name, T value, string description, bool synchronizedSetting = true) { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Expected O, but got Unknown return config(group, name, value, new ConfigDescription(description, (AcceptableValueBase)null, Array.Empty<object>()), synchronizedSetting); } static SkillControlPlugin() { string configPath = Paths.ConfigPath; char directorySeparatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; ConfigFileFullPath = configPath + directorySeparatorChar + ConfigFileName; ConnectionError = ""; SkillControlLogger = Logger.CreateLogSource("SkillControl"); ConfigSync = new ConfigSync("RustyMods.SkillControl") { DisplayName = "SkillControl", CurrentVersion = "1.0.5", MinimumRequiredVersion = "1.0.5" }; _AssetBundle = GetAssetBundle("jobsbundle"); _serverConfigLocked = null; _UIKey = null; _JobLimit = null; _Currency = null; _CostToRemove = null; _ForceJob = null; _UIPosition = null; _RemoveSkillExperience = null; _OverrideDefaults = null; } } public static class KeyboardExtensions { public static bool IsKeyDown(this KeyboardShortcut shortcut) { //IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return (int)((KeyboardShortcut)(ref shortcut)).MainKey != 0 && Input.GetKeyDown(((KeyboardShortcut)(ref shortcut)).MainKey) && ((KeyboardShortcut)(ref shortcut)).Modifiers.All((Func<KeyCode, bool>)Input.GetKey); } public static bool IsKeyHeld(this KeyboardShortcut shortcut) { //IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return (int)((KeyboardShortcut)(ref shortcut)).MainKey != 0 && Input.GetKey(((KeyboardShortcut)(ref shortcut)).MainKey) && ((KeyboardShortcut)(ref shortcut)).Modifiers.All((Func<KeyCode, bool>)Input.GetKey); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] public static class RegisterAndCheckVersion { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] private static void Prefix(ZNetPeer peer, ref ZNet __instance) { //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0044: Expected O, but got Unknown SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Registering version RPC handler"); peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>("SkillControl_VersionCheck", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)RpcHandlers.RPC_SkillControl_Version); SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogInfo((object)"Invoking version check"); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write("1.0.5"); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("SkillControl_VersionCheck", new object[1] { val }); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] public static class VerifyClient { private static bool Prefix(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg, ref ZNet __instance) { if (!__instance.IsServer() || RpcHandlers.ValidatedPeers.Contains(rpc)) { return true; } SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogWarning((object)("Peer (" + rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") never sent version or couldn't due to previous disconnect, disconnecting")); rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { 3 }); return false; } private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance) { //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0023: Expected O, but got Unknown ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(ZRoutedRpc.instance.GetServerPeerID(), "SkillControlRequestAdminSync", new object[1] { (object)new ZPackage() }); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(FejdStartup), "ShowConnectError")] public class ShowConnectionError { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(FejdStartup __instance) { if (__instance.m_connectionFailedPanel.activeSelf) { __instance.m_connectionFailedError.fontSizeMax = 25f; __instance.m_connectionFailedError.fontSizeMin = 15f; TMP_Text connectionFailedError = __instance.m_connectionFailedError; connectionFailedError.text = connectionFailedError.text + "\n" + SkillControlPlugin.ConnectionError; } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Disconnect")] public static class RemoveDisconnectedPeerFromVerified { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] private static void Prefix(ZNetPeer peer, ref ZNet __instance) { if (__instance.IsServer()) { SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogInfo((object)("Peer (" + peer.m_rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") disconnected, removing from validated list")); RpcHandlers.ValidatedPeers.Remove(peer.m_rpc); } } } [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] public static class RpcHandlers { public static readonly List<ZRpc> ValidatedPeers = new List<ZRpc>(); public static void RPC_SkillControl_Version(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage pkg) { string text = pkg.ReadString(); SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogInfo((object)("Version check, local: 1.0.5, remote: " + text)); if (text != "1.0.5") { SkillControlPlugin.ConnectionError = "SkillControl Installed: 1.0.5\n Needed: " + text; if (ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogWarning((object)("Peer (" + rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") has incompatible version, disconnecting...")); rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { 3 }); } } else if (!ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogInfo((object)"Received same version from server!"); } else { SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogInfo((object)("Adding peer (" + rpc.m_socket.GetHostName() + ") to validated list")); ValidatedPeers.Add(rpc); } } public static string ComputeHashForMod() { using SHA256 sHA = SHA256.Create(); byte[] array = sHA.ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); byte[] array2 = array; foreach (byte b in array2) { stringBuilder.Append(b.ToString("X2")); } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } } namespace SkillControl.UI { [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] public static class LoadUI { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryGui), "Awake")] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] private static class Load_Jobs_UI { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(InventoryGui __instance) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance)) { InitUI(__instance); } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryGui), "Show")] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] private static class Override_ForceEmployment { private static void Postfix() { OverrideUI(); } } private static Text m_title = null; private static Image m_icon = null; private static Text m_description = null; private static Text m_availableSkills = null; private static Text m_lockedSkills = null; private static Text m_selectedTitle = null; private static Text m_selectButtonText = null; private static Button m_selectButton = null; private static Button m_closeButton = null; private static Transform m_partAvailable = null; private static Transform m_partLocked = null; private static Transform m_partTabs = null; private static Transform m_selected = null; private static GameObject m_selectedContainer = null; private static GameObject m_UI = null; private static GameObject m_skillElement = null; private static GameObject m_tabElement = null; private static RectTransform m_position = null; private static Sprite m_defaultBackground = null; private static ItemDrop m_defaultCurrency = null; private static JobData m_selectedJob = new JobData { Name = "$msg_select_job", Description = "" }; private static void GetGameAssets(InventoryGui instance, out ButtonSfx sfx, out Button button) { Transform val = instance.m_trophiesPanel.transform.Find("TrophiesFrame/Closebutton"); sfx = ((Component)val).GetComponent<ButtonSfx>(); button = ((Component)val).GetComponent<Button>(); } private static void AddGameAssets(List<Button> buttons, ButtonSfx sfx, Button button) { //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) foreach (Button button2 in buttons) { ((Component)button2).gameObject.AddComponent<ButtonSfx>().m_sfxPrefab = sfx.m_sfxPrefab; ((Selectable)button2).transition = (Transition)2; ((Selectable)button2).spriteState = ((Selectable)button).spriteState; } } private static void OverrideUI() { if (SkillControlPlugin._ForceJob.Value == SkillControlPlugin.Toggle.On && JobManager.m_jobs.Count == 0) { ShowUI(); } } public static void OnPositionChange(object sender, EventArgs e) { //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (sender is ConfigEntry<Vector2> val) { m_position.anchoredPosition = val.Value; } } private static void InitUI(InventoryGui instance) { //IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GetGameAssets(instance, out var sfx, out var button); m_UI = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(SkillControlPlugin._AssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("UI"), ((Component)instance).transform); m_position = m_UI.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); m_position.anchoredPosition = SkillControlPlugin._UIPosition.Value; m_UI.SetActive(false); m_skillElement = SkillControlPlugin._AssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Skill_Element"); m_tabElement = SkillControlPlugin._AssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Tab_Element"); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)m_UI); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)m_skillElement); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)m_tabElement); Text[] componentsInChildren = m_UI.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); Text[] componentsInChildren2 = m_skillElement.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); Text[] componentsInChildren3 = m_tabElement.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); Font font = GetFont("Norsebold"); AddFonts(componentsInChildren, font); AddFonts(componentsInChildren2, font); AddFonts(componentsInChildren3, font); List<Button> list = m_UI.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().ToList(); list.Add(m_tabElement.GetComponent<Button>()); AddGameAssets(list, sfx, button); m_title = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$text_title", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Text>(); m_icon = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$image_icon", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Image>(); m_description = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$text_description", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Text>(); m_availableSkills = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$text_available", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Text>(); m_lockedSkills = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$text_locked", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Text>(); m_partAvailable = Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$part_available_content", (IterativeSearchType)0); m_partLocked = Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$part_locked_content", (IterativeSearchType)0); m_partTabs = Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$part_tabs_content", (IterativeSearchType)0); Transform val = Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$button_accept", (IterativeSearchType)0); m_selectButtonText = ((Component)val.Find("$text_button")).GetComponent<Text>(); m_selectButton = ((Component)val).GetComponent<Button>(); m_closeButton = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$button_close", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Button>(); m_selectedTitle = ((Component)Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$text_selected_title", (IterativeSearchType)0)).GetComponent<Text>(); m_selected = Utils.FindChild(m_UI.transform, "$part_selected_content", (IterativeSearchType)0); m_selectedContainer = ((Component)m_UI.transform.Find("Select")).gameObject; SetStaticEvents(); SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Initialized skill control UI"); } private static void SetStaticEvents() { //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Expected O, but got Unknown ((UnityEvent)m_closeButton.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(HideUI)); ((UnityEvent)m_selectButton.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(SelectJob)); m_availableSkills.text = Localization.instance.Localize("$text_benefit"); m_lockedSkills.text = Localization.instance.Localize("$text_detriment"); m_selectedTitle.text = Localization.instance.Localize("$text_my_jobs"); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNetScene.instance)) { GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab("Coins"); ItemDrop defaultCurrency = default(ItemDrop); if (!prefab.TryGetComponent<ItemDrop>(ref defaultCurrency)) { return; } m_defaultCurrency = defaultCurrency; } Sprite val = ((IEnumerable<Sprite>)Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Sprite>()).FirstOrDefault((Func<Sprite, bool>)([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (Sprite x) => ((Object)x).name == "biome_blackforest")); if (!((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)) { m_defaultBackground = val; m_icon.sprite = m_defaultBackground; } } private static void SelectJob() { //IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (JobManager.m_jobs.Contains(m_selectedJob)) { if (!CheckCost()) { return; } if (SkillControlPlugin._RemoveSkillExperience.Value == SkillControlPlugin.Toggle.On) { foreach (SkillData skillModifier in m_selectedJob.SkillModifiers) { string skillName = skillModifier.SkillName; if (!(skillModifier.Modifier > 0f) && JobManager.GetSkillType(skillName, out var output)) { Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.ResetSkill(output); SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)("Reset " + skillName + " to zero")); } } } JobManager.m_jobs.Remove(m_selectedJob); } else { if (m_selectedJob.Name == "$msg_select_job") { ShowUI(); return; } if (JobManager.m_jobs.Count >= SkillControlPlugin._JobLimit.Value) { ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).Message((MessageType)2, "$msg_job_limit", 0, (Sprite)null); return; } JobManager.m_jobs.Add(m_selectedJob); } ShowUI(); } private static void AddFonts(Text[] array, [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] Font font) { foreach (Text val in array) { val.font = font; } } [return: <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] private static Font GetFont(string name) { Font[] source = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Font>(); return ((IEnumerable<Font>)source).FirstOrDefault((Func<Font, bool>)([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (Font x) => ((Object)x).name == name)); } public static bool IsUIActive() { return Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_UI) && m_UI.activeInHierarchy; } private static void ToggleUI(bool value) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_UI)) { m_UI.SetActive(value); } } public static void UpdateUI() { //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_UI)) { return; } if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)27)) { HideUI(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(SkillControlPlugin._UIKey.Value)) { if (IsUIActive()) { HideUI(); } else { ShowUI(); } } } private static void DestroyUIElements() { //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_009d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a4: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ec: Expected O, but got Unknown foreach (Transform partTab in m_partTabs) { Transform val = partTab; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)val).gameObject); } foreach (Transform item in m_partAvailable) { Transform val2 = item; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)val2).gameObject); } foreach (Transform item2 in m_partLocked) { Transform val3 = item2; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)val3).gameObject); } foreach (Transform item3 in m_selected) { Transform val4 = item3; Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)val4).gameObject); } } private static void CreateTabs() { //IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0083: Expected O, but got Unknown Button val2 = default(Button); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JobData> registeredJob in JobManager.RegisteredJobs) { JobData job = registeredJob.Value; GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(m_tabElement, m_partTabs); val.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = Localization.instance.Localize(job.Name); if (val.TryGetComponent<Button>(ref val2)) { ((UnityEvent)val2.onClick).AddListener((UnityAction)delegate { m_selectedJob = job; ShowUI(); }); } } } private static void SetStaticElements() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_title) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_icon) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_description)) { m_title.text = Localization.instance.Localize(m_selectedJob.Name); Sprite val = SpriteManager.TryGetIcon(m_selectedJob.Image.Replace(".png", string.Empty)); m_icon.sprite = (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val) ? val : m_defaultBackground); string text = ((SkillControlPlugin._RemoveSkillExperience.Value == SkillControlPlugin.Toggle.On) ? "<color=red>$text_skill_loss</color>" : ""); m_description.text = Localization.instance.Localize(m_selectedJob.Description + "\n" + text); } } private static void CreateContentElements() { //IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Image val2 = default(Image); Text val3 = default(Text); Text val4 = default(Text); foreach (SkillData skillModifier in m_selectedJob.SkillModifiers) { if (JobManager.GetSkillType(skillModifier.SkillName, out var output)) { GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(m_skillElement, (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skillModifier.type)) ? ((skillModifier.type == "minus") ? m_partLocked : m_partAvailable) : ((skillModifier.Modifier < 1f) ? m_partLocked : m_partAvailable)); SkillDef skillDef = Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.GetSkillDef(output); if (skillDef != null && ((Component)Utils.FindChild(val.transform, "$image_icon", (IterativeSearchType)0)).TryGetComponent<Image>(ref val2)) { val2.sprite = skillDef.m_icon; } if (((Component)Utils.FindChild(val.transform, "$text_skill_name", (IterativeSearchType)0)).TryGetComponent<Text>(ref val3)) { val3.text = Localization.instance.Localize(Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skillModifier.DisplayName) ? skillModifier.SkillName : skillModifier.DisplayName); } if (((Component)Utils.FindChild(val.transform, "$text_skill_description", (IterativeSearchType)0)).TryGetComponent<Text>(ref val4)) { val4.text = GetTooltip(skillModifier); } } } } private static void ShowUI() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_selectButtonText)) { if (Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_selectedJob.Name) && JobManager.RegisteredJobs.Count > 0) { m_selectedJob = JobManager.RegisteredJobs.Values.First(); } m_selectButtonText.text = Localization.instance.Localize(JobManager.m_jobs.Contains(m_selectedJob) ? "$text_remove" : "$text_select"); DestroyUIElements(); UpdateSelectedJobs(); CreateTabs(); SetStaticElements(); CreateContentElements(); ToggleUI(value: true); } } public static void ReloadUI() { m_selectedJob = JobManager.RegisteredJobs.Values.FirstOrDefault([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (JobData x) => x.Name == m_selectedJob.Name) ?? m_selectedJob; ShowUI(); } private static void UpdateSelectedJobs() { //IL_0101: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010b: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)m_selectedContainer)) { return; } if (JobManager.m_jobs.Count > 0) { m_selectedContainer.SetActive(true); { Text val2 = default(Text); Button val3 = default(Button); foreach (JobData job in JobManager.m_jobs) { GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(m_tabElement, m_selected); if (((Component)val.transform.GetChild(0)).TryGetComponent<Text>(ref val2)) { val2.text = Localization.instance.Localize("<color=yellow>" + job.Name + "</color>" + $"\n$text_cost_to $text_remove <color=orange>{SkillControlPlugin._CostToRemove.Value}</color> {GetCurrency().m_itemData.m_shared.m_name}"); } if (!val.TryGetComponent<Button>(ref val3)) { continue; } ((UnityEvent)val3.onClick).AddListener((UnityAction)delegate { //IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (CheckCost()) { JobManager.m_jobs.Remove(job); if (SkillControlPlugin._RemoveSkillExperience.Value == SkillControlPlugin.Toggle.On) { foreach (SkillData skillModifier in job.SkillModifiers) { string skillName = skillModifier.SkillName; if (!(skillModifier.Modifier > 0f) && JobManager.GetSkillType(skillName, out var output)) { Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.ResetSkill(output); SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)("Reset " + skillName + " to zero")); } } } ShowUI(); } }); } return; } } m_selectedContainer.SetActive(false); } private static ItemDrop GetCurrency() { GameObject itemPrefab = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab(SkillControlPlugin._Currency.Value); if ((Object)(object)itemPrefab == (Object)null) { return m_defaultCurrency; } ItemDrop val = default(ItemDrop); return itemPrefab.TryGetComponent<ItemDrop>(ref val) ? val : m_defaultCurrency; } private static bool CheckCost() { string name = GetCurrency().m_itemData.m_shared.m_name; int num = ((Humanoid)Player.m_localPlayer).GetInventory().CountItems(name, -1, true); if (num >= SkillControlPlugin._CostToRemove.Value) { ((Humanoid)Player.m_localPlayer).GetInventory().RemoveItem(name, SkillControlPlugin._CostToRemove.Value, -1, true); return true; } ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).Message((MessageType)2, GetCurrency().m_itemData.m_shared.m_name + " $msg_cost_required", 0, (Sprite)null); return false; } private static string GetTooltip(SkillData data) { return Localization.instance.Localize($"$text_modifier: <color=orange>{data.Modifier * 100f}</color>%"); } private static void HideUI() { if (SkillControlPlugin._ForceJob.Value == SkillControlPlugin.Toggle.On && JobManager.m_jobs.Count == 0) { ((Character)Player.m_localPlayer).Message((MessageType)2, "$msg_job_required", 0, (Sprite)null); } ToggleUI(value: false); } } public static class Patches { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerController), "FixedUpdate")] private static class PlayerController_UI_Patch { private static bool Prefix() { return !LoadUI.IsUIActive(); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(StoreGui), "IsVisible")] private static class IsUI_Visible_Patch1 { private static void Postfix(ref bool __result) { __result |= LoadUI.IsUIActive(); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryGui), "Hide")] private static class IsUI_Visible_Patch2 { private static bool Prefix() { return !LoadUI.IsUIActive(); } } } } namespace SkillControl.Professions { [Serializable] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] public class JobData { public string Name = ""; public string Description = ""; public string Image = ""; public List<SkillData> SkillModifiers = new List<SkillData>(); } [Serializable] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] public class SkillData { public string SkillName = ""; public string DisplayName = ""; public float Modifier; public string type = ""; } [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] public static class JobManager { public static readonly CustomSyncedValue<string> ServerJobData = new CustomSyncedValue<string>(SkillControlPlugin.ConfigSync, "ServerSkillControlData", ""); private static readonly string m_dataKey = "SkillControlData"; public static Dictionary<string, JobData> RegisteredJobs = new Dictionary<string, JobData>(); public static List<JobData> m_jobs = new List<JobData>(); public static void SaveJobsToPlayer() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer)) { List<string> graph = m_jobs.Select([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (JobData job) => job.Name).ToList(); ISerializer serializer = new SerializerBuilder().Build(); string value = serializer.Serialize(graph); Player.m_localPlayer.m_customData[m_dataKey] = value; SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Saved data to player file"); } } public static void RetrieveJobsFromPlayer() { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer) || !Player.m_localPlayer.m_customData.TryGetValue(m_dataKey, out var value)) { return; } m_jobs.Clear(); IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build(); List<string> list = deserializer.Deserialize<List<string>>(value); foreach (string item in list) { if (RegisteredJobs.TryGetValue(Regex.Replace(item, "<.*?>", string.Empty), out var value2)) { m_jobs.Add(value2); } } SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Retrieved data from player file"); } public static Dictionary<SkillType, float> GetCollectedModifiers() { //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Dictionary<SkillType, float> dictionary = new Dictionary<SkillType, float>(); foreach (SkillData item in m_jobs.SelectMany([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (JobData job) => job.SkillModifiers)) { if (GetSkillType(item.SkillName, out var output)) { if (dictionary.TryGetValue(output, out var value)) { dictionary[output] = Mathf.Clamp(value + item.Modifier, 0f, 5f); } else { dictionary[output] = item.Modifier; } } } return dictionary; } public static void InitJobs() { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(PluginPaths.folderPath, "*.yml"); if (files.Length == 0) { CreateExampleFile(); } else { IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build(); string[] array = files; foreach (string path in array) { string input = File.ReadAllText(path); JobData jobData = deserializer.Deserialize<JobData>(input); RegisteredJobs[Regex.Replace(jobData.Name, "<.*?>", string.Empty)] = jobData; } } SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Initialized skill controller"); } public static void UpdateServerData() { ISerializer serializer = new SerializerBuilder().Build(); string value = serializer.Serialize(RegisteredJobs); ServerJobData.Value = value; SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Updated server data"); } public static void OnServerDataChange() { if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ServerJobData.Value)) { IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build(); Dictionary<string, JobData> registeredJobs = deserializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, JobData>>(ServerJobData.Value); RegisteredJobs = registeredJobs; SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)"Client: received server data"); UpdateCurrentJobs(); if (LoadUI.IsUIActive()) { LoadUI.ReloadUI(); } } } private static void UpdateCurrentJobs() { m_jobs = m_jobs.Select([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (JobData job) => RegisteredJobs.Values.FirstOrDefault([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (JobData x) => Regex.Replace(x.Name, "<.*?>", string.Empty) == Regex.Replace(job.Name, "<.*?>", string.Empty))).ToList(); } private static void CreateExampleFile() { List<JobData> list = new List<JobData> { new JobData { Name = "Peasant", Description = "For the one that cares for the well-being of the populace", SkillModifiers = new List<SkillData> { new SkillData { SkillName = "Farming", Modifier = 1.2f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Foraging", Modifier = 1.2f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Ranching", Modifier = 1.2f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Blacksmithing", Modifier = 0f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Sailing", Modifier = 0.5f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Knives", Modifier = 1.3f } } }, new JobData { Name = "Blacksmith", Description = "For whom has a great deal of attention to the details of survival", SkillModifiers = new List<SkillData> { new SkillData { SkillName = "Blacksmithing", Modifier = 1.2f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Farming", Modifier = 0.5f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Foraging", Modifier = 0.5f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Sailing", Modifier = 0.5f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Swords", Modifier = 1.1f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Axes", Modifier = 1.1f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Clubs", Modifier = 1.1f } } }, new JobData { Name = "Sailor", Description = "The heavy toll of sea-fairing is one that comes with great honor", SkillModifiers = new List<SkillData> { new SkillData { SkillName = "Blacksmithing", Modifier = 0f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Farming", Modifier = 0f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Foraging", Modifier = 1.1f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Sailing", Modifier = 1.5f }, new SkillData { SkillName = "Spears", Modifier = 1.3f } } } }; ISerializer serializer = new SerializerBuilder().Build(); foreach (JobData item in list) { string folderPath = PluginPaths.folderPath; char directorySeparatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string path = folderPath + directorySeparatorChar + item.Name + ".yml"; string contents = serializer.Serialize(item); File.WriteAllText(path, contents); RegisteredJobs[Regex.Replace(item.Name, "<.*?>", string.Empty)] = item; } } public static bool GetSkillType(string input, out SkillType output) { //IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected I4, but got Unknown if (Enum.TryParse<SkillType>(input, out SkillType result)) { output = (SkillType)(int)result; return true; } int stableHashCode = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode(input); output = (SkillType)Math.Abs(stableHashCode); return !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)Player.m_localPlayer) || Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.GetSkillDef(output) != null; } } public static class Patches { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Skills), "RaiseSkill")] private static class RaiseSkill_Patch { private static void Prefix(SkillType skillType, ref float factor) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0003: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((int)skillType != 0 && JobManager.GetCollectedModifiers().TryGetValue(skillType, out var value)) { Skill skill = Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.GetSkill(skillType); if (SkillControlPlugin._OverrideDefaults.Value == SkillControlPlugin.Toggle.On) { originalIncreaseStep = skill.m_info.m_increseStep; skill.m_info.m_increseStep = value; m_modified = true; } else { factor *= value; } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Skills), "RaiseSkill")] private static class RaiseSkill_Patch2 { private static void Postfix(SkillType skillType) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0003: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((int)skillType != 0) { Skill skill = Player.m_localPlayer.m_skills.GetSkill(skillType); if (JobManager.GetCollectedModifiers().TryGetValue(skillType, out var _) && SkillControlPlugin._OverrideDefaults.Value != 0 && m_modified && !(originalIncreaseStep <= 0f)) { skill.m_info.m_increseStep = originalIncreaseStep; m_modified = false; } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player), "Save")] private static class SaveJobData_Patch { private static void Postfix() { JobManager.SaveJobsToPlayer(); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerProfile), "LoadPlayerData")] private static class LoadJobData_Patch { private static void Postfix() { JobManager.RetrieveJobsFromPlayer(); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Start")] private static class Initialize_ServerSynced_JobData { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance)) { if (!__instance.IsServer()) { JobManager.ServerJobData.ValueChanged += JobManager.OnServerDataChange; } else { JobManager.UpdateServerData(); } } } } private static float originalIncreaseStep; private static bool m_modified; private static float CalculateTotalExperience(float currentLevel) { float num = 0f; for (float num2 = 1f; num2 <= currentLevel; num2 += 1f) { float num3 = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Floor(num2), 1.5f) * 0.5f + 0.5f; num += num3; } return num; } } [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] public static class PluginPaths { public static readonly string folderPath; public static readonly string iconPath; public static void CreateDirectories() { if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(iconPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(iconPath); } } static PluginPaths() { string configPath = Paths.ConfigPath; char directorySeparatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; folderPath = configPath + directorySeparatorChar + "SkillControl"; string text = folderPath; directorySeparatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; iconPath = text + directorySeparatorChar + "Icons"; } } } namespace SkillControl.Managers { [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] public static class FileWaterManager { public static void InitFileWatcher() { FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(PluginPaths.folderPath) { Filter = "*.yml", EnableRaisingEvents = true, IncludeSubdirectories = true, SynchronizingObject = ThreadingHelper.SynchronizingObject, NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite }; fileSystemWatcher.Created += OnFileChange; fileSystemWatcher.Changed += OnFileChange; fileSystemWatcher.Deleted += OnFileDelete; FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher2 = new FileSystemWatcher(PluginPaths.iconPath) { Filter = "*.png", EnableRaisingEvents = true, IncludeSubdirectories = true, SynchronizingObject = ThreadingHelper.SynchronizingObject, NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite }; fileSystemWatcher2.Created += OnImageChange; fileSystemWatcher2.Changed += OnImageChange; fileSystemWatcher2.Deleted += OnImageDelete; } private static void OnImageChange(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { SpriteManager.RegisterSprite(e.FullPath); } private static void OnImageDelete(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(e.Name); fileName = fileName.Replace(".png", string.Empty); SpriteManager.RegisteredSprites.Remove(fileName); } private static void OnFileChange(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance) && ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build(); string input = File.ReadAllText(e.FullPath); JobData jobData = deserializer.Deserialize<JobData>(input); JobManager.RegisteredJobs[Regex.Replace(jobData.Name, "<.*?>", string.Empty)] = jobData; JobManager.UpdateServerData(); } } private static void OnFileDelete(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance) && ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { JobManager.RegisteredJobs.Clear(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(PluginPaths.folderPath, "*.yml"); IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build(); string[] array = files; foreach (string path in array) { string input = File.ReadAllText(path); JobData jobData = deserializer.Deserialize<JobData>(input); JobManager.RegisteredJobs[jobData.Name] = jobData; } JobManager.UpdateServerData(); } } } [PublicAPI] [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] public class Localizer { private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Func<string>>> PlaceholderProcessors; private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> loadedTexts; private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Localization, string> localizationLanguage; private static readonly List<WeakReference<Localization>> localizationObjects; [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] private static BaseUnityPlugin _plugin; private static readonly List<string> fileExtensions; private static BaseUnityPlugin plugin { get { //IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b2: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_plugin == null) { IEnumerable<TypeInfo> source; try { source = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().DefinedTypes.ToList(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { source = from t in ex.Types where t != null select t.GetTypeInfo(); } _plugin = (BaseUnityPlugin)Chainloader.ManagerObject.GetComponent((Type)source.First([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (TypeInfo t) => t.IsClass && typeof(BaseUnityPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t))); } return _plugin; } } private static void UpdatePlaceholderText(Localization localization, string key) { localizationLanguage.TryGetValue(localization, out var value); string text = loadedTexts[value][key]; if (PlaceholderProcessors.TryGetValue(key, out var value2)) { text = value2.Aggregate(text, [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (string current, KeyValuePair<string, Func<string>> kv) => current.Replace("{" + kv.Key + "}", kv.Value())); } localization.AddWord(key, text); } public static void AddPlaceholder<T>(string key, string placeholder, ConfigEntry<T> config, [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] Func<T, string> convertConfigValue = null) { if (convertConfigValue == null) { convertConfigValue = [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] [return: <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(1)] (T val) => val.ToString(); } if (!PlaceholderProcessors.ContainsKey(key)) { PlaceholderProcessors[key] = new Dictionary<string, Func<string>>(); } config.SettingChanged += [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { UpdatePlaceholder(); }; if (loadedTexts.ContainsKey(Localization.instance.GetSelectedLanguage())) { UpdatePlaceholder(); } void UpdatePlaceholder() { PlaceholderProcessors[key][placeholder] = () => convertConfigValue(config.Value); UpdatePlaceholderText(Localization.instance, key); } } public static void AddText(string key, string text) { List<WeakReference<Localization>> list = new List<WeakReference<Localization>>(); foreach (WeakReference<Localization> localizationObject in localizationObjects) { if (localizationObject.TryGetTarget(out var target)) { Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = loadedTexts[localizationLanguage.GetOrCreateValue(target)]; if (!target.m_translations.ContainsKey(key)) { dictionary[key] = text; target.AddWord(key, text); } } else { list.Add(localizationObject); } } foreach (WeakReference<Localization> item in list) { localizationObjects.Remove(item); } } public static void Load() { LoadLocalization(Localization.instance, Localization.instance.GetSelectedLanguage()); } private static void LoadLocalization(Localization __instance, string language) { if (!localizationLanguage.Remove(__instance)) { localizationObjects.Add(new WeakReference<Localization>(__instance)); } localizationLanguage.Add(__instance, language); Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (string item in from f in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(Paths.PluginPath), plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + ".*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) where fileExtensions.IndexOf(Path.GetExtension(f)) >= 0 select f) { string text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item).Split(new char[1] { '.' })[1]; if (dictionary.ContainsKey(text)) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Duplicate key " + text + " found for " + plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + ". The duplicate file found at " + item + " will be skipped.")); } else { dictionary[text] = item; } } byte[] array = LoadTranslationFromAssembly("English"); if (array == null) { throw new Exception("Found no English localizations in mod " + plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + ". Expected an embedded resource translations/English.json or translations/English.yml."); } Dictionary<string, string> dictionary2 = new DeserializerBuilder().IgnoreFields().Build().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array)); if (dictionary2 == null) { throw new Exception("Localization for mod " + plugin.Info.Metadata.Name + " failed: Localization file was empty."); } string text2 = null; if (language != "English") { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(language)) { text2 = File.ReadAllText(dictionary[language]); } else { byte[] array2 = LoadTranslationFromAssembly(language); if (array2 != null) { text2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array2); } } } if (text2 == null && dictionary.ContainsKey("English")) { text2 = File.ReadAllText(dictionary["English"]); } if (text2 != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item2 in new DeserializerBuilder().IgnoreFields().Build().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(text2) ?? new Dictionary<string, string>()) { dictionary2[item2.Key] = item2.Value; } } loadedTexts[language] = dictionary2; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item3 in dictionary2) { UpdatePlaceholderText(__instance, item3.Key); } } static Localizer() { //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0056: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0091: Expected O, but got Unknown PlaceholderProcessors = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Func<string>>>(); loadedTexts = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(); localizationLanguage = new ConditionalWeakTable<Localization, string>(); localizationObjects = new List<WeakReference<Localization>>(); fileExtensions = new List<string> { ".json", ".yml" }; Harmony val = new Harmony("org.bepinex.helpers.LocalizationManager"); val.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Localization), "LoadCSV", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(Localizer), "LoadLocalization", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null); } [return: <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] private static byte[] LoadTranslationFromAssembly(string language) { foreach (string fileExtension in fileExtensions) { byte[] array = ReadEmbeddedFileBytes("translations." + language + fileExtension); if (array != null) { return array; } } return null; } [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(2)] public static byte[] ReadEmbeddedFileBytes([<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(1)] string resourceFileName, Assembly containingAssembly = null) { using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if ((object)containingAssembly == null) { containingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); } string text = containingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().FirstOrDefault([<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(0)] (string str) => str.EndsWith(resourceFileName, StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (text != null) { containingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(text)?.CopyTo(memoryStream); } return (memoryStream.Length == 0L) ? null : memoryStream.ToArray(); } } [<bc980902-82d7-4f37-bbab-e96d8dc776f6>NullableContext(1)] [<c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(0)] public static class SpriteManager { public static readonly Dictionary<string, Sprite> RegisteredSprites = new Dictionary<string, Sprite>(); [return: <c06f07ea-e12a-4405-ac6d-a489aadd8da6>Nullable(2)] public static Sprite TryGetIcon(string name) { Sprite value; return RegisteredSprites.TryGetValue(name, out value) ? value : null; } public static void GetIcons() { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(PluginPaths.iconPath, "*.png"); string[] array = files; foreach (string filePath in array) { RegisterSprite(filePath); } } public static void RegisterSprite(string filePath) { //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0010: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) byte[] array = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); Texture2D val = new Texture2D(2, 2); Sprite val2 = (ImageConversion.LoadImage(val, array) ? Sprite.Create(val, new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)((Texture)val).width, (float)((Texture)val).height), : null); if (!((Object)(object)val2 == (Object)null)) { string text2 = (((Object)val2).name = filePath.Replace(".png", string.Empty).Replace(PluginPaths.iconPath, string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty)); RegisteredSprites[text2] = val2; SkillControlPlugin.SkillControlLogger.LogDebug((object)("Successfully registered sprite: " + text2)); } } } } namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [<e8a4bb93-2968-43d3-970a-24369ae8be5b>Embedded] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <e8a4bb93-2968-43d3-970a-24369ae8be5b>EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [<e8a4bb93-2968-43d3-970a-24369ae8be5b>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] [CompilerGenerated] internal sealed class <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [<e8a4bb93-2968-43d3-970a-24369ae8be5b>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class <28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public <28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [<e8a4bb93-2968-43d3-970a-24369ae8be5b>Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace ServerSync { [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [PublicAPI] [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] internal abstract class OwnConfigEntryBase { [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public object LocalBaseValue; public bool SynchronizedConfig = true; public abstract ConfigEntryBase BaseConfig { get; } } [PublicAPI] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] internal class SyncedConfigEntry<[<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] T> : OwnConfigEntryBase { public readonly ConfigEntry<T> SourceConfig; public override ConfigEntryBase BaseConfig => (ConfigEntryBase)(object)SourceConfig; public T Value { get { return SourceConfig.Value; } set { SourceConfig.Value = value; } } public SyncedConfigEntry(ConfigEntry<T> sourceConfig) { SourceConfig = sourceConfig; } public void AssignLocalValue(T value) { if (LocalBaseValue == null) { Value = value; } else { LocalBaseValue = value; } } } [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(2)] internal abstract class CustomSyncedValueBase { public object LocalBaseValue; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(1)] public readonly string Identifier; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(1)] public readonly Type Type; private object boxedValue; protected bool localIsOwner; public readonly int Priority; public object BoxedValue { get { return boxedValue; } set { boxedValue = value; this.ValueChanged?.Invoke(); } } public event Action ValueChanged; [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] protected CustomSyncedValueBase(ConfigSync configSync, string identifier, Type type, int priority) { Priority = priority; Identifier = identifier; Type = type; configSync.AddCustomValue(this); localIsOwner = configSync.IsSourceOfTruth; configSync.SourceOfTruthChanged += delegate(bool truth) { localIsOwner = truth; }; } } [PublicAPI] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] internal sealed class CustomSyncedValue<[<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] T> : CustomSyncedValueBase { public T Value { get { return (T)base.BoxedValue; } set { base.BoxedValue = value; } } public CustomSyncedValue(ConfigSync configSync, string identifier, T value = default(T), int priority = 0) : base(configSync, identifier, typeof(T), priority) { Value = value; } public void AssignLocalValue(T value) { if (localIsOwner) { Value = value; } else { LocalBaseValue = value; } } } internal class ConfigurationManagerAttributes { [UsedImplicitly] public bool? ReadOnly = false; } [PublicAPI] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] internal class ConfigSync { [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZRpc), "HandlePackage")] private static class SnatchCurrentlyHandlingRPC { [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public static ZRpc currentRpc; [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void Prefix(ZRpc __instance) { currentRpc = __instance; } } [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Awake")] internal static class RegisterRPCPatch { [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance) { isServer = __instance.IsServer(); foreach (ConfigSync configSync2 in configSyncs) { ZRoutedRpc.instance.Register<ZPackage>(configSync2.Name + " ConfigSync", (Action<long, ZPackage>)configSync2.RPC_FromOtherClientConfigSync); if (isServer) { configSync2.InitialSyncDone = true; Debug.Log((object)("Registered '" + configSync2.Name + " ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections")); } } if (isServer) { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(WatchAdminListChanges()); } [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] static void SendAdmin(List<ZNetPeer> peers, bool isAdmin) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(null, null, new PackageEntry[1] { new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "lockexempt", type = typeof(bool), value = isAdmin } }); ConfigSync configSync = configSyncs.First(); if (configSync != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)ZNet.instance).StartCoroutine(configSync.sendZPackage(peers, package)); } } [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] static IEnumerator WatchAdminListChanges() { MethodInfo listContainsId = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList adminList = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); List<string> CurrentList = new List<string>(adminList.GetList()); while (true) { yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(30f); if (!adminList.GetList().SequenceEqual(CurrentList)) { CurrentList = new List<string>(adminList.GetList()); List<ZNetPeer> adminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Where(delegate(ZNetPeer p) { string hostName = p.m_rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName(); return ((object)listContainsId == null) ? adminList.Contains(hostName) : ((bool)listContainsId.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { adminList, hostName })); }).ToList(); List<ZNetPeer> nonAdminPeer = ZNet.instance.GetPeers().Except(adminPeer).ToList(); SendAdmin(nonAdminPeer, isAdmin: false); SendAdmin(adminPeer, isAdmin: true); } } } } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "OnNewConnection")] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] private static class RegisterClientRPCPatch { [HarmonyPostfix] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] private static void Postfix(ZNet __instance, ZNetPeer peer) { if (__instance.IsServer()) { return; } foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { peer.m_rpc.Register<ZPackage>(configSync.Name + " ConfigSync", (Action<ZRpc, ZPackage>)configSync.RPC_FromServerConfigSync); } } } [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] private class ParsedConfigs { [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] public readonly Dictionary<OwnConfigEntryBase, object> configValues = new Dictionary<OwnConfigEntryBase, object>(); [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 1, 2 })] public readonly Dictionary<CustomSyncedValueBase, object> customValues = new Dictionary<CustomSyncedValueBase, object>(); } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "Shutdown")] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] private class ResetConfigsOnShutdown { [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix() { ProcessingServerUpdate = true; foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { configSync.resetConfigsFromServer(); configSync.IsSourceOfTruth = true; configSync.InitialSyncDone = false; } ProcessingServerUpdate = false; } } [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ZNet), "RPC_PeerInfo")] private class SendConfigsAfterLogin { [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] private class BufferingSocket : ISocket { public volatile bool finished = false; public volatile int versionMatchQueued = -1; public readonly List<ZPackage> Package = new List<ZPackage>(); public readonly ISocket Original; public BufferingSocket(ISocket original) { Original = original; } public bool IsConnected() { return Original.IsConnected(); } public ZPackage Recv() { return Original.Recv(); } public int GetSendQueueSize() { return Original.GetSendQueueSize(); } public int GetCurrentSendRate() { return Original.GetCurrentSendRate(); } public bool IsHost() { return Original.IsHost(); } public void Dispose() { Original.Dispose(); } public bool GotNewData() { return Original.GotNewData(); } public void Close() { Original.Close(); } public string GetEndPointString() { return Original.GetEndPointString(); } public void GetAndResetStats(out int totalSent, out int totalRecv) { Original.GetAndResetStats(ref totalSent, ref totalRecv); } public void GetConnectionQuality(out float localQuality, out float remoteQuality, out int ping, out float outByteSec, out float inByteSec) { Original.GetConnectionQuality(ref localQuality, ref remoteQuality, ref ping, ref outByteSec, ref inByteSec); } public ISocket Accept() { return Original.Accept(); } public int GetHostPort() { return Original.GetHostPort(); } public bool Flush() { return Original.Flush(); } public string GetHostName() { return Original.GetHostName(); } public void VersionMatch() { if (finished) { Original.VersionMatch(); } else { versionMatchQueued = Package.Count; } } public void Send(ZPackage pkg) { //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005d: Expected O, but got Unknown int pos = pkg.GetPos(); pkg.SetPos(0); int num = pkg.ReadInt(); if ((num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("PeerInfo") || num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("RoutedRPC") || num == StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode("ZDOData")) && !finished) { ZPackage val = new ZPackage(pkg.GetArray()); val.SetPos(pos); Package.Add(val); } else { pkg.SetPos(pos); Original.Send(pkg); } } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPriority(800)] private static void Prefix([<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })] ref Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket> __state, ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc) { //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if (__instance.IsServer()) { BufferingSocket value = new BufferingSocket(rpc.GetSocket()); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRpc), "m_socket").SetValue(rpc, value); object? obj = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); ZNetPeer val = (ZNetPeer)((obj is ZNetPeer) ? obj : null); if (val != null && (int)ZNet.m_onlineBackend > 0) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNetPeer), "m_socket").SetValue(val, value); } if (__state == null) { __state = new Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket>(); } __state[Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()] = value; } } [HarmonyPostfix] private static void Postfix(Dictionary<Assembly, BufferingSocket> __state, ZNet __instance, ZRpc rpc) { ZNetPeer peer; if (__instance.IsServer()) { object obj = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); peer = (ZNetPeer)((obj is ZNetPeer) ? obj : null); if (peer == null) { SendBufferedData(); } else { ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(sendAsync()); } } void SendBufferedData() { if (rpc.GetSocket() is BufferingSocket bufferingSocket) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRpc), "m_socket").SetValue(rpc, bufferingSocket.Original); object? obj2 = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "GetPeer", new Type[1] { typeof(ZRpc) }, (Type[])null).Invoke(__instance, new object[1] { rpc }); ZNetPeer val = (ZNetPeer)((obj2 is ZNetPeer) ? obj2 : null); if (val != null) { AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNetPeer), "m_socket").SetValue(val, bufferingSocket.Original); } } BufferingSocket bufferingSocket2 = __state[Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()]; bufferingSocket2.finished = true; for (int i = 0; i < bufferingSocket2.Package.Count; i++) { if (i == bufferingSocket2.versionMatchQueued) { bufferingSocket2.Original.VersionMatch(); } bufferingSocket2.Original.Send(bufferingSocket2.Package[i]); } if (bufferingSocket2.Package.Count == bufferingSocket2.versionMatchQueued) { bufferingSocket2.Original.VersionMatch(); } } IEnumerator sendAsync() { foreach (ConfigSync configSync in configSyncs) { List<PackageEntry> entries = new List<PackageEntry>(); if (configSync.CurrentVersion != null) { entries.Add(new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "serverversion", type = typeof(string), value = configSync.CurrentVersion }); } MethodInfo listContainsId = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList adminList = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); entries.Add(new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = "lockexempt", type = typeof(bool), value = (((object)listContainsId == null) ? ((object)adminList.Contains(rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName())) : listContainsId.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { adminList, rpc.GetSocket().GetHostName() })) }); ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(configSync.allConfigs.Select([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.BaseConfig), configSync.allCustomValues, entries, partial: false); yield return ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(configSync.sendZPackage(new List<ZNetPeer> { peer }, package)); } SendBufferedData(); } } } [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] private class PackageEntry { public string section = null; public string key = null; public Type type = null; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public object value; } [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConfigEntryBase), "GetSerializedValue")] private static class PreventSavingServerInfo { [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool Prefix(ConfigEntryBase __instance, ref string __result) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData(__instance); if (ownConfigEntryBase == null || isWritableConfig(ownConfigEntryBase)) { return true; } __result = TomlTypeConverter.ConvertToString(ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue, __instance.SettingType); return false; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConfigEntryBase), "SetSerializedValue")] [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] private static class PreventConfigRereadChangingValues { [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(1)] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool Prefix(ConfigEntryBase __instance, string value) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData(__instance); if (ownConfigEntryBase == null || ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue == null) { return true; } try { ownConfigEntryBase.LocalBaseValue = TomlTypeConverter.ConvertToValue(value, __instance.SettingType); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning((object)$"Config value of setting \"{__instance.Definition}\" could not be parsed and will be ignored. Reason: {ex.Message}; Value: {value}"); } return false; } } [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] private class InvalidDeserializationTypeException : Exception { public string expected = null; public string received = null; public string field = ""; } public static bool ProcessingServerUpdate; public readonly string Name; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public string DisplayName; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public string CurrentVersion; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public string MinimumRequiredVersion; public bool ModRequired = false; private bool? forceConfigLocking; private bool isSourceOfTruth = true; private static readonly HashSet<ConfigSync> configSyncs; private readonly HashSet<OwnConfigEntryBase> allConfigs = new HashSet<OwnConfigEntryBase>(); private HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase> allCustomValues = new HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase>(); private static bool isServer; private static bool lockExempt; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] private OwnConfigEntryBase lockedConfig = null; private const byte PARTIAL_CONFIGS = 1; private const byte FRAGMENTED_CONFIG = 2; private const byte COMPRESSED_CONFIG = 4; private readonly Dictionary<string, SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>> configValueCache = new Dictionary<string, SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>>(); [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 0, 1 })] private readonly List<KeyValuePair<long, string>> cacheExpirations = new List<KeyValuePair<long, string>>(); private static long packageCounter; public bool IsLocked { get { bool? flag = forceConfigLocking; bool num; if (!flag.HasValue) { if (lockedConfig == null) { goto IL_0052; } num = ((IConvertible)lockedConfig.BaseConfig.BoxedValue).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0; } else { num = flag.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (!num) { goto IL_0052; } int result = ((!lockExempt) ? 1 : 0); goto IL_0053; IL_0053: return (byte)result != 0; IL_0052: result = 0; goto IL_0053; } set { forceConfigLocking = value; } } public bool IsAdmin => lockExempt || isSourceOfTruth; public bool IsSourceOfTruth { get { return isSourceOfTruth; } private set { if (value != isSourceOfTruth) { isSourceOfTruth = value; this.SourceOfTruthChanged?.Invoke(value); } } } public bool InitialSyncDone { get; private set; } = false; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] [method: <28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(2)] [field: <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] public event Action<bool> SourceOfTruthChanged; [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] [method: <28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(2)] [field: <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] private event Action lockedConfigChanged; static ConfigSync() { ProcessingServerUpdate = false; configSyncs = new HashSet<ConfigSync>(); lockExempt = false; packageCounter = 0L; RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(typeof(VersionCheck).TypeHandle); } public ConfigSync(string name) { Name = name; configSyncs.Add(this); new VersionCheck(this); } public SyncedConfigEntry<T> AddConfigEntry<[<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry) { OwnConfigEntryBase ownConfigEntryBase = configData((ConfigEntryBase)(object)configEntry); SyncedConfigEntry<T> syncedEntry = ownConfigEntryBase as SyncedConfigEntry<T>; if (syncedEntry == null) { syncedEntry = new SyncedConfigEntry<T>(configEntry); AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ConfigDescription), "<Tags>k__BackingField").SetValue(((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description, new object[1] { new ConfigurationManagerAttributes() }.Concat(((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description.Tags ?? Array.Empty<object>()).Concat(new SyncedConfigEntry<T>[1] { syncedEntry }).ToArray()); configEntry.SettingChanged += [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { if (!ProcessingServerUpdate && syncedEntry.SynchronizedConfig) { Broadcast(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, (ConfigEntryBase)configEntry); } }; allConfigs.Add(syncedEntry); } return syncedEntry; } public SyncedConfigEntry<T> AddLockingConfigEntry<[<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(0)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> lockingConfig) where T : IConvertible { if (lockedConfig != null) { throw new Exception("Cannot initialize locking ConfigEntry twice"); } lockedConfig = AddConfigEntry<T>(lockingConfig); lockingConfig.SettingChanged += [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (object _, EventArgs _) => { this.lockedConfigChanged?.Invoke(); }; return (SyncedConfigEntry<T>)lockedConfig; } internal void AddCustomValue(CustomSyncedValueBase customValue) { if (allCustomValues.Select([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase v) => v.Identifier).Concat(new string[1] { "serverversion" }).Contains(customValue.Identifier)) { throw new Exception("Cannot have multiple settings with the same name or with a reserved name (serverversion)"); } allCustomValues.Add(customValue); allCustomValues = new HashSet<CustomSyncedValueBase>(allCustomValues.OrderByDescending([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase v) => v.Priority)); customValue.ValueChanged += delegate { if (!ProcessingServerUpdate) { Broadcast(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, customValue); } }; } private void RPC_FromServerConfigSync(ZRpc rpc, ZPackage package) { lockedConfigChanged += serverLockedSettingChanged; IsSourceOfTruth = false; if (HandleConfigSyncRPC(0L, package, clientUpdate: false)) { InitialSyncDone = true; } } private void RPC_FromOtherClientConfigSync(long sender, ZPackage package) { HandleConfigSyncRPC(sender, package, clientUpdate: true); } private bool HandleConfigSyncRPC(long sender, ZPackage package, bool clientUpdate) { //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0250: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0257: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f1: Expected O, but got Unknown try { if (isServer && IsLocked) { ZRpc currentRpc = SnatchCurrentlyHandlingRPC.currentRpc; object obj; if (currentRpc == null) { obj = null; } else { ISocket socket = currentRpc.GetSocket(); obj = ((socket != null) ? socket.GetHostName() : null); } string text = (string)obj; if (text != null) { MethodInfo methodInfo = AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(ZNet), "ListContainsId", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); SyncedList val = (SyncedList)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZNet), "m_adminList").GetValue(ZNet.instance); if (!(((object)methodInfo == null) ? val.Contains(text) : ((bool)methodInfo.Invoke(ZNet.instance, new object[2] { val, text })))) { return false; } } } cacheExpirations.RemoveAll(([<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 0, 1 })] KeyValuePair<long, string> kv) => { if (kv.Key < DateTimeOffset.Now.Ticks) { configValueCache.Remove(kv.Value); return true; } return false; }); byte b = package.ReadByte(); if ((b & 2u) != 0) { long num = package.ReadLong(); string text2 = sender.ToString() + num; if (!configValueCache.TryGetValue(text2, out var value)) { value = new SortedDictionary<int, byte[]>(); configValueCache[text2] = value; cacheExpirations.Add(new KeyValuePair<long, string>(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(60.0).Ticks, text2)); } int key = package.ReadInt(); int num2 = package.ReadInt(); value.Add(key, package.ReadByteArray()); if (value.Count < num2) { return false; } configValueCache.Remove(text2); package = new ZPackage(value.Values.SelectMany([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (byte[] a) => a).ToArray()); b = package.ReadByte(); } ProcessingServerUpdate = true; if ((b & 4u) != 0) { byte[] buffer = package.ReadByteArray(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { deflateStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); } package = new ZPackage(memoryStream.ToArray()); b = package.ReadByte(); } if ((b & 1) == 0) { resetConfigsFromServer(); } ParsedConfigs parsedConfigs = ReadConfigsFromPackage(package); ConfigFile val2 = null; bool saveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<OwnConfigEntryBase, object> configValue in parsedConfigs.configValues) { if (!isServer && configValue.Key.LocalBaseValue == null) { configValue.Key.LocalBaseValue = configValue.Key.BaseConfig.BoxedValue; } if (val2 == null) { val2 = configValue.Key.BaseConfig.ConfigFile; saveOnConfigSet = val2.SaveOnConfigSet; val2.SaveOnConfigSet = false; } configValue.Key.BaseConfig.BoxedValue = configValue.Value; } if (val2 != null) { val2.SaveOnConfigSet = saveOnConfigSet; } foreach (KeyValuePair<CustomSyncedValueBase, object> customValue in parsedConfigs.customValues) { if (!isServer) { CustomSyncedValueBase key2 = customValue.Key; if (key2.LocalBaseValue == null) { key2.LocalBaseValue = customValue.Key.BoxedValue; } } customValue.Key.BoxedValue = customValue.Value; } Debug.Log((object)string.Format("Received {0} configs and {1} custom values from {2} for mod {3}", parsedConfigs.configValues.Count, parsedConfigs.customValues.Count, (isServer || clientUpdate) ? $"client {sender}" : "the server", DisplayName ?? Name)); if (!isServer) { serverLockedSettingChanged(); } return true; } finally { ProcessingServerUpdate = false; } } private ParsedConfigs ReadConfigsFromPackage(ZPackage package) { ParsedConfigs parsedConfigs = new ParsedConfigs(); Dictionary<string, OwnConfigEntryBase> dictionary = allConfigs.Where([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.SynchronizedConfig).ToDictionary([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c.BaseConfig.Definition.Section + "_" + c.BaseConfig.Definition.Key, [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase c) => c); Dictionary<string, CustomSyncedValueBase> dictionary2 = allCustomValues.ToDictionary([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase c) => c.Identifier, [<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase c) => c); int num = package.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { string text = package.ReadString(); string text2 = package.ReadString(); string text3 = package.ReadString(); Type type = Type.GetType(text3); if (text3 == "" || type != null) { object obj; try { obj = ((text3 == "") ? null : ReadValueWithTypeFromZPackage(package, type)); } catch (InvalidDeserializationTypeException ex) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected struct internal type " + ex.received + " for field " + ex.field + " struct " + text3 + " for " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + ex.expected)); continue; } OwnConfigEntryBase value2; if (text == "Internal") { CustomSyncedValueBase value; if (text2 == "serverversion") { if (obj?.ToString() != CurrentVersion) { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Received server version is not equal: server version = " + (obj?.ToString() ?? "null") + "; local version = " + (CurrentVersion ?? "unknown"))); } } else if (text2 == "lockexempt") { if (obj is bool flag) { lockExempt = flag; } } else if (dictionary2.TryGetValue(text2, out value)) { if ((text3 == "" && (!value.Type.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(value.Type) != null)) || GetZPackageTypeString(value.Type) == text3) { parsedConfigs.customValues[value] = obj; continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected type " + text3 + " for internal value " + text2 + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + value.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } } else if (dictionary.TryGetValue(text + "_" + text2, out value2)) { Type type2 = configType(value2.BaseConfig); if ((text3 == "" && (!type2.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type2) != null)) || GetZPackageTypeString(type2) == text3) { parsedConfigs.configValues[value2] = obj; continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got unexpected type " + text3 + " for " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ", expecting " + type2.AssemblyQualifiedName)); } else { Debug.LogWarning((object)("Received unknown config entry " + text2 + " in section " + text + " for mod " + (DisplayName ?? Name) + ". This may happen if client and server versions of the mod do not match.")); } continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("Got invalid type " + text3 + ", abort reading of received configs")); return new ParsedConfigs(); } return parsedConfigs; } private static bool isWritableConfig(OwnConfigEntryBase config) { ConfigSync configSync = configSyncs.FirstOrDefault([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (ConfigSync cs) => cs.allConfigs.Contains(config)); if (configSync == null) { return true; } return configSync.IsSourceOfTruth || !config.SynchronizedConfig || config.LocalBaseValue == null || (!configSync.IsLocked && (config != configSync.lockedConfig || lockExempt)); } private void serverLockedSettingChanged() { foreach (OwnConfigEntryBase allConfig in allConfigs) { configAttribute<ConfigurationManagerAttributes>(allConfig.BaseConfig).ReadOnly = !isWritableConfig(allConfig); } } private void resetConfigsFromServer() { ConfigFile val = null; bool saveOnConfigSet = false; foreach (OwnConfigEntryBase item in allConfigs.Where([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (OwnConfigEntryBase config) => config.LocalBaseValue != null)) { if (val == null) { val = item.BaseConfig.ConfigFile; saveOnConfigSet = val.SaveOnConfigSet; val.SaveOnConfigSet = false; } item.BaseConfig.BoxedValue = item.LocalBaseValue; item.LocalBaseValue = null; } if (val != null) { val.SaveOnConfigSet = saveOnConfigSet; } foreach (CustomSyncedValueBase item2 in allCustomValues.Where([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (CustomSyncedValueBase config) => config.LocalBaseValue != null)) { item2.BoxedValue = item2.LocalBaseValue; item2.LocalBaseValue = null; } lockedConfigChanged -= serverLockedSettingChanged; serverLockedSettingChanged(); } private IEnumerator<bool> distributeConfigToPeers(ZNetPeer peer, ZPackage package) { ZRoutedRpc rpc = ZRoutedRpc.instance; if (rpc == null) { yield break; } byte[] data = package.GetArray(); if (data != null && data.LongLength > 250000) { int fragments = (int)(1 + (data.LongLength - 1) / 250000); long packageIdentifier = ++packageCounter; int fragment = 0; while (fragment < fragments) { foreach (bool item in waitForQueue()) { yield return item; } if (peer.m_socket.IsConnected()) { ZPackage fragmentedPackage = new ZPackage(); fragmentedPackage.Write((byte)2); fragmentedPackage.Write(packageIdentifier); fragmentedPackage.Write(fragment); fragmentedPackage.Write(fragments); fragmentedPackage.Write(data.Skip(250000 * fragment).Take(250000).ToArray()); SendPackage(fragmentedPackage); if (fragment != fragments - 1) { yield return true; } int num = fragment + 1; fragment = num; continue; } break; } yield break; } foreach (bool item2 in waitForQueue()) { yield return item2; } SendPackage(package); void SendPackage(ZPackage pkg) { string text = Name + " ConfigSync"; if (isServer) { peer.m_rpc.Invoke(text, new object[1] { pkg }); } else { rpc.InvokeRoutedRPC(peer.m_server ? 0 : peer.m_uid, text, new object[1] { pkg }); } } IEnumerable<bool> waitForQueue() { float timeout = Time.time + 30f; while (peer.m_socket.GetSendQueueSize() > 20000) { if (Time.time > timeout) { Debug.Log((object)$"Disconnecting {peer.m_uid} after 30 seconds config sending timeout"); peer.m_rpc.Invoke("Error", new object[1] { (object)(ConnectionStatus)5 }); ZNet.instance.Disconnect(peer); break; } yield return false; } } } private IEnumerator sendZPackage(long target, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { return Enumerable.Empty<object>().GetEnumerator(); } List<ZNetPeer> list = (List<ZNetPeer>)AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(ZRoutedRpc), "m_peers").GetValue(ZRoutedRpc.instance); if (target != ZRoutedRpc.Everybody) { list = list.Where([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (ZNetPeer p) => p.m_uid == target).ToList(); } return sendZPackage(list, package); } private IEnumerator sendZPackage(List<ZNetPeer> peers, ZPackage package) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ZNet.instance)) { yield break; } byte[] rawData = package.GetArray(); if (rawData != null && rawData.LongLength > 10000) { ZPackage compressedPackage = new ZPackage(); compressedPackage.Write((byte)4); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(output, CompressionLevel.Optimal)) { deflateStream.Write(rawData, 0, rawData.Length); } compressedPackage.Write(output.ToArray()); package = compressedPackage; } List<IEnumerator<bool>> writers = (from peer in peers where peer.IsReady() select peer into p select distributeConfigToPeers(p, package)).ToList(); writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); while (writers.Count > 0) { yield return null; writers.RemoveAll((IEnumerator<bool> writer) => !writer.MoveNext()); } } private void Broadcast(long target, params ConfigEntryBase[] configs) { if (!IsLocked || isServer) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(configs); ZNet instance = ZNet.instance; if (instance != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(target, package)); } } } private void Broadcast(long target, params CustomSyncedValueBase[] customValues) { if (!IsLocked || isServer) { ZPackage package = ConfigsToPackage(null, customValues); ZNet instance = ZNet.instance; if (instance != null) { ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine(sendZPackage(target, package)); } } } [return: <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] private static OwnConfigEntryBase configData(ConfigEntryBase config) { return config.Description.Tags?.OfType<OwnConfigEntryBase>().SingleOrDefault(); } [return: <8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] public static SyncedConfigEntry<T> ConfigData<[<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntry<T> config) { return ((ConfigEntryBase)config).Description.Tags?.OfType<SyncedConfigEntry<T>>().SingleOrDefault(); } private static T configAttribute<[<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] T>(ConfigEntryBase config) { return config.Description.Tags.OfType<T>().First(); } private static Type configType(ConfigEntryBase config) { return configType(config.SettingType); } private static Type configType(Type type) { return type.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type) : type; } private static ZPackage ConfigsToPackage([<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<ConfigEntryBase> configs = null, [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<CustomSyncedValueBase> customValues = null, [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1 })] IEnumerable<PackageEntry> packageEntries = null, bool partial = true) { //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Expected O, but got Unknown List<ConfigEntryBase> list = configs?.Where([<28448d17-30d8-4081-a1b6-b9595297003d>NullableContext(0)] (ConfigEntryBase config) => configData(config).SynchronizedConfig).ToList() ?? new List<ConfigEntryBase>(); List<CustomSyncedValueBase> list2 = customValues?.ToList() ?? new List<CustomSyncedValueBase>(); ZPackage val = new ZPackage(); val.Write((byte)(partial ? 1 : 0)); val.Write(list.Count + list2.Count + (packageEntries?.Count() ?? 0)); foreach (PackageEntry item in packageEntries ?? Array.Empty<PackageEntry>()) { AddEntryToPackage(val, item); } foreach (CustomSyncedValueBase item2 in list2) { AddEntryToPackage(val, new PackageEntry { section = "Internal", key = item2.Identifier, type = item2.Type, value = item2.BoxedValue }); } foreach (ConfigEntryBase item3 in list) { AddEntryToPackage(val, new PackageEntry { section = item3.Definition.Section, key = item3.Definition.Key, type = configType(item3), value = item3.BoxedValue }); } return val; } private static void AddEntryToPackage(ZPackage package, PackageEntry entry) { package.Write(entry.section); package.Write(entry.key); package.Write((entry.value == null) ? "" : GetZPackageTypeString(entry.type)); AddValueToZPackage(package, entry.value); } private static string GetZPackageTypeString(Type type) { return type.AssemblyQualifiedName; } private static void AddValueToZPackage(ZPackage package, [<8b10d8e2-857c-474f-99b5-8484e8376530>Nullable(2)] object value) { Type type = value?.GetType(); if (value is Enum) { value = ((IConvertible)value).ToType(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(value.GetType()), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { if (value is ICollection collection) { package.Write(collection.Count); { foreach (object item in collection) { AddValueToZPackage(package, item); } return; } } if ((object)type != null &&