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RustyMods-VikingNPC-0.1.7 icon


Tameable Viking Settlers, Raiders, Elves, Ships, Raids, Locations

Date uploaded a week ago
Version 0.1.7
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Downloads 1458
Dependency string RustyMods-VikingNPC-0.1.7

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2105 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2105


Viking NPC

Inspired by blacks7ar RenegadeVikings and other games that add companions. Viking NPC introduces viking settlers that can be tamed, viking raiders that will engage you in combat, viking elves that are passive aggressive, viking locations to raid, and viking raids that will raid you.

Expect to find gear and loot because of the new atrocities of wars between, you, settlers, raiders and elves !

Recommended to use a Recyle_N_Reclaim to manage all the dropped gear.

Plugin is still in development, please be cautious of its use as locations are permanent.

For comments, feedback, please find a thread at OdinPlus Discord in Mod Testing, under Settlers


  • Improve location generation
  • Working on adding more locations
  • Locations are built off blueprints to keep the plugin lightweight
  • If you have blueprints you would like to share, please find me OdinPlus Discord

Settlers : VikingSettler

  • Manage their inventory
  • Equip them with better gear
  • Requires ammo to use bows/crossbows
  • Requires eitr food to use staves
  • Will lumber, mine, repair and fish if given the right tools
  • Will attach to ships and chairs if following
  • Will attach to rideable tames, and make those tames follow player

In a world where raiders are coming to get you, manage your settlers to help you defend your base and gather resources!

Raiders : VikingRaider

  • Configurable Loot by biome
  • Configurable Equipment by biome
  • Expect to be challenged by these raiders

Elves : VikingElf

  • Passive Aggressive non-tameable
  • Shares loot and equipment table with raiders
  • Will serve as protectors and saviors if left alone

Raider Ships: RaiderShip

  • Passive Aggressive raiding ships full of loot
  • VikingSailors variant that goes with raider ships - will die if not attached to ship
  • VikingSailors do not drop loot
  • Loot is based off global keys, the more keys, the more loot
  • Config to change the speed at which sailors can harpoon and drag players towards them

Player Ships

  • Config to allow for at sea repair, without needing crafting station
  • Config to change material needed and cost


  • Randomly generated locations all around the biomes

If you wish to test these out, the prefabName to spawn the location is:

  • BlueprintLocation

Upon location spawn, the plugin will generate all the required game objects to create the location if the zone is ready. Expect a small lagspike as this happens. These are all based off objects already found in game, and is like a player built it themselves, so if you remove the plugin, the location will stay. Albeit without some terrain modifications.


  • Raiders will randomly raid you wherever you are in the world. Be careful!
  • Raider Ships will raid at sea


Recommended to try this work-in-progress mod locally before setting up on a server so you can properly configure it to your needs. Generated locations will be generated forever once loaded.

- Because these are based off player objects, you can even use modded equipment on them.
- You can find the Loot/Gear table at: BepinEx/config/VikingNPC


You can find a YML file in your BepinEx/VikingNPC/Conversations.yml

what are you doing:
- Tending to my blade, it must always be ready.
- Keeping an eye on the skies, Odin's ravens are near.
where are you going:
- To the woods, where the trolls wander.
- I seek the shores, where the serpents swim.

You define your prompt (what are you doing), if you use that key in your sentence during chat. The nearest viking will reply with one of the replies you define in your list

Talk Commands

Using chat box, you can tell your tamed settlers to act.

You can define which settlers by inputing part of their name in the sentence, or say everyone

sit         - makes settlers find a chair to sit on
standup     - makes settler stop sitting
ride        - makes settler find a saddle to ride
follow      - makes settler follow if not already following
stay        - makes settler stop following if commanded by person they are following

most emotes are supported

mine        - only tries to mine
lumber      - only tries to lumber
fish        - only tries to fish
anything - resets to default


birger and bo go mine or everyone do anything

You can also change their hair and beard by saying:

signy change hair 1
signy change beard 3

As long as the word: hair or beard is in the chat and you have a correct number in the sentence.

Hair and Beard index are between 1 - 20


0.1.7 - Fixed missing hair item and added chat command to change hair
0.1.6 - Fixed eating animation bug
0.1.5 - You can give items, set conversation replies via YML, improved static object search
0.1.4 - Added more in-depth chat commands, improved mining and few more configs
0.1.3 - fixed warning message left behind, and added another layer of inventory save for tames
0.1.2 - Removed automatic sitting/riding, added talk commands, tweaked elf taming
0.1.1 - Configurable elf settings, increased food duration
0.1.0 - Improved AI, reduced jumping, added more random talk, tweaked location spawners
0.0.9 - Fixed burn effects not being removed properly, added harpoons to sailors, added oars to raider ships
0.0.8 - Fixed blueprint locations generation due to variant cultures, fixed haldor settler purchase
0.0.7 - Redesigned blueprint location generation - might create location in already generated location. Added raider ship loot configs, settlers can ride tames.
0.0.6 - fixed vikings not dying! my bad
0.0.5 - Modified raider ships to be friendly until attack or looted, improved fire effects, destroyed ships drop floating loot crates
0.0.4 - Added config to make hair less colorful, added experimental raider ships
0.0.3 - YML config to define settler starting gear, config to change location generation
0.0.2 - Settlers emote with player, settlers cannot teleport if they are carrying ore/metal
0.0.1 - Beta release

Contact information

For Questions or Comments, find Rusty in the Odin Plus Team Discord

Or come find me at the Modding Corner

If you enjoy this mod and want to support me: PayPal